Exemple #1
def repo_setup(repo, ref):
    """ Clone repository """
    puts(cyan(">>> Setting up repository %s with ref %s..." % (repo, ref)))

    topsrcdir = repo_check(repo, check_path=False, workdir=False)
    workdir = repo_check(repo, check_path=False, workdir=True)
    gitdir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, '.git')

    if not exists_local(env.CFG_SRCDIR):
        res = confirm("Create repository root %s?" % env.CFG_SRCDIR)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("mkdir -p %s" % env.CFG_SRCDIR, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    if not exists_local(gitdir) and exists_local(topsrcdir):
        res = confirm("Remove %s (it does not seem to be a git repository)?" % topsrcdir)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("rm -Rf %s" % topsrcdir, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    if not exists_local(gitdir):
    if not exists_local(workdir):
    git_checkout(repo, ref)
Exemple #2
def venv_load():
    Load an archived virtualenv

    The task will extract an archived virtual environment created with
    :meth:`~venv_dump`. Normally this command is invoked
    indirectly via the compound task :meth:`inveniofab.compound.load` which
    takes care of loading the database after extracting the virtual
    puts(cyan(">>> Loading archived virtualenv..."))

    ctx = {
        'dirname': os.path.dirname(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX),
        'basename': os.path.basename(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX),

    archive_file = "%(dirname)s/%(basename)s.tar.gz" % ctx
    if not exists_local(archive_file):
        abort(red("Archived virtualenv does not exists - cannot continue") % env)

    # Remove previous installation
    if exists_local(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX):
        res = confirm("Remove installation in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s ?" % env)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("rm -Rf %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s" % env)

    cmds = [
        "cd %(dirname)s",
        "tar -xvzf %(basename)s.tar.gz",
    sudo_local(" && ".join(cmds) % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #3
def apache_conf():
    """ Upload and update Apache configuration """
    puts(cyan(">>> Configuring Apache..." % env))

    conf_files = ['etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost.conf', 'etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf']
    conf_files = [(p, os.path.join(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX, p)) for p in conf_files]

    for local_file, remote_file in conf_files:
        puts(">>> Writing %s ..." % remote_file)

            if not exists_local(os.path.dirname(remote_file)):
                sudo_local("mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(remote_file), user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
            write_template(remote_file, env, tpl_file=local_file, use_sudo=True)
        except TemplateNotFound:
            abort(red("Could not find template %s" % local_file))

    apache_conf = env.get('CFG_APACHE_CONF', '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')
    if confirm("Include created files in %s?" % apache_conf):
        if exists_local(apache_conf, use_sudo=True):
            lines = ["Include %s" % r for (l, r) in conf_files]
            if is_local():
                with settings(host_string="localhost"):
                    append(apache_conf, lines, use_sudo=True)
                append(apache_conf, lines, use_sudo=True)
            warn(red("File %s does not exists" % apache_conf))

    sudo_local("%(CFG_INVENIO_APACHECTL)s configtest" % env)
Exemple #4
def git_clone(repo):
    topsrcdir = repo_check(repo, check_path=False, workdir=False)

        repo_url = dict(env.CFG_INVENIO_REPOS)[repo]['repository']
    except KeyError:
        abort(red("Repository URL for %s not defined" % repo))

    basename = os.path.basename(topsrcdir)
    parent = os.path.dirname(topsrcdir)

    if exists_local(topsrcdir):
        res = confirm("Remove existing source code in %s ?" % topsrcdir)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("rm -Rf %s" % topsrcdir, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
        if not exists_local(parent):
            sudo_local("mkdir -p %s" % parent, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    ctx = {
        'basename': basename,
        'parent': parent,
        'topsrcdir': topsrcdir,
        'url': repo_url,

    sudo_local("cd %(parent)s; git clone %(url)s %(basename)s " % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #5
def venv_dump():
    Archive a virtualenv

    The task will create an archive ``<virtualenv name>.tar.gz`` of the entire
    virtual environment. If an existing archive already exists, the user will
    be asked for confirmation to remove it. Normally this command is invoked
    indirectly via the compound task :meth:`inveniofab.compound.dump` which
    takes care of dumping the database prior to archiving the virtual
    puts(cyan(">>> Creating archive of virtualenv in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s..." % env))

    ctx = {
        'dirname': os.path.dirname(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX),
        'basename': os.path.basename(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX),

    archive_file = "%(dirname)s/%(basename)s.tar.gz" % ctx
    if exists_local(archive_file):
        res = confirm("Existing archive already exists - remove?")
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("rm -Rf %s" % archive_file, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    cmds = [
        "cd %(dirname)s",
        "tar -cvzf %(basename)s.tar.gz %(basename)s",
    sudo_local(" && ".join(cmds) % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #6
def mysql_dump(outputdir=None):
    Dump database to file
    with hide('commands'):
        puts(cyan(">>> Dumping database ..." % env))

        answers = {
            'user': env.CFG_DATABASE_USER,
            'password': env.CFG_DATABASE_PASS,

        # Escape quote characters
        answers['password'] = answers['password'].replace("'", "\'").replace('"', '\"').replace('$', '\\$')

        if not outputdir:
            outputdir = env.CFG_DATABASE_DUMPDIR

        if not exists_local(outputdir):
            abort(red("Output directory %s does not exists" % outputdir))

        user_pw = '-u %(user)s --password=%(password)s' % answers if answers['password'] else '-u %(user)s' % answers
        outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "%s.sql" % env.CFG_DATABASE_NAME)
        outfile_gz = "%s.gz" % outfile

        for f in [outfile, outfile_gz]:
            if exists_local(f):
                res = confirm("Remove existing DB dump in %s ?" % f)
                if not res:
                    abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
                    sudo_local("rm -Rf %s" % f)

        ctx = {
            'user_pw': user_pw,
            'host':  env.CFG_DATABASE_HOST,
            'name':  env.CFG_DATABASE_NAME,
            'port': env.CFG_DATABASE_PORT,
            'outfile_gz': outfile_gz,
            'outfile': outfile,

        # Run commands
        sudo_local('mysqldump %(user_pw)s -h %(host)s -P %(port)s --skip-opt '
              '--add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --quick '
              '--extended-insert --set-charset --disable-keys %(name)s '
              '| gzip -c > %(outfile_gz)s' % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #7
def git_describe(repo):
    topsrcdir = repo_check(repo, workdir=True)
    version_gen = os.path.join(topsrcdir, 'git-version-gen')

    if exists_local(version_gen):
        output = sudo_local("cd %s; %s" % (topsrcdir, version_gen), capture=True, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
        output = sudo_local("cd %s; git describe --always --abbrev=4 HEAD" % topsrcdir, capture=True, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    return output
Exemple #8
def default_configure_hook(ctx):
    Default way to configure a repo. Assumes repo has a configure script.
    if exists_local(os.path.join(ctx['topsrcdir'], "configure")):
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo_local("cd %(topsrcdir)s && make -s clean" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("cd %(topsrcdir)s && ./configure --prefix=%(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s "
          "--with-python=%(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/bin/python" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("cd %(topsrcdir)s && make -s clean" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #9
def venv_libxslt_install():
    Install libxslt into virtualenv
    ctx = {
        'libxslt': 'libxslt-1.1.26',
        'libxslt_ver': '1.1.26',
        'libxslt_path': os.path.join(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX, 'libxslt-1.1.26'),

    if exists_local(ctx['libxslt_path']):
        sudo_local("rm -Rf %(libxslt_path)s" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    if exists_local("%(libxslt_path)s.tar.gz" % ctx):
        sudo_local("rm -Rf %(libxslt_path)s.tar.gz" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    sudo_local("cd %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s; wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/%(libxslt)s.tar.gz; tar -xzf %(libxslt)s.tar.gz" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("cd %(libxslt_path)s; ./configure --prefix=%(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s --with-python=%(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/bin/python; make; cd python; make install" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    sudo_local("rm -Rf %(libxslt_path)s" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("rm -Rf %(libxslt_path)s.tar.gz" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
Exemple #10
def repo_check(repo, check_path=True, workdir=False):
    all_repos = [x[0] for x in env.CFG_INVENIO_REPOS]

    if repo not in all_repos:
        abort(red("%s is not a valid repository." % repo))

    repo_path = os.path.join(env.CFG_SRCWORKDIR if workdir and env.WITH_WORKDIR
                             else env.CFG_SRCDIR, repo)

    if check_path and not exists_local(repo_path):
        abort(red("Repository does not exists %s" % repo_path))

    return repo_path
Exemple #11
def mysql_load(dumpfile=None, stored_answers=None):
    Load MySQL dump file
    with hide('commands'):
        puts(cyan(">>> Loading database dump..."))

        if not dumpfile:
            dumpfile = os.path.join(env.CFG_DATABASE_DUMPDIR, "%s.sql.gz" % env.CFG_DATABASE_NAME)

        if not exists_local(dumpfile):
            abort("File %s does not exists." % dumpfile)

        answers = prompt_and_check([
            ("MySQL admin user:"******"user"),
            ("MySQL admin password:"******"password")
        ], mysql_admin_check(env.CFG_DATABASE_HOST, env.CFG_DATABASE_PORT),
        cache_key="mysql://%s:%s" % (env.CFG_DATABASE_HOST, env.CFG_DATABASE_PORT),

        # Escape quote characters
        answers['password'] = answers['password'].replace("'", "\'").replace('"', '\"').replace('$', '\\$')
        user_pw = '-u %(user)s --password=%(password)s' % answers if answers['password'] else '-u %(user)s' % answers

        if dumpfile.endswith(".gz"):
            dumpfile_stream = "gunzip -c %s" % dumpfile
            dumpfile_stream = "cat %s" % dumpfile

        ctx = {
            'user_pw': user_pw,
            'host':  env.CFG_DATABASE_HOST,
            'name':  env.CFG_DATABASE_NAME,
            'user':  env.CFG_DATABASE_USER,
            'password': env.CFG_DATABASE_PASS,
            'port': env.CFG_DATABASE_PORT,
            'dumpfile': dumpfile,
            'dumpfile_stream': dumpfile_stream,

        # Escape quote characters
        ctx['password'] = ctx['password'].replace("'", "\'").replace('"', '\"').replace('$', '\\$')

        if confirm("This will erease all data in the existing database. Are you sure you want to load %(dumpfile)s?" % ctx):

            sudo_local('%(dumpfile_stream)s | mysql %(user_pw)s -h %(host)s -P %(port)s -f %(name)s' % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

        return dumpfile
Exemple #12
def _apache_conf(files, with_python=True):
    puts(cyan(">>> Configuring Apache..." % env))

    conf_files = files
    conf_files = [(p, os.path.join(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX, p)) for p in conf_files]

    if with_python:
        pyver = python_version()
        ctx = {'PYVER': pyver}
        ctx = {}

    for local_file, remote_file in conf_files:
        puts(">>> Writing %s ..." % remote_file)

            if not exists_local(os.path.dirname(remote_file)):
                sudo_local("mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(remote_file), user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
            write_template(remote_file, ctx, tpl_file=local_file, use_sudo=True)
        except TemplateNotFound:
            abort(red("Could not find template %s" % local_file))

    apache_conf = env.get('CFG_APACHE_CONF', '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')
    if confirm("Include created files in %s?" % apache_conf):
        if exists_local(apache_conf, use_sudo=True):
            lines = ["Include %s" % r for (l, r) in conf_files]
            if is_local():
                with settings(host_string="localhost"):
                    append(apache_conf, lines, use_sudo=True)
                append(apache_conf, lines, use_sudo=True)
            warn(red("File %s does not exists" % apache_conf))

    sudo_local("%(CFG_INVENIO_APACHECTL)s configtest" % env)
Exemple #13
def venv_drop():
    """ Drop virtualenv environment """
    # Checks
    if 'CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX' not in env:
        abort(red("CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX is not specified in env.") % env)

    puts(cyan(">>> Dropping virtualenv in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s..." % env))

    # Remove previous installation
    if exists_local(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX):
        res = confirm("Remove installation in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s ?" % env)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("sudo rm -Rf %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s" % env)
        puts(">>> Nothing to remove - %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s does not exists..." % env)
Exemple #14
def repo_update(**kwargs):
    """ Pull repository updates """
    # Check repositories to update/setup
    repo_refs = []
    for repo, info in env.CFG_INVENIO_REPOS:
        if repo in kwargs:
            ref = kwargs[repo]
            if not ref:
                ref = None
            repo_refs.append((repo, ref))
            del kwargs[repo]
                ref = info['ref']
            except KeyError:
                ref = None
            repo_refs.append((repo, ref))

    if kwargs:
        for repo, ref in kwargs.items():
            abort(red("Invalid repository %s" % repo))

    # Run update
    for repo, ref in repo_refs:
        topsrcdir = repo_check(repo, check_path=False, workdir=True)
        gitdir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, '.git')

        if not exists_local(gitdir):
            repo_setup(repo, ref)
            if ref:
                puts(cyan(">>> Updating repository %s to ref %s..." % (repo, ref)))
                git_checkout(repo, ref)
                commit_id = git_describe(repo)
                puts(cyan(">>> No ref specified for repository %s (currently at HEAD, commit %s) ..." % (repo, commit_id)))
Exemple #15
def venv_create():
    Create virtualenv environment

    The virtualenv is created in ``env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX``, and will also
    create ``lib/python/invenio/`` and symlink it the virtualenv's
    site-packages, as well as ``var/tmp/ooffice-tmp-files`` (via sudo). If
    ``env.WITH_DEVSCRIPTS`` is ``True``, invenio-devscripts will be installed.
    If ``env.WITH_WORKDIR`` is ``True`` git-new-workdir will be installed.

    Lastly, it will append render the template ``activate-profile.tpl`` and
    append it to ``bin/activate``. The script will setup common needed
    environment variables that e.g. invenio-devscripts depend on.

    If an existing environment already exists, the user will be asked for
    confirmation to remove the directory (using sudo, due to the directory
    ``var/tmp/ooffice-tmp-files`` which is created using sudo).
    # Checks
    if 'CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX' not in env:
        abort(red("CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX is not specified in env.") % env)

    puts(cyan(">>> Creating virtualenv in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s..." % env))

    # Remove previous installation
    if exists_local(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX):
        res = confirm("Remove installation in %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s ?" % env)
        if not res:
            abort(red("Cannot continue") % env)
            sudo_local("rm -Rf %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s" % env)

    # Create virtual environment
    dirname = os.path.dirname(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)
    basename = os.path.basename(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)

    sudo_local("mkdir -p %s" % dirname, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("cd %s && virtualenv -p %s %s" % (dirname, env.PYTHON, basename), user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    # Create needed symboic links
    pyver = python_version()
    sudo_local("mkdir -p %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/lib/python/invenio" % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local(("mkdir -p %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/lib/python" + pyver + "/site-packages") % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local(("ln -s %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/lib/python/invenio %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/lib/python" + pyver + "/site-packages/invenio") % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    # Write extras into the activate script
    write_template(os.path.join(env.CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX, 'bin/activate'), env, tpl_file='activate-profile.tpl', append=True, mark="ACTIVATE_PROFILE", use_sudo=True)

    # Install devscripts
        puts(">>> Installing invenio-devscripts...")
        sudo_local("cd %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s && git clone https://github.com/tiborsimko/invenio-devscripts.git" % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
        sudo_local("cd %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s && mv invenio-devscripts/* bin/" % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    if env.WITH_WORKDIR:
        puts(">>> Installing git-new-workdir...")
        sudo_local('wget -O %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/bin/git-new-workdir "http://repo.or.cz/w/git.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir"' % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
        sudo_local("chmod +x %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/bin/git-new-workdir" % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)

    # OpenOffice temporary directory
    sudo_local("mkdir -p %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/var/tmp/ooffice-tmp-files" % env, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)
    sudo_local("sudo chown -R nobody %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/var/tmp/ooffice-tmp-files" % env)
    sudo_local("sudo chmod -R 755 %(CFG_INVENIO_PREFIX)s/var/tmp/ooffice-tmp-files" % env)
Exemple #16
def default_prepare_hook(ctx):
    Default way to prepare source code which uses autotools.
    if exists_local(os.path.join(ctx['topsrcdir'], "configure.ac")):
        sudo_local("cd %(topsrcdir)s; aclocal && automake -a && autoconf -f" % ctx, user=env.CFG_INVENIO_USER)