def fft_display(im, videoFilename=None):

   rows = im.shape[0]
   cols = im.shape[1]
   template = np.zeros((rows, cols))

   # Generates the FFt
   FFT = np.fft.fft2(im)
   FFT = np.fft.fftshift(FFT)
   logFFT = np.log10(np.abs(FFT))
   logFFT = (logFFT/np.max(logFFT)) * 255

   # Creates array to poulate with max values
   maxValues = np.flipud(np.argsort(logFFT.flatten()))
   used = template.copy()
   current = template.copy()
   scaled = template.copy()
   summed = template.copy()

   # creates writer and image window
   writer = video_writer(im.shape,videoFilename)

   for i in maxValues:
      # puts freq into used array
      used.flat[i] = logFFT.flat[i]

      # returns spatial sine wave for freq
      template.flat[i] =  logFFT.flat[i]
      current = np.fft.ifft2(template)
      template.flat[i] = 0
      #scales the current array and sums all freqs
      scaled = ((current - np.min(current))/ np.max(current)) *255
      summed = summed + current

      # stitching all images together
      frame =  stitch(im,logFFT,used,current,scaled,summed)
      if writer.isOpened():
      # shows the image

      action = ipcv.flush()
      if action == "pause":
         action = ipcv.flush()
         if action == "pause":

      elif action == "exit":
Exemple #2
def dft2(f, scale=True, method='break', verbose=False):

    #initialize variables
    shape = f.shape
    j = complex(0, 1)
    e = math.exp(1)
    M = shape[0]
    N = shape[1]
    pi = math.pi
    f_x_y = numpy.zeros((shape), dtype=numpy.complex128)
    dst = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.complex128)

    # checkerboard image to center
    for x in range(0, shape[0]):
        for y in range(0, shape[1]):
            f[x, y] = f[x, y] * pow(-1, (x + y))

    #now compute fourier transform
    if method == 'together':  #discrete, four-loop method
        for u in range(0, shape[0]):
            for v in range(0, shape[1]):
                for x in range(0, shape[0]):
                    for y in range(0, shape[1]):
                        f_x_y[x, y] = f[x, y] * (e**(-j * 2 * pi *
                                                     (((u * x) / M) +
                                                      ((v * y) / N))))
                if scale == True:
                    dst[u, v] = sum(sum(f_x_y)) / (M * N)
                    dst[u, v] = sum(sum(f_x_y))
    if method == 'break':  #modified, less computationally-heavy method
        f_x_v = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for x in range(
                0, M
        ):  #use DFT algorithm twice, computing rows first, then columns.
            f_x_v[x, :] = dft(f[x, :], scale=scale, shift=False, verbose=False)

        for y in range(0, N):
            dst[:, y] = dft(f_x_v[:, y],

    # Optional display method
    if verbose == True:
        f_complex = dst[:, :] + 1j * dst[:, :]
        f_abs = numpy.abs(f_complex) + 1  # lie between 1 and 1e6
        f_bounded = 20 * numpy.log(f_abs)
        f_img = 255 * f_bounded / numpy.max(f_bounded)
        f_img = f_img.astype(numpy.uint8)
        cv2.imshow('F(z) of Source Image', f_img)
        return dst
        return dst
Exemple #3
def otsu_threshold(im, maxCount=255, verbose=False):

   hist = cv2.calcHist([im], [0], None, [maxCount+1], [0, maxCount+1])
   firstIndex = np.min(im)
   lastIndex = np.max(im)
   r = np.zeros(maxCount+1)
   for i in range(65, 206):

   threshold = np.argmax(r)

   threshIm = np.ones(np.shape(im))
   threshIm = threshIm * im, im < threshold, 0), im >= threshold, 1)

   return (threshIm, threshold)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   import cv2
   import ipcv
   import os.path
   import time

   home = os.path.expanduser('~')
   filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/giza.jpg'

   im = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
   print('Filename = {0}'.format(filename))
   print('Data type = {0}'.format(type(im)))
   print('Image shape = {0}'.format(im.shape))
   print('Image size = {0}'.format(im.size))

   startTime = time.time()
   thresholdedImage, threshold = ipcv.otsu_threshold(im, verbose=True)
   print('Elapsed time = {0} [s]'.format(time.time() - startTime))

   print('Threshold = {0}'.format(threshold))

   cv2.namedWindow(filename, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
   cv2.imshow(filename, im)
   cv2.namedWindow(filename + ' (Thresholded)', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
   cv2.imshow(filename + ' (Thresholded)', thresholdedImage * 255)

   action = ipcv.flush()
Exemple #4
def display(img,name='test'):
   maxCount = numpy.max(blankSheet)

   if (numRowsB-numColsB) % 2 != 0:
      blankSheet = numpy.pad(blankSheet, ((0,0),(pad1,pad1+1)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))
   elif (numRowsA-numColsA) % 2 == 0:
      blankSheet = numpy.pad(blankSheet, ((0,0),(pad1,pad1)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))

   return answerSheet, blankSheet

if __name__ == '__main__':
   #answerSheet1 = cv2.imread('gray0001.tif')
   answerSheet1 = cv2.imread('black0007.tif')
   #############FOR HIGH RES##############
   #blankSheet1 = cv2.imread('original300dpi.tif')
   #############FOR LOW RES##############
   blankSheet1 = cv2.imread('original.tif')
   answerSheet, blankSheet = paddingAnswers(answerSheet1, blankSheet1)
   cv2.namedWindow('Fiducial1 Padded', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
   cv2.imshow('Fiducial1 Padded', fiducial1.astype(numpy.uint8))
   cv2.namedWindow('Answer Sheet', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
   cv2.imshow('Answer Sheet', fiducial3)
   cv2.imwrite('fiducial1.tif', fiducial1)
   cv2.imwrite('fiducial2.tif', fiducial2)
   cv2.imwrite('fiducial3.tif', fiducial3)
   cv2.imwrite('answerSheet1.tif', answerSheet)
   action = ipcv.flush()
Exemple #6
    import time

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/crowd.jpg'
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/lenna.tif'
    #filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/redhat.ppm'
    #filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/lenna_color.tif'
    src = cv2.imread(filename)

    map1, map2 = ipcv.map_rotation_scale(src, rotation=30, scale=[1.3, 0.8])

    startTime = time.clock()
    dst = ipcv.remap(src,
    elapsedTime = time.clock() - startTime
    print('Elapsed time (remap) = {0} [s]'.format(elapsedTime))

    srcName = 'Source (' + filename + ')'
    cv2.namedWindow(srcName, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(srcName, src)

    dstName = 'Destination (' + filename + ')'
    cv2.namedWindow(dstName, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(dstName, dst)

Exemple #7
    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/redhat.ppm'
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/crowd.jpg'
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/checkerboard.tif'
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/lenna.tif'

    src = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    dstDepth = ipcv.IPCV_8U
    #kernel = numpy.asarray([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,9,-1],[-1,-1,-1]])
    # offset = 0
    # kernel = numpy.asarray([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,8,-1],[-1,-1,-1]])
    # offset = 128
    # kernel = numpy.ones((15,15))
    # offset = 0
    kernel = numpy.asarray([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    offset = 0

    startTime = time.time()
    dst = ipcv.filter2D(src, dstDepth, kernel, delta=offset)
    print('Elapsed time = {0} [s]'.format(time.time() - startTime))

    cv2.namedWindow(filename, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(filename, src)

    cv2.namedWindow(filename + ' (Filtered)', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(filename + ' (Filtered)', dst)

    action = ipcv.flush()
Exemple #8
def fft_display(img, videoFilename=None):
        img = img.copy()

        dims = ipcv.dimensions(img)
        r, c = dims["rows"], dims["cols"]
        temp = np.zeros((r, c))

        # generating FFT
        # FFT = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(img))
        # FFT = np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.fft2(img) )
        # logFFT = np.log( np.abs( FFT / np.sqrt(FFT.size) ) ).astype(ipcv.IPCV_8U)

        FFT = np.fft.fft2(img)
        # print("AVERAGE VALUE IS EQUAL TO:",FFT.flat[0])
        FFT = np.fft.fftshift(FFT)
        FFT = np.abs(FFT)
        logFFT = np.log10(FFT)
        logFFT = (logFFT / np.max(logFFT)) * 255

        print("MAX IS EQUAL TO:", np.max(logFFT))
        print("MIN IS EQUAL TO:", np.min(logFFT))

        # creating array to poulate with maximum values
        maximumValues = np.flipud(np.argsort(logFFT.flatten()))

        used = temp.copy()
        current = temp.copy()
        currentScaled = temp.copy()
        summed = temp.copy()

        #creating writer and image window
        writer = create_video_writer(img.shape, videoFilename)

        for freqIndex in maximumValues:
            # for index in np.arange(0,maximumValues.size,2)
            # puting frequency in 'used' array
            used.flat[freqIndex] = logFFT.flat[freqIndex]

            # returning the spatial sine wave for freq
            temp.flat[freqIndex] = logFFT.flat[freqIndex]
            current = np.fft.ifft2(temp)
            temp.flat[freqIndex] = 0

            print("MAX IS EQUAL TO:", np.max(current))
            print("MIN IS EQUAL TO:", np.min(current))

            #scaling the current
            currentScaled = (
                (current - np.min(current)) / np.max(current)) * 255

            #summing up all the freq
            summed = summed + current

            #stiching all images together
            frame = stich(img, logFFT, used, current, currentScaled, summed)

            print("frame dataType =", frame.dtype)
            #writing frame
            if writer.isOpened():

            #displaying image
            cv2.imshow(videoFilename, frame)

            action = ipcv.flush()
            if action == "pause":
                action = ipcv.flush()
                if action == "pause":

            elif action == "exit":

    except Exception as e:
    import ipcv
    import os.path
    import time

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/crowd.jpg'
    filename = home + os.path.sep + 'src/python/examples/data/lenna.tif'
    src = cv2.imread(filename)

    startTime = time.clock()
    map1, map2 = ipcv.map_rotation_scale(src, rotation=30, scale=[1.3, 0.8])
    #map1, map2 = ipcv.map_rotation_scale(src, rotation=0, scale=[2.0, 2.0])
    elapsedTime = time.clock() - startTime
    print('Elapsed time (map creation) = {0} [s]'.format(elapsedTime))

    startTime = time.clock()
    dst = cv2.remap(src, map1, map2, cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    #   dst = ipcv.remap(src, map1, map2, ipcv.INTER_NEAREST)
    elapsedTime = time.clock() - startTime
    print('Elapsed time (remapping) = {0} [s]'.format(elapsedTime))

    srcName = 'Source (' + filename + ')'
    cv2.namedWindow(srcName, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(srcName, src)

    dstName = 'Destination (' + filename + ')'
    cv2.namedWindow(dstName, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv2.imshow(dstName, dst)

def character_recognition(src, templates, threshold, filterType='spatial', verbose=False):
    Function to determine the number of characters (for each character) that
    exist in an image.

        Jesse Jurman (jrj2703)

        src (array of ints): image to read charcters from
        templates (array of arrays): images for each character to be read in
        threshold (float): how strong the response needs to be before it is
            considered a match
        filterType (string): type of filter to run with images.
            defaults to 'spatial', can be 'match'
        verbose (bool): plot character maps

        a list of the indicies for the templates, in the order that they appear
            on the source image
        a histogram (size of the array templates)

        ValueError: filterType of not spatial or matched

    isrc = invertImage(src)
    results = []
    text = []

    # text map is a mapping of x,y coords to letters
    # this will be sorted to retrieve the final text
    textMap = {}

    if (filterType == 'spatial'):

        # for every template, build a 2D map of where the template matches
        for character in templates:

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('isrc', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('isrc', isrc)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('character', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('character', character)

            # invert the character
            icharacter = invertImage(character)

            # normalize template
            icharacter = icharacter.astype(np.float64)
            if (icharacter.sum() != 0):
                icharacter /= icharacter.sum()

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('icharacter', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('icharacter', icharacter)

            # find points using filter2D
            cloudMatch = cv2.filter2D(src, -1, icharacter)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('CloudMatch', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('CloudMatch', cloudMatch)

            # make single points using np.where
            pointMatch = np.where(cloudMatch >= threshold, 0, 255)
            pointMatch = np.array(pointMatch, cloudMatch.dtype)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('PointMatch', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('PointMatch', pointMatch)

            if (verbose):


            coords = np.where(pointMatch >= threshold)
            for coordInd in range(len(coords[0])):
                coordTuple = (coords[0][coordInd], coords[1][coordInd])

                # we don't know what actual letter we're dealing with,
                # but we kinda know the index using the size of the results list

                # this will totally overwrite letters that sit in the same coord
                textMap[coordTuple] = len(results)-1

    elif (filterType == 'matched'):

        # you can set the loading bar width here
        # make sure it's smaller than your window, otherwise it'll
        # print a LOT of newlines
        loadingBarWidth = 50
        loading = ipcv.Bar(loadingBarWidth)
        load = 0
        # iterate through our templates
        for character in templates:

            # update loading bar
            load += 1

            # image of matches
            resImage = np.zeros(src.shape)

            # size of 2d slices
            s = templates[0].shape
            arrayWidth = s[0]*s[1]

            # invert character
            icharacter = invertImage(character)

            # flatten template
            rcharacter = icharacter.flatten()

            # invert source
            isrc = invertImage(src)

            row = 0
            for row in range(src.shape[0]-s[0]):
                for col in range(src.shape[1]-s[1]):

                    # cut out a portion of the image, based on the row and column
                    cut = isrc[row:row+s[0], col:col+s[1]]
                    wideCut = cut.flatten()

                    # manipulate the character
                    numerator = np.vdot(rcharacter, wideCut)
                    denominator = np.vdot(np.linalg.norm(rcharacter),
                    if (denominator != 0):
                        resImage[row][col] = numerator/denominator


            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('resImage', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('resImage', resImage)

            finImage = np.where(resImage >= threshold, 255, 0)
            finImage = np.array(finImage, src.dtype)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('finImage', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('finImage', finImage)

            if (verbose):


            coords = np.where(finImage >= threshold)
            for coordInd in range(len(coords[0])):
                coordTuple = (coords[0][coordInd], coords[1][coordInd])

                # we don't know what actual letter we're dealing with,
                # but we kinda know the index using the size of the results list

                # this will totally overwrite letters that sit in the same coord
                textMap[coordTuple] = len(results)-1

        raise ValueError("only filter types supported are spatial and matched")

    # sort the text by it's x and y value
    # print("TEXTMAP.KEYS()", textMap.keys())
    sortedMapKeys = sorted(textMap.keys(), key=itemgetter(0,1))
    # print("SORTEDMAPKEYS",sortedMapKeys)
    for smk in sortedMapKeys:

    return text, results
Exemple #11
def character_recognition(src,
    Function to determine the number of characters (for each character) that
    exist in an image.

        Jesse Jurman (jrj2703)

        src (array of ints): image to read charcters from
        templates (array of arrays): images for each character to be read in
        threshold (float): how strong the response needs to be before it is
            considered a match
        filterType (string): type of filter to run with images.
            defaults to 'spatial', can be 'match'
        verbose (bool): plot character maps

        a list of the indicies for the templates, in the order that they appear
            on the source image
        a histogram (size of the array templates)

        ValueError: filterType of not spatial or matched

    isrc = invertImage(src)
    results = []
    text = []

    # text map is a mapping of x,y coords to letters
    # this will be sorted to retrieve the final text
    textMap = {}

    if (filterType == 'spatial'):

        # for every template, build a 2D map of where the template matches
        for character in templates:

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('isrc', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('isrc', isrc)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('character', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('character', character)

            # invert the character
            icharacter = invertImage(character)

            # normalize template
            icharacter = icharacter.astype(np.float64)
            if (icharacter.sum() != 0):
                icharacter /= icharacter.sum()

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('icharacter', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('icharacter', icharacter)

            # find points using filter2D
            cloudMatch = cv2.filter2D(src, -1, icharacter)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('CloudMatch', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('CloudMatch', cloudMatch)

            # make single points using np.where
            pointMatch = np.where(cloudMatch >= threshold, 0, 255)
            pointMatch = np.array(pointMatch, cloudMatch.dtype)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('PointMatch', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('PointMatch', pointMatch)

            if (verbose):

            results.append((pointMatch / 255).sum())

            coords = np.where(pointMatch >= threshold)
            for coordInd in range(len(coords[0])):
                coordTuple = (coords[0][coordInd], coords[1][coordInd])

                # we don't know what actual letter we're dealing with,
                # but we kinda know the index using the size of the results list

                # this will totally overwrite letters that sit in the same coord
                textMap[coordTuple] = len(results) - 1

    elif (filterType == 'matched'):

        # you can set the loading bar width here
        # make sure it's smaller than your window, otherwise it'll
        # print a LOT of newlines
        loadingBarWidth = 50
        loading = ipcv.Bar(loadingBarWidth)
        load = 0
        # iterate through our templates
        for character in templates:

            # update loading bar
            load += 1
            loading.showBar(load / len(templates))

            # image of matches
            resImage = np.zeros(src.shape)

            # size of 2d slices
            s = templates[0].shape
            arrayWidth = s[0] * s[1]

            # invert character
            icharacter = invertImage(character)

            # flatten template
            rcharacter = icharacter.flatten()

            # invert source
            isrc = invertImage(src)

            row = 0
            for row in range(src.shape[0] - s[0]):
                for col in range(src.shape[1] - s[1]):

                    # cut out a portion of the image, based on the row and column
                    cut = isrc[row:row + s[0], col:col + s[1]]
                    wideCut = cut.flatten()

                    # manipulate the character
                    numerator = np.vdot(rcharacter, wideCut)
                    denominator = np.vdot(np.linalg.norm(rcharacter),
                    if (denominator != 0):
                        resImage[row][col] = numerator / denominator

                loading.showBar(load / len(templates))

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('resImage', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('resImage', resImage)

            finImage = np.where(resImage >= threshold, 255, 0)
            finImage = np.array(finImage, src.dtype)

            if (verbose):
                cv2.namedWindow('finImage', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
                cv2.imshow('finImage', finImage)

            if (verbose):

            results.append((finImage / 255).sum())

            coords = np.where(finImage >= threshold)
            for coordInd in range(len(coords[0])):
                coordTuple = (coords[0][coordInd], coords[1][coordInd])

                # we don't know what actual letter we're dealing with,
                # but we kinda know the index using the size of the results list

                # this will totally overwrite letters that sit in the same coord
                textMap[coordTuple] = len(results) - 1

        raise ValueError("only filter types supported are spatial and matched")

    # sort the text by it's x and y value
    # print("TEXTMAP.KEYS()", textMap.keys())
    sortedMapKeys = sorted(textMap.keys(), key=itemgetter(0, 1))
    # print("SORTEDMAPKEYS",sortedMapKeys)
    for smk in sortedMapKeys:

    return text, results