def deviation_generation(fname, groups_list):
    """ Print deviation by groups for data from fname """
    CONC_POS = key_pos['concurence']
    int_list = [int(i) for i in groups_list]
    data = list(io_test.load_io_py_file(fname))
    item = io_test.Data("hdr")
    for key, vals in io_test.groupby_globally(data, io_test.key_func).items():
        item.series[key] = [val['iops'] * key[CONC_POS] for val in vals]
        print deviation_on_deviation(int_list, item.series[key])
def deviation_generation(fname, groups_list):
    """ Print deviation by groups for data from fname """
    CONC_POS = key_pos['concurence']
    int_list = [int(i) for i in groups_list]
    data = list(io_test.load_io_py_file(fname))
    item = io_test.Data("hdr")
    for key, vals in io_test.groupby_globally(data, io_test.key_func).items():
        item.series[key] = [val['iops'] * key[CONC_POS] for val in vals]
        print deviation_on_deviation(int_list, item.series[key])
def plot_generation(fname, group_by):
    """ plots for value group_by in imgs by actions"""
    data = list(io_test.load_io_py_file(fname))
    item = io_test.Data("hdr")
    for key, vals in io_test.groupby_globally(data, io_test.key_func).items():
        item.series[key] = [val['iops'] for val in vals]

    pr_data = generate_groups(item.processed_series, group_by)
    print pr_data

    #fig = plt.figure()
    plot = plt.subplot(111)

    for action in actions:
        for tp in types:
            color = 0
            hasPlot = False
            for key, val in pr_data.items():
                if action in key and tp in key:
                    ok = gen_app_plot(key, val, plot, colors[color])
                    hasPlot = hasPlot or ok
                    color += 1
                    # use it for just connect dots
                    #save_plot(key, val)
            if hasPlot:
                # Shrink current axis by 10%
                box = plot.get_position()
                    box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width,
                    box.height * 0.9

                # Put a legend to the bottom
                plot.legend(loc='lower center',
                            bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.25),
                plt.title("Plot for %s on %s" % (group_by, action))
                # use it if want scale plot somehow
                # plt.axis([0.0, 5000.0, 0.0, 64.0])
                name = "%s__%s_%s.png" % (group_by, action, tp)
                plt.savefig(name, format='png', dpi=100)
            plot = plt.subplot(111)
            color = 0
def plot_generation(fname, group_by):
    """ plots for value group_by in imgs by actions"""
    data = list(io_test.load_io_py_file(fname))
    item = io_test.Data("hdr")
    for key, vals in io_test.groupby_globally(data, io_test.key_func).items():
        item.series[key] = [val['iops'] for val in vals]

    pr_data = generate_groups(item.processed_series, group_by)
    print pr_data

    #fig = plt.figure()
    plot = plt.subplot(111)

    for action in actions:
        for tp in types:
            color = 0
            hasPlot = False
            for key, val in pr_data.items():
                if action in key and tp in key:
                    ok = gen_app_plot(key, val, plot, colors[color])
                    hasPlot = hasPlot or ok
                    color += 1
                    # use it for just connect dots
                    #save_plot(key, val)
            if hasPlot:
                # Shrink current axis by 10%
                box = plot.get_position()
                plot.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1,
                     box.width, box.height * 0.9])

                # Put a legend to the bottom
                plot.legend(loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.25),
                            fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=4,
                plt.title("Plot for %s on %s" % (group_by, action))
                # use it if want scale plot somehow
                # plt.axis([0.0, 5000.0, 0.0, 64.0])
                name = "%s__%s_%s.png" % (group_by, action, tp)
                plt.savefig(name, format='png', dpi=100)
            plot = plt.subplot(111)
            color = 0