def find_allocation(tickers, start='2015-01-01', end=None, column='Adj Close'): """ Find the allocation with the highest Sharpe ratio. input: tickers tickers of the stocks/ETFs start start date, default '2015-01-01' end end date, default current column the column of data to use, default 'Adj Close' Return a pandas Serires of allocations """ from invest.get_data import read_portfolio from invest.calculation import minimize_risk from time_series.functions import resample from basic.plot import plot_stacked_bar data = read_portfolio(tickers, column, start, end) weekly = resample(data, column, style="week", method='close') rv = minimize_risk(weekly, returns=None, strict=True, riskfree=None, max_alloc=1, scale=52, ret=False, verbose=True, plotit=True) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plot_stacked_bar(rv[rv.columns[-3::-1]].T.values, names=rv.columns[-3::-1], ticks=np.round(rv.index * 100, 2)) plt.xlabel("Return in %") sharpe = rv.Return / rv.Volatility arg = sharpe.argmax() return rv.loc[arg, :][:-2]
def initial_plot(self, column='Adj Close', style='week', start='2015-1-1'): self._logger_.debug("Initialize plots for portfolio window") tickers = self._data_ = get_returns(resample(read_portfolio(tickers, column=column, start=start), column=None, style=style, method='close'), style='simple', fillna=False) self._data_['benchmark'] = 0 data = self._data_.iloc[-52:, :-1].dropna(axis=1, how='any') rv = get_return_vol(pd.concat([data * 3, -data], axis=1), scale=52, ret=True, plotit=False) fig = return_vol(rv.Return, rv.Volatility, rv.index) fig.axes[0].plot([0], [0], 'r*') return fig, pie_plot([10, 6], labels=['a', 'b'])
def Sharpe_filter(tickers, keep=50, start='2015-01-01', end=None, column='Adj Close'): """ Find stocks/ETFs with high Sharpe ratio. input: tickers tickers of the stocks/ETFs keep number of stocks/ETFs to keep start start date, default '2015-01-01' end end date, default current column the column of data to use, default 'Adj Close' Return a list of tickers """ from invest.get_data import read_portfolio from invest.calculation import get_return_vol from time_series.functions import resample data = read_portfolio(tickers, column, start, end) weekly = resample(data, column, style="week", method='close') rv = get_return_vol(weekly, scale=52, ret=False, plotit=False) rv['Sharpe'] = rv.Return / rv.Volatility rv = rv.sort_values('Sharpe')[::-1] return rv[:keep].index.values
def portfolio_analysis(tickers, alloc=None, start='2010-01-01', end=None): """ Given a series of tickers, return a summery of each ETF in a DataFrame input: tickers tickers of stocks/ETFs alloc allocation for given stocks/TEFs, default None start start date, default "2010-01-01" end end date, default today """ from invest.get_data import read_ETF, read_portfolio from invest.calculation import get_return_vol, get_alpha_beta, minimize_risk from invest.useful import convert_time from time_series.functions import resample from basic.useful import progress_bar from basic.plot import plot_correlation, plot_stacked_bar start, end = convert_time(start, end) if not (alloc is None): if len(tickers) != len(alloc): raise ValueError( "Length of shares and tickers should be the same if shares is given." ) alloc = np.array(alloc) / np.sum(alloc) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 3)) plt.subplot(131) plt.title("Calculated by Close Price") close = read_portfolio(tickers, 'Close', start, end) close = close / close.iloc[0, :] weekly = resample(close, style="week", method='close') al_clo = minimize_risk(weekly, returns=None, strict=True, riskfree=None, max_alloc=1, scale=52, ret=False, verbose=False, plotit=True) if not (alloc is None): weekly = rv = get_return_vol(weekly, scale=52) * 100 plt.plot(rv.Volatility, rv.Return, 'bo') plt.subplot(132) plt.title("Calculated by Adjusted Close Price") adj = read_portfolio(tickers, 'Adj Close', start, end) adj = adj / adj.iloc[0, :] weekly = resample(adj, style="week", method='close') al_adj = minimize_risk(weekly, returns=None, strict=True, riskfree=None, max_alloc=1, scale=52, ret=False, verbose=False, plotit=True) if not (alloc is None): weekly = rv = get_return_vol(weekly, scale=52) * 100 plt.plot(rv.Volatility, rv.Return, 'bo') plt.subplot(133) df = pd.DataFrame() def func(t): data = read_ETF(t) if data.index[0] < start: data = data[start:end] a, b = get_alpha_beta(data.Close, ret_type='simple', dspl=False)[t, 'alpha'] = a[t, 'beta'] = b progress_bar(tickers, func, disable=True) plt.plot(df.beta, df.alpha, 'o') if not (alloc is None): total = alpha, beta = get_alpha_beta(total, ret_type='simple', dspl=False) plt.plot(beta, alpha, 'bo') plt.xlabel('Beta') plt.ylabel("Alpha") plt.hlines(xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.2, y=0, linestyles='--') plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.2) for t in df.index: plt.text(df.beta[t], df.alpha[t], t) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.title("Allocation calculated from close price") plot_stacked_bar(al_clo[al_clo.columns[-3::-1]].T.values, names=al_clo.columns[-3::-1], ticks=np.round(al_clo.Return * 100, 2)) plt.xlabel("Return in %") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.title("Allocation calculated from adjusted close price") plot_stacked_bar(al_adj[al_adj.columns[-3::-1]].T.values, names=al_adj.columns[-3::-1], ticks=np.round(al_adj.Return * 100, 2)) plt.xlabel("Return in %") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.title("Price change (not adjusted)") for c in close.columns: plt.plot(close.index, close[c], '-', label=c) plt.hlines(xmin=close.index[0], xmax=close.index[-1], y=1, linestyles='--') plt.xlim(close.index[0], close.index[-1]) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.99), loc='upper left') if not (alloc is None): plt.plot(close.index, total, 'k-') plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) plot_correlation(close)