Exemple #1
def test_simulator_growth_max_by_minute():
    request_period_in_seconds = 60
    start = datetime(2017, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(2017, 1, 2)
    resolution_period = 1

    devices = devices_generator(10, request_period_in_seconds)
    request_period_generator = time_walker(start, request_period_in_seconds, end)
    resolution_finder = resolution_period_finder(start, resolution_period)
    minute_resolution = resolution_period_finder(start, 60)

    def growth_function(current_devices, i):
        return current_devices + [randint(0, request_period_in_seconds-1)], i+1

    devices_growth_generator = devices_growth(devices, growth_function)
    stamper = devices_date_stamper(devices_growth_generator)

    # flatMap = map + reduce
    all_request = reduce(chain, map(stamper, request_period_generator), iter([]))
    by_min = groupby(map(lambda x: (x[0], len(list(x[1]))), groupby(all_request, resolution_finder)),
                     lambda k: minute_resolution(k[0])
    for minute, reqs in by_min:
        print(max(map(lambda x: x[1], reqs)))
def test_devices_growth():
    max_delta_in_seconds = 60

    def growth_function(current_devices):
        return current_devices + [randint(0, max_delta_in_seconds - 1)]

    devices = devices_generator(10, max_delta_in_seconds)
    to_check = next(devices)
    devices_growth_generator = devices_growth(devices, growth_function)
    assert any(map(lambda x: x not in to_check, devices_growth_generator))
def test_devices_mapper():
    res = devices_generator(10, 60)
    mapper = devices_date_stamper(res)
    current_date = datetime(2018, 1, 1)
    on_date = list(next(map(mapper, [current_date])))
    assert len(
    ) == 10, "Should not change the number of devices, expected 10, current {}".format(
    max_expected_date = current_date + timedelta(seconds=60)
    assert all(map(lambda x: current_date <= x < max_expected_date,
                   on_date)), "all must be in period"
Exemple #4
def test_simulator_no_growth():
    request_period_in_seconds = 60
    start = datetime(2017, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(2017, 1, 2)
    resolution_period = 3600

    devices = devices_generator(10, request_period_in_seconds)
    request_period_generator = time_walker(start, request_period_in_seconds, end)
    resolution_finder = resolution_period_finder(start, resolution_period)

    stamper = devices_date_stamper(devices)
    # flatMap = map + reduce
    all_request = reduce(chain, map(stamper, request_period_generator), iter([]))
    for _, res in groupby(all_request, resolution_finder):
        assert len(list(res)) == 600
Exemple #5
def test_simulator_growth():
    request_period_in_seconds = 60
    start = datetime(2017, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(2017, 1, 2)
    resolution_period = 1

    devices = devices_generator(10, request_period_in_seconds)
    request_period_generator = time_walker(start, request_period_in_seconds, end)
    resolution_finder = resolution_period_finder(start, resolution_period)

    def growth_function(current_devices, i):
        return current_devices + [randint(0, request_period_in_seconds-1)], i+1

    devices_growth_generator = devices_growth(devices, growth_function)
    stamper = devices_date_stamper(devices_growth_generator)

    # flatMap = map + reduce
    all_request = reduce(chain, map(stamper, request_period_generator), iter([]))
    for period, res in groupby(all_request, resolution_finder):
        actual = list(res)
        # print(period, len(actual))
        assert actual
def test_devices_generator():
    res = next(devices_generator(10, 60))
    assert len(res) == 10, "10 expected {} obtained".format(len(res))
    assert all(map(lambda x: x < 60, res)), "all must be under 60 seconds"