Exemple #1
def taylor_green(n):
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    nu = 1 / 100

    U_e = ('-(cos(pi*(x[0]))*sin(pi*(x[1]))) * exp(-2.0*nu*pi*pi*t)',
           ' (cos(pi*(x[1]))*sin(pi*(x[0]))) * exp(-2.0*nu*pi*pi*t)')

    P_e = '-0.25*(cos(2*pi*(x[0])) + cos(2*pi*(x[1]))) * exp(-4.0*nu*pi*pi*t)'

    u_e = Expression(U_e, degree=3, t=0, nu=float(nu))

    K_e = 0.5 * assemble(inner(u_e, u_e) * dx(mesh))

    (u1, p1, time1) = chorin_method(mesh, c_d, U_e, P_e)

    K1 = 0.5 * assemble(inner(u1, u1) * dx(mesh))
    er1 = K_e - K1

    (u2, p2, time2) = ipcs_method(mesh, c_d, U_e, P_e)
    K2 = 0.5 * assemble(inner(u2, u2) * dx(mesh))
    er2 = K_e - K2

    (u3, p3, time3) = galerkin_method(mesh, c_d, U_e, P_e)
    K3 = 0.5 * assemble(inner(u3, u3) * dx(mesh))
    er3 = K_e - K3

    degrees1 = u1.vector().size() + p1.vector().size()
    degrees2 = u3.vector().size() + p3.vector().size()

    return mesh, er1, er2, er3, time1, time2, time3, degrees1, degrees2
def cylinder_flow(n):
    channel = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2.2, 0.41))
    cylinder = Circle(Point(0.2, 0.2), 0.05)
    domain = channel - cylinder
    mesh = generate_mesh(domain, n)

    p_e = -0.111444953719

    (u1, p1, time1) = chorin_method(mesh)

    p1_a = p1(0.45, 0.2)
    p1_b = p1(0.55, 0.2)
    p_1 = p1_b - p1_a
    er1 = p_e - p_1

    (u2, p2, time2) = ipcs_method(mesh)
    p2_a = p2(0.45, 0.2)
    p2_b = p2(0.55, 0.2)
    p_2 = p2_b - p2_a
    er2 = p_e - p_2

    (u3, p3, time3) = galerkin_method(mesh)
    p3_a = p3(0.45, 0.2)
    p3_b = p3(0.55, 0.2)
    p_3 = p3_b - p3_a
    er3 = p_e - p_3

    degrees1 = u1.vector().size() + p1.vector().size()
    degrees2 = u3.vector().size() + p3.vector().size()

    return mesh, er1, er2, er3, time1, time2, time3, degrees1, degrees2
u1_a = u1(1.0, 0.5)[0]

print('Tempo chorin: ', fim1 - inicio1)
print('velocidade x : ', u1_a)
errorChorin = 1 - (u_e - u1_a) / u_e
print('error chorin: ', errorChorin)
print('degrees of freedom:  ', u1.vector().size() + p1.vector().size())

plt.savefig('VelocityChorin' + str(i) + '.png')
plt.savefig('PressureChorin' + str(i) + '.png')

inicio2 = time.time()
(u2, p2) = ipcs_method(rho, n, k, u, v, nu, f, p, q, bcu, bcp, dt, V, Q, teste,
                       u0, p0, T)
fim2 = time.time()

u2_a = u2(1.0, 0.5)[0]

print('Tempo IPCS: ', fim2 - inicio2)
print('velocidade x : ', u2_a)
errorChorin = 1 - (u_e - u2_a) / u_e
print('error IPCS: ', errorChorin)
print('degrees of freedom:  ', u2.vector().size() + p2.vector().size())

Exemple #4
def pressure_driven(n):
	mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
	h = mesh.hmin()
	V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
	Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

	# Define Boundaries and Boundary Condictions
	inflow = 'near(x[0], 0)'
	outflow = 'near(x[0], 1)'
	walls   = 'near(x[1], 0) || near(x[1], 1)'

	bcu_noslip  = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0.0, 0.0)), walls)
	bcp_in  = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(1.0), inflow)
	bcp_out = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0.0), outflow)
	bcu = [bcu_noslip]
	bcp = [bcp_in, bcp_out]

	# Define variacional parameters
	u = TrialFunction(V)
	p = TrialFunction(Q)
	v = TestFunction(V)
	q = TestFunction(Q)

	# Set parameter values
	T = 0.5           # final time
	dt = 0.2*h/1. # time step CFL with 1 = max. velocity

	# Set parameter values
	T = 0.5           # final time
	dt = 0.2*h/1. # time step CFL with 1 = max. velocity

	nu = 1/8             # kinematic viscosity
	rho = 1
	k = dt
	u0 = Constant((0.0, 0.0))
	p0 = Constant(0.0)
	f = Constant((0.0, 0.0))

	teste = 0
	u_e = 0.44321183655
	inicio1 = time.time()
	(u1,p1) = chorin_method(k, u, v, nu, f, p, q, bcu, bcp, dt, V, Q, teste, u0, p0, T)
	fim1 = time.time()
	time1 = (fim1 - inicio1)

	u1_a = u1(1.0,0.5)[0]
	er1 = u_e - u1_a

	(u2,p2,time2) = ipcs_method(mesh)
	u2_a = u2(1.0,0.5)[0]
	er2 = u_e - u2_a

	(u3, p3, time3) = galerkin_method(mesh)
	u3_a = u3(1.0,0.5)[0]
	er3 = u_e - u3_a

	degrees1 = u1.vector().size() + p1.vector().size()
	degrees2 = u3.vector().size() + p3.vector().size()

	return mesh, er1, er2, er3, time1, time2, time3, degrees1, degrees2
def driven_cavity(n):
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    h = mesh.hmin()
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

    # Define Boundaries and Boundary Condictions
    upperedge = 'near(x[1], 1)'
    noslip = 'near(x[1], 0) || near(x[0], 1) || near(x[0], 0)'

    bcu_noslip = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0.0, 0.0)), noslip)
    bcu_top = DirichletBC(V, Constant((1.0, 0.0)), upperedge)
    bcu = [bcu_noslip, bcu_top]
    bcp = []

    # Define variacional parameters
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    p = TrialFunction(Q)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    q = TestFunction(Q)

    # Set parameter values
    T = 2.5  # final time
    dt = 0.2 * h / 1.  # time step CFL with 1 = max. velocity

    nu = 1 / 1000  # kinematic viscosity
    k = dt
    u0 = Constant((0.0, 0.0))
    p0 = Constant(0.0)
    f = Constant((0.0, 0.0))
    rho = 1
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)

    teste = 0
    psi_e = -0.0585236
    inicio1 = time.time()
    (u1, p1) = chorin_method(k, u, v, nu, f, p, q, bcu, bcp, dt, V, Q, teste,
                             u0, p0, T)
    fim1 = time.time()
    time1 = (fim1 - inicio1)

    psi1 = stream_function(u1)
    stream_min1 = np.array(psi1.vector()).min()
    er1 = psi_e - stream_min1

    inicio2 = time.time()
    (u2, p2) = ipcs_method(rho, n, k, u, v, nu, f, p, q, bcu, bcp, dt, V, Q,
                           teste, u0, p0, T)
    fim2 = time.time()
    time2 = (fim2 - inicio2)

    psi2 = stream_function(u2)
    stream_min2 = np.array(psi2.vector()).min()
    er2 = psi_e - stream_min2

    (u3, p3, time3) = galerkin_method(mesh)
    psi3 = stream_function(u3)
    stream_min3 = np.array(psi3.vector()).min()
    er3 = psi_e - stream_min3

    degrees1 = u1.vector().size() + p1.vector().size()
    degrees2 = u3.vector().size() + p3.vector().size()

    return mesh, er1, er2, er3, time1, time2, time3, degrees1, degrees2