Exemple #1
def basic_cloud(mock_cloud_private_nossl):
    """A basic mock iotile.cloud initialized with default information.

    There is a single project with 5 devices that have ids 1-5 and
    a second inaccessible project with 1 device (id 6) in it.


    domain, cloud = mock_cloud_private_nossl

    reg = ComponentRegistry()
    reg.set_config('cloud:server', domain)
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token', 'JWT_USER')
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token_type', 'jwt')

    cloud.quick_add_user('*****@*****.**', 'test')
    proj_id, _proj_slug = cloud.quick_add_project()
    proj2_id, _proj_slug = cloud.quick_add_project()

    devs = [
        cloud.quick_add_device(proj_id, x, streamers=[100, 200])
        for x in range(1, 6)
    client = IOTileCloud()


    cloud.quick_add_sg(slug="water-meter-v1-1-0", app_tag=123)
    cloud.quick_add_sg(slug="water-meter-v1-1-1", app_tag=124)

    cloud.quick_add_dt(slug="internaltestingtemplate-v0-1-0", os_tag=234)
    cloud.quick_add_dt(slug="internaltestingtemplate-v0-1-1", os_tag=235)

    yield client, proj_id, cloud
Exemple #2
    def refresh_token(self):
        """Attempt to refresh out cloud token with iotile.cloud."""

        if self.token_type != 'jwt':
            raise DataError(
                "Attempting to refresh a token that does not need to be refreshed",

        conf = ConfigManager()
        domain = conf.get('cloud:server')

        url = '{}/api/v1/auth/api-jwt-refresh/'.format(domain)

        resp = self.api.session.post(url, json={'token': self.token})
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise ExternalError("Could not refresh token",

        data = resp.json()

        # Save token that we just refreshed to the registry and update our own token
        self.token = data['token']

        reg = ComponentRegistry()
        reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token', self.token)
Exemple #3
def test_create_delete():
    """Make sure we can create, fetch and delete config vars
    reg = ComponentRegistry()

    reg.set_config('test1', 'hello')

    val = reg.get_config('test1')
    assert val == 'hello'

    reg.set_config('test1', 'hello2')
    val = reg.get_config('test1')
    assert val == 'hello2'


    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
Exemple #4
    def impersonate_device(self, device_id):
        """Convert our token to a permanent device token.

        This function is most useful for creating virtual IOTile devices whose access to iotile.cloud
        is based on their device id, not any particular user's account.

        There are a few differences between device tokens and user tokens:
         - Device tokens never expire and don't need to be refreshed
         - Device tokens are more restricted in what they can access in IOTile.cloud than user tokens

            device_id (int): The id of the device that we want to get a token for.

        slug = device_id_to_slug(device_id)
        token_type = IOTileCloud.DEVICE_TOKEN_TYPE

            resp = self.api.device(slug).key.get(
            token = resp['key']
        except RestHttpBaseException as exc:
            raise ExternalError("Error calling method on iotile.cloud",

        self.api.set_token(token, token_type=token_type)
        self.token = token
        self.token_type = token_type

        reg = ComponentRegistry()
        reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token', self.token)
        reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token_type', self.token_type)
        reg.set_config('arch:cloud_device', slug)
Exemple #5
def link_cloud(self, username=None, password=None, device_id=None):
    """Create and store a token for interacting with the IOTile Cloud API.

    You will need to call link_cloud once for each virtualenv that
    you create and want to use with any api calls that touch iotile cloud.

    Note that this method is called on a ConfigManager instance

    If you do not pass your username or password it will be prompted from
    you securely on stdin.

    If you are logging in for a user, the token will expire periodically and you
    will have to relogin.

    If you pass a device_id, you can obtain a limited token for that device
    that will never expire, assuming you have access to that device.

        username (string): Your iotile.cloud username.  This is prompted
            from stdin if not provided.
        password (string): Your iotile.cloud password.  This is prompted
            from stdin if not provided.
        device_id (int): Optional device id to obtain permanent credentials
            for a device.

    reg = ComponentRegistry()

    domain = self.get('cloud:server')

    if username is None:
        # Both python 2 and 3 require native strings to be passed into getpass
        prompt_str = "Please enter your IOTile.cloud email: "
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            prompt_str = prompt_str.encode('utf-8')

        username = input(prompt_str)

    if password is None:
        # Both python 2 and 3 require native strings to be passed into getpass
        prompt_str = "Please enter your IOTile.cloud password: "******"Could not login to iotile.cloud as user %s" %

    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_user', cloud.username)
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token', cloud.token)
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token_type', cloud.token_type)

    if device_id is not None:
        cloud = IOTileCloud()
Exemple #6
def hw_man(gateway, local_broker):
    """Create a HardwareManager that can talk to our gateway over the local broker."""

    reg = ComponentRegistry()
    reg.set_config('awsiot-endpoint', '')
    reg.set_config('awsiot-rootcert', '')
    reg.set_config('awsiot-iamkey', '')
    reg.set_config('awsiot-iamtoken', '')

    hw_dev = HardwareManager(port="awsiot:devices/d--0000-0000-0000-0002")

    yield hw_dev

Exemple #7
class ConfigManager(object):
    """A class for managing typed configuration variables

    ConfigManager can be used to querying which config variables are defined
    and to set or get the currently defined variables.
    def __init__(self):
        self._known_variables = {}
        self._reg = ComponentRegistry()

    def _load_providers(self):
        """Load all config_variables providers using pkg_resources

        reg = ComponentRegistry()
        for name, provider in reg.load_extensions('iotile.config_variables'):
                prefix, conf_vars = provider()
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
                raise ExternalError("Error loading config variables",

            for var in conf_vars:
                if len(var) != 3 and len(var) != 4:
                    raise ExternalError(
                        "Error loading config variable, invalid length",

                name = prefix + ':' + var[0]
                if len(var) == 3:
                    var_obj = ConfigVariable(var[0], var[1], var[2], MISSING)
                    var_obj = ConfigVariable(name, var[1], var[2], var[3])

                if name in self._known_variables:
                    raise ExternalError(
                        "The same config variable was defined twice",

                self._known_variables[name] = var_obj

    def _load_functions(self):
        """Load all config functions that should be bound to this ConfigManager

        Config functions allow you to add functions that will appear under ConfigManager
        but call your specified function.  This is useful for adding complex configuration
        behavior that is callable from the iotile command line tool

        reg = ComponentRegistry()
        for _, conf_func in reg.load_extensions('iotile.config_function'):
                name = conf_func.__name__

                self.add_function(name, conf_func)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
                raise ExternalError("Error loading config function",

    def _format_variable(self, name, var):
        """Format a helpful string describing a config variable

            name (string): The prefixed name of the config variable
            var (ConfigVariable): the variable to format

            string: The formatted string in the form name (type): (default %s) description

        if var.default is MISSING:
            return "%s (%s): %s [no default]" % (name, var.type,

        return "%s (%s): %s [default: %s]" % (name, var.type, var.description,

    @param("glob", "string", desc="Glob pattern for finding config variables")
    def list(self, glob):
        """List all matching config variables

        The glob parameter should be a wildcard expression like:
        build:* to find all config variables defined with a build prefix.

            string[]: A list of string descriptions containing descriptions and
                type information.

        known_vars = [
            x for x in sorted(self._known_variables)
            if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, glob)
        return [
            '- ' + self._format_variable(x, self._known_variables[x])
            for x in known_vars

    @param("name", "string", desc="Config variable to find")
    def get(self, name):
        """Get the current value of a config variable

        if name not in self._known_variables:
            raise ArgumentError("Unknown config variable", name=name)

        var = self._known_variables[name]

            val = self._reg.get_config(name)
        except ArgumentError:
            if var.default is not MISSING:
                val = var.default
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "Config variable not set and there is no default value",

        typed_val = type_system.convert_to_type(val, var.type)
        return typed_val

    @param("name", "string", desc="Config variable to find")
    def remove(self, name):
        """Remove any currently defined values for the named variable


    @param("name", "string", desc="Config variable to set")
    @param("value", "string", desc="Value to set")
    def set(self, name, value):
        """Set the current avlue of a config variable

        if name not in self._known_variables:
            raise ArgumentError("Unknown config variable", name=name)

        self._reg.set_config(name, value)

    @param("name", "string", desc="Config variable to find")
    def describe(self, name):
        """Describe a config variable by name

            string: A short description of what the variable is used for

        if name not in self._known_variables:
            raise ArgumentError("Unknown config variable", name=name)

        var = self._known_variables[name]
        return self._format_variable(name, var)

    def add_variable(self, name, var_type, desc, default=MISSING):
        """Add a temporary variable to the config variable manager

        This function is mainly useful for testing since it does not
        persistently store information about the variable.

            name (string): The name of the variable
            var_type (string): The type of the variable.  This should be a type
                known to the type_system.
            desc (string): The description of what this variable is for
            default (string): An optional default value for the variable

        self._known_variables[name] = ConfigVariable(name, var_type, desc,

    def add_function(self, name, callable):
        """Add a config function to the config variable manager

        Config functions are like config variables but are functions
        rather than variables.  Sometimes you want to expose configuration
        but you really need a function to actually do it.  For example,
        let's say you want to store a github OAUTH token on behalf of a
        user.  You would like a config function like `link_github` that
        walks the user through logging in to github and getting a token
        then you would like to save that token into the config manager like

        add_function lets you bind a method to ConfigManager dynamically.
        The function should be a normal function with its first argument
        as self and it is turned into a bound method on this instance
        of config manager.

            name (string): The attribute name for this function
            callable (callable): A function with first argument self
                that will be bound to this ConfigManager object as
                a method.

        if hasattr(self, name):
            raise ArgumentError(
                "Trying to add a Config function with a conflicting name",

        bound_callable = callable.__get__(self)
        setattr(self, name, bound_callable)
Exemple #8
def ota_cloud(mock_cloud_private_nossl):
    """A basic mock iotile.cloud initialized with default information.

    There is a single project with 5 devices that have ids 1-5 and
    a second inaccessible project with 1 device (id 6) in it.

    Also adds ota deployments with various tags to check tagging logic


    domain, cloud = mock_cloud_private_nossl

    reg = ComponentRegistry()
    reg.set_config('cloud:server', domain)
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token', 'JWT_USER')
    reg.set_config('arch:cloud_token_type', 'jwt')

    cloud.quick_add_user('*****@*****.**', 'test')
    proj_id, _proj_slug = cloud.quick_add_project()
    proj2_id, _proj_slug = cloud.quick_add_project()

    devs = [
        cloud.quick_add_device(proj_id, x, streamers=[100, 200])
        for x in range(1, 7)
    ota_devs = [cloud.quick_add_ota_device_info(x) for x in range(1, 7)]
    client = IOTileCloud()


    cloud.quick_add_sg(slug="water-meter-v1-1-0", app_tag=123)
    cloud.quick_add_sg(slug="water-meter-v1-1-1", app_tag=124)

    cloud.quick_add_dt(slug="internaltestingtemplate-v0-1-0", os_tag=234)
    cloud.quick_add_dt(slug="internaltestingtemplate-v0-1-1", os_tag=235)

    # Need to create a fleet to start OTA
    cloud.quick_add_fleet(devices=[1, 2], fleet_slug=1)
    cloud.quick_add_fleet(devices=[4, 5], fleet_slug=2)
    cloud.quick_add_fleet(devices=[1, 2, 4, 5, 6], fleet_slug=3)
    cloud.quick_add_fleet(devices=[1, 3, 4, 6], fleet_slug=4)

    # should always try to deploy from fleet 1 or 2 first, since they were added to the list first
    # even though release date is the same, order added takes precedence in this case

    criteria_eq = [
        'os_tag:eq:234', 'app_tag:eq:123', 'os_version:eq:0.0.2',
    criteria_gt = [
        'os_tag:eq:233', 'app_tag:eq:122', 'os_version:gt:0.0.2',

    criteria_lt = [
        'os_tag:eq:235', 'app_tag:eq:124', 'os_version:lt:0.0.2',




    yield client, proj_id, cloud