def main(): # prints the version print(invmake.print_version()) # build things p = invmake.Process() p.parse('./peces.yaml')
def main(): print(invmake.print_version()) a = invmake.Peace() a.addparents(['article.tex', 'biblio.bib']) a.addchild('article.pdf') a.commands = ['latex -halt-on-error article.tex', 'latex -halt-on-error article.tex', 'bibtex article', 'latex -halt-on-error article', 'latex -halt-on-error article', 'dvips article.dvi', 'ps2pdf'] a.setcriterium='ctime' # make a Make class with only one peace m = invmake.Make() m.peaces = [a] m.execute()
def main(): # prints the version print(invmake.print_version()) # make only one peace a = invmake.Peace() a.addparent("hello.cpp") a.addchild("hello.out") a.commands = ["cc hello.cpp -o hello.out"] # make a Make class with only one peace m = invmake.Make() m.peaces = [a] m.execute()
def main(): # prints the version print(invmake.print_version()) # getting force parameter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action='store_true', help='Force execution of commands of each peace') parser.add_argument("--expand", action='store_true', help='Expand dollar signs as environment variables (eg. $HOME as user home)') parser.add_argument("--commandoutput", action='store_true', help='Show the output of every command') parser.add_argument("--onlychanged", action='store_true', help='Show *only* the changed peaces') parser.add_argument("--nocheckparents", action='store_true', help='Do not check if parents exist') args = parser.parse_args() # build things p = invmake.Process() p.parse(force=args.force, expand=args.expand, coutput=args.commandoutput, show_only_changed=args.onlychanged, checkparents= not args.nocheckparents)
def main(): print(invmake.print_version()) # if ./ is modified, then modify REVISION and VERSION files a = invmake.Peace() a.addparents(['./']) a.addchilds(['./docs/REVISION.txt', './docs/VERSION.txt']) a.commands = ['./ version revision'] a.setcriterium("ctime") # make README files b = invmake.Peace() b.addparents(['./l10n/', '', './docs/VERSION.txt', './docs/REVISION.txt']) b.addchilds(['./docs/', './docs/README.en.textile', './docs/']) b.commands = ['./ readmes'] # make ln -s from README.en c = invmake.Peace() c.addparent('./docs/README.en.textile') c.addchild('./README.textile') c.commands = ['rm README.textile', 'ln -s ./docs/README.en.textile README.textile'] # update LICENSE.textile d = invmake.Peace() d.addparent('./LICENSE.textile.erb') d.addchild('./LICENSE.textile') d.commands = ['erb LICENSE.textile.erb > LICENSE.textile'] # make Levels of information files e = invmake.Peace() e.addparents(['./l10n/', '']) e.addchilds(['./docs/', './docs/Levels-of-info.en.textile']) e.commands = ['./ levels'] m = invmake.Make() m.peaces = [a, b, c, d, e] m.execute()