def lastupdate_cmd(args): """ iptocountry_getlastupdate <var> Returns the time of the last IPToCountry database update """ if len(args) == 1: es.ServerVar(args[0]).set(iptocountry.get_last_update()) else: es.dbgmsg(0, 'Syntax: iptocountry_getlastupdate <var>')
def load(): """ Ensures critical server variables are created by the config Updates the database if necessary """ config.execute() if cvar_update_load: data_update() else: try_update() if not iptocountry.get_last_update(): es.dbgmsg(0, 'IPToCountry Example: Error, no database loaded!')
def try_update(): """ Calls data_update if the data is the requisite age and no humans are connected """ update_days = float(cvar_update_days) if update_days and not playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): if time.time() - iptocountry.get_last_update() > update_days * 86400: data_update()