Exemple #1
On left there is an array of dimension name that will generate the 
dimension vales on the right
['company', 'company_id', 'company_code']: ['ABC', 'ACME', 'JDI']
['plant', 'plant_id', 'plant_code']: ['Zhongshun', 'Holtsburg', 'Midway']
['plant', 'plant_id', 'plant_code']: ['US', 'CA', 'UK', 'DE']
['firmware', 'firmware_version']: ['1.0', '1.12', '1.13', '2.1']
['manufacturer']: ['Rentech', 'GHI Industries']
['zone']: ['27A', '27B', '27C']
['status', 'status_code']: ['inactive', 'active']
['operator', 'operator_id', 'person', 'employee']: ['Fred', 'Joe', 'Mary', 'Steve', 'Henry', 'Jane', 'Hillary', 'Justin', 'Rod']

3.3 Other dimension name
Any other dimension name other than the one above will generate random values
db.drop_table(dim_table_name, schema=schema)
entity_type.make_dimension(dim_table_name, Column('company', String(50)),
                           Column('status', String(50)),
                           Column('operator', String(50)),
                           **{'schema': schema})

To test the execution of kpi calculations defined for the entity type locally
use this function.

A local test will not update the server job log or write kpi data to the AS data
lake. Instead kpi data is written to the local filesystem in csv form.
# entity_type.exec_local_pipeline(**{'_production_mode': False})

Create a database object to access Watson IOT Platform Analytics DB.
db = Database(credentials = credentials)
db_schema = None #  set if you are not using the default

To do anything with IoT Platform Analytics, you will need one or more entity type.
You can create entity types through the IoT Platform or using the python API as shown below.
The database schema is only needed if you are not using the default schema. You can also rename the timestamp.
entity_name = settings.ENTITY_NAME or 'buildings'
db_schema = settings.DB_SCHEMA or "BLUADMIN" # None  # replace if you are not using the default schema
db.drop_table(entity_name, schema = db_schema)

# Credentials to access Building Insights API.
# TENANT_ID = settings.TENANT_ID
URL = settings.URL

entity = EntityType(entity_name, db,
                    # following columns can be dynamically generated based on meters associated with each asset
                    # Column('energy_value',Float()),
                    # Column('energy_unit',String(50)),
Exemple #3
        '_db_schema': db_schema
Now that we have defined simulation parameters and attached them to an EntityDataGenerater
object on an EntityType we can run the AS calculation pipeline to execute the generator.

When running the calculation pipeline it is important to set a start_date in the past. Since
these dimensions change slowly, we will only see changes when looking a large enough
time window.

The default frequency for automatic generation of SCD data is 2 days. By starting the pipeline
30 days in the past we will see history. 

db.drop_table(scd_name, schema=db_schema)
start_date = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=30)
After running this, you can take a look at the structure and content of the SCD input
table that was generated. When building your own SCD table and populating it manually
you will need to conform to this structure.

deviceid    start_date                  end_date                    owner
73004	    2019-07-24-	2019-07-27-	Jane S
73004	    2019-07-27-	2019-08-14-	Steve S
73004	    2019-08-14-	2019-08-15-	Fred K
73004	    2019-08-15-	2019-08-20-	Jane S
73004	    2019-08-20-	2019-08-21-	John H
73004	    2019-08-21-	2262-04-11-	Harry L
Create a database object to access Watson IOT Platform Analytics DB.
db = Database(credentials=credentials)
db_schema = None
entity_name = 'Equipment'  # choose a valid entity type name
test_entity = ServerEntityType(entity_name, db=db, db_schema=db_schema)
To do anything with IoT Platform Analytics, you will need one or more entity type.
You can create entity types through the IoT Platform or using the python API as shown below.
The database schema is only needed if you are not using the default schema. You can also rename the timestamp.
entity_name = 'Equipment2'
db.drop_table(entity_name, schema = db_schema)

entity = EntityType(entity_name,db,
                    Column('ASSET_ID', String(50)),
                    Column('ENTITY_ID', String(50)),

                    Column('TEMP_Y', Float()),
domain of values. 

Let's add additional numeric and non-numeric data to the dimension and set 
simulation parameters for them.

load_rating is a numeric dimension property with a mean of 500 and a default standard deviation
maintenance_org has a custom domain 

Important: When altering the dimension it is important to drop it first. The make_dimension
method attempts to reuse an existing table if there is one. In this case there is one and it
contains the wrong columns. We must drop it first so that make_dimension can create
a new dimension.


db.drop_table('sim_test_dimension', schema=db_schema)

entity.make_dimension('sim_test_dimension', Column('manufacturer', String(50)), Column('load_rating', Float()),
                      Column('maintenance_org', String(50)))

sim_parameters = {"data_item_mean": {'temp': 22, 'pressure': 320, 'load_rating': 500},
                  "data_item_sd": {'temp': 2, 'pressure': 5},
                  "data_item_domain": {'category_code': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'maintenance_org': ['Lunar Parts', 'Relco']},
                  "start_entity_id": 1000, "auto_entity_count": 10, "freq": '30S'  # 30 sec

entity.generate_data(days=0.5, drop_existing=True, **sim_parameters)

Exemple #6
x0, x1 and x2 are independent random variables
y0 is also an independent random variable - it will not be possible to predict this variable
y1 is a direct linear function of x1 and x2 - it will be a breeze to predict
y2 is y1 with some added noise thrown in to make it more difficult to fit a model
y3 has a non linear relation to x1 and x2, but will be easy to predict with the right estimator
y4 is y3 with some noise

We will start by trying to predict the easy on: y1 using the SimpleRegressor function.


entity_name = 'predict_test'  # you can give your entity type a better nane
db = Database(credentials=credentials)
db_schema = None  # set if you are not using the default

fn_gen = bif.EntityDataGenerator(output_item='generator_ok')
fn_dep1 = bif.PythonExpression(  # linear relatoionship
    '5*df["x1"]-df["x2"]', 'y1')
fn_dep2 = bif.PythonExpression(
    'df["x1"]*df["x1"]-df["x2"]',  # non-linear relationship
fn_noise = bif.RandomNoise(  # add noise to y1 and y3 to produce y2 and y4
    input_items=['y1', 'y3'],
    output_items=['y2', 'y4'])

job_settings = {
    'delete_existing_models': True,
1. Create a database object to access Watson IOT Platform Analytics DB.
db = Database(credentials=credentials)
2. To do anything with IoT Platform Analytics, you will need one or more entity type.
You can create entity types through the IoT Platform or using the python API as shown below.
When creating a new entity type you can create it's corresponding dimension table as shown below.
The database schema is only needed if you are not using the default schema. You can also rename the timestamp.
entity_name = 'issue455_0'
entity_dimension_lower = entity_name.lower() + '_dimension'
entity_dimension_upper = entity_name.upper() + '_dimension'

db.drop_table(entity_name, schema=db_schema)
db.drop_table(entity_dimension_lower, schema=db_schema)
db.drop_table(entity_dimension_upper, schema=db_schema)

entity = EntityType(
    entity_name, db, Column('TURBINE_ID', String(50)),
    Column('TEMPERATURE', Float()), Column('PRESSURE', Float()),
    Column('STEP', Float()), Column('PRESS_X', Float()),
    Column('PRESS_Y', Float()), Column('TEMP_X', Float()),
    Column('TEMP_Y', Float()),
        output_item='http_preload_done'), **{
            '_timestamp': 'evt_timestamp',
            '_db_schema': db_schema