Exemple #1
def draw(visible_loc_names):
    """Draws navigation curves, map lines and trigger lines from given dictionary of
    locator names as keys.

    :param visible_loc_names: dictionary of visible prefab locators names
    :type visible_loc_names: dict
    scs_globals = _get_scs_globals()

    if ready_for_draw():

        connections = bpy.data.collections[_COLLECTION_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][

        # gets visible connections and draw them
        conns_to_draw = _core.gather_connections_upon_selected(
            bpy.data.collections[_COLLECTION_NAME], visible_loc_names)
        for conn_key in conns_to_draw.keys():

            conn_entry = connections[conn_key]

            locator_type = bpy.data.objects[conn_entry[

            if locator_type == "Navigation Point":
                                               not conn_entry[_core.VALID],
                                              not conn_entry[_core.VALID],
                                              locator_type == "Map Point",
Exemple #2
def draw(visible_loc_names):
    """Draws navigation curves, map lines and trigger lines from given dictionary of
    locator names as keys.

    :param visible_loc_names: dictionary of visible prefab locators names
    :type visible_loc_names: dict

    scs_globals = _get_scs_globals()

    if _execute_draw(scs_globals.optimized_connections_drawing):

        connections = bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][_core.REFS][_core.CONNECTIONS][_core.ENTRIES]

        # gets visible connections and draw them
        conns_to_draw = _core.gather_connections_upon_selected(bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME], visible_loc_names)
        for conn_key in conns_to_draw.keys():

            conn_entry = connections[conn_key]

            locator_type = bpy.data.objects[conn_entry[_core.IN]].scs_props.locator_prefab_type
            if locator_type == "Navigation Point":
                _gl_primitive.draw_shape_curve(conn_entry[_core.DATA], not conn_entry[_core.VALID], scs_globals)
                _gl_primitive.draw_shape_line(conn_entry[_core.DATA], not conn_entry[_core.VALID], locator_type == "Map Point", scs_globals)
Exemple #3
def get_curves(np_locators):
    """Gets all the connections within given Navigation Point locators list.
    If some of locators are not Navigation Point locators they are automaticly ignored

    :param np_locators: list of SCS Navigation Point locator objects
    :type np_locators: list of bpy.types.Object
    :return: dictionary of curves within given locators with given keys structure;
    :rtype: dict[int, ConnEntry]

    connections = bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][_core.REFS][
    locators = bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][_core.REFS][

    # filter out all Navigation Point locators
    np_locs_names = {}
    for loc in np_locators:
        if loc.scs_props.locator_prefab_type == "Navigation Point":
            np_locs_names[loc.name] = 1

    # gather all the connections of navigation points
    conns_keys_dict = _core.gather_connections_upon_selected(
        bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME], np_locs_names)

    curves = {}
    i = 0
    for conn_key in conns_keys_dict.keys():

        conn_entry = connections[conn_key]

        # check validity of connection; if not valid don't add to curves
        if conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            start_node = conn_entry[_core.OUT]
            end_node = conn_entry[_core.IN]

            # find valid next curves keys
            next_curves = []
            for next_conn_key in locators[end_node][_core.OUT_CONNS]:

                next_conn_entry = connections[next_conn_key]
                if next_conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            # find valid previous curves keys
            prev_curves = []
            for prev_conn_key in locators[start_node][_core.IN_CONNS]:

                prev_conn_entry = connections[prev_conn_key]
                if prev_conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            curves[conn_key] = ConnEntry(i, start_node, end_node, next_curves,

            i += 1  # increment index of curve only if it was added

    return curves
Exemple #4
def get_curves(np_locators):
    """Gets all the connections within given Navigation Point locators list.
    If some of locators are not Navigation Point locators they are automaticly ignored

    :param np_locators: list of SCS Navigation Point locator objects
    :type np_locators: list of bpy.types.Object
    :return: dictionary of curves within given locators with given keys structure;
    :rtype: dict[int, ConnEntry]

    connections = bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][_core.REFS][_core.CONNECTIONS][_core.ENTRIES]
    locators = bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME][_core.MAIN_DICT][_core.REFS][_core.LOCATORS]

    # filter out all Navigation Point locators
    np_locs_names = {}
    for loc in np_locators:
        if loc.scs_props.locator_prefab_type == "Navigation Point":
            np_locs_names[loc.name] = 1

    # gather all the connections of navigation points
    conns_keys_dict = _core.gather_connections_upon_selected(bpy.data.groups[_GROUP_NAME], np_locs_names)

    curves = {}
    i = 0
    for conn_key in conns_keys_dict.keys():

        conn_entry = connections[conn_key]

        # check validity of connection; if not valid don't add to curves
        if conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            start_node = conn_entry[_core.OUT]
            end_node = conn_entry[_core.IN]

            # find valid next curves keys
            next_curves = []
            for next_conn_key in locators[end_node][_core.OUT_CONNS]:

                next_conn_entry = connections[next_conn_key]
                if next_conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            # find valid previous curves keys
            prev_curves = []
            for prev_conn_key in locators[start_node][_core.IN_CONNS]:

                prev_conn_entry = connections[prev_conn_key]
                if prev_conn_entry[_core.VALID]:

            curves[conn_key] = ConnEntry(i, start_node, end_node, next_curves, prev_curves)

            i += 1  # increment index of curve only if it was added

    return curves