Exemple #1
def filter_out_based_on_date_range(recids, fromdate="", untildate="", set_spec=None):
    """ Filter out recids based on date range."""
    if fromdate:
        fromdate = normalize_date(fromdate, "T00:00:00Z")
        fromdate = get_earliest_datestamp()
    fromdate = utc_to_localtime(fromdate)

    if untildate:
        untildate = normalize_date(untildate, "T23:59:59Z")
        untildate = get_latest_datestamp()
    untildate = utc_to_localtime(untildate)

    if set_spec is not None: ## either it has a value or it empty, thus meaning all records
        last_updated = get_set_last_update(set_spec)
        if last_updated is not None:
            last_updated = utc_to_localtime(last_updated)
            if last_updated > fromdate:
                fromdate = utc_to_localtime(get_earliest_datestamp())

    recids = intbitset(recids) ## Let's clone :-)

    if fromdate and untildate:
        recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date BETWEEN %s AND %s", (fromdate, untildate)))
    elif fromdate:
        recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date >= %s", (fromdate, )))
    elif untildate:
        recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date <= %s", (untildate, )))

        recids = recids - get_all_restricted_recids()

    return recids
Exemple #2
def filter_out_based_on_date_range(recids, fromdate="", untildate="", set_spec=None):
    """ Filter out recids based on date range."""
    if fromdate:
        fromdate = normalize_date(fromdate, "T00:00:00Z")
        fromdate = get_earliest_datestamp()
    fromdate = utc_to_localtime(fromdate)

    if untildate:
        untildate = normalize_date(untildate, "T23:59:59Z")
        untildate = get_latest_datestamp()
    untildate = utc_to_localtime(untildate)

    if set_spec is not None:  ## either it has a value or it empty, thus meaning all records
        last_updated = get_set_last_update(set_spec)
        if last_updated is not None:
            last_updated = utc_to_localtime(last_updated)
            if last_updated > fromdate:
                fromdate = utc_to_localtime(get_earliest_datestamp())

    recids = intbitset(recids)  ## Let's clone :-)

    if fromdate and untildate:
        recids &= intbitset(
            run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date BETWEEN %s AND %s", (fromdate, untildate))
    elif fromdate:
        recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date >= %s", (fromdate,)))
    elif untildate:
        recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date <= %s", (untildate,)))

    return recids
    def test_utc_to_localtime_uk(self):
        os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/London'

        expected = "2012-06-12 16:15:00"
        result = dateutils.utc_to_localtime("2012-06-12T15:15:00Z")
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)

        expected = "2012-12-12 16:15:00"
        result = dateutils.utc_to_localtime("2012-12-12T16:15:00Z")
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)