def report(self, req, form):
        Report a comment/review for inappropriate content
        @param comid: comment/review id
        @param recid: the id of the record the comment/review is associated with
        @param ln: language
        @param do: display order    hh = highest helpful score, review only
                                    lh = lowest helpful score, review only
                                    hs = highest star score, review only
                                    ls = lowest star score, review only
                                    od = oldest date
                                    nd = newest date
        @param ds: display since    all= no filtering by date
                                    nd = n days ago
                                    nw = n weeks ago
                                    nm = n months ago
                                    ny = n years ago
                                    where n is a single digit integer between 0 and 9
        @param nb: number of results per page
        @param p: results page
        @param referer: http address of the calling function to redirect to (refresh)
        @param reviews: boolean, enabled for reviews, disabled for comments

        argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'comid': (int, -1),
                                   'recid': (int, -1),
                                   'do': (str, "od"),
                                   'ds': (str, "all"),
                                   'nb': (int, 100),
                                   'p': (int, 1),
                                   'referer': (str, None)

        client_ip_address = req.remote_ip
        uid = getUid(req)

        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_comments(user_info, self.recid)
        if (auth_code and not user_info['apache_user']) or user_info['email'] == 'guest':
            cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(VIEWRESTRCOLL, {'collection' : guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)})
            target = '/youraccount/login' + \
                make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : argd['ln'], 'referer' : \
                CFG_SITE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {})
            return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True)
        elif auth_code:
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                text = auth_msg)

        success = perform_request_report(argd['comid'], client_ip_address, uid)
        if argd['referer']:
            argd['referer'] += "?ln=%s&do=%s&ds=%s&nb=%s&p=%s&reported=%s&" % (argd['ln'], argd['do'], argd['ds'], argd['nb'], argd['p'], str(success))

            redirect_to_url(req, argd['referer'])
            #Note: sent to comments display
            referer = "%s/record/%s/%s/display?ln=%s&voted=1"
            referer %= (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.discussion==1 and 'reviews' or 'comments', argd['ln'])
            redirect_to_url(req, referer)
Exemple #2
    def report(self, req, form):
        Report a comment/review for inappropriate content
        @param comid: comment/review id
        @param recid: the id of the record the comment/review is associated with
        @param ln: language
        @param do: display order    hh = highest helpful score, review only
                                    lh = lowest helpful score, review only
                                    hs = highest star score, review only
                                    ls = lowest star score, review only
                                    od = oldest date
                                    nd = newest date
        @param ds: display since    all= no filtering by date
                                    nd = n days ago
                                    nw = n weeks ago
                                    nm = n months ago
                                    ny = n years ago
                                    where n is a single digit integer between 0 and 9
        @param nb: number of results per page
        @param p: results page
        @param referer: http address of the calling function to redirect to (refresh)
        @param reviews: boolean, enabled for reviews, disabled for comments

        argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'comid': (int, -1),
                                   'recid': (int, -1),
                                   'do': (str, "od"),
                                   'ds': (str, "all"),
                                   'nb': (int, 100),
                                   'p': (int, 1),
                                   'referer': (str, None)

        client_ip_address = req.remote_ip
        uid = getUid(req)

        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_comments(user_info, self.recid)
        if auth_code or user_info['email'] == 'guest':
            cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(VIEWRESTRCOLL, {'collection' : guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)})
            target = '/youraccount/login' + \
                make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : argd['ln'], 'referer' : \
                CFG_SITE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {})
            return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True)
        elif auth_code:
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                text = auth_msg)

        success = perform_request_report(argd['comid'], client_ip_address, uid)
        if argd['referer']:
            argd['referer'] += "?ln=%s&do=%s&ds=%s&nb=%s&p=%s&reported=%s&" % (argd['ln'], argd['do'], argd['ds'], argd['nb'], argd['p'], str(success))

            redirect_to_url(req, argd['referer'])
            #Note: sent to comments display
            referer = "%s/%s/%s/%s/display?ln=%s&voted=1"
            referer %= (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, self.discussion==1 and 'reviews' or 'comments', argd['ln'])
            redirect_to_url(req, referer)
    def report(self, req, form):
        Report a comment/review for inappropriate content
        @param comid: comment/review id
        @param recid: the id of the record the comment/review is associated with
        @param ln: language
        @param do: display order    hh = highest helpful score, review only
                                    lh = lowest helpful score, review only
                                    hs = highest star score, review only
                                    ls = lowest star score, review only
                                    od = oldest date
                                    nd = newest date
        @param ds: display since    all= no filtering by date
                                    nd = n days ago
                                    nw = n weeks ago
                                    nm = n months ago
                                    ny = n years ago
                                    where n is a single digit integer between 0 and 9
        @param nb: number of results per page
        @param p: results page
        @param referer: http address of the calling function to redirect to (refresh)
        @param reviews: boolean, enabled for reviews, disabled for comments

        argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'comid': (int, -1),
                                   'recid': (int, -1),
                                   'do': (str, "od"),
                                   'ds': (str, "all"),
                                   'nb': (int, 100),
                                   'p': (int, 1),
                                   'referer': (str, None)
        _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln'])

        client_ip_address = req.remote_ip
        uid = getUid(req)

        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_comments(user_info, self.recid)
        if isGuestUser(uid):
            cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(VIEWRESTRCOLL, {'collection' : guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)})
            target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \
                make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : argd['ln'], 'referer' : \
                CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {})
            return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True)
        elif auth_code:
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                text = auth_msg)

        # Check that comment belongs to this recid
        if not check_comment_belongs_to_record(argd['comid'], self.recid):
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                                       text = _("Specified comment does not belong to this record"))

        # Check that user can access the record
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_comment(user_info, argd['comid'])
        if auth_code:
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                                       text = _("You do not have access to the specified comment"))

        # Check that comment is not currently deleted
        if is_comment_deleted(argd['comid']):
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \
                                       text = _("You cannot report a deleted comment"),

        success = perform_request_report(argd['comid'], client_ip_address, uid)
        if argd['referer']:
            argd['referer'] += "?ln=%s&do=%s&ds=%s&nb=%s&p=%s&reported=%s&" % (argd['ln'], argd['do'], argd['ds'], argd['nb'], argd['p'], str(success))

            redirect_to_url(req, argd['referer'])
            #Note: sent to comments display
            referer = "%s/%s/%s/%s/display?ln=%s&voted=1"
            referer %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, self.discussion==1 and 'reviews' or 'comments', argd['ln'])
            redirect_to_url(req, referer)
    def report(self, req, form):
        Report a comment/review for inappropriate content
        @param comid: comment/review id
        @param recid: the id of the record the comment/review is associated with
        @param ln: language
        @param do: display order    hh = highest helpful score, review only
                                    lh = lowest helpful score, review only
                                    hs = highest star score, review only
                                    ls = lowest star score, review only
                                    od = oldest date
                                    nd = newest date
        @param ds: display since    all= no filtering by date
                                    nd = n days ago
                                    nw = n weeks ago
                                    nm = n months ago
                                    ny = n years ago
                                    where n is a single digit integer between 0 and 9
        @param nb: number of results per page
        @param p: results page
        @param referer: http address of the calling function to redirect to (refresh)
        @param reviews: boolean, enabled for reviews, disabled for comments

        argd = wash_urlargd(
                "comid": (int, -1),
                "recid": (int, -1),
                "do": (str, "od"),
                "ds": (str, "all"),
                "nb": (int, 100),
                "p": (int, 1),
                "referer": (str, None),

        client_ip_address = req.remote_ip
        uid = getUid(req)

        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_comments(user_info, self.recid)
        if auth_code or user_info["email"] == "guest":
            cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(
                VIEWRESTRCOLL, {"collection": guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)}
            target = "/youraccount/login" + make_canonical_urlargd(
                {"action": cookie, "ln": argd["ln"], "referer": CFG_SITE_URL + user_info["uri"]}, {}
            return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True)
        elif auth_code:
            return page_not_authorized(req, "../", text=auth_msg)

        success = perform_request_report(argd["comid"], client_ip_address, uid)
        if argd["referer"]:
            argd["referer"] += "?ln=%s&do=%s&ds=%s&nb=%s&p=%s&reported=%s&" % (

            redirect_to_url(req, argd["referer"])
            # Note: sent to comments display
            referer = "%s/record/%s/%s/display?ln=%s&voted=1"
            referer %= (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.discussion == 1 and "reviews" or "comments", argd["ln"])
            redirect_to_url(req, referer)