def callback_function(gpio_pin, trigger): print("Interrupt occured...") led = iot_hw.gpio( iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE) # Allocate Blue LED GPIO pin led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT ) # Set Blue LED GPIO pin to "output" led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) # Turn on Blue LED led.close() return 0
def test_leds(): print('Test LEDs') #leds = {"Red":iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_RED, "Green":iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_GREEN, "Blue":iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE} leds = { "Blue": iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE, "Pmod95": iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_PIN_95 } for key in leds: myled = iot_hw.gpio(leds[key]) myled.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) print(' {} on'.format(key)) myled.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) time.sleep(1) print(' {} off'.format(key)) myled.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW) time.sleep(1) myled.close()
def Blink_GPIO(): print('\nBlink PMOD GPIO 95') leds = {"Pmod95": iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_PIN_95} # List of GPIOs to toggle myled = 0 # Object returned from GPIO open API for key in leds: # Sequence through all GPIO in 'leds' list myled = iot_hw.gpio(leds[key]) # Open each GPIO key myled.set_dir( iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) # Set direction to output print(' {} on'.format(key)) myled.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) # Set GPIO high time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep for 1/2 second print(' {} off'.format(key)) myled.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW) # Set GPIO low time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep for 1/2 second myled.close() # Close the driver for that GPIO key
# A callback function that will turn on the blue LED def callback_function(gpio_pin, trigger): print("Interrupt occured...") led = iot_hw.gpio( iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE) # Allocate Blue LED GPIO pin led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT ) # Set Blue LED GPIO pin to "output" led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) # Turn on Blue LED led.close() return 0 print("Starting up...") button = iot_hw.gpio( iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_PIN_98) # Allocate User Button GPIO pin button.set_dir( iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_INPUT) # Configure User BUtton as "input" button.interrupt_request( iot_hw.gpio_irq_trig. GPIO_IRQ_TRIG_FALLING, # Trigger interrupt when pressing down on button callback_function ) # Run callback_function() after the interrupt is generated print("Ready to sleep...") time.sleep(30) # Sleep for 30 seconds # Press the button here, during the 30 second wait print("Freeing resources...") button.interrupt_free() # Turn off button interrupt and free IRQ resources button.close() # Free up User Button's GPIO pin
import iot_hw import time # Initialize all LEDs red_led = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_RED) red_led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) green_led = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_GREEN) green_led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) blue_led = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE) blue_led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) # Cycle all LEDs on and off # Red on red_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) time.sleep(1) # Green on, Red off green_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) red_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW) time.sleep(1) # Blue on, Green off blue_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) green_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW) time.sleep(1) # Red on (Purple) red_led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH)
if button_held >= 3: loop = False # Change while loop's exit condition since button was held long enough print( "Exiting... because button was held down for more than 3 seconds (" + str(button_held) + " to be exact)\n") else: print("Button was held down for " + str(button_held) + " seconds\n") return 0 # Main code starts here print("\nStarting up... please wait") led = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_BLUE) # Allocate Blue LED GPIO pin led.set_dir( iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) # Set Blue LED GPIO pin to "output" led.write(iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW) # Turn off Blue LED button = iot_hw.gpio( iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_PIN_98) # Allocate User Button GPIO pin button.set_dir( iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_INPUT) # Configure User BUtton as "input" button.interrupt_request( iot_hw.gpio_irq_trig. GPIO_IRQ_TRIG_BOTH, # Trigger interrupt when pressing down on button my_callback_fcn) # Run my_callback_fcn() after the interrupt is generated w = wwan() # Create instances of WWAN LED class and set equal to 'w' # Turn off WWAN LED
TWILIO_URL = r'' TWILIO_SID = r'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' TWILIO_AUTH = r'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' SMS_FROM = r'+12165551212' SMS_TO = r'+12145551212' #### Setup the MAL and data connection ######################################## network_handler = # Connect to network_handler.set_connection_mode( 1, # Mode: 0 - Always, 1 - On-demand 10, # On-demand Timeout: Disconnect in mins if no access 2) # Manual Mode: 0 - Disconnect, 1 - Connect (Always/on-demand), # 2 - Connect once #### Initialize the GPIO connected to the SK2 User Button ##################### button = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_USER_BUTTON) button.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_INPUT) if button_state = 'up' else: button_state = 'down' data = 'Body="button": ' + button_state curl_url = " " + TWILIO_URL + "/" + TWILIO_SID + "/Messages.json" curl_cmd = " -X POST" curl_to = " --data-urlencode 'To=" + SMS_TO + "'" curl_from = " --data-urlencode 'From=" + SMS_FROM + "'" curl_data = " --data-urlencode '" + data + "'" curl_auth = " -u " + TWILIO_SID + ":" + TWILIO_AUTH import time # Needed for time.sleep() function import iot_hw # Allows access to SK2 hardware resources # Define 'ON' and 'OFF' ON = iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH OFF = iot_hw.gpio_level.GPIO_LEVEL_LOW # Allocate and configure GPIO as output for Red LED red_led = iot_hw.gpio(iot_hw.gpio_pin.GPIO_LED_RED) red_led.set_dir(iot_hw.gpio_direction.GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT) # Red on red_led.write(ON) time.sleep(1) # Red off red_led.write(OFF) # Release Red LED resource red_led.close()