Exemple #1
    def get_dpi(self, force_recompute=False):
        if not force_recompute and self._dpi is not None:
            return self._dpi

        if platform == 'android':
            if USE_SDL2:
                import jnius
                Hardware = jnius.autoclass('org.renpy.android.Hardware')
                value = Hardware.getDPI()
                import android
                value = android.get_dpi()
        elif platform == 'ios':
            import ios
            value = ios.get_dpi()
            # for all other platforms..
            from kivy.base import EventLoop
            value = EventLoop.window.dpi

        # because dp prop binds to dpi etc. its getter will be executed
        # before dispatch_pixel_scale bound to dpi was called, so we need to
        # call this to make sure it's updated
        return value
    def dpi(self):
        '''Return the DPI of the screen. Depending on the platform, the DPI can
        be taken from the Window provider (Desktop mainly) or from a
        platform-specific module (like android/ios).
        custom_dpi = environ.get('KIVY_DPI')
        if custom_dpi:
            return float(custom_dpi)

        if platform == 'android':
            if USE_SDL2:
                import jnius
                Hardware = jnius.autoclass('org.renpy.android.Hardware')
                return Hardware.getDPI()
                import android
                return android.get_dpi()
        elif platform == 'ios':
            import ios
            return ios.get_dpi()

        # for all other platforms..
        from kivy.base import EventLoop
        return EventLoop.window.dpi
Exemple #3
    def dpi(self):
        '''Return the DPI of the screen. Depending of the platform, the DPI can
        be taken from the Window provider (Desktop mainly), or from
        platform-specific module (like android/ios).
        custom_dpi = environ.get('KIVY_DPI')
        if custom_dpi:
            return float(custom_dpi)

        if platform() == 'android':
            import android
            return android.get_dpi()
        elif platform() == 'ios':
            import ios
            return ios.get_dpi()

        # for all other platforms..
        from kivy.base import EventLoop
        return EventLoop.window.dpi