Exemple #1
 def _commit(self):
     Checkout the defined branch and create a commit
     from changes in given config path.
     The flag `self.changes` is switched to True
     if there were changes to commit.
     :rtype: None
     :raises ManagerError: when checkout/add/commit fails
     commit_msg = '%s at %s' % (
         self.msg, time.strftime('%d %h %Y %H:%M:%S'))
     self.lg.debug('Using commit message: %s', commit_msg)
         self.git.checkout(['-B', self.args.branch])
         self.git.add(['-A', '.'])
         self.git.commit(['-m', commit_msg])
     except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e:
         if re.search('nothing to commit', e.stdout):
             self.lg.info('No changes, nothing to commit')
             err = '; '.join(i for i in [e.stdout, e.stderr] if i)
             raise ManagerError('Committing failed: %s' % err)
     except Exception as e:
         raise ManagerError('Committing failed: %s' % e)
     self.changes = True
     self.lg.info('Committed successfully')
 def check_user_necessary_labels(self, user, group):
     Check if `user` has all the necessary labels for membership in `group`.
     :param str name: name of the user to check
     :param str group: name of the group to check
     :returns: True if `user ` has all required labels, False otherwise
     :rtype: bool
     :raises ManagerError: if `user` or `group` is not defined in config
     user_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'user', user)
     if not user_entity:
         raise ManagerError('User %s does not exist in config' % user)
     group_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'group', group)
     if not group_entity:
         raise ManagerError('Group %s does not exist in config' % group)
     user_labels = self._get_labels(user_entity)
     required = self._list_necessary_labels(group_entity, include_self=True)
     result = all(label in user_labels for label in required)
     if result:
         self.lg.info('User %s DOES have all required labels for group %s',
                      user, group)
         self.lg.info('User %s DOES NOT have required labels for group %s',
                      user, group)
     return result
 def check_user_membership(self, user, group):
     Check if `user` is a member of a `group`.
     This function serves as a wrapper for easy usage from other scripts.
     :param str user: name of the user to check
     :param str group: name of the group to check
     :returns: True if `user` is a member of `group`, False otherwise
     :rtype: bool
     user_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'user', user)
     if not user_entity:
         raise ManagerError('User %s does not exist in config' % user)
     group_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'group', group)
     if not group_entity:
         raise ManagerError('Group %s does not exist in config' % group)
     return bool(self.check_membership(user_entity, group_entity))
 def list_groups(self, user):
     Find all groups that `user` is a member of.
     This function serves as a wrapper for easy import into other scripts.
     :param str user: name of the user to check
     :returns: generator of group names that `user` is a member of
     :rtype: generator
     user_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'user', user)
     if not user_entity:
         raise ManagerError('User %s does not exist in config' % user)
     groups = self.build_graph(user_entity)
     return (i.name for i in groups)
Exemple #5
 def _push(self):
     Push the commited change to given remote branch.
     NOTE: The remote name used is identical to GitHub user name supplied.
           The remote has to be pre-configured in the repo (e.g. by Puppet).
     :rtype: NoneType
     :raises ManagerError: when pushing fails (bad credentials etc.)
         self.git.push([self.args.user, self.args.branch, '-f'])
     except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e:
         raise ManagerError('Pushing failed: %s' % e.stderr)
     self.lg.debug('Pushed to %s/%s successfully',
                   self.args.user, self.args.branch)
 def _resolve_entities(self, entity_list):
     Find entities from config based on their types and names.
     :param [str] entity_list: entities in type:name format
     :returns: list of resolved entities
     :rtype: [FreeIPAEntity]
     :raises ManagerError: if an entity is not defined in config
     result = []
     for entity_type, entity_name in entity_list:
         resolved = find_entity(self.entities, entity_type, entity_name)
         if not resolved:
             raise ManagerError('%s %s not found in config'
                                % (entity_type, entity_name))
     return result
 def check_label_necessary(self, label, group):
     Check if `label` is necessary for membership in `group`.
     :param str label: label value
     :param str group: name of the group to start the check from
     :returns: True if `label` is needed, False otherwise
     :rtype: bool
     :raises ManagerError: if `group` is not defined in config
     group_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'group', group)
     if not group_entity:
         raise ManagerError('Group %s does not exist in config' % group)
     labels = self._list_necessary_labels(group_entity, include_self=True)
     result = label in labels
     if result:
         self.lg.info('Label %s IS necessary for group %s', label, group)
         self.lg.info("Label %s ISN'T necessary for group %s", label, group)
     return result
 def list_necessary_labels(self, group):
     Find labels that an entity needs to have based on its membership.
     Serves as wrapper around the related private method
     (plus entity resolution based on group name).
     :param str group: name of group whose labels to list
     :returns: list of labels defined for nested groups (and entity itself)
     :rtype: [str]
     :raises ManagerError: if `group` is not defined in config
     group_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'group', group)
     if not group_entity:
         raise ManagerError('Group %s does not exist in config' % group)
     labels = self._list_necessary_labels(group_entity, include_self=True)
     if labels:
         self.lg.info('Group %s requires labels: [%s]',
                      group, ', '.join(labels))
         self.lg.info('Group %s requires NO labels', group)
     return labels
 def list_user_missing_labels(self, user):
     List labels that a user is missing and is expected to have
     based on their group membership.
     :param str user: name of user whose labels to check
     :returns: set of labels that `user` is missing
     :rtype: {str}
     :raises ManagerError: if `user` is not defined in config
     user_entity = find_entity(self.entities, 'user', user)
     if not user_entity:
         raise ManagerError('User %s does not exist in config' % user)
     necessary = set(self.list_necessary_labels(user_entity))
     current = set(self._get_labels(user_entity))
     missing = necessary.difference(current)
     if missing:
         self.lg.info('User %s misses labels: {%s}',
                      user, ', '.join(missing))
         self.lg.info('User %s misses NO labels', user)
     return missing
Exemple #10
 def _create_pull_request(self):
     Create a GitHub pull request with pulled changes. As pull request head,
     the branch supplied/generated during forwarder initialization is used.
     Pushing & PR creation is executed only if `self.changes` flag
     was set to True by the `_commit` method (i.e. there is a new commit).
     :rtype: None
     :raises ManagerError: if PR creation fails
     if not self.changes:
         self.lg.info('Not creating PR because there were no changes')
     response = self._make_request()
     parsed = response.json()
     if response.ok:
         url = parsed['html_url']
         self.lg.info('Pull request %s created successfully' % url)
         err = self._parse_github_error(parsed)
         if 'A pull request already exists' in err:
             self.lg.info('PR already exists, not creating another one.')
             raise ManagerError('Creating PR failed: %s' % err)