        r'$A\cos (\omega_{sine_1}y) \frac{N-y}{N}$, $\omega_{sine_1}$=%.3f' %
        (omega / dx))
        r'$A\cos (\omega_{sine_2}y) \frac{N-y}{N}$, $\omega_{sine_2}$=%.3f' %
        (omega2 / dx))

    start_j = 1
    for n in range(1, 4):
        start = time.time()
        y_max = acf_argmax(f, start_j)
        end = time.time()
        if not ii and n == 1:
            print 'ACF 1stmax computation time: %.3fus' % (1e6 * (end - start))
            #sys.exit ()
        start_j = y_max + 1
        est_period = dx * y_max / n

                    label='$%s\cdot2\pi/(\Delta x\cdot y_{max}^{(%s)})$=%.3f' %
                    (n, n, 2 * pi / est_period),
    plt.title('Autocorrelation functions')
Exemple #2
from numpy import *
from iocbio.ops.autocorrelation import acf, acf_argmax, acf_sinefit
# Define a signal:
dx = 0.05
x = arange(0,2*pi,dx)
N = len(x)
f = 7*sin(5*x)+6*sin(9*x)
# f is shown in the upper right plot below
# Calculate autocorrelation function:
y = arange(0,N,0.1)
af = acf (f, y, method='linear')
# af is shown in the lower right plot below
# Find the first maximum of the autocorrelation function:
y_max1 = acf_argmax(f, method='linear')
# The first maximum gives period estimate for f
print 'period=',dx*y_max1
print 'frequency=',2*pi/(y_max1*dx)
# Find the second maximum of the autocorrelation function:
y_max2 = acf_argmax(f, start_j=y_max1+1, method='linear')
print y_max1, y_max2
# Find sine-fit of the autocorrelation function:
omega = acf_sinefit(f, method='linear')
# The parameter omega in A*cos (omega*y)*(N-y)/N gives
# another period estimate for f:
print 'period=',2*pi/(omega/dx)
print 'frequency=', omega/dx

    plt.plot(x, (a/N)**0.5 *sin(omega/dx*x), label='$f(x)=\sqrt{A/N}\sin(\omega_{sine_1}x)$')
    plt.plot(x, (a/N)**0.5 *sin(omega2/dx*x), label='$f(x)=\sqrt{A/N}\sin(\omega_{sine_2}x)$')
    plt.legend ()
    plt.xlabel ('x')
    plt.ylabel ('f(x)')
    plt.title ('Test functions')

    plt.subplot (sp2)
    plt.plot(y, acf_data, label='ACF(f(x))')
    plt.plot(y, sinefit, label=r'$A\cos (\omega_{sine_1}y) \frac{N-y}{N}$, $\omega_{sine_1}$=%.3f' % (omega/dx))
    plt.plot(y, sinefit2, label=r'$A\cos (\omega_{sine_2}y) \frac{N-y}{N}$, $\omega_{sine_2}$=%.3f' % (omega2/dx))

    start_j = 1
    for n in range(1,4):
        start = time.time()
        y_max = acf_argmax(f, start_j)
        end = time.time()
        if not ii and n==1:
            print 'ACF 1stmax computation time: %.3fus' % (1e6*(end-start))
            #sys.exit ()
        start_j = y_max + 1
        est_period = dx * y_max/n
        plt.axvline(y_max, label='$%s\cdot2\pi/(\Delta x\cdot y_{max}^{(%s)})$=%.3f' % (n, n, 2*pi/est_period),
    plt.legend ()
    plt.ylabel ('acf')
    plt.title ('Autocorrelation functions')

    plt.subplot (sp3)
Exemple #4
from numpy import *
from iocbio.ops.autocorrelation import acf, acf_argmax, acf_sinefit
# Define a signal:
dx = 0.05
x = arange(0, 2 * pi, dx)
N = len(x)
f = 7 * sin(5 * x) + 6 * sin(9 * x)
# f is shown in the upper right plot below
# Calculate autocorrelation function:
y = arange(0, N, 0.1)
af = acf(f, y, method='linear')
# af is shown in the lower right plot below
# Find the first maximum of the autocorrelation function:
y_max1 = acf_argmax(f, method='linear')
# The first maximum gives period estimate for f
print 'period=', dx * y_max1
print 'frequency=', 2 * pi / (y_max1 * dx)
# Find the second maximum of the autocorrelation function:
y_max2 = acf_argmax(f, start_j=y_max1 + 1, method='linear')
print y_max1, y_max2
# Find sine-fit of the autocorrelation function:
omega = acf_sinefit(f, method='linear')
# The parameter omega in A*cos (omega*y)*(N-y)/N gives
# another period estimate for f:
print 'period=', 2 * pi / (omega / dx)
print 'frequency=', omega / dx