def notebook_interaction(self, display=True): from ipywidgets import Checkbox from traitlets import TraitError as TraitletError from IPython.display import display as ip_display try: container = super(ScalableFixedPattern, self).notebook_interaction(display=False) interpolate = Checkbox(description='interpolate', value=self.interpolate) def on_interpolate_change(change): self.interpolate = change['new'] interpolate.observe(on_interpolate_change, names='value') container.children = (container.children[0], interpolate) + \ container.children[1:] if not display: return container ip_display(container) except TraitletError: if display: print('This function is only avialable when running in a' ' notebook') else: raise
def notebook_interaction(self, display=True): """Creates interactive notebook widgets for all component parameters, if available. Requires `ipywidgets` to be installed. Parameters ---------- display : bool if True (default), attempts to display the widgets. Otherwise returns the formatted widget object. """ from ipywidgets import (Checkbox, VBox) from traitlets import TraitError as TraitletError from IPython.display import display as ip_display try: active = Checkbox(description='active', def on_active_change(change): = change['new'] active.observe(on_active_change, names='value') container = VBox([active]) for parameter in self.parameters: container.children += parameter.notebook_interaction(False), if not display: return container ip_display(container) except TraitletError: if display:'This function is only avialable when running in' ' a notebook') else: raise
def notebook_interaction(self, display=True): from ipywidgets import (Checkbox, FloatSlider, VBox) from traitlets import TraitError as TraitletError from IPython.display import display as ip_display try: active = Checkbox(description='active', def on_active_change(change): = change['new'] active.observe(on_active_change, names='value') fine_structure = Checkbox(description='Fine structure', value=self.fine_structure_active) def on_fine_structure_active_change(change): self.fine_structure_active = change['new'] fine_structure.observe(on_fine_structure_active_change, names='value') fs_smoothing = FloatSlider(description='Fine structure smoothing', min=0, max=1, step=0.001, value=self.fine_structure_smoothing) def on_fs_smoothing_change(change): self.fine_structure_smoothing = change['new'] fs_smoothing.observe(on_fs_smoothing_change, names='value') container = VBox([active, fine_structure, fs_smoothing]) for parameter in [self.intensity, self.effective_angle, self.onset_energy]: container.children += parameter.notebook_interaction(False), if not display: return container ip_display(container) except TraitletError: if display: print('This function is only avialable when running in a' ' notebook') else: raise
# You can select any time series and any forecast date, just click on `Run Interact` to generate the predictions from our served endpoint and see the plot. # In[99]: style = {'description_width': 'initial'} # In[100]: @interact_manual(customer_id=IntSlider(min=0, max=369, value=91, style=style), forecast_day=IntSlider(min=0, max=100, value=51, style=style), confidence=IntSlider(min=60, max=95, value=80, step=5, style=style), history_weeks_plot=IntSlider(min=1, max=20, value=1, style=style), show_samples=Checkbox(value=False), continuous_update=False) def plot_interact(customer_id, forecast_day, confidence, history_weeks_plot, show_samples): plot(predictor, target_ts=timeseries[customer_id], forecast_date=end_training + datetime.timedelta(days=forecast_day), show_samples=show_samples, plot_history=history_weeks_plot * 12 * 7, confidence=confidence)
def __init__(self): tab_height = '520px' tab_layout = Layout( width='800px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, overflow_y='scroll') self.output_dir = '.' max_frames = 505 # first time + 30240 / 60 self.svg_plot = interactive(self.plot_svg, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '500px' self.svg_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.svg_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.use_defaults = True self.show_nucleus = 0 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.show_edge = 1 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.scale_radius = 1.0 self.axes_min = 0.0 self.axes_max = 2000 # hmm, this can change (TODO?) # = HBox([svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.show_nucleus_checkbox = Checkbox( description='nucleus', value=False, disabled=False, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_nucleus_checkbox.observe(self.show_nucleus_cb) self.show_edge_checkbox = Checkbox( description='edge', value=True, disabled=False, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_edge_checkbox.observe(self.show_edge_cb) # row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # self.max_frames, VBox([self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox])]) # self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox], layout=Layout(width='500px')) # = VBox([row1,self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) items_auto = [ Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox, ] #row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # max_frames, show_nucleus_checkbox, show_edge_checkbox], # layout=Layout(width='800px')) box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='90%') row1 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout)
def create_checkbox(self, kind, description, value, handler): checkbox = Checkbox(value=value, description=description, indent=False) checkbox.observe(handler, "value") checkbox.add_class("view_%s" % kind) return checkbox
def __init__(self): micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' tab_height = '500px' stepsize = 10 #style = {'description_width': '250px'} style = {'description_width': '25%'} layout = {'width': '400px'} name_button_layout = {'width': '25%'} widget_layout = {'width': '15%'} widget2_layout = {'width': '10%'} units_button_layout = {'width': '15%'} desc_button_layout = {'width': '45%'} menv_var1 = Button(description='oxygen (mmHg)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' param_name1 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.oxygen_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText(value=100000.0, step=10000, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name2 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.oxygen_decay_rate = FloatText(value=0.0, step=0.01, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name3 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.oxygen_initial_condition = FloatText(value=1.5, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name4 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.oxygen_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=2.4, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.oxygen_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.calculate_gradient = Checkbox(description='calculate_gradients', disabled=False, layout=desc_button_layout) self.track_internal = Checkbox(description='track_in_agents', disabled=False, layout=desc_button_layout) # ------- micronenv info menv_units_button1 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button2 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button3 = Button(description='mmHg', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button4 = Button(description='mmHg', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) row_oxygen = [ menv_var1, ] row1 = [ param_name1, self.oxygen_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button1 ] row2 = [param_name2, self.oxygen_decay_rate, menv_units_button2] row3 = [param_name3, self.oxygen_initial_condition, menv_units_button3] row4 = [ param_name4, self.oxygen_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button4, self.oxygen_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row5 = [ self.calculate_gradient, ] row6 = [ self.track_internal, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='100%') box_oxygen = Box(children=row_oxygen, layout=box_layout) box1 = Box(children=row1, layout=box_layout) box2 = Box(children=row2, layout=box_layout) box3 = Box(children=row3, layout=box_layout) box4 = Box(children=row4, layout=box_layout) box5 = Box(children=row5, layout=box_layout) box6 = Box(children=row6, layout=box_layout) = VBox([ box_oxygen, box1, box2, box3, box4, box5, box6, ])
def all_options(analysis=True): options = Dropdown(options={ 'confined': 1, 'leaky aquifer': 2, 'flow barrier': 3, 'recharge source': 4, 'unconfined': 5 }, value=1, description='Aquifer type') approx = Checkbox(value=True, description='approx.') semilog = Checkbox(value=False, description='SemiLog') image = Checkbox(value=False, description='image') Q = FloatSlider(value=1000, description=r'$Q$ [m$^3$/day]', min=500, max=1500, step=500, continuous_update=False) t = FloatLogSlider(value=1.0, description=r'$t$ [day]', base=10, min=-1, max=2, step=0.2, continuous_update=False) r = FloatSlider(value=200, description=r'$r$ [m]', min=100, max=500, step=100, continuous_update=False) T = FloatSlider(value=300, description=r'$T$ [m$^2$/day]', min=100, max=500, step=100, continuous_update=False) c = FloatLogSlider(value=1.e5, description=r'$c$ [day]', base=10, min=2, max=6, step=1, continuous_update=False) H = FloatSlider(value=2, description=r'$b$ [m]', min=2, max=5, step=1.5, continuous_update=False) io = interactive_output( plot_theis, { 'Q': Q, 't': t, 'r': r, 'T': T, 'approx': approx, 'semilog': semilog, 'itest': options, 'image': image, 'c': c, 'H': H, 'analysis': fixed(analysis) }) return VBox([ HBox([options]), HBox([Q, t, approx]), HBox([T, r, semilog]), HBox([H, c, image]), io ])
def __init__(self, wvmin, wvmax, clouds, show_labels=True, widgets=('z', 'sigma', 'n', 'lyman', 'balmer', 'paschen'), zmin=0.00, zmax=0.10, smin=1, smax=500, nmin=0, nmax=0.1, Pmin=0, Pmax=10, vmin=1, vmax=100, tmin=0, tmax=20): self.clouds = clouds self.ncomponents = len(clouds) dv = (smax + smin) / 8.0 dlam = dv / c * (wvmax - wvmin) / 2.0 wv = np.linspace(wvmin, wvmax, int((wvmax - wvmin) / dlam)) self.wv = wv # set max height of graph cloud = clouds[0] old_sigma = cloud.sigma old_n = cloud.n cloud.sigma = (smin + smax) / 2.0 cloud.n = nmax self.ymax = 1.1 * np.amax(cloud.line_flux(wv)) cloud.sigma = old_sigma cloud.n = old_n # construct widget dictionary widget_dict = {} letter = cycle(ascii_lowercase) for i, cloud in enumerate(self.clouds): # float sliders keys = ['z', 'sigma', 'n', 'P', 'v', 't'] labels = [ 'Redshift: ', 'Dispersion: ', 'Density: ', 'Period: ', 'Amplitude: ', 'Time: ' ] widget_kwargs = { "disabled": False, "continuous_update": False, "orientation": "horizontal", "readout": True, "readout_format": ".4f" } values = [ cloud.z, cloud.sigma, cloud.n, cloud.P, cloud.vsini, cloud.t ] bounds = [(zmin, zmax), (smin, smax), (nmin, nmax), (Pmin, Pmax), (vmin, vmax), (tmin, tmax)] for j, key in enumerate(keys): value = values[j] if key not in widgets: widget_dict[key + str(i)] = fixed(value) continue if show_labels: label = labels[j] else: label = "({})".format(next(letter)) lower, upper = bounds[j] widget_dict[key + str(i)] = FloatSlider(value=value, min=lower, max=upper, step=(upper - lower) / 100, description=label, **widget_kwargs) # boolean checkboxes keys = ['lyman', 'balmer', 'paschen'] labels = [s.capitalize() + ": " for s in keys] widget_kwargs = {"disabled": False} values = [cloud.lyman, cloud.balmer, cloud.paschen] for j, key in enumerate(keys): value = values[j] if key not in widgets: widget_dict[key + str(i)] = fixed(value) continue if show_labels: label = labels[j] else: label = "({})".format(next(letter)) widget_dict[key + str(i)] = Checkbox(value=value, description=label, **widget_kwargs) super().__init__(self.plot, **widget_dict)
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.use_defaults = True self.svg_xmin = 0 self.svg_xrange = 2000 self.xmin = -1000. self.xmax = 1000. self.ymin = -1000. self.ymax = 1000. self.x_range = 2000. self.y_range = 2000. self.show_nucleus = 0 self.show_edge = False # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 tab_height = '600px' tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 # self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_plots, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # "plot_size" controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) # NOTE: the Substrates Plot tab has an extra row of widgets at the top of it (cf. Cell Plots tab) svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '600px' svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '900px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.fontsize = 20 self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0: 'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='YlOrRd', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max = Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style= 'success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px')) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #--------------------- self.cell_edges_toggle = Checkbox( description='edges', disabled=False, value=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_edges_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_edges_toggle.value): self.show_edge = True else: self.show_edge = False self.mcds_plot.update() self.cell_edges_toggle.observe(cell_edges_toggle_cb) self.cells_toggle = Checkbox( description='Cells', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cells_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.mcds_plot.update() if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = False else: self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = True self.cells_toggle.observe(cells_toggle_cb) #--------------------- self.substrates_toggle = Checkbox( description='Substrates', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def substrates_toggle_cb(b): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # seems bass-ackwards self.cmap_fixed.disabled = False self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.mcds_field.disabled = False self.field_cmap.disabled = False else: self.cmap_fixed.disabled = True self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.mcds_field.disabled = True self.field_cmap.disabled = True self.substrates_toggle.observe(substrates_toggle_cb) self.grid_toggle = Checkbox( description='grid', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def grid_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.mcds_plot.update() self.grid_toggle.observe(grid_toggle_cb) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') # row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', row1a = Box([self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1b = Box([self.cells_toggle, self.cell_edges_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1 = HBox([row1a, Label('.....'), row1b]) row2a = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', row2b = Box([ self.substrates_toggle, ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2 = HBox( [row2a, self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle]) row2 = HBox([row2a, Label('.....'), row2b]) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) self.download_svg_button = Download( '', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_svg_cb) download_row = HBox([ self.download_button.w, self.download_svg_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).") ]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) # box_layout = Layout(border='0px solid') controls_box = VBox([row1, row2]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) = VBox([controls_box, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() except: print("Cannot open ", fname, " to read info, e.g., names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) self.field_min_max[elm.attrib['name']] = [0., 1.] self.field_dict[field_idx] = elm.attrib['name'] dropdown_options[elm.attrib['name']] = field_idx field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) self.mcds_field.value = 0 self.mcds_field.options = dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) def update_max_frames_expected( self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value # def update(self, rdir): def update(self, rdir=''): # with debug_view: # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) if rdir: self.output_dir = rdir all_files = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" # with debug_view: # print("substrates: added %s files" % len(all_files)) # self.output_dir = rdir # if rdir == '': # # self.max_frames.value = 0 # tmpdir = os.path.abspath('tmpdir') # self.output_dir = tmpdir # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() # return # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() def download_svg_cb(self): file_str = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.svg') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_str): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename( f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive def download_cb(self): file_xml = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.xml') file_mat = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.mat') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_xml): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename( f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive for f in glob.glob(file_mat): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) def update_max_frames(self, _b): self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.mcds_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.mcds_plot.update() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def circles(self, x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ See Make a scatter plot of circles. Similar to plt.scatter, but the size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x, y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circles. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, s=a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, ec='none') plt.colorbar() License -------- This code is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) # You can set `facecolor` with an array for each patch, # while you can only set `facecolors` with a value for all. zipped = np.broadcast(x, y, s) patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in zipped] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: c = np.broadcast_to(c, zipped.shape).ravel() collection.set_array(c) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() # plt.draw_if_interactive() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) # return collection #------------------------------------------------------------ # def plot_svg(self, frame, rdel=''): def plot_svg(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max global current_frame current_frame = frame fname = "snapshot%08d.svg" % frame full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) # with debug_view: # print("plot_svg:", full_fname) # print("-- plot_svg:", full_fname) if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") return xlist = deque() ylist = deque() rlist = deque() rgb_list = deque() # print('\n---- ' + fname + ':') # tree = ET.parse(fname) tree = ET.parse(full_fname) root = tree.getroot() # print('--- root.tag ---') # print(root.tag) # print('--- root.attrib ---') # print(root.attrib) # print('--- child.tag, child.attrib ---') numChildren = 0 for child in root: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print("keys=",child.attrib.keys()) if self.use_defaults and ('width' in child.attrib.keys()): self.axes_max = float(child.attrib['width']) # print("debug> found width --> axes_max =", axes_max) if child.text and "Current time" in child.text: svals = child.text.split() # title_str = "(" + str(current_idx) + ") Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # title_str = "Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" title_str = svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # print("width ",child.attrib['width']) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) # if (child.attrib['id'] == 'tissue'): if ('id' in child.attrib.keys()): # print('-------- found tissue!!') tissue_parent = child break # print('------ search tissue') cells_parent = None for child in tissue_parent: # print('attrib=',child.attrib) if (child.attrib['id'] == 'cells'): # print('-------- found cells, setting cells_parent') cells_parent = child break numChildren += 1 num_cells = 0 # print('------ search cells') for child in cells_parent: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) for circle in child: # two circles in each child: outer + nucleus # circle.attrib={'cx': '1085.59','cy': '1225.24','fill': 'rgb(159,159,96)','r': '6.67717','stroke': 'rgb(159,159,96)','stroke-width': '0.5'} # print(' --- cx,cy=',circle.attrib['cx'],circle.attrib['cy']) xval = float(circle.attrib['cx']) # map SVG coords into comp domain xval = (xval - self.svg_xmin ) / self.svg_xrange * self.x_range + self.xmin s = circle.attrib['fill'] # print("s=",s) # print("type(s)=",type(s)) if (s[0:3] == "rgb" ): # if an rgb string, e.g. "rgb(175,175,80)" rgb = list(map(int, s[4:-1].split(","))) rgb[:] = [x / 255. for x in rgb] else: # otherwise, must be a color name rgb_tuple = mplc.to_rgb(mplc.cnames[s]) # a tuple rgb = [x for x in rgb_tuple] # test for bogus x,y locations (rwh TODO: use max of domain?) too_large_val = 10000. if (np.fabs(xval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break yval = float(circle.attrib['cy']) yval = (yval - self.svg_xmin ) / self.svg_xrange * self.y_range + self.ymin if (np.fabs(yval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break rval = float(circle.attrib['r']) # if (rgb[0] > rgb[1]): # print(num_cells,rgb, rval) xlist.append(xval) ylist.append(yval) rlist.append(rval) rgb_list.append(rgb) # For .svg files with cells that *have* a nucleus, there will be a 2nd if (self.show_nucleus == 0): #if (not self.show_nucleus): break num_cells += 1 # if num_cells > 3: # for debugging # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells," --- debug exit.") # sys.exit(1) # break # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells) xvals = np.array(xlist) yvals = np.array(ylist) rvals = np.array(rlist) rgbs = np.array(rgb_list) # print("xvals[0:5]=",xvals[0:5]) # print("rvals[0:5]=",rvals[0:5]) # print("rvals.min, max=",rvals.min(),rvals.max()) # rwh - is this where I change size of render window?? (YES - yipeee!) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # plt.cla() # if (self.substrates_toggle.value): title_str += " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # title_str = " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # else: # mins= round(int(float(root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins # hrs = int(mins/60) # days = int(hrs/24) # title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) plt.title(title_str) # plt.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*scale_radius, c=rgbs) # TODO: make figsize a function of plot_size? What about non-square plots? # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) # axx = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # axx = fig.gca() # print('fig.dpi=',fig.dpi) # = 72 # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # ax.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # convert radii to radii in pixels # ax2 = self.fig.gca() # N = len(xvals) # rr_pix = (ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([rvals, rvals]).T) - # ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)]).T)) # rpix, _ = rr_pix.T # markers_size = (144. * rpix / self.fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 # markers_size = markers_size/4000000. # print('max=',markers_size.max()) #rwh - temp fix - Ah, error only occurs when "edges" is toggled on if (self.show_edge): try: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) self.circles(xvals, yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # cell_circles = self.circles(xvals,yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # plt.sci(cell_circles) except (ValueError): pass else: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) self.circles(xvals, yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs) # if (self.show_tracks): # for key in self.trackd.keys(): # xtracks = self.trackd[key][:,0] # ytracks = self.trackd[key][:,1] # plt.plot(xtracks[0:frame],ytracks[0:frame], linewidth=5) # plt.xlim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # plt.ylim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # ax.grid(False) # axx.set_title(title_str) # plt.title(title_str) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def plot_substrate(self, frame, grid): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index if (self.substrates_toggle.value): fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % frame # print("--- plot_substrate") # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider." ) # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins = round(int(float(xml_root.find( ".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins / 60) days = int(hrs / 24) title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days), (hrs % 24), mins - (hrs * 60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[ self. field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0,15)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # plt.subplot(grid[0:1, 0:1]) # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:1, 0:1]) # works, but tiny upper-left region #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:2, 0:2]) # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:, 0:2]) #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0:]) # nrows, ncols #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:, 0:]) # nrows, ncols #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:4, 0:]) # nrows, ncols main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:3, 0:]) # nrows, ncols # plt.rc('font', size=10) # TODO: does this affect the Cell plots fonts too? YES. Not what we want. # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) # print(" ------- numx, numy = ", self.numx, self.numy ) if (self.numx == 0): # need to parse vals from the config.xml # fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "config.xml") # tree = ET.parse(fname) # xml_root = tree.getroot() # xmin = float(xml_root.find(".//x_min").text) # xmax = float(xml_root.find(".//x_max").text) # dx = float(xml_root.find(".//dx").text) # ymin = float(xml_root.find(".//y_min").text) # ymax = float(xml_root.find(".//y_max").text) # dy = float(xml_root.find(".//dy").text) # self.numx = math.ceil( (xmax - xmin) / dx) # self.numy = math.ceil( (ymax - ymin) / dy) mcds1 = pyMCDS('initial.xml', self.output_dir) self.numx =['mesh']['x_coordinates'].shape[0] self.numy =['mesh']['x_coordinates'].shape[1] xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) num_contours = 15 levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values( self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) contour_ok = True if (self.cmap_fixed.value): try: substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf( xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value, fontsize=self.fontsize) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 1.') else: try: substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf( xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 2.') if (contour_ok): main_ax.set_title(title_str, fontsize=self.fontsize) main_ax.tick_params(labelsize=self.fontsize) # cbar = plt.colorbar(my_plot) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(substrate_plot, ax=main_ax) # cbar = main_ax.colorbar(my_plot) # # axes_min = 0 # axes_max = 2000 main_ax.set_xlim([self.xmin, self.xmax]) main_ax.set_ylim([self.ymin, self.ymax]) # if (frame == 0): # maybe allow substrate grid display later # xs = np.linspace(self.xmin,self.xmax,self.numx) # ys = np.linspace(self.ymin,self.ymax,self.numy) # hlines = np.column_stack(np.broadcast_arrays(xs[0], ys, xs[-1], ys)) # vlines = np.column_stack(np.broadcast_arrays(xs, ys[0], xs, ys[-1])) # grid_lines = np.concatenate([hlines, vlines]).reshape(-1, 2, 2) # line_collection = LineCollection(grid_lines, color="gray", linewidths=0.5) # # ax = main_ax.gca() # main_ax.add_collection(line_collection) # # ax.set_xlim(xs[0], xs[-1]) # # ax.set_ylim(ys[0], ys[-1]) # Now plot the cells (possibly on top of the substrate) if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.plot_svg(frame) # plt.subplot(grid[2, 0]) # oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, 0:1]) #oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[:2, 2:]) #oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0:2]) # nrows, ncols #oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[2:3, 0:1]) # nrows, ncols # oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[4:4, 0:1]) # invalid # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:1, 0:1]) # experiment with small plot of oxygen (or whatever) # oxy_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[3:4, 0:1]) # nrows, ncols # x = np.linspace(0, 500) # oxy_ax.plot(x, 300*np.sin(x)) # mcds_play = widgets.Play( # # interval=10, # value=50, # min=0, # max=100, # step=1, # description="Press play", # disabled=False, # ) # #mcds_slider = widgets.IntSlider() # widgets.jslink((mcds_play, 'value'), (mcds_slider, 'value')) # widgets.HBox([mcds_play, mcds_slider]) # def plot_oxygen(self, frame, grid): # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0,15)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # #plt.subplot(grid[2, 0]) # plt.subplot(grid[0, 2]) # x = np.linspace(0, 10) # plt.plot(np.sin(x)) # # ax1.plot(np.sin(x)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def plot_plots(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index #self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.8, 14)) if (self.substrates_toggle.value): self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 15.6)) else: # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14.0)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 15.6)) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 3, wspace=0.10, hspace=0.2) # (nrows, ncols) self.plot_substrate(frame, grid)
def __init__(self): micron_units = Label('micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' tab_height = '500px' stepsize = 10 #style = {'description_width': '250px'} style = {'description_width': '25%'} layout = {'width': '400px'} name_button_layout={'width':'25%'} widget_layout = {'width': '15%'} units_button_layout ={'width':'15%'} desc_button_layout={'width':'45%'} param_name1 = Button(description='number_of_cells', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.number_of_cells = IntText( value=3, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name2 = Button(description='is_motile', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.is_motile = Checkbox( value=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name3 = Button(description='persistence_time', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.persistence_time = FloatText( value=30, step=1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name4 = Button(description='migration_speed', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.migration_speed = FloatText( value=2, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name5 = Button(description='migration_bias', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.migration_bias = FloatText( value=0.8, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name6 = Button(description='bias_migration_angle', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.bias_migration_angle = FloatText( value=30, step=1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_button1 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button2 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button3 = Button(description='min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button4 = Button(description='micron/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button5 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button6 = Button(description='degree', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button1 = Button(description='number of cell tracks to simulate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button2 = Button(description='true if cells are motile', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button3 = Button(description='mean persistence time', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button4 = Button(description='migration speed', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button5 = Button(description='migration bias parameter', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button6 = Button(description='migration bias angle respect to x-axis', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' row1 = [param_name1, self.number_of_cells, units_button1, desc_button1] row2 = [param_name2, self.is_motile, units_button2, desc_button2] row3 = [param_name3, self.persistence_time, units_button3, desc_button3] row4 = [param_name4, self.migration_speed, units_button4, desc_button4] row5 = [param_name5, self.migration_bias, units_button5, desc_button5] row6 = [param_name6, self.bias_migration_angle, units_button6, desc_button6] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='100%') box1 = Box(children=row1, layout=box_layout) box2 = Box(children=row2, layout=box_layout) box3 = Box(children=row3, layout=box_layout) box4 = Box(children=row4, layout=box_layout) box5 = Box(children=row5, layout=box_layout) box6 = Box(children=row6, layout=box_layout) = VBox([ box1, box2, box3, box4, box5, box6, ])
def __init__(self): # micron_units = HTMLMath(value=r"$\mu M$") micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) # micron_units = Label('microns') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' # tab_height = '400px' tab_height = '500px' # tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', # tab_layout = Layout(width='850px', # border='2px solid black', # height=tab_height, overflow_y='scroll',) # np_tab_layout = Layout(width='800px', # border='2px solid black', # height='350px', overflow_y='scroll',) # my_domain = [0,0,-10, 2000,2000,10, 20,20,20] # [x,y,zmin, x,y,zmax, x,y,zdelta] # label_domain = Label('Domain ($\mu M$):') label_domain = Label('Domain (micron):') stepsize = 10 disable_domain = False self.xmin = FloatText( step=stepsize, # description='$X_{min}$', description='Xmin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ymin = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Ymin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zmin = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Zmin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.xmax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Xmax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ymax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Ymax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zmax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Zmax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) # description='$Time_{max}$', self.tmax = BoundedFloatText( min=0., max=100000000, step=stepsize, description='Max Time', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.xdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dx', # 'dx', # Mac: opt-j for delta disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ydelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dy', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dz', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) def xdelta_cb(b): self.ydelta.value = self.xdelta.value self.zdelta.value = 0.5 * (self.xdelta.value + self.ydelta.value) self.zmin.value = -0.5 * self.zdelta.value self.zmax.value = 0.5 * self.zdelta.value self.xdelta.observe(xdelta_cb) """ self.tdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=0.01, description='$Time_{delta}$', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) """ """ self.toggle2D = Checkbox( description='2-D', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) def toggle2D_cb(b): if (self.toggle2D.value): #zmin.disabled = zmax.disabled = zdelta.disabled = True zmin.disabled = True zmax.disabled = True zdelta.disabled = True else: zmin.disabled = False zmax.disabled = False zdelta.disabled = False self.toggle2D.observe(toggle2D_cb) """ x_row = HBox([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xdelta]) y_row = HBox([self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ydelta]) z_row = HBox([self.zmin, self.zmax, self.zdelta]) self.omp_threads = BoundedIntText( min=1, max=4, description='# threads', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) # self.toggle_prng = Checkbox( # description='Seed PRNG', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, # e.g. 'initial' '120px' # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) # self.prng_seed = BoundedIntText( # min = 1, # description='Seed', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) # def toggle_prng_cb(b): # if (toggle_prng.value): # self.prng_seed.disabled = False # else: # self.prng_seed.disabled = True # self.toggle_prng.observe(toggle_prng_cb) #prng_row = HBox([toggle_prng, prng_seed]) self.toggle_svg = Checkbox( description='Cells', # SVG layout=Layout(width='150px')) # constWidth = '180px' # self.svg_t0 = BoundedFloatText ( # min=0, # description='$T_0$', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.svg_interval = BoundedIntText( min=1, max= 99999999, # TODO: set max on all Bounded to avoid unwanted default description='every', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.mcds_interval = BoundedIntText( min=1, max=99999999, description='every', # disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) # don't let this be > mcds interval def svg_interval_cb(b): if (self.svg_interval.value > self.mcds_interval.value): self.svg_interval.value = self.mcds_interval.value self.svg_interval.observe( svg_interval_cb) # BEWARE: when fill_gui, this sets value = 1 ! # don't let this be < svg interval def mcds_interval_cb(b): if (self.mcds_interval.value < self.svg_interval.value): self.mcds_interval.value = self.svg_interval.value self.mcds_interval.observe( mcds_interval_cb) # BEWARE: see warning above def toggle_svg_cb(b): if (self.toggle_svg.value): # self.svg_t0.disabled = False self.svg_interval.disabled = False else: # self.svg_t0.disabled = True self.svg_interval.disabled = True self.toggle_svg.observe(toggle_svg_cb) self.toggle_mcds = Checkbox( # value=False, description='Subtrates', # Full layout=Layout(width='180px'), ) # self.mcds_t0 = FloatText( # description='$T_0$', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) def toggle_mcds_cb(b): if (self.toggle_mcds.value): # self.mcds_t0.disabled = False #False self.mcds_interval.disabled = False else: # self.mcds_t0.disabled = True self.mcds_interval.disabled = True self.toggle_mcds.observe(toggle_mcds_cb) svg_mat_output_row = HBox([ Label('Plots:'), self.toggle_svg, HBox([self.svg_interval, Label('min')]), self.toggle_mcds, HBox([self.mcds_interval, Label('min')]) ]) # to sync, do this # svg_mat_output_row = HBox( [Label('Plots:'), self.svg_interval, Label('min')]) #write_config_row = HBox([write_config_button, write_config_file]) #run_sim_row = HBox([run_button, run_command_str, kill_button]) # run_sim_row = HBox([run_button, run_command_str]) # run_sim_row = HBox([run_button.w]) # need ".w" for the custom RunCommand widget label_blankline = Label('') # toggle_2D_seed_row = HBox([toggle_prng, prng_seed]) # toggle2D box_layout = Layout(border='1px solid') # domain_box = VBox([label_domain,x_row,y_row,z_row], layout=box_layout) domain_box = VBox([label_domain, x_row, y_row], layout=box_layout) = VBox([ domain_box, # label_blankline, HBox([self.tmax, Label('min')]), self.omp_threads, svg_mat_output_row, # HBox([self.substrate[3], self.diffusion_coef[3], self.decay_rate[3] ]), ]) # output_dir, toggle_2D_seed_
class ConfigTab(object): def __init__(self): # micron_units = HTMLMath(value=r"$\mu M$") micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) # micron_units = Label('microns') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' # tab_height = '400px' tab_height = '500px' # tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', # tab_layout = Layout(width='850px', # border='2px solid black', # height=tab_height, overflow_y='scroll',) # np_tab_layout = Layout(width='800px', # border='2px solid black', # height='350px', overflow_y='scroll',) # my_domain = [0,0,-10, 2000,2000,10, 20,20,20] # [x,y,zmin, x,y,zmax, x,y,zdelta] # label_domain = Label('Domain ($\mu M$):') label_domain = Label('Domain (micron):') stepsize = 10 disable_domain = False self.xmin = FloatText( step=stepsize, # description='$X_{min}$', description='Xmin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ymin = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Ymin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zmin = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Zmin', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.xmax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Xmax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ymax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Ymax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zmax = FloatText( step=stepsize, description='Zmax', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) # description='$Time_{max}$', self.tmax = BoundedFloatText( min=0., max=100000000, step=stepsize, description='Max Time', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.xdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dx', # 'dx', # Mac: opt-j for delta disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.ydelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dy', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) self.zdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=1., description='dz', disabled=disable_domain, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) def xdelta_cb(b): self.ydelta.value = self.xdelta.value self.zdelta.value = 0.5 * (self.xdelta.value + self.ydelta.value) self.zmin.value = -0.5 * self.zdelta.value self.zmax.value = 0.5 * self.zdelta.value self.xdelta.observe(xdelta_cb) """ self.tdelta = BoundedFloatText( min=0.01, description='$Time_{delta}$', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) """ """ self.toggle2D = Checkbox( description='2-D', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) def toggle2D_cb(b): if (self.toggle2D.value): #zmin.disabled = zmax.disabled = zdelta.disabled = True zmin.disabled = True zmax.disabled = True zdelta.disabled = True else: zmin.disabled = False zmax.disabled = False zdelta.disabled = False self.toggle2D.observe(toggle2D_cb) """ x_row = HBox([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xdelta]) y_row = HBox([self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ydelta]) z_row = HBox([self.zmin, self.zmax, self.zdelta]) self.omp_threads = BoundedIntText( min=1, max=4, description='# threads', layout=Layout(width=constWidth), ) # self.toggle_prng = Checkbox( # description='Seed PRNG', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, # e.g. 'initial' '120px' # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) # self.prng_seed = BoundedIntText( # min = 1, # description='Seed', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) # def toggle_prng_cb(b): # if (toggle_prng.value): # self.prng_seed.disabled = False # else: # self.prng_seed.disabled = True # self.toggle_prng.observe(toggle_prng_cb) #prng_row = HBox([toggle_prng, prng_seed]) self.toggle_svg = Checkbox( description='Cells', # SVG layout=Layout(width='150px')) # constWidth = '180px' # self.svg_t0 = BoundedFloatText ( # min=0, # description='$T_0$', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.svg_interval = BoundedIntText( min=1, max= 99999999, # TODO: set max on all Bounded to avoid unwanted default description='every', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.mcds_interval = BoundedIntText( min=1, max=99999999, description='every', # disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) # don't let this be > mcds interval def svg_interval_cb(b): if (self.svg_interval.value > self.mcds_interval.value): self.svg_interval.value = self.mcds_interval.value self.svg_interval.observe( svg_interval_cb) # BEWARE: when fill_gui, this sets value = 1 ! # don't let this be < svg interval def mcds_interval_cb(b): if (self.mcds_interval.value < self.svg_interval.value): self.mcds_interval.value = self.svg_interval.value self.mcds_interval.observe( mcds_interval_cb) # BEWARE: see warning above def toggle_svg_cb(b): if (self.toggle_svg.value): # self.svg_t0.disabled = False self.svg_interval.disabled = False else: # self.svg_t0.disabled = True self.svg_interval.disabled = True self.toggle_svg.observe(toggle_svg_cb) self.toggle_mcds = Checkbox( # value=False, description='Subtrates', # Full layout=Layout(width='180px'), ) # self.mcds_t0 = FloatText( # description='$T_0$', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) def toggle_mcds_cb(b): if (self.toggle_mcds.value): # self.mcds_t0.disabled = False #False self.mcds_interval.disabled = False else: # self.mcds_t0.disabled = True self.mcds_interval.disabled = True self.toggle_mcds.observe(toggle_mcds_cb) svg_mat_output_row = HBox([ Label('Plots:'), self.toggle_svg, HBox([self.svg_interval, Label('min')]), self.toggle_mcds, HBox([self.mcds_interval, Label('min')]) ]) # to sync, do this # svg_mat_output_row = HBox( [Label('Plots:'), self.svg_interval, Label('min')]) #write_config_row = HBox([write_config_button, write_config_file]) #run_sim_row = HBox([run_button, run_command_str, kill_button]) # run_sim_row = HBox([run_button, run_command_str]) # run_sim_row = HBox([run_button.w]) # need ".w" for the custom RunCommand widget label_blankline = Label('') # toggle_2D_seed_row = HBox([toggle_prng, prng_seed]) # toggle2D box_layout = Layout(border='1px solid') # domain_box = VBox([label_domain,x_row,y_row,z_row], layout=box_layout) domain_box = VBox([label_domain, x_row, y_row], layout=box_layout) = VBox([ domain_box, # label_blankline, HBox([self.tmax, Label('min')]), self.omp_threads, svg_mat_output_row, # HBox([self.substrate[3], self.diffusion_coef[3], self.decay_rate[3] ]), ]) # output_dir, toggle_2D_seed_ # ], layout=tab_layout) # output_dir, toggle_2D_seed_ # Populate the GUI widgets with values from the XML def fill_gui(self, xml_root): self.xmin.value = float(xml_root.find(".//x_min").text) self.xmax.value = float(xml_root.find(".//x_max").text) self.xdelta.value = float(xml_root.find(".//dx").text) self.ymin.value = float(xml_root.find(".//y_min").text) self.ymax.value = float(xml_root.find(".//y_max").text) self.ydelta.value = float(xml_root.find(".//dy").text) self.zmin.value = float(xml_root.find(".//z_min").text) self.zmax.value = float(xml_root.find(".//z_max").text) self.zdelta.value = float(xml_root.find(".//dz").text) self.tmax.value = float(xml_root.find(".//max_time").text) self.omp_threads.value = int(xml_root.find(".//omp_num_threads").text) if xml_root.find(".//full_data//enable").text.lower() == 'true': self.toggle_mcds.value = True else: self.toggle_mcds.value = False self.mcds_interval.value = int( xml_root.find(".//full_data//interval").text) # NOTE: do this *after* filling the mcds_interval, directly above, due to the callback/constraints on them if xml_root.find(".//SVG//enable").text.lower() == 'true': self.toggle_svg.value = True else: self.toggle_svg.value = False self.svg_interval.value = int(xml_root.find(".//SVG//interval").text) # Read values from the GUI widgets and generate/write a new XML def fill_xml(self, xml_root): # print(' fill_xml() !!!!!') # TODO: verify template .xml file exists! # TODO: verify valid type (numeric) and range? xml_root.find(".//x_min").text = str(self.xmin.value) xml_root.find(".//x_max").text = str(self.xmax.value) xml_root.find(".//dx").text = str(self.xdelta.value) xml_root.find(".//y_min").text = str(self.ymin.value) xml_root.find(".//y_max").text = str(self.ymax.value) xml_root.find(".//dy").text = str(self.ydelta.value) xml_root.find(".//z_min").text = str(self.zmin.value) xml_root.find(".//z_max").text = str(self.zmax.value) xml_root.find(".//dz").text = str(self.zdelta.value) xml_root.find(".//max_time").text = str(self.tmax.value) xml_root.find(".//omp_num_threads").text = str(self.omp_threads.value) xml_root.find(".//SVG").find(".//enable").text = str( self.toggle_svg.value) xml_root.find(".//SVG").find(".//interval").text = str( self.svg_interval.value) xml_root.find(".//full_data").find(".//enable").text = str( self.toggle_mcds.value) xml_root.find(".//full_data").find(".//interval").text = str( self.mcds_interval.value) # user_details = ET.SubElement(root, "user_details") # ET.SubElement(user_details, "PhysiCell_settings", name="version").text = "devel-version" # ET.SubElement(user_details, "domain") # ET.SubElement(user_details, "xmin").text = "-100" # tree = ET.ElementTree(root) # tree.write(write_config_file.value) # tree.write("test.xml") # TODO: verify can write to this filename # tree.write(write_config_file.value) def get_num_svg_frames(self): if (self.toggle_svg.value): return int(self.tmax.value / self.svg_interval.value) else: return 0 def get_num_substrate_frames(self): if (self.toggle_mcds.value): return int(self.tmax.value / self.mcds_interval.value) else: return 0
def interact(self, fig=None, axes=None, constraints=None, free_vars=None, caching=True, **kwargs): """ Display an interactive plot where all free variables can be manipulated, with the plot updating accordingly. The rest of the variables is considered as dependent. :param fig: matplotlib figure to update, can be omitted if axes should be created automatically :param axes: matplotlib axes to draw on, can be omitted if axes should be created automatically :param constraints: optional sympy (nx1)-matrix of eqns which should be fullfilled (will be "solved" via fmin) :param free_vars: optional sympy (rx1)-matrix of symbols which are treated as independent for the constraints :param caching: True (default) or False. Determines whether fmin results are cached in a dictionary :param kwargs: ipywidgets specifications using the SymPy symbol string representations as keys there are different syntax possibilities: vis_object.interact(x=(xmin, xmax)) vis_object.interact(x=(xmin, xmax, step)) vis_object.interact(x=(xmin, xmax, step, inistial_value)) """ assert in_ipython_context, "Interactive mode only works in an IPython notebook" \ "(maybe you need to install `ipywidgets`, see visualization_requirements.txt)" widget_dict = dict() if constraints is not None: assert isinstance(constraints, sp.MatrixBase) solve_constraints = True if free_vars is None: free_vars = [] # allow for scalar free var (convenience) if isinstance(free_vars, sp.Basic): free_vars = [free_vars] # distinguish between free and dependent variables var_list = list(self.variables) free_var_indices = [var_list.index(v) for v in free_vars] dependent_var_indices = [var_list.index(v) for v in self.variables if v not in free_vars] # dependent_vars = [v for v in self.variables if v not in free_vars] n_vars = len(self.variables) # expression which will be minimized min_expr = constraints.T*constraints assert min_expr.shape == (1, 1) constraint_norm_func = expr_to_func(self.variables, min_expr[0]) all_vars = np.zeros((n_vars,)) def min_target_func(dep_var_vals, free_var_vals): """ Target function for minimization, second argument is considered as a parameter """ all_vars[dependent_var_indices] = dep_var_vals all_vars[free_var_indices] = free_var_vals return constraint_norm_func(*all_vars) cbox = Checkbox(value=False, description='solve constraints (fmin)', icon='check', tooltip='solve constraints numerically via fmin') widget_dict["chk_solve_constraints"] = cbox else: solve_constraints = False for var in self.variables: var_str = repr(var) widget_dict[var_str] = self.make_slider_from_kwarg(var_str, kwargs) if fig is None or axes is None: fig, axes = self.create_default_axes() plt.close() is_initialized = False last_cbox_value = False fmin_cache = {} # last result for the dependet vars last_fmin_result = None # noinspection PyShadowingNames def interact_fun(**kwargs): nonlocal is_initialized nonlocal last_cbox_value nonlocal last_fmin_result widget_var_values = np.array([kwargs[repr(var_symbol)] for var_symbol in self.variables]) cbox_solve_constraints = kwargs.get("chk_solve_constraints", False) print("widget_var_values:", widget_var_values, "cbox:", cbox_solve_constraints) if solve_constraints and cbox_solve_constraints: free_var_values = [kwargs[repr(var_symbol)] for var_symbol in free_vars] # initialize the dep_var_values form widgets if we have no result yet or if the checkbox was unchecked if last_fmin_result is None: dep_var_values = widget_var_values[dependent_var_indices] x0_dep_vars = dep_var_values else: x0_dep_vars = last_fmin_result # dict lookup with the arguments of min_target # does not work because we never come to see this key again # key_tuple = (tuple(np.round(x0_dep_vars, decimals=5)), tuple(free_var_values)) key_tuple = tuple(free_var_values) cache_content = fmin_cache.get(key_tuple) print("cache:", key_tuple, cache_content) if caching and cache_content is not None: dep_var_values_result = cache_content else: print("calling fmin with x0=", x0_dep_vars, "args=", free_var_values) res = fmin(min_target_func, x0=x0_dep_vars, args=(free_var_values,), full_output=True) dep_var_values_result, fopt, n_it, fcalls, warnflag = res # fill the cache if we had these arguments for the first time (and no error occurred) if caching and warnflag == 0: fmin_cache[key_tuple] = dep_var_values_result last_fmin_result = dep_var_values_result all_vars[free_var_indices] = free_var_values all_vars[dependent_var_indices] = dep_var_values_result variables_values = all_vars * 1.0 # print all coordinates, convert to list for easy copy-pasting (commas) print("all coordinates:", list(variables_values)) else: # just use the values from the widgets variables_values = widget_var_values # reset the cache if checkbox is deactivated fmin_cache.clear() last_fmin_result = None if not is_initialized: self.plot_init(variables_values, axes) is_initialized = True last_cbox_value = cbox_solve_constraints self.plot_update(variables_values, axes) ip_display(fig) # TODO: Maybe return the control elements or something, so that they can be customized interact(interact_fun, **widget_dict)
def create_multi_answer_widget(question, options): question_widget = create_question_widget(question) # Need to make my own checkbox out of checkbox + label because LaTeX not displaying nicely in checkbox built in description label labels = [ widgets.HTML(value='<style>p{word-wrap: break-word}</style> <p>' + option['answer'] + ' </p>') for option in options ] checkboxes = [ HBox([ Checkbox(value=False, style={'description_width': 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width='30px')), lbl ], layout=Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row wrap', align_items='stretch', width='auto')) for lbl in labels ] # for each option, create a feedback box on the left and a checkbox on the right vertical = [] for cb in checkboxes: new_hbox = widgets.HBox([Label(value=''), cb], layout=Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row wrap', align_items='stretch', width='auto')) #new_hbox.box_style = 'info' vertical.append(new_hbox) # vertically laid out options with feedback on the left option_widget = widgets.VBox(vertical, layout=Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='stretch', width='100%')) score_widget = create_score_widget('#4DD0E1') multi_answer = VBox([question_widget, option_widget, score_widget], layout=Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='stretch', width='100%')) multi_answer.box_style = 'info' # compare checkbox value with original def check_answers(b): #run through each option, compare expected answer (checked/unchecked) with actual student answer num_options = len(options) incorrect = 0 missing = 0 option_widget = multi_answer.children[1] score_widget = multi_answer.children[2] submit_button = score_widget.children[0] for i in range(num_options): opt = option_widget.children[i] lbl = opt.children[0] cb = opt.children[1].children[0] actual_answer = cb.value expected_answer = options[i]['correct'] # clear feedback before giving new feedback opt.layout = Layout(border=None) lbl.value = '' lbl.layout = Layout(width='100px') # red border + 'incorrect' for incorrectly checked # green border + 'correct!' for correctly checked if (expected_answer and actual_answer): opt.layout = Layout(border='1px solid #81C784') lbl.value = 'Correct!' if (expected_answer and not actual_answer): missing += 1 if (not expected_answer and actual_answer): lbl.value = 'Incorrect' opt.layout = Layout(border='1px solid #e57373') incorrect += 1 # update the score label if incorrect + missing == 0: # Success! So disable checkboxes for i in range(num_options): opt = option_widget.children[i] cb = opt.children[1].children[0] cb.disabled = True if submit_button.description == 'Submit': text = '' else: text = 'Now you got it!' generate_feedback(multi_answer, score_widget, style='success', feedback_text=text, show_show_answer_btn=False) submit_button.layout.disable = True else: #Some incorrect answers, write feedback so they can try again if missing > 0: text = 'You missed some correct options, try again!' else: text = '' generate_feedback(multi_answer, score_widget, style='danger', feedback_text=text, show_show_answer_btn=False) submit_button = score_widget.children[0] submit_button.on_click(check_answers) return (multi_answer)
class DemoSetup(Setup): ui_th_std0 = FloatSlider(description="th0 [K]", value=Setup.th_std0, min=280, max=300) @property def th_std0(self): return self.ui_th_std0.value ui_qv0 = FloatSlider(description="qv0 [g/kg]", value=Setup.qv0 * 1000, min=5, max=10) @property def qv0(self): return self.ui_qv0.value / 1000 ui_p0 = FloatSlider(description="p0 [hPa]", value=Setup.p0 / 100, min=900, max=1100) @property def p0(self): return self.ui_p0.value * 100 ui_kappa = FloatSlider(description="kappa [1]", value=Setup.kappa, min=0, max=1.5) @property def kappa(self): return self.ui_kappa.value ui_amplitude = FloatSlider(description="amplitude [kg s^-1 m^-2]", value=Setup.rho_w_max, min=-1, max=1) @property def amplitude(self): return self.ui_amplitude.value ui_nx = IntSlider(value=Setup.grid[0], min=10, max=100, description="nx") ui_nz = IntSlider(value=Setup.grid[1], min=10, max=100, description="nz") @property def grid(self): return self.ui_nx.value, self.ui_nz.value ui_dt = FloatSlider(value=Setup.dt, min=.5, max=5, description="dt (Eulerian)") @property def dt(self): return self.ui_dt.value ui_n_steps = IntSlider(value=Setup.n_steps, min=1800, max=7200, description="# steps") @property def n_steps(self): return self.ui_n_steps.value ui_condensation_rtol_x = IntSlider(value=np.log10( Setup.condensation_rtol_thd), min=-9, max=-3, description="log_10(rtol_x)") @property def condensation_rtol_x(self): return 10**self.ui_condensation_rtol_x.value ui_condensation_rtol_thd = IntSlider(value=np.log10( Setup.condensation_rtol_thd), min=-9, max=-3, description="log_10(rtol_thd)") @property def condensation_rtol_thd(self): return 10**self.ui_condensation_rtol_thd.value ui_adaptive = Checkbox(value=Setup.adaptive, description='adaptive timestep') @property def adaptive(self): return self.ui_adaptive.value ui_condensation_coord = Dropdown( options=['volume', 'volume logarithm'], value=Setup.condensation_coord, description='condensational variable coordinate') @property def condensation_coord(self): return self.ui_condensation_coord.value # TODO ui_ept = Checkbox(value=Setup.enable_particle_temperatures, description="enable particle temperatures") ui_processes = [ Checkbox(value=Setup.processes[key], description=key) for key in Setup.processes.keys() ] @property def processes(self): result = {} for checkbox in self.ui_processes: result[checkbox.description] = checkbox.value return result # @property # def enable_particle_temperatures(self): # return self.ui_ept.value ui_sdpg = IntSlider(value=Setup.n_sd_per_gridbox, description="n_sd/gridbox", min=1, max=1000) @property def n_sd_per_gridbox(self): return self.ui_sdpg.value fct_description = "MPDATA: flux-corrected transport option" tot_description = "MPDATA: third-order terms option" iga_description = "MPDATA: infinite gauge option" nit_description = "MPDATA: number of iterations (1=UPWIND)" ui_mpdata_options = [ Checkbox(value=Setup.mpdata_fct, description=fct_description), Checkbox(value=Setup.mpdata_tot, description=tot_description), Checkbox(value=Setup.mpdata_iga, description=iga_description), IntSlider(value=Setup.mpdata_iters, description=nit_description, min=1, max=5) ] @property def mpdata_tot(self): for widget in self.ui_mpdata_options: if widget.description == self.tot_description: return widget.value raise Exception() @property def mpdata_fct(self): for widget in self.ui_mpdata_options: if widget.description == self.fct_description: return widget.value raise Exception() @property def mpdata_iga(self): for widget in self.ui_mpdata_options: if widget.description == self.iga_description: return widget.value raise Exception() @property def mpdata_iters(self): for widget in self.ui_mpdata_options: if widget.description == self.nit_description: return widget.value raise Exception() def box(self): layout = Accordion(children=[ VBox([ self.ui_th_std0, self.ui_qv0, self.ui_p0, self.ui_kappa, self.ui_amplitude ]), VBox([ *self.ui_processes # , self.ui_ept # TODO ]), VBox([ self.ui_nx, self.ui_nz, self.ui_sdpg, self.ui_dt, self.ui_n_steps, self.ui_condensation_rtol_x, self.ui_condensation_rtol_thd, self.ui_adaptive, self.ui_condensation_coord, *self.ui_mpdata_options ]), # VBox([]) # TODO ]) layout.set_title(0, 'environment parameters') layout.set_title(1, 'processes') layout.set_title(2, 'discretisation') # layout.set_title(3, 'parallelisation') # TODO return layout
def build_options(self): grid = GridspecLayout(4, 2) options_map = {} style = {'description_width': '60%'} # plot_type plot_type = Dropdown( description='Plot:', options=['force', 'decision', 'both'], description_tooltip='Which plot to draw decision, force or both', style=style) options_map['plot_type'] = plot_type # background_data background_data = Dropdown( description='Background data:', options={ 'KMeans': 'kmeans', 'Custom variable': 'custom' }, value='kmeans', description_tooltip= 'What background data will be used to sample from, when simulating "missing" feature\n' ' - KMeans: use KMeans to sample from provided dataset\n' ' - Custom variable: provide variable with instances to use', style=style) options_map['background_data'] = background_data # kmeans_count (only show when KMeans is chosen) kmeans_count = BoundedIntText( value=100, min=1, max=len(self.X_train), description='Count of KMeans centers:', description_tooltip= 'Number of means to use when creating background data', style=style) options_map['kmeans_count'] = kmeans_count # data (only show when Custom variable is chosen) data = UpdatingCombobox( options_keys=self.globals_options, description='Background data variable:', options=list(self.globals_options), description_tooltip= 'Variable with background data from which the "missing" features will be sampled', style=style) options_map['data'] = data # set up swap of options def swap_kmeans(change): if change['new'] == 'kmeans': data.lookup_in_kernel = False grid[1, 1] = kmeans_count else: data.lookup_in_kernel = True grid[1, 1] = data background_data.observe(swap_kmeans, names=['value']) # link link = Dropdown( description='Link:', options=['identity', 'logit'], value='identity', description_tooltip= 'A generalized linear model link to connect the feature importance values ' 'to the model output.\n' 'Since the feature importance values, phi, sum up to the model output, ' 'it often makes sense to connect them to the ouput with a link function ' 'where link(outout) = sum(phi).\n ' 'If the model output is a probability then the LogitLink link function makes ' 'the feature importance values have log-odds units.', style=style) options_map['link'] = link # nsamples nsamples = BoundedIntText( min=1, max=999999, value=2048, disabled=True, description='Model sample size:', description_tooltip= 'Number of times to re-evaluate the model when explaining each prediction.\n' 'More samples lead to lower variance estimates of the SHAP values.\n' 'The "auto" setting uses nsamples = 2 * X.shape[1] + 2048.', style=style) options_map['nsamples'] = nsamples # auto_nsamples auto_nsamples = Checkbox(description='Auto choose model sample size', value=True, style={'description_width': 'auto'}) options_map['auto_nsamples'] = auto_nsamples def disable_nsamples(change): nsamples.disabled = change['new'] auto_nsamples.observe(disable_nsamples, names=['value']) # l1_reg l1_reg = Combobox( description='L1 regularization:', options=['auto', 'aic', 'bic'], value='auto', description_tooltip= 'The l1 regularization to use for feature selection ' '(the estimation procedure is based on a debiased lasso).\n' ' - The auto option currently uses "aic" when less that 20% ' 'of the possible sample space is enumerated, otherwise it uses no regularization.\n' ' - The "aic" and "bic" options use the AIC and BIC rules for regularization.\n' ' - Integer selects a fix number of top features.\n' ' - float directly sets the "alpha" parameter of the sklearn.linear_model.Lasso model ' 'used for feature selection', style=style) options_map['l1_reg'] = l1_reg # class_to_explain (only if classification) if self.is_classification: class_to_explain = Dropdown( description='Class to plot:', options={val: e for e, val in enumerate(self.class_names)}, description_tooltip= 'For classification select a class for which the prediction will be explained', style=style) options_map['class_to_explain'] = class_to_explain grid[3, 1] = class_to_explain grid[0, 0] = plot_type grid[1, 0] = background_data grid[1, 1] = kmeans_count grid[0, 1] = link grid[2, 0] = nsamples grid[2, 1] = auto_nsamples grid[3, 0] = l1_reg return options_map, grid
def make_config(self): layout = Layout() style = {"description_width": "initial"} checkbox1 = Checkbox(description="Show Targets",["show_targets"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox1.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_targets", change["new"]), names='value') checkbox2 = Checkbox(description="Errors",["show_errors"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox2.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_errors", change["new"]), names='value') hspace = IntText(["hspace"], description="Horizontal space between banks:", style=style, layout=layout) hspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "hspace", change["new"]), names='value') vspace = IntText(["vspace"], description="Vertical space between layers:", style=style, layout=layout) vspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "vspace", change["new"]), names='value') self.feature_bank = Select(description="Details:",[""], options=[""] + [ for layer in], rows=1) self.feature_bank.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.control_select = Select( options=['Test', 'Train'],["dashboard.dataset"], description='Dataset:', rows=1 ) self.control_select.observe(self.change_select, names='value') column1 = [self.control_select, self.zoom_slider, hspace, vspace, HBox([checkbox1, checkbox2]), self.feature_bank, self.feature_columns, self.feature_scale ] ## Make layer selectable, and update-able: column2 = [] layer =[-1] self.layer_select = Select(description="Layer:",, options=[ for layer in], rows=1) self.layer_select.observe(self.update_layer_selection, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_select) self.layer_visible_checkbox = Checkbox(description="Visible", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_visible_checkbox.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_visible_checkbox) self.layer_colormap = Select(description="Colormap:", options=[""] + AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, value=layer.colormap if layer.colormap is not None else "", layout=layout, rows=1) self.layer_colormap_image = HTML(value="""<img src="%s"/>""" % self.layer_colormap.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_colormap) column2.append(self.layer_colormap_image) ## get dynamic minmax; if you change it it will set it in layer as override: minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim = FloatText(description="Leftmost color maps to:", value=minmax[0], style=style) self.layer_maxdim = FloatText(description="Rightmost color maps to:", value=minmax[1], style=style) self.layer_mindim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') self.layer_maxdim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_mindim) column2.append(self.layer_maxdim) output_shape = layer.get_output_shape() self.layer_feature = IntText(value=layer.feature, description="Feature to show:", style=style) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_feature.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_feature) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate network",["svg_rotate"], style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="52%")) self.svg_rotate.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "svg_rotate", change["new"]), names='value') self.save_config_button = Button(icon="save", layout=Layout(width="10%")) self.save_config_button.on_click(self.save_config) column2.append(HBox([self.svg_rotate, self.save_config_button])) config_children = HBox([VBox(column1, layout=Layout(width="100%")), VBox(column2, layout=Layout(width="100%"))]) accordion = Accordion(children=[config_children]) accordion.set_title(0, accordion.selected_index = None return accordion
) # Here we call the Optimization function that returns the initial optimal weights. # ************************************************************************************* GUI portion of the code that contains various labels,checkboxes etc. *********************** input_header = HBox([ Label(value='Ticker', layout=Layout(width='120px', height='22px')), Label(value='Name of Asset', layout=Layout(width='120px', height='22px')), Label(value='Weight', layout=Layout(width='120px', height='22px')) ]) list_sec_input = [input_header] lst_name = list(dict_settings['security'].keys()) lst_ticker = list(dict_settings['security'].values()) lst_weight = dict_settings['weight'] # Checkbox that determines the mktcap option. Places in python object's 'check_usemktcap' value field a true or false value check_usemktcap = Checkbox(description='Use Market Cap as Weight', value=dict_settings['usemktcap'], layout=Layout(min_width='15px'), style={'description_width': 'initial'}) label_usemktcap = Label(value=' ', layout={'height': '22px'}) # MktCap Label label_usemktcap2 = Label(value='(not recommended when using ETF as proxy)', layout=Layout(min_width='300px')) # MktCap Label # Option to load your own internal portfolio different from the original input. #port_dict = {x['name']: x['id'].split(':')[2].replace('-','U') + '-' + x['id'].split(':')[3] for x in bqport.list_portfolios()} #port_dict = {x['name']: x['id'].split(':')[2].replace('-','U') + '-' + x['id'].split(':')[3] for x in bq.port.list_portfolios()} #load_button = Button(description='Load members') #portfolio_dropdown = Dropdown(description='Portfolio:',options=sorted(set(port_dict.keys()))) #load_members_hbox = HBox([portfolio_dropdown, load_button]) for n in range(num_avail_ticker):
def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.use_defaults = True self.svg_xmin = 0 self.svg_xrange = 2000 self.xmin = -1000. self.xmax = 1000. self.ymin = -1000. self.ymax = 1000. self.x_range = 2000. self.y_range = 2000. self.show_nucleus = 0 self.show_edge = False # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 tab_height = '600px' tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 # self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_plots, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # "plot_size" controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) # NOTE: the Substrates Plot tab has an extra row of widgets at the top of it (cf. Cell Plots tab) svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '600px' svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '900px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.fontsize = 20 self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0: 'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='YlOrRd', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max = Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style= 'success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px')) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #--------------------- self.cell_edges_toggle = Checkbox( description='edges', disabled=False, value=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_edges_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_edges_toggle.value): self.show_edge = True else: self.show_edge = False self.mcds_plot.update() self.cell_edges_toggle.observe(cell_edges_toggle_cb) self.cells_toggle = Checkbox( description='Cells', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cells_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.mcds_plot.update() if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = False else: self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = True self.cells_toggle.observe(cells_toggle_cb) #--------------------- self.substrates_toggle = Checkbox( description='Substrates', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def substrates_toggle_cb(b): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # seems bass-ackwards self.cmap_fixed.disabled = False self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.mcds_field.disabled = False self.field_cmap.disabled = False else: self.cmap_fixed.disabled = True self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.mcds_field.disabled = True self.field_cmap.disabled = True self.substrates_toggle.observe(substrates_toggle_cb) self.grid_toggle = Checkbox( description='grid', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def grid_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.mcds_plot.update() self.grid_toggle.observe(grid_toggle_cb) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') # row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', row1a = Box([self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1b = Box([self.cells_toggle, self.cell_edges_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1 = HBox([row1a, Label('.....'), row1b]) row2a = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', row2b = Box([ self.substrates_toggle, ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2 = HBox( [row2a, self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle]) row2 = HBox([row2a, Label('.....'), row2b]) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) self.download_svg_button = Download( '', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_svg_cb) download_row = HBox([ self.download_button.w, self.download_svg_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).") ]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) # box_layout = Layout(border='0px solid') controls_box = VBox([row1, row2]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) = VBox([controls_box, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot])
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '700px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='viridis', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max= Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px') ) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex'))] ) row2 = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) download_row = HBox([self.download_button.w, Label("Download all substrate data (browser must allow pop-ups).")]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) # return except: print("Cannot open ",fname," to get names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) self.field_min_max[elm.attrib['name']] = [0., 1.] self.field_dict[field_idx] = elm.attrib['name'] dropdown_options[elm.attrib['name']] = field_idx field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) self.mcds_field.value=0 self.mcds_field.options=dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) def update_max_frames_expected(self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value # def update(self, rdir): def update(self, rdir=''): # with debug_view: # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) if rdir: self.output_dir = rdir all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" # with debug_view: # print("substrates: added %s files" % len(all_files)) # self.output_dir = rdir # if rdir == '': # # self.max_frames.value = 0 # tmpdir = os.path.abspath('tmpdir') # self.output_dir = tmpdir # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() # return # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() def download_cb(self): file_xml = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.xml') file_mat = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.mat') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_xml): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive for f in glob.glob(file_mat): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) def update_max_frames(self,_b): self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.mcds_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.mcds_plot.update() def plot_substrate(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): # print("File does not exist: ", full_fname) print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins= round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins/60) days = int(hrs/24) title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[self.field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) N = int(math.sqrt(len(M[0,:]))) grid2D = M[0, :].reshape(N,N) xvec = grid2D[0, :] num_contours = 15 # levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=10).tick_values(vmin, vmax) levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values(self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) if (self.cmap_fixed.value): my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value) else: # my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) plt.title(title_str) plt.colorbar(my_plot) axes_min = 0 axes_max = 2000
def time_series(path): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from datetime import timedelta import pandas as pd import json import glob confvalues = inst = confvalues['set']['institution'] file_info = glob.glob(f"{path}*_information.json")[0] with open(file_info, 'r') as f: info_data = json.loads( pid = info_data['ogc_fid'][0] crop_name = info_data['cropname'][0] area = info_data['area'][0] figure_dpi = 50 def plot_ts_s2(cloud): file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_s2.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) dfB4 = df[ == 'B4'].copy() dfB8 = df[ == 'B8'].copy() datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') if cloud is False: # Plot NDVI fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"Parcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} ha)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'DN') axb.plot(dfB4.index, dfB4['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='B4') axb.plot(dfB8.index, dfB8['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='B8') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 10000) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return else: # Plot Cloud free NDVI. dfSC = df[ == 'SC'].copy() dfNDVI = (dfB8['mean'] - dfB4['mean']) / \ (dfB8['mean'] + dfB4['mean']) cloudfree = ((dfSC['mean'] >= 4) & (dfSC['mean'] < 6)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)" ) axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'NDVI') axb.plot(dfNDVI.index, dfNDVI, linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='NDVI') axb.plot(dfNDVI[cloudfree].index, dfNDVI[cloudfree], linestyle=' ', marker='P', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='Cloud free NDVI') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 1.0) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return def plot_ts_bs(): import numpy as np file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_bs.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') # Plot Backscattering coefficient datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') df = df[df['mean'] >= 0] # to remove negative values dfVV = df[ == 'VV'].copy() dfVH = df[ == 'VH'].copy() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) dfVV['mean'] = dfVV['mean'].map(lambda s: 10.0 * np.log10(s)) dfVH['mean'] = dfVH['mean'].map(lambda s: 10.0 * np.log10(s)) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'Backscattering coefficient, $\gamma\degree$ (dB)') axb.plot(dfVH.index, dfVH['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='VH') axb.plot(dfVV.index, dfVV['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='VV') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(-25, 0) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return def plot_ts_c6(): file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_c6.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) # Plot Coherence dfVV = df[ == 'VV'].copy() dfVH = df[ == 'VH'].copy() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'Coherence') axb.plot(dfVH.index, dfVH['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='VH') axb.plot(dfVV.index, dfVV['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='VV') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 1) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return ts_cloud = Checkbox(value=True, description='Cloud free', disabled=False, indent=False) ts_files = glob.glob(f"{path}*time_series*.csv") ts_file_types = [b.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] for b in ts_files] ts_types = [t for t in data_options.pts_tstype() if t[1] in ts_file_types] ts_type = Dropdown( options=ts_types, description='Select type:', disabled=False, ) btn_ts = Button(value=False, description='Plot TS', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Refresh output', icon='') ts_out = Output() @btn_ts.on_click def btn_ts_on_click(b): btn_ts.description = 'Refresh' btn_ts.icon = 'refresh' with ts_out: ts_out.clear_output() if ts_type.value == 's2': plot_ts_s2(ts_cloud.value) elif ts_type.value == 'bs': plot_ts_bs() elif ts_type.value == 'c6': plot_ts_c6() def on_ts_type_change(change): if ts_type.value == 's2': wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type, ts_cloud] else: wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type] ts_type.observe(on_ts_type_change, 'value') wbox_ts = HBox([btn_ts, ts_type, ts_cloud]) wbox = VBox([wbox_ts, ts_out]) return wbox
def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '700px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='viridis', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max= Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px') ) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex'))] ) row2 = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) download_row = HBox([self.download_button.w, Label("Download all substrate data (browser must allow pop-ups).")]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot, download_row])
def time_series_widget(aoi, year, pid): path = normpath( join(config.get_value(['paths', 'temp']), aoi, str(year), str(pid))) # confvalues = # inst = confvalues['set']['institution'] file_info = normpath(join(path, 'info.json')) with open(file_info, 'r') as f: info_data = json.loads( pid = info_data['pid'][0] ts_cloud = Checkbox(value=True, description='Cloud free', disabled=False, indent=False) ts_files = glob.glob(normpath(join(path, '*time_series*.csv'))) ts_file_types = [b.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] for b in ts_files] if 's2' in ts_file_types: ts_file_types.append('ndvi') ts_types = [t for t in data_options.pts_tstype() if t[1] in ts_file_types] ts_type = Dropdown( options=ts_types, description='Select type:', disabled=False, ) btn_ts = Button(value=False, description='Plot TS', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Refresh output', icon='') ts_out = Output() @btn_ts.on_click def btn_ts_on_click(b): btn_ts.description = 'Refresh' btn_ts.icon = 'refresh' with ts_out: ts_out.clear_output() if ts_type.value == 's2': time_series.s2(aoi, str(year), str(pid), bands=['B4', 'B8']) elif ts_type.value == 'ndvi': time_series.ndvi(aoi, str(year), str(pid)) elif ts_type.value == 'bs': time_series.s1(aoi, str(year), str(pid), 'bs') elif ts_type.value == 'c6': time_series.s1(aoi, str(year), str(pid), 'c6') def on_ts_type_change(change): if ts_type.value == 's2': wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type] else: wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type] ts_type.observe(on_ts_type_change, 'value') wbox_ts = HBox([btn_ts, ts_type, ts_cloud]) wbox = VBox([wbox_ts, ts_out]) return wbox
class SVGTab(object): # myplot = None def __init__(self): tab_height = '520px' tab_height = '550px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height) #, overflow_y='scroll') self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' max_frames = 1 self.svg_plot = interactive(self.plot_svg, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '500px' self.svg_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.svg_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.use_defaults = True self.show_nucleus = 0 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.show_edge = 1 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.scale_radius = 1.0 self.axes_min = 0.0 self.axes_max = 2000 # hmm, this can change (TODO?) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # = HBox([svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', # layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.show_nucleus_checkbox = Checkbox( description='nucleus', value=False, disabled=False, # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_nucleus_checkbox.observe(self.show_nucleus_cb) self.show_edge_checkbox = Checkbox( description='edge', value=True, disabled=False, # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_edge_checkbox.observe(self.show_edge_cb) # row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # self.max_frames, VBox([self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox])]) # self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox], layout=Layout(width='500px')) # = VBox([row1,self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto')) # layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto')) items_auto = [ self.help_label, self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox, ] #row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # max_frames, show_nucleus_checkbox, show_edge_checkbox], # layout=Layout(width='800px')) box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='90%') # row1 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #row1 = Box(children=items_auto) row1 = Box([ self.help_label, Box([ self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox ], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='60%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) ]) # self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download results', cb=self.download_cb) #self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download results') # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot, self.download_button.w], layout=tab_layout) = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) # self.output_dir_str = os.getenv('RESULTSDIR') + "/pc4nanobio/" def update_max_frames_expected( self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run with debug_view: print("update_max_frames_expected: SVG UPDATE", rdir) self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.svg_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value # self.svg_plot.update() def update(self, rdir): with debug_view: print(" update(): rdir (->self.output_dir)=", rdir) self.output_dir = rdir if rdir == '': # self.max_frames.value = 0 tmpdir = os.path.abspath('tmpdir') # with debug_view: # print(" update(): tmpdir=", tmpdir) self.output_dir = tmpdir all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'snapshot*.svg'))) # with debug_view: # print(" update(): len(all_files)=", len(all_files)) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4] ) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.svg_plot.update() return all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rdir, 'snapshot*.svg'))) with debug_view: print(" update(): rdir != blank; len(all_files)=", len(all_files)) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.svg_plot.update() def download_cb(self): file_str = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.svg') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_str): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename( f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive def show_nucleus_cb(self, b): global current_frame if (self.show_nucleus_checkbox.value): self.show_nucleus = 1 else: self.show_nucleus = 0 # self.plot_svg(self,current_frame) self.svg_plot.update() def show_edge_cb(self, b): if (self.show_edge_checkbox.value): self.show_edge = 1 else: self.show_edge = 0 self.svg_plot.update() def update_max_frames(self, _b): self.svg_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def plot_svg(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max global current_frame current_frame = frame fname = "snapshot%08d.svg" % frame # fullname = self.output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname # do this for nanoHUB! (data appears in root dir?) full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): # print("File does not exist: ", fname) # print("File does not exist: ", full_fname) #print("No: ", full_fname) print("Missing output file") # No: snapshot00000000.svg return xlist = deque() ylist = deque() rlist = deque() rgb_list = deque() # print('\n---- ' + fname + ':') # tree = ET.parse(fname) tree = ET.parse(full_fname) root = tree.getroot() # print('--- root.tag ---') # print(root.tag) # print('--- root.attrib ---') # print(root.attrib) # print('--- child.tag, child.attrib ---') numChildren = 0 for child in root: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print("keys=",child.attrib.keys()) if self.use_defaults and ('width' in child.attrib.keys()): self.axes_max = float(child.attrib['width']) # print("debug> found width --> axes_max =", axes_max) if child.text and "Current time" in child.text: svals = child.text.split() # title_str = "(" + str(current_idx) + ") Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # title_str = "Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # title_str = svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # mins= round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins mins = round(int(float(svals[7]))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins / 60) days = int(hrs / 24) title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days), (hrs % 24), mins - (hrs * 60)) # print("width ",child.attrib['width']) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) # if (child.attrib['id'] == 'tissue'): if ('id' in child.attrib.keys()): # print('-------- found tissue!!') tissue_parent = child break # print('------ search tissue') cells_parent = None for child in tissue_parent: # print('attrib=',child.attrib) if (child.attrib['id'] == 'cells'): # print('-------- found cells, setting cells_parent') cells_parent = child break numChildren += 1 num_cells = 0 # print('------ search cells') for child in cells_parent: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) for circle in child: # two circles in each child: outer + nucleus # circle.attrib={'cx': '1085.59','cy': '1225.24','fill': 'rgb(159,159,96)','r': '6.67717','stroke': 'rgb(159,159,96)','stroke-width': '0.5'} # print(' --- cx,cy=',circle.attrib['cx'],circle.attrib['cy']) xval = float(circle.attrib['cx']) s = circle.attrib['fill'] # print("s=",s) # print("type(s)=",type(s)) if (s[0:3] == "rgb" ): # if an rgb string, e.g. "rgb(175,175,80)" rgb = list(map(int, s[4:-1].split(","))) rgb[:] = [x / 255. for x in rgb] else: # otherwise, must be a color name rgb_tuple = mplc.to_rgb(mplc.cnames[s]) # a tuple rgb = [x for x in rgb_tuple] # test for bogus x,y locations (rwh TODO: use max of domain?) too_large_val = 10000. if (np.fabs(xval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break yval = float(circle.attrib['cy']) if (np.fabs(yval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break rval = float(circle.attrib['r']) # if (rgb[0] > rgb[1]): # print(num_cells,rgb, rval) xlist.append(xval) ylist.append(yval) rlist.append(rval) rgb_list.append(rgb) # For .svg files with cells that *have* a nucleus, there will be a 2nd if (self.show_nucleus == 0): #if (not self.show_nucleus): break num_cells += 1 # if num_cells > 3: # for debugging # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells," --- debug exit.") # sys.exit(1) # break # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells) xvals = np.array(xlist) yvals = np.array(ylist) rvals = np.array(rlist) rgbs = np.array(rgb_list) # print("xvals[0:5]=",xvals[0:5]) # print("rvals[0:5]=",rvals[0:5]) # print("rvals.min, max=",rvals.min(),rvals.max()) # rwh - is this where I change size of render window?? (YES - yipeee!) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # plt.cla() title_str += " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # plt.title(title_str) # plt.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*scale_radius, c=rgbs) # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) #rwh: move to __init__ # plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) # axx = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # axx = fig.gca() # print('fig.dpi=',fig.dpi) # = 72 # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # ax.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # convert radii to radii in pixels # ax2 = fig.gca() ax2 = self.fig.gca() N = len(xvals) rr_pix = (ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([rvals, rvals]).T) - ax2.transData.transform( np.vstack([np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)]).T)) rpix, _ = rr_pix.T # markers_size = (144. * rpix / fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 markers_size = (144. * rpix / self.fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 # markers_size = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 markers_size = markers_size / 4000000. #print('markers_size.max()=',markers_size.max()) # ax.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*self.scale_radius, c=rgbs) # axx.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) #rwh - temp fix - Ah, error only occurs when "edges" is toggled on if (self.show_edge): plt.scatter(xvals, yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) else: plt.scatter(xvals, yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) plt.xlim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) plt.ylim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # ax.grid(False) # axx.set_title(title_str) plt.title(title_str)
def __init__(self): micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' tab_height = '500px' stepsize = 10 #style = {'description_width': '250px'} style = {'description_width': '25%'} layout = {'width': '400px'} name_button_layout = {'width': '25%'} widget_layout = {'width': '15%'} units_button_layout = {'width': '15%'} desc_button_layout = {'width': '45%'} menv_var1 = Button(description='virion (virion/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' param_name1 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.virion_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText(value=2.5, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name2 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.virion_decay_rate = FloatText(value=0, step=0.01, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name3 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.virion_initial_condition = FloatText(value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name4 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) menv_var2 = Button(description='assembled_virion (virion/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' param_name5 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.assembled_virion_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText( value=2.5, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name6 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.assembled_virion_decay_rate = FloatText(value=0, step=0.01, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name7 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.assembled_virion_initial_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name8 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.assembled_virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.assembled_virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) menv_var3 = Button(description='interferon_1 (mol/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' param_name9 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.interferon_1_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText( value=555.56, step=10, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name10 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.interferon_1_decay_rate = FloatText(value=1.02e-2, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name11 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.interferon_1_initial_condition = FloatText(value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name12 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.interferon_1_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.interferon_1_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) menv_var4 = Button( description='pro_inflammatory_cytokine (mol/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' param_name13 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText( value=555.56, step=10, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name14 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_decay_rate = FloatText( value=1.02e-2, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name15 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_initial_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name16 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) menv_var5 = Button(description='chemokine (mol/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' param_name17 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.chemokine_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText(value=555.56, step=10, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name18 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.chemokine_decay_rate = FloatText(value=1.02e-2, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name19 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.chemokine_initial_condition = FloatText(value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name20 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.chemokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.chemokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) menv_var6 = Button(description='debris (mol/micron^3)', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' param_name21 = Button(description='diffusion_coefficient', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.debris_diffusion_coefficient = FloatText(value=555.56, step=10, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name22 = Button(description='decay_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.debris_decay_rate = FloatText(value=1.02e-2, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name23 = Button(description='initial_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.debris_initial_condition = FloatText(value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name24 = Button(description='Dirichlet_boundary_condition', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.debris_Dirichlet_boundary_condition = FloatText( value=0, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.debris_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle = Checkbox( description='on/off', disabled=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) self.calculate_gradient = Checkbox(description='calculate_gradients', disabled=False, layout=desc_button_layout) self.track_internal = Checkbox(description='track_in_agents', disabled=False, layout=desc_button_layout) # ------- micronenv info menv_units_button1 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button2 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button3 = Button(description='virion/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button4 = Button(description='virion/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button5 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button6 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button7 = Button(description='virion/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button8 = Button(description='virion/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button9 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button10 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button11 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button12 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button13 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button14 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button15 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button16 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button17 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button18 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button19 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button20 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button21 = Button(description='micron^2/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button22 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button23 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) menv_units_button24 = Button(description='mol/micron^3', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) row_virion = [ menv_var1, ] row1 = [ param_name1, self.virion_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button1 ] row2 = [param_name2, self.virion_decay_rate, menv_units_button2] row3 = [param_name3, self.virion_initial_condition, menv_units_button3] row4 = [ param_name4, self.virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button4, self.virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row_assembled_virion = [ menv_var2, ] row5 = [ param_name5, self.assembled_virion_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button5 ] row6 = [ param_name6, self.assembled_virion_decay_rate, menv_units_button6 ] row7 = [ param_name7, self.assembled_virion_initial_condition, menv_units_button7 ] row8 = [ param_name8, self.assembled_virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button8, self.assembled_virion_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row_interferon_1 = [ menv_var3, ] row9 = [ param_name9, self.interferon_1_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button9 ] row10 = [ param_name10, self.interferon_1_decay_rate, menv_units_button10 ] row11 = [ param_name11, self.interferon_1_initial_condition, menv_units_button11 ] row12 = [ param_name12, self.interferon_1_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button12, self.interferon_1_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row_pro_inflammatory_cytokine = [ menv_var4, ] row13 = [ param_name13, self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button13 ] row14 = [ param_name14, self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_decay_rate, menv_units_button14 ] row15 = [ param_name15, self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_initial_condition, menv_units_button15 ] row16 = [ param_name16, self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button16, self.pro_inflammatory_cytokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row_chemokine = [ menv_var5, ] row17 = [ param_name17, self.chemokine_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button17 ] row18 = [param_name18, self.chemokine_decay_rate, menv_units_button18] row19 = [ param_name19, self.chemokine_initial_condition, menv_units_button19 ] row20 = [ param_name20, self.chemokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button20, self.chemokine_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row_debris = [ menv_var6, ] row21 = [ param_name21, self.debris_diffusion_coefficient, menv_units_button21 ] row22 = [param_name22, self.debris_decay_rate, menv_units_button22] row23 = [ param_name23, self.debris_initial_condition, menv_units_button23 ] row24 = [ param_name24, self.debris_Dirichlet_boundary_condition, menv_units_button24, self.debris_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_toggle ] row25 = [ self.calculate_gradient, ] row26 = [ self.track_internal, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='100%') box_virion = Box(children=row_virion, layout=box_layout) box1 = Box(children=row1, layout=box_layout) box2 = Box(children=row2, layout=box_layout) box3 = Box(children=row3, layout=box_layout) box4 = Box(children=row4, layout=box_layout) box_assembled_virion = Box(children=row_assembled_virion, layout=box_layout) box5 = Box(children=row5, layout=box_layout) box6 = Box(children=row6, layout=box_layout) box7 = Box(children=row7, layout=box_layout) box8 = Box(children=row8, layout=box_layout) box_interferon_1 = Box(children=row_interferon_1, layout=box_layout) box9 = Box(children=row9, layout=box_layout) box10 = Box(children=row10, layout=box_layout) box11 = Box(children=row11, layout=box_layout) box12 = Box(children=row12, layout=box_layout) box_pro_inflammatory_cytokine = Box( children=row_pro_inflammatory_cytokine, layout=box_layout) box13 = Box(children=row13, layout=box_layout) box14 = Box(children=row14, layout=box_layout) box15 = Box(children=row15, layout=box_layout) box16 = Box(children=row16, layout=box_layout) box_chemokine = Box(children=row_chemokine, layout=box_layout) box17 = Box(children=row17, layout=box_layout) box18 = Box(children=row18, layout=box_layout) box19 = Box(children=row19, layout=box_layout) box20 = Box(children=row20, layout=box_layout) box_debris = Box(children=row_debris, layout=box_layout) box21 = Box(children=row21, layout=box_layout) box22 = Box(children=row22, layout=box_layout) box23 = Box(children=row23, layout=box_layout) box24 = Box(children=row24, layout=box_layout) box25 = Box(children=row25, layout=box_layout) box26 = Box(children=row26, layout=box_layout) = VBox([ box_virion, box1, box2, box3, box4, box_assembled_virion, box5, box6, box7, box8, box_interferon_1, box9, box10, box11, box12, box_pro_inflammatory_cytokine, box13, box14, box15, box16, box_chemokine, box17, box18, box19, box20, box_debris, box21, box22, box23, box24, box25, box26, ])
def __init__(self): tab_height = '520px' tab_height = '550px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height) #, overflow_y='scroll') self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' max_frames = 1 self.svg_plot = interactive(self.plot_svg, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '500px' self.svg_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.svg_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.use_defaults = True self.show_nucleus = 0 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.show_edge = 1 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.scale_radius = 1.0 self.axes_min = 0.0 self.axes_max = 2000 # hmm, this can change (TODO?) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # = HBox([svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', # layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.show_nucleus_checkbox = Checkbox( description='nucleus', value=False, disabled=False, # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_nucleus_checkbox.observe(self.show_nucleus_cb) self.show_edge_checkbox = Checkbox( description='edge', value=True, disabled=False, # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_edge_checkbox.observe(self.show_edge_cb) # row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # self.max_frames, VBox([self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox])]) # self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox], layout=Layout(width='500px')) # = VBox([row1,self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto')) # layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto')) items_auto = [ self.help_label, self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox, ] #row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # max_frames, show_nucleus_checkbox, show_edge_checkbox], # layout=Layout(width='800px')) box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='90%') # row1 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #row1 = Box(children=items_auto) row1 = Box([ self.help_label, Box([ self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox ], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='60%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) ]) # self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download results', cb=self.download_cb) #self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download results') # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot, self.download_button.w], layout=tab_layout) = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout)
class SVGTab(object): # myplot = None def __init__(self): tab_height = '520px' tab_layout = Layout( width='800px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, overflow_y='scroll') self.output_dir = '.' max_frames = 505 # first time + 30240 / 60 self.svg_plot = interactive(self.plot_svg, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '500px' self.svg_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.svg_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.use_defaults = True self.show_nucleus = 0 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.show_edge = 1 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.scale_radius = 1.0 self.axes_min = 0.0 self.axes_max = 2000 # hmm, this can change (TODO?) # = HBox([svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.show_nucleus_checkbox = Checkbox( description='nucleus', value=False, disabled=False, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_nucleus_checkbox.observe(self.show_nucleus_cb) self.show_edge_checkbox = Checkbox( description='edge', value=True, disabled=False, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_edge_checkbox.observe(self.show_edge_cb) # row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # self.max_frames, VBox([self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox])]) # self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox], layout=Layout(width='500px')) # = VBox([row1,self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) items_auto = [ Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox, ] #row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # max_frames, show_nucleus_checkbox, show_edge_checkbox], # layout=Layout(width='800px')) box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='90%') row1 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) # self.output_dir_str = os.getenv('RESULTSDIR') + "/pc4nanobio/" def show_nucleus_cb(self, b): global current_frame if (self.show_nucleus_checkbox.value): self.show_nucleus = 1 else: self.show_nucleus = 0 # self.plot_svg(self,current_frame) self.svg_plot.update() def show_edge_cb(self, b): if (self.show_edge_checkbox.value): self.show_edge = 1 else: self.show_edge = 0 self.svg_plot.update() def update_max_frames(self, _b): self.svg_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def plot_svg(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max # print('plot_svg: SVG=', SVG) global current_frame current_frame = frame fname = "snapshot%08d.svg" % frame # fullname = self.output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname # do this for nanoHUB! (data appears in root dir?) full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): # print("File does not exist: ", fname) # print("File does not exist: ", full_fname) print("No: ", full_fname) return xlist = deque() ylist = deque() rlist = deque() rgb_list = deque() # print('\n---- ' + fname + ':') # tree = ET.parse(fname) tree = ET.parse(full_fname) root = tree.getroot() # print('--- root.tag ---') # print(root.tag) # print('--- root.attrib ---') # print(root.attrib) # print('--- child.tag, child.attrib ---') numChildren = 0 for child in root: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print("keys=",child.attrib.keys()) if self.use_defaults and ('width' in child.attrib.keys()): self.axes_max = float(child.attrib['width']) # print("debug> found width --> axes_max =", axes_max) if child.text and "Current time" in child.text: svals = child.text.split() # title_str = "(" + str(current_idx) + ") Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # title_str = "Current time: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" title_str = svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7] + "m" # print("width ",child.attrib['width']) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) # if (child.attrib['id'] == 'tissue'): if ('id' in child.attrib.keys()): # print('-------- found tissue!!') tissue_parent = child break # print('------ search tissue') cells_parent = None for child in tissue_parent: # print('attrib=',child.attrib) if (child.attrib['id'] == 'cells'): # print('-------- found cells, setting cells_parent') cells_parent = child break numChildren += 1 num_cells = 0 # print('------ search cells') for child in cells_parent: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) for circle in child: # two circles in each child: outer + nucleus # circle.attrib={'cx': '1085.59','cy': '1225.24','fill': 'rgb(159,159,96)','r': '6.67717','stroke': 'rgb(159,159,96)','stroke-width': '0.5'} # print(' --- cx,cy=',circle.attrib['cx'],circle.attrib['cy']) xval = float(circle.attrib['cx']) s = circle.attrib['fill'] # print("s=",s) # print("type(s)=",type(s)) if (s[0:3] == "rgb" ): # if an rgb string, e.g. "rgb(175,175,80)" rgb = list(map(int, s[4:-1].split(","))) rgb[:] = [x / 255. for x in rgb] else: # otherwise, must be a color name rgb_tuple = mplc.to_rgb(mplc.cnames[s]) # a tuple rgb = [x for x in rgb_tuple] # test for bogus x,y locations (rwh TODO: use max of domain?) too_large_val = 10000. if (np.fabs(xval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break yval = float(circle.attrib['cy']) if (np.fabs(yval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break rval = float(circle.attrib['r']) # if (rgb[0] > rgb[1]): # print(num_cells,rgb, rval) xlist.append(xval) ylist.append(yval) rlist.append(rval) rgb_list.append(rgb) # For .svg files with cells that *have* a nucleus, there will be a 2nd if (self.show_nucleus == 0): #if (not self.show_nucleus): break num_cells += 1 # if num_cells > 3: # for debugging # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells," --- debug exit.") # sys.exit(1) # break # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells) xvals = np.array(xlist) yvals = np.array(ylist) rvals = np.array(rlist) rgbs = np.array(rgb_list) # print("xvals[0:5]=",xvals[0:5]) # print("rvals[0:5]=",rvals[0:5]) # print("rvals.min, max=",rvals.min(),rvals.max()) # rwh - is this where I change size of render window?? (YES - yipeee!) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # plt.cla() title_str += " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # plt.title(title_str) # plt.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*scale_radius, c=rgbs) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # axx = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # axx = fig.gca() # print('fig.dpi=',fig.dpi) # = 72 # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # ax.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # convert radii to radii in pixels ax2 = fig.gca() N = len(xvals) rr_pix = (ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([rvals, rvals]).T) - ax2.transData.transform( np.vstack([np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)]).T)) rpix, _ = rr_pix.T markers_size = (144. * rpix / fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 # markers_size = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 markers_size = markers_size / 4000000. # print('max=',markers_size.max()) # ax.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*self.scale_radius, c=rgbs) # axx.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) if (self.show_edge): plt.scatter(xvals, yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth='0.5') else: plt.scatter(xvals, yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) plt.xlim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) plt.ylim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # ax.grid(False) # axx.set_title(title_str) plt.title(title_str)
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 # allow extra for colormap self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) # self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig = None # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.first_time = True self.modulo = 1 self.use_defaults = True self.svg_delta_t = 1 self.substrate_delta_t = 1 self.svg_frame = 1 self.substrate_frame = 1 self.customized_output_freq = False self.therapy_activation_time = 1000000 self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.svg_xmin = 0 # Probably don't want to hardwire these if we allow changing the domain size # self.svg_xrange = 2000 # self.xmin = -1000. # self.xmax = 1000. # self.ymin = -1000. # self.ymax = 1000. # self.x_range = 2000. # self.y_range = 2000. self.show_nucleus = False self.show_edge = True # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 self.title_str = '' tab_height = '600px' tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 2 # self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_plots, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate0, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.frame_slider = IntSlider( min=0, max=10, step=1, description='Test:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', ) # self.frame_slider.observe(self.frame_slider_cb) self.frame_slider.observe(self.plot_substrate) # "plot_size" controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) # NOTE: the Substrates Plot tab has an extra row of widgets at the top of it (cf. Cell Plots tab) svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '600px' svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '900px' self.i_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.i_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.fontsize = 20 # description='# cell frames', self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='# frames', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) # self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # NOTE: manually setting these for now (vs. parsing them out of data/initial.xml) self.field_min_max = { 'director signal': [0., 1.], 'cargo signal': [0., 1.] } # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below # self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.field_dict = {0: 'director signal', 1: 'cargo signal'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={ 'director signal': 0, 'cargo signal': 1 }, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='YlOrRd', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max = Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style= 'success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px')) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #--------------------- self.cell_nucleus_toggle = Checkbox( description='nuclei', disabled=False, value=self.show_nucleus, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_nucleus_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_nucleus_toggle.value): self.show_nucleus = True else: self.show_nucleus = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_nucleus_toggle.observe(cell_nucleus_toggle_cb) #---- self.cell_edges_toggle = Checkbox( description='edges', disabled=False, value=self.show_edge, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_edges_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_edges_toggle.value): self.show_edge = True else: self.show_edge = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_edges_toggle.observe(cell_edges_toggle_cb) self.cells_toggle = Checkbox( description='Cells', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cells_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = False self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = False else: self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = True self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = True self.cells_toggle.observe(cells_toggle_cb) #--------------------- self.substrates_toggle = Checkbox( description='Substrates', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def substrates_toggle_cb(b): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # seems bass-ackwards self.cmap_fixed.disabled = False self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.mcds_field.disabled = False self.field_cmap.disabled = False else: self.cmap_fixed.disabled = True self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.mcds_field.disabled = True self.field_cmap.disabled = True self.substrates_toggle.observe(substrates_toggle_cb) self.grid_toggle = Checkbox( description='grid', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def grid_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() self.grid_toggle.observe(grid_toggle_cb) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') # row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', row1a = Box([self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1b = Box([ self.cells_toggle, self.cell_nucleus_toggle, self.cell_edges_toggle ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1 = HBox([row1a, Label('.....'), row1b]) row2a = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', row2b = Box([ self.substrates_toggle, ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2 = HBox( [row2a, self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle]) row2 = HBox([row2a, Label('.....'), row2b]) row3 = HBox([ self.frame_slider, ]) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) self.download_svg_button = Download( '', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_svg_cb) download_row = HBox([ self.download_button.w, self.download_svg_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).") ]) # box_layout = Layout(border='0px solid') # controls_box = VBox([row1, row2]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) controls_box = VBox([row1, row2, row3]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) # = VBox([controls_box, self.i_plot, download_row]) # graph = GraphWidget() # iplot([{"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [3, 1, 6]}]) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Bar(y=[2, 3, 1])) # x = np.random.randn(2000) # y = np.random.randn(2000) self.x = np.random.randn(2) self.y = np.random.randn(2) # iplot([go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap')), # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours_showlines=False, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour( x=self.x, y=self.y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget( data = [ # { # 'type' : 'Histogram2dContour', # 'x' : self.x, # 'y' : self.y, # 'contours' : { # 'coloring': 'heatmap' # } # }, # { # 'type' : 'scatter', # 'x' : self.x, # 'y' : self.y, # 'line' : { # 'color': 'red', # 'width': 3 # } # } # ], layout={}) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Contour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 400) # y = np.linspace(-5, 5, 400) # x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # a = 1 # b = 2 # z = x**2/a**2 - y**2/b**2 # contour = go.Contour( # z=z # ) # contour.contours.type = 'constraint' # contour.contours.value = 8 # data = [contour] # # self.fig = go.Figure(data=data) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=data) # go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='white', size=3, opacity=0.3)), show_link=False) self.fig.update_layout( # square figure layout for plotly? autosize=True, margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=30, b=20), width=800, height=800, # margin=dict( # l=50, # r=50, # b=100, # t=100, # pad=4 # ), # paper_bgcolor="White", # paper_bgcolor="LightSteelBlue", ) = VBox([controls_box, self.fig, download_row]) # plotly approach # app_layout = AppLayout( # center= self.fig.canvas, # # footer= self.frame_slider, # pane_heights=[0, 6, 1] # ) # = app_layout # = VBox([controls_box, self.fig.canvas, download_row]) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.i_plot]) #--------------------------------------------------- def frame_slider_cb(self, b): print('---- frame_slider_cb: frame=', self.frame_slider.value) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() except: print("Cannot open ", fname, " to read info, e.g., names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) self.field_min_max[elm.attrib['name']] = [0., 1.] self.field_dict[field_idx] = elm.attrib['name'] dropdown_options[elm.attrib['name']] = field_idx field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) self.mcds_field.value = 0 self.mcds_field.options = dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) # def update_max_frames_expected(self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run # self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" # self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def gcf(self): """Get current figure, or create a new one. :return: :any:`Figure` """ if self.figure is None: return figure() else: return self.figure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def update_params(self, config_tab, user_params_tab): # xml_root.find(".//x_min").text = str(self.xmin.value) # xml_root.find(".//x_max").text = str(self.xmax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dx").text = str(self.xdelta.value) # xml_root.find(".//y_min").text = str(self.ymin.value) # xml_root.find(".//y_max").text = str(self.ymax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dy").text = str(self.ydelta.value) # xml_root.find(".//z_min").text = str(self.zmin.value) # xml_root.find(".//z_max").text = str(self.zmax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dz").text = str(self.zdelta.value) self.xmin = config_tab.xmin.value self.xmax = config_tab.xmax.value self.x_range = self.xmax - self.xmin self.svg_xrange = self.xmax - self.xmin self.ymin = config_tab.ymin.value self.ymax = config_tab.ymax.value self.y_range = self.ymax - self.ymin self.numx = math.ceil( (self.xmax - self.xmin) / config_tab.xdelta.value) self.numy = math.ceil( (self.ymax - self.ymin) / config_tab.ydelta.value) if (self.x_range > self.y_range): ratio = self.y_range / self.x_range self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 # allow extra for colormap self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 * ratio self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 * ratio else: # x < y ratio = self.x_range / self.y_range self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 * ratio self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 * ratio self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 self.svg_flag = config_tab.toggle_svg.value self.substrates_flag = config_tab.toggle_mcds.value # print("substrates: update_params(): svg_flag, toggle=",self.svg_flag,config_tab.toggle_svg.value) # print("substrates: update_params(): self.substrates_flag = ",self.substrates_flag) self.svg_delta_t = config_tab.svg_interval.value self.substrate_delta_t = config_tab.mcds_interval.value self.modulo = int(self.substrate_delta_t / self.svg_delta_t) # print("substrates: update_params(): modulo=",self.modulo) if self.customized_output_freq: # self.therapy_activation_time = user_params_tab.therapy_activation_time.value # NOTE: edit for user param name # print("substrates: update_params(): therapy_activation_time=",self.therapy_activation_time) self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = int(self.therapy_activation_time / self.svg_delta_t) self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = int( self.therapy_activation_time / self.substrate_delta_t) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def update(self, rdir): # Called from driver module (e.g., pc4*.py) (among other places?) def update(self, rdir=''): # with debug_view: # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) if rdir: self.output_dir = rdir # print('update(): self.output_dir = ', self.output_dir) if self.first_time: # if True: self.first_time = False full_xml_filename = Path( os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'config.xml')) # print("substrates: update(), config.xml = ",full_xml_filename) # self.num_svgs = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'snap*.svg'))) # self.num_substrates = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) # print("substrates: num_svgs,num_substrates =",self.num_svgs,self.num_substrates) # argh - no! If no files created, then denom = -1 # self.modulo = int((self.num_svgs - 1) / (self.num_substrates - 1)) # print("substrates: update(): modulo=",self.modulo) if full_xml_filename.is_file(): tree = ET.parse( full_xml_filename ) # this file cannot be overwritten; part of tool distro xml_root = tree.getroot() self.svg_delta_t = int(xml_root.find(".//SVG//interval").text) self.substrate_delta_t = int( xml_root.find(".//full_data//interval").text) # print("substrates: svg,substrate delta_t values=",self.svg_delta_t,self.substrate_delta_t) self.modulo = int(self.substrate_delta_t / self.svg_delta_t) # print("substrates: update(): modulo=",self.modulo) # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) # if the substrates/MCDS all_files = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'snap*.svg'))) # if .svg if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" else: substrate_files = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(substrate_files) > 0: last_file = substrate_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) def download_svg_cb(self): file_str = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.svg') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_str): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename( f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive def download_cb(self): file_xml = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.xml') file_mat = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.mat') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_xml): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename( f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive for f in glob.glob(file_mat): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) def update_max_frames(self, _b): self.i_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.i_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.i_plot.update() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def circles(self, x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ See Make a scatter plot of circles. Similar to plt.scatter, but the size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x, y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circles. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, s=a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, ec='none') plt.colorbar() License -------- This code is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) # You can set `facecolor` with an array for each patch, # while you can only set `facecolors` with a value for all. zipped = np.broadcast(x, y, s) patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in zipped] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: c = np.broadcast_to(c, zipped.shape).ravel() collection.set_array(c) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() # plt.draw_if_interactive() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) # return collection #------------------------------------------------------------ # def plot_svg(self, frame, rdel=''): def plot_svg(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max global current_frame current_frame = frame fname = "snapshot%08d.svg" % frame full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) # with debug_view: # print("plot_svg:", full_fname) # print("-- plot_svg:", full_fname) if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") return xlist = deque() ylist = deque() rlist = deque() rgb_list = deque() # print('\n---- ' + fname + ':') # tree = ET.parse(fname) tree = ET.parse(full_fname) root = tree.getroot() # print('--- root.tag ---') # print(root.tag) # print('--- root.attrib ---') # print(root.attrib) # print('--- child.tag, child.attrib ---') numChildren = 0 for child in root: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print("keys=",child.attrib.keys()) if self.use_defaults and ('width' in child.attrib.keys()): self.axes_max = float(child.attrib['width']) # print("debug> found width --> axes_max =", axes_max) if child.text and "Current time" in child.text: svals = child.text.split() # remove the ".00" on minutes self.title_str += " cells: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[ 4] + "h, " + svals[7][:-3] + "m" # self.cell_time_mins = int(svals[2])*1440 + int(svals[4])*60 + int(svals[7][:-3]) # self.title_str += " cells: " + str(self.cell_time_mins) + "m" # rwh # print("width ",child.attrib['width']) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) # if (child.attrib['id'] == 'tissue'): if ('id' in child.attrib.keys()): # print('-------- found tissue!!') tissue_parent = child break # print('------ search tissue') cells_parent = None for child in tissue_parent: # print('attrib=',child.attrib) if (child.attrib['id'] == 'cells'): # print('-------- found cells, setting cells_parent') cells_parent = child break numChildren += 1 num_cells = 0 # print('------ search cells') for child in cells_parent: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) for circle in child: # two circles in each child: outer + nucleus # circle.attrib={'cx': '1085.59','cy': '1225.24','fill': 'rgb(159,159,96)','r': '6.67717','stroke': 'rgb(159,159,96)','stroke-width': '0.5'} # print(' --- cx,cy=',circle.attrib['cx'],circle.attrib['cy']) xval = float(circle.attrib['cx']) # map SVG coords into comp domain # xval = (xval-self.svg_xmin)/self.svg_xrange * self.x_range + self.xmin xval = xval / self.x_range * self.x_range + self.xmin s = circle.attrib['fill'] # print("s=",s) # print("type(s)=",type(s)) if (s[0:3] == "rgb" ): # if an rgb string, e.g. "rgb(175,175,80)" rgb = list(map(int, s[4:-1].split(","))) rgb[:] = [x / 255. for x in rgb] else: # otherwise, must be a color name rgb_tuple = mplc.to_rgb(mplc.cnames[s]) # a tuple rgb = [x for x in rgb_tuple] # test for bogus x,y locations (rwh TODO: use max of domain?) too_large_val = 10000. if (np.fabs(xval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break yval = float(circle.attrib['cy']) # yval = (yval - self.svg_xmin)/self.svg_xrange * self.y_range + self.ymin yval = yval / self.y_range * self.y_range + self.ymin if (np.fabs(yval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break rval = float(circle.attrib['r']) # if (rgb[0] > rgb[1]): # print(num_cells,rgb, rval) xlist.append(xval) ylist.append(yval) rlist.append(rval) rgb_list.append(rgb) # For .svg files with cells that *have* a nucleus, there will be a 2nd if (not self.show_nucleus): #if (not self.show_nucleus): break num_cells += 1 # if num_cells > 3: # for debugging # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells," --- debug exit.") # sys.exit(1) # break # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells) xvals = np.array(xlist) yvals = np.array(ylist) rvals = np.array(rlist) rgbs = np.array(rgb_list) # print("xvals[0:5]=",xvals[0:5]) # print("rvals[0:5]=",rvals[0:5]) # print("rvals.min, max=",rvals.min(),rvals.max()) # rwh - is this where I change size of render window?? (YES - yipeee!) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # plt.cla() # if (self.substrates_toggle.value): self.title_str += " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # title_str = " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # else: # mins= round(int(float(root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins # hrs = int(mins/60) # days = int(hrs/24) # title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) plt.title(self.title_str) plt.xlim(self.xmin, self.xmax) plt.ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) # plt.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*scale_radius, c=rgbs) # TODO: make figsize a function of plot_size? What about non-square plots? # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) # axx = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # axx = fig.gca() # print('fig.dpi=',fig.dpi) # = 72 # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # ax.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # convert radii to radii in pixels # ax2 = self.fig.gca() # N = len(xvals) # rr_pix = (ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([rvals, rvals]).T) - # ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)]).T)) # rpix, _ = rr_pix.T # markers_size = (144. * rpix / self.fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 # markers_size = markers_size/4000000. # print('max=',markers_size.max()) #rwh - temp fix - Ah, error only occurs when "edges" is toggled on if (self.show_edge): try: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) self.circles(xvals, yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # cell_circles = self.circles(xvals,yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # plt.sci(cell_circles) except (ValueError): pass else: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) self.circles(xvals, yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs) # if (self.show_tracks): # for key in self.trackd.keys(): # xtracks = self.trackd[key][:,0] # ytracks = self.trackd[key][:,1] # plt.plot(xtracks[0:frame],ytracks[0:frame], linewidth=5) # plt.xlim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # plt.ylim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # ax.grid(False) # axx.set_title(title_str) # plt.title(title_str) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # assume "frame" is cell frame #, unless Cells is togggled off, then it's the substrate frame # # def plot_substrate(self, frame, grid): def plot_substrate(self, frame): # def plot_substrate(self, b): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index frame = self.frame_slider.value print('--- plot_substrate: frame =', frame) # print("plot_substrate(): frame*self.substrate_delta_t = ",frame*self.substrate_delta_t) # print("plot_substrate(): frame*self.svg_delta_t = ",frame*self.svg_delta_t) self.title_str = '' if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 15.6)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15.0, 12.5)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) # rwh - funky way to figure out substrate frame for pc4cancerbots (due to user-defined "save_interval*") # self.cell_time_mins # self.substrate_frame = int(frame / self.modulo) if (self.customized_output_freq and (frame > self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy)): self.substrate_frame = self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy + ( frame - self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy) else: self.substrate_frame = int(frame / self.modulo) fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % self.substrate_frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % self.substrate_frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) # print("--- plot_substrate(): full_fname=",full_fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider." ) # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins = round(int(float(xml_root.find( ".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins self.substrate_mins = round( int(float(xml_root.find( ".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins / 60) days = int(hrs / 24) self.title_str = 'substrate: %dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days), (hrs % 24), mins - (hrs * 60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[ self. field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate try: xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) except: print( " mismatched mesh size for reshape: numx,numy=", self.numx, self.numy) pass # xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) # ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) num_contours = 15 levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values( self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) contour_ok = True if (self.cmap_fixed.value): try: # substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value, fontsize=self.fontsize) substrate_plot = plt.contourf( xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value, fontsize=self.fontsize) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 1.') else: try: # substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy,self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) # substrate_plot = plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy,self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) # plotly version print('-- new plotly plot') self.x = np.random.randn(frame * 200 + 1000) self.y = np.random.randn(frame * 200 + 1000)[0]['x'] = self.x[0]['y'] = self.y # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Contour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # # creates a *new* figure! contour_ok = False except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 2.') if (contour_ok): # main_ax.set_title(self.title_str, fontsize=self.fontsize) plt.title(self.title_str, fontsize=self.fontsize) # main_ax.tick_params(labelsize=self.fontsize) # cbar = plt.colorbar(my_plot) # cbar = self.fig.colorbar(substrate_plot, ax=main_ax) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(substrate_plot) # plt.xlim(self.xmin, self.xmax) # plt.ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) # Now plot the cells (possibly on top of the substrate) if (self.cells_toggle.value): if (not self.substrates_toggle.value): # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_svg, self.figsize_height_svg)) # self.plot_svg(frame) self.svg_frame = frame # print('plot_svg with frame=',self.svg_frame) self.plot_svg(self.svg_frame)
def __init__(self): micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' tab_height = '500px' stepsize = 10 #style = {'description_width': '250px'} style = {'description_width': '25%'} layout = {'width': '400px'} name_button_layout = {'width': '25%'} widget_layout = {'width': '15%'} units_button_layout = {'width': '15%'} desc_button_layout = {'width': '45%'} divider_button_layout = {'width': '40%'} param_name1 = Button(description='random_seed', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.random_seed = IntText(value=0, step=1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row1 = Button(description='---Virus Replication---', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name2 = Button(description='virion_uncoating_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.virion_uncoating_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name3 = Button(description='uncoated_to_RNA_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.uncoated_to_RNA_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name4 = Button(description='protein_synthesis_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.protein_synthesis_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name5 = Button(description='virion_assembly_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.virion_assembly_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row2 = Button(description='---Virus Adsorption and Export---', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name6 = Button(description='virion_export_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.virion_export_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row3 = Button( description='---ACE2 receptor dynamics with virus binding---', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name7 = Button(description='ACE2_receptors_per_cell', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.ACE2_receptors_per_cell = FloatText(value=1000, step=100, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name8 = Button(description='ACE2_binding_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.ACE2_binding_rate = FloatText(value=0.001, step=0.0001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name9 = Button(description='ACE2_endocytosis_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.ACE2_endocytosis_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name10 = Button(description='ACE2_cargo_release_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.ACE2_cargo_release_rate = FloatText(value=0.001, step=0.0001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name11 = Button(description='ACE2_recycling_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.ACE2_recycling_rate = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row4 = Button(description='---Apoptotic Response---', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name12 = Button(description='max_infected_apoptosis_rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.max_infected_apoptosis_rate = FloatText(value=0.001, step=0.0001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name13 = Button(description='max_apoptosis_half_max', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.max_apoptosis_half_max = FloatText(value=500, step=10, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name14 = Button(description='apoptosis_hill_power', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.apoptosis_hill_power = FloatText(value=1, step=0.1, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name15 = Button(description='virus_fraction_released_at_death', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.virus_fraction_released_at_death = FloatText(value=0, step=0.01, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row5 = Button(description='---Initialization Options--', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name16 = Button(description='multiplicity_of_infection', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.multiplicity_of_infection = FloatText(value=0.01, step=0.001, style=style, layout=widget_layout) param_name17 = Button(description='use_single_infected_cell', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.use_single_infected_cell = Checkbox(value=False, style=style, layout=widget_layout) div_row6 = Button(description='---Visualization Options---', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) param_name18 = Button(description='color_variable', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.color_variable = Text(value='assembled virion', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_button1 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button2 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button3 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button4 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button5 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button6 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button7 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button8 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button9 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button10 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button11 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button12 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button13 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button14 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button15 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button16 = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button17 = Button(description='virion', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button18 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button19 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button20 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button21 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' units_button22 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button23 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' units_button24 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=units_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button1 = Button(description='', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button2 = Button( description='rate at which an internalized virion is uncoated', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button3 = Button( description= 'rate at which uncoated virion makes its mRNA available', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button4 = Button( description='rate at mRNA creates complete set of proteins', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button5 = Button( description= 'rate at which viral proteins are assembled into complete virion', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button6 = Button( description='rate at which a virion is exported from a live cell', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button7 = Button(description='number of ACE2 receptors per cell', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button8 = Button(description='ACE2 receptor-virus binding rate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button9 = Button( description='ACE2 receptor-virus endocytosis rate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button10 = Button( description='ACE2 receptor-virus cargo release rate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button11 = Button(description='ACE2 receptor recycling rate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button12 = Button( description='maximum rate of cell apoptosis due to viral infection', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button13 = Button( description= 'viral load at which cells reach half max apoptosis rate', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button14 = Button( description='Hill power for viral load apoptosis response', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button15 = Button( description='fraction of internal virus released at cell death', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button16 = Button( description='multiplicity of infection: virions/cells at t=0', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' desc_button17 = Button( description='Infect center cell with one virion (overrides MOI)', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' desc_button18 = Button( description='color cells based on this variable', disabled=True, layout=desc_button_layout) = 'tan' row1 = [param_name1, self.random_seed, units_button1, desc_button1] row2 = [ param_name2, self.virion_uncoating_rate, units_button3, desc_button2 ] row3 = [ param_name3, self.uncoated_to_RNA_rate, units_button4, desc_button3 ] row4 = [ param_name4, self.protein_synthesis_rate, units_button5, desc_button4 ] row5 = [ param_name5, self.virion_assembly_rate, units_button6, desc_button5 ] row6 = [ param_name6, self.virion_export_rate, units_button8, desc_button6 ] row7 = [ param_name7, self.ACE2_receptors_per_cell, units_button10, desc_button7 ] row8 = [ param_name8, self.ACE2_binding_rate, units_button11, desc_button8 ] row9 = [ param_name9, self.ACE2_endocytosis_rate, units_button12, desc_button9 ] row10 = [ param_name10, self.ACE2_cargo_release_rate, units_button13, desc_button10 ] row11 = [ param_name11, self.ACE2_recycling_rate, units_button14, desc_button11 ] row12 = [ param_name12, self.max_infected_apoptosis_rate, units_button16, desc_button12 ] row13 = [ param_name13, self.max_apoptosis_half_max, units_button17, desc_button13 ] row14 = [ param_name14, self.apoptosis_hill_power, units_button18, desc_button14 ] row15 = [ param_name15, self.virus_fraction_released_at_death, units_button19, desc_button15 ] row16 = [ param_name16, self.multiplicity_of_infection, units_button21, desc_button16 ] row17 = [ param_name17, self.use_single_infected_cell, units_button22, desc_button17 ] row18 = [ param_name18, self.color_variable, units_button24, desc_button18 ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='100%') box1 = Box(children=row1, layout=box_layout) box2 = Box(children=row2, layout=box_layout) box3 = Box(children=row3, layout=box_layout) box4 = Box(children=row4, layout=box_layout) box5 = Box(children=row5, layout=box_layout) box6 = Box(children=row6, layout=box_layout) box7 = Box(children=row7, layout=box_layout) box8 = Box(children=row8, layout=box_layout) box9 = Box(children=row9, layout=box_layout) box10 = Box(children=row10, layout=box_layout) box11 = Box(children=row11, layout=box_layout) box12 = Box(children=row12, layout=box_layout) box13 = Box(children=row13, layout=box_layout) box14 = Box(children=row14, layout=box_layout) box15 = Box(children=row15, layout=box_layout) box16 = Box(children=row16, layout=box_layout) box17 = Box(children=row17, layout=box_layout) box18 = Box(children=row18, layout=box_layout) = VBox([ box1, div_row1, box2, box3, box4, box5, div_row2, box6, div_row3, box7, box8, box9, box10, box11, div_row4, box12, box13, box14, box15, div_row5, box16, box17, div_row6, box18, ])
def settings_panel(self): # getMolMap calulation settings. NOTE: should only be called once. margin = 2 num_angles_slider_text = "Number of Inverse Cone Angles to calculate:" num_angles_slider_widget = IntSlider(value=1, min=1, max=5) num_angles_slider = VBox( children=[HTML(value=num_angles_slider_text), num_angles_slider_widget], margin=margin, width="100%" ) link((self.model, "num_angles"), (num_angles_slider_widget, "value")) sub_slider_text = "Subdivision value of the icosphere for numerical calculation:" sub_slider_widget = IntSlider(value=5, min=1, max=9) link((self.model, "sub"), (sub_slider_widget, "value")) sub_slider = VBox(children=[HTML(value=sub_slider_text), sub_slider_widget], margin=margin, width="100%") # link((sub_slider, 'value'), (i, 'value')) # print(self.width) # sub_slider.align = 'center' # sub_slider.width = '100%' # sub_slider.border_color = 'black' # sub_slider.border_width = 2 radius_slider_text = "Cut radius measured from the central atom:" radius_slider_widget = FloatSlider(value=0, min=0, max=10) link((self.model, "radius"), (radius_slider_widget, "value")) radius_slider = VBox(children=[HTML(value=radius_slider_text), radius_slider_widget], margin=margin) atomradscale_slider_text = "Atomic radius scaling factor:" atomradscale_slider_widget = FloatSlider(value=1, min=0, max=4) link((self.model, "rad_scale"), (atomradscale_slider_widget, "value")) atomradscale_slider = VBox( children=[HTML(value=atomradscale_slider_text), atomradscale_slider_widget], margin=margin ) excludeH_button = Checkbox(description="Exclude H from every geometry:") link((self.model, "excludeH"), (excludeH_button, "value")) excludeH_button.on_trait_change(self.excludeH_changed, "value") dont = "Don't exclude any elements" self.dont = dont # TODO: Syncronize exclude_list_widget with excludeH button and define an event on the # model to filter out the `dont` text. # Alternatevily, separate this option into a checkbox and hide the exclude options # while the button is selected. exclude_list_text = "Exclude elements from every geometry:" exclude_list_widget = SelectMultiple( options=[dont] + [e.symbol for e in ELEMENTS], selected_labels=[dont], color="Black", font_size=14, height=120, ) link((exclude_list_widget, "value"), (self.model, "excludes")) # The dirty old SelectMultiple widget does not have an .on_trait_change method. # So we create a new traitlet (excludes_notifier), which has an .on_trait_change method # because it inherits HasTraits. We link the 'value' trait to excludes_notifier.excludes; # and we bind the event handler to excludes_notifier.on_trait_change self.excludes_notifier = ExcludesNotifier() link((exclude_list_widget, "value"), (self.excludes_notifier, "excludes")) self.excludes_notifier.on_trait_change(self.excludes_changed) exclude_list = VBox(children=[HTML(value=exclude_list_text), exclude_list_widget], margin=margin) atomrad_button = ToggleButtons( description="Atomic radius type:", options=["vdwrad", "covrad", "atmrad"], background_color="AliceBlue", margin=margin, ) link((self.model, "rad_type"), (atomrad_button, "value")) runbutton = Button( description="Run calculation!", tooltip="Click here to calculate Buried Volumes and Inverse Cone Angles!", margin=margin * 3, border_color="#9acfea", # border_radius=5, border_width=3, font_size=20, ) runbutton.on_click(self.run_button_clicked) basic_tab = VBox(children=[atomrad_button, excludeH_button]) sliders = VBox(children=[num_angles_slider, atomradscale_slider, radius_slider, sub_slider]) sliders.width = "100%" sliders.pack = "center" advanced_tab = VBox(children=[atomrad_button, sliders, exclude_list]) main_window = Tab(children=[basic_tab, advanced_tab]) main_window.set_title(0, "Basic") main_window.set_title(1, "Advanced") return ControlPanel( title="getMolMap Settings:", children=[main_window, runbutton], border_width=2, border_radius=4, margin=10, padding=0, )
def _make_widget_repr(self): self.widget_repr_name = Text(value='', description='representation') self.widget_repr_name._ngl_name = 'repr_name_text' repr_selection = Text(value=' ', description='selection') repr_selection._ngl_name = 'repr_selection' repr_selection.width = self.widget_repr_name.width = default.DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH max_n_components = max(self._view.n_components-1, 0) self.widget_component_slider = IntSlider(value=0, max=max_n_components, min=0, description='component') self.widget_component_slider._ngl_name = 'component_slider' cvalue = ' ' self.widget_component_dropdown = Dropdown(value=cvalue, options=[cvalue,], description='component') self.widget_component_dropdown._ngl_name = 'component_dropdown' self.widget_repr_slider = IntSlider(value=0, description='representation', width=default.DEFAULT_SLIDER_WIDTH) self.widget_repr_slider._ngl_name = 'repr_slider' self.widget_repr_slider.visible = True self.widget_component_slider.layout.width = default.DEFAULT_SLIDER_WIDTH self.widget_repr_slider.layout.width = default.DEFAULT_SLIDER_WIDTH self.widget_component_dropdown.layout.width = self.widget_component_dropdown.max_width = default.DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH # turn off for now self.widget_component_dropdown.layout.display = 'none' self.widget_component_dropdown.description = '' # self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters = Accordion() self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters = Tab() self.widget_repr_parameters = self._make_widget_repr_parameters(self.widget_component_slider, self.widget_repr_slider, self.widget_repr_name) self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters.children = [self.widget_repr_parameters, Box()] self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters.set_title(0, 'Parameters') self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters.set_title(1, 'Hide') self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters.selected_index = 1 checkbox_reprlist = Checkbox(value=False, description='reprlist') checkbox_reprlist._ngl_name = 'checkbox_reprlist' self.widget_repr_choices = self._make_repr_name_choices(self.widget_component_slider, self.widget_repr_slider) self.widget_repr_choices._ngl_name = 'reprlist_choices' self.widget_repr_add = self._make_add_widget_repr(self.widget_component_slider) def on_update_checkbox_reprlist(change): self.widget_repr_choices.visible= change['new'] checkbox_reprlist.observe(on_update_checkbox_reprlist, names='value') def on_repr_name_text_value_changed(change): name = change['new'].strip() old = change['old'].strip() should_update = (self._real_time_update and old and name and name in REPRESENTATION_NAMES and name != change['old'].strip()) if should_update: component=self.widget_component_slider.value repr_index=self.widget_repr_slider.value self._view._remote_call('setRepresentation', target='Widget', args=[change['new'], {}, component, repr_index]) self._view._request_repr_parameters(component, repr_index) def on_component_or_repr_slider_value_changed(change): self._view._request_repr_parameters(component=self.widget_component_slider.value, repr_index=self.widget_repr_slider.value) self.widget_component_dropdown.options = tuple(self._view._ngl_component_names) if self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters.selected_index >= 0: = self.widget_repr_name.value self.widget_repr_parameters.repr_index = self.widget_repr_slider.value self.widget_repr_parameters.component_index = self.widget_component_slider.value def on_repr_selection_value_changed(change): if self._real_time_update: component = self.widget_component_slider.value repr_index = self.widget_repr_slider.value self._view._set_selection(change['new'], component=component, repr_index=repr_index) def on_change_component_dropdown(change): choice = change['new'] if choice: self.widget_component_slider.value = self._view._ngl_component_names.index(choice) self.widget_component_dropdown.observe(on_change_component_dropdown, names='value') self.widget_repr_slider.observe(on_component_or_repr_slider_value_changed, names='value') self.widget_component_slider.observe(on_component_or_repr_slider_value_changed, names='value') self.widget_repr_name.observe(on_repr_name_text_value_changed, names='value') repr_selection.observe(on_repr_selection_value_changed, names='value') self.widget_repr_control_buttons = self._make_button_repr_control(self.widget_component_slider, self.widget_repr_slider, repr_selection) blank_box = Box([Label("")]) all_kids = [self.widget_repr_control_buttons, blank_box, self.widget_repr_add, self.widget_component_dropdown, self.widget_repr_name, repr_selection, self.widget_component_slider, self.widget_repr_slider, self.widget_repr_choices, self.widget_accordion_repr_parameters ] vbox = VBox(all_kids) self._view._request_repr_parameters(component=self.widget_component_slider.value, repr_index=self.widget_repr_slider.value) self.widget_repr = _relayout_master(vbox, width='100%') self._refresh(self.widget_component_slider, self.widget_repr_slider) setattr(self.widget_repr, "_saved_widgets", []) for _box in self.widget_repr.children: if hasattr(_box, 'children'): for kid in _box.children: self.widget_repr._saved_widgets.append(kid) return self.widget_repr
def show_m(): multipoly = [] multycent = [] geom = view_spatial.trasform_geometry(info_data) poly = geom['coordinates'][0][0] # poly = view_spatial.swap_xy(geom['coordinates'][0])[0] multipoly.append(poly) cent = view_spatial.centroid(poly) multycent.append(cent) cent = view_spatial.centroid(multycent) m = Map(center=cent, zoom=16, basemap=basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) polygon = Polygon(locations=multipoly, name='Parcel polygon', color="yellow", fill_color=None) m.add_layer(polygon) basemap2 = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery) poly_text = HTML() poly_text.value = f"""Parcel ID: {pid}<br> Crop name: {crop_name}<br> Area: {area:.2f} sqm<br> Coordinates: {cent} """ poly_text.placeholder = "HTML" poly_text.description = "" # Popup with a given location on the map: poly_popup = Popup(child=poly_text, close_button=False, auto_close=False, close_on_escape_key=False) m.add_layer(poly_popup) # Popup associated to a layer polygon.popup = poly_popup # Layers control show_poly = Checkbox(value=True, description='Polygon', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=Layout(width='140px')) show_sat = Checkbox(value=False, description='High res basemap', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=Layout(width='140px')) def polygon_changed(b): try: if show_poly.value is True: m.add_layer(polygon) else: m.remove_layer(polygon) except Exception: pass show_poly.observe(polygon_changed) def show_sat_changed(b): try: if show_sat.value is True: m.add_layer(basemap2) else: m.remove_layer(basemap2) except Exception: pass show_sat.observe(show_sat_changed) try: csv_list = f"{ci_path}{pid}_images_list.{ci_band.value[0]}.csv" df = view_images.create_df(ci_path, pid, ci_band.value) geotiff = f"{ci_path}{df['imgs'][0]}.{ci_band.value[0]}.tif" bounds = view_spatial.bounds(geotiff) images = {} for i, row in df.iterrows(): str_date = str(row['date'].date()).replace('-', '') workdir = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] img_tc = f"{ci_path}{('').join(ci_band.value)}_{str_date}.png" # Create false color image if it does not exist # Merge bands (images path, export image path, bands list) if not os.path.isfile(img_tc): imgs_path = f"{ci_path}{row['imgs']}" view_images.merge_bands(imgs_path, img_tc, ci_band.value) values = # Set the current environment if eval(values['set']['jupyterlab']) is True: image_path = f'files/{workdir}/{img_tc}' else: image_path = img_tc images[i] = ImageOverlay(url=image_path, name=str_date, bounds=(bounds)) # Time slider slider = IntSlider(value=1, min=1, max=len(images), step=1, description=str(df['date'][0].date()), disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') show_chip = Checkbox(value=True, description='Chip image', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=Layout(width='140px')) def on_ci_band_change(change): pass ci_band.observe(on_ci_band_change, 'value') def show_chip_changed(b): try: if show_chip.value is True: m.add_layer(images[slider.value - 1]) else: m.remove_layer(images[slider.value - 1]) except Exception: pass show_chip.observe(show_chip_changed) # Slider control play = Play(value=1, min=1, max=len(images), step=1, interval=1000, description="Press play", disabled=False) def slider_changed(b): if show_chip.value is True: try: m.substitute_layer(images[b['old'] - 1], images[b['new'] - 1]) except Exception: pass slider.description = str(df['date'][slider.value - 1].date()) slider.observe(slider_changed) jslink((play, 'value'), (slider, 'value')) time_box = HBox([slider, play]) time_control = WidgetControl(widget=time_box, position='bottomleft') m.add_control(time_control) m.add_layer(images[0]) map_options = VBox([show_poly, show_chip, show_sat]) except Exception as err: map_options = VBox([show_poly, show_sat]) print(err) layers_control = WidgetControl(widget=map_options, position='topright', max_width=150) m.add_control(layers_control) return m
def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 # allow extra for colormap self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) # self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig = None # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.first_time = True self.modulo = 1 self.use_defaults = True self.svg_delta_t = 1 self.substrate_delta_t = 1 self.svg_frame = 1 self.substrate_frame = 1 self.customized_output_freq = False self.therapy_activation_time = 1000000 self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.svg_xmin = 0 # Probably don't want to hardwire these if we allow changing the domain size # self.svg_xrange = 2000 # self.xmin = -1000. # self.xmax = 1000. # self.ymin = -1000. # self.ymax = 1000. # self.x_range = 2000. # self.y_range = 2000. self.show_nucleus = False self.show_edge = True # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 self.title_str = '' tab_height = '600px' tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 2 # self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_plots, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate0, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.frame_slider = IntSlider( min=0, max=10, step=1, description='Test:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', ) # self.frame_slider.observe(self.frame_slider_cb) self.frame_slider.observe(self.plot_substrate) # "plot_size" controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) # NOTE: the Substrates Plot tab has an extra row of widgets at the top of it (cf. Cell Plots tab) svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '600px' svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '900px' self.i_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.i_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.fontsize = 20 # description='# cell frames', self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='# frames', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) # self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # NOTE: manually setting these for now (vs. parsing them out of data/initial.xml) self.field_min_max = { 'director signal': [0., 1.], 'cargo signal': [0., 1.] } # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below # self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.field_dict = {0: 'director signal', 1: 'cargo signal'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={ 'director signal': 0, 'cargo signal': 1 }, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='YlOrRd', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max = Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style= 'success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px')) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) #--------------------- self.cell_nucleus_toggle = Checkbox( description='nuclei', disabled=False, value=self.show_nucleus, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_nucleus_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_nucleus_toggle.value): self.show_nucleus = True else: self.show_nucleus = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_nucleus_toggle.observe(cell_nucleus_toggle_cb) #---- self.cell_edges_toggle = Checkbox( description='edges', disabled=False, value=self.show_edge, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_edges_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_edges_toggle.value): self.show_edge = True else: self.show_edge = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_edges_toggle.observe(cell_edges_toggle_cb) self.cells_toggle = Checkbox( description='Cells', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cells_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = False self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = False else: self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = True self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = True self.cells_toggle.observe(cells_toggle_cb) #--------------------- self.substrates_toggle = Checkbox( description='Substrates', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def substrates_toggle_cb(b): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # seems bass-ackwards self.cmap_fixed.disabled = False self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.mcds_field.disabled = False self.field_cmap.disabled = False else: self.cmap_fixed.disabled = True self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.mcds_field.disabled = True self.field_cmap.disabled = True self.substrates_toggle.observe(substrates_toggle_cb) self.grid_toggle = Checkbox( description='grid', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def grid_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() self.grid_toggle.observe(grid_toggle_cb) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') # row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', row1a = Box([self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1b = Box([ self.cells_toggle, self.cell_nucleus_toggle, self.cell_edges_toggle ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1 = HBox([row1a, Label('.....'), row1b]) row2a = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', row2b = Box([ self.substrates_toggle, ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2 = HBox( [row2a, self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle]) row2 = HBox([row2a, Label('.....'), row2b]) row3 = HBox([ self.frame_slider, ]) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) self.download_svg_button = Download( '', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_svg_cb) download_row = HBox([ self.download_button.w, self.download_svg_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).") ]) # box_layout = Layout(border='0px solid') # controls_box = VBox([row1, row2]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) controls_box = VBox([row1, row2, row3]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) # = VBox([controls_box, self.i_plot, download_row]) # graph = GraphWidget() # iplot([{"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [3, 1, 6]}]) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Bar(y=[2, 3, 1])) # x = np.random.randn(2000) # y = np.random.randn(2000) self.x = np.random.randn(2) self.y = np.random.randn(2) # iplot([go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap')), # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours_showlines=False, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Histogram2dContour( x=self.x, y=self.y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget( data = [ # { # 'type' : 'Histogram2dContour', # 'x' : self.x, # 'y' : self.y, # 'contours' : { # 'coloring': 'heatmap' # } # }, # { # 'type' : 'scatter', # 'x' : self.x, # 'y' : self.y, # 'line' : { # 'color': 'red', # 'width': 3 # } # } # ], layout={}) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=go.Contour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap'))) # x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 400) # y = np.linspace(-5, 5, 400) # x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # a = 1 # b = 2 # z = x**2/a**2 - y**2/b**2 # contour = go.Contour( # z=z # ) # contour.contours.type = 'constraint' # contour.contours.value = 8 # data = [contour] # # self.fig = go.Figure(data=data) # self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=data) # go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='white', size=3, opacity=0.3)), show_link=False) self.fig.update_layout( # square figure layout for plotly? autosize=True, margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=30, b=20), width=800, height=800, # margin=dict( # l=50, # r=50, # b=100, # t=100, # pad=4 # ), # paper_bgcolor="White", # paper_bgcolor="LightSteelBlue", ) = VBox([controls_box, self.fig, download_row]) # plotly approach # app_layout = AppLayout( # center= self.fig.canvas, # # footer= self.frame_slider, # pane_heights=[0, 6, 1] # ) # = app_layout # = VBox([controls_box, self.fig.canvas, download_row]) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.i_plot])
class Dashboard(VBox): """ Build the dashboard for Jupyter widgets. Requires running in a notebook/jupyterlab. """ def __init__(self, net, width="95%", height="550px", play_rate=0.5): self._ignore_layer_updates = False self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() = net r = random.randint(1, 1000000) self.class_id = "picture-dashboard-%s-%s" % (, r) self._width = width self._height = height ## Global widgets: style = {"description_width": "initial"} self.feature_columns = IntText(description="Detail columns:",["dashboard.features.columns"], min=0, max=1024, style=style) self.feature_scale = FloatText(description="Detail scale:",["dashboard.features.scale"], min=0.1, max=10, style=style) self.feature_columns.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.feature_scale.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') ## Hack to center SVG as justify-content is broken: self.net_svg = HTML(value="""<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ("",), layout=Layout( width=self._width, overflow_x='auto', overflow_y="auto", justify_content="center")) # Make controls first: self.output = Output() controls = self.make_controls() config = self.make_config() super().__init__([config, controls, self.net_svg, self.output]) def propagate(self, inputs): """ Propagate inputs through the dashboard view of the network. """ if dynamic_pictures_check(): return, class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) else: self.regenerate(inputs=input) def goto(self, position): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: return if self.control_select.value == "Train": length = len( elif self.control_select.value == "Test": length = len( #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, length - 1) self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value def change_select(self, change=None): """ """ self.update_control_slider(change) self.regenerate() def update_control_slider(self, change=None):["dashboard.dataset"] = self.control_select.value if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" self.control_slider.value = 0 self.position_text.value = 0 self.control_slider.disabled = True self.position_text.disabled = True for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = True return if self.control_select.value == "Test": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False elif self.control_select.value == "Train": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False self.control_slider.disabled = disabled self.position_text.disbaled = disabled self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = disabled def update_zoom_slider(self, change): if change["name"] == "value":["svg_scale"] = self.zoom_slider.value self.regenerate() def update_position_text(self, change): # {'name': 'value', 'old': 2, 'new': 3, 'owner': IntText(value=3, layout=Layout(width='100%')), 'type': 'change'} self.control_slider.value = change["new"] def get_current_input(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def get_current_targets(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def update_slider_control(self, change): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" return if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: if len( == 1: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else:[self.control_slider.value], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause() def prop_one(self, button=None): self.update_slider_control({"name": "value"}) def regenerate(self, button=None, inputs=None, targets=None): ## Protection when deleting object on shutdown: if isinstance(button, dict) and 'new' in button and button['new'] is None: return ## Update the config:[""] = self.feature_bank.value["dashboard.features.columns"] = self.feature_columns.value["dashboard.features.scale"] = self.feature_scale.value inputs = inputs if inputs is not None else self.get_current_input() targets = targets if targets is not None else self.get_current_targets() features = None if self.feature_bank.value in and inputs is not None: if is not None: features =, inputs, cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, display=False) svg = """<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ( inputs=inputs, targets=targets, class_id=self.class_id, highlights={self.feature_bank.value: { "border_color": "orange", "border_width": 30, }})) if inputs is not None and features is not None: html_horizontal = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top" style="width: 50%%;">%s</td> <td valign="top" align="center" style="width: 50%%;"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" html_vertical = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top">%s</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" self.net_svg.value = (html_vertical if["svg_rotate"] else html_horizontal) % ( svg, "%s details" % self.feature_bank.value, features) else: self.net_svg.value = svg def make_colormap_image(self, colormap_name): from .layers import Layer if not colormap_name: colormap_name = get_colormap() layer = Layer("Colormap", 100) minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() image = layer.make_image(np.arange(minmax[0], minmax[1], .01), colormap_name, {"pixels_per_unit": 1, "svg_rotate":["svg_rotate"]}).resize((300, 25)) return image def set_attr(self, obj, attr, value): if value not in [{}, None]: ## value is None when shutting down if isinstance(value, dict): value = value["value"] if isinstance(obj, dict): obj[attr] = value else: setattr(obj, attr, value) ## was crashing on Widgets.__del__, if get_ipython() no longer existed self.regenerate() def make_controls(self): layout = Layout(width='100%', height="100%") button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=layout) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=layout) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=layout) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=layout) #button_prop = Button(description="Propagate", layout=Layout(width='100%')) #button_train = Button(description="Train", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=layout) step_down = Button(icon="sort-down", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) step_up = Button(icon="sort-up", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) up_down = HBox([step_down, step_up], layout=Layout(width="100%", height="100%")) refresh_button = Button(icon="refresh", layout=Layout(width="25%", height="100%")) self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=layout) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, #button_train, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, up_down, refresh_button ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="100%")) length = (len( - 1) if len( > 0 else 0 self.control_slider = IntSlider(description="Dataset index", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(length, 0), value=0, layout=Layout(width='100%')) if["dashboard.dataset"] == "Train": length = len( else: length = len( self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) self.zoom_slider = FloatSlider(description="Zoom", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=1.0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="65%"),["svg_scale"] if["svg_scale"] is not None else 0.5) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') refresh_button.on_click(lambda widget: (self.update_control_slider(), self.output.clear_output(), self.regenerate())) step_down.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("down")) step_up.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("up")) self.zoom_slider.observe(self.update_zoom_slider, names='value') self.position_text.observe(self.update_position_text, names='value') # Put them together: controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) #net_page = VBox([control, self.net_svg], layout=Layout(width='95%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.regenerate()) return controls def move_step(self, direction): """ Move the layer stepper up/down through network """ options = [""] + [ for layer in] index = options.index(self.feature_bank.value) if direction == "up": new_index = (index + 1) % len(options) else: ## down new_index = (index - 1) % len(options) self.feature_bank.value = options[new_index] self.regenerate() def make_config(self): layout = Layout() style = {"description_width": "initial"} checkbox1 = Checkbox(description="Show Targets",["show_targets"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox1.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_targets", change["new"]), names='value') checkbox2 = Checkbox(description="Errors",["show_errors"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox2.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_errors", change["new"]), names='value') hspace = IntText(["hspace"], description="Horizontal space between banks:", style=style, layout=layout) hspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "hspace", change["new"]), names='value') vspace = IntText(["vspace"], description="Vertical space between layers:", style=style, layout=layout) vspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "vspace", change["new"]), names='value') self.feature_bank = Select(description="Details:",[""], options=[""] + [ for layer in], rows=1) self.feature_bank.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.control_select = Select( options=['Test', 'Train'],["dashboard.dataset"], description='Dataset:', rows=1 ) self.control_select.observe(self.change_select, names='value') column1 = [self.control_select, self.zoom_slider, hspace, vspace, HBox([checkbox1, checkbox2]), self.feature_bank, self.feature_columns, self.feature_scale ] ## Make layer selectable, and update-able: column2 = [] layer =[-1] self.layer_select = Select(description="Layer:",, options=[ for layer in], rows=1) self.layer_select.observe(self.update_layer_selection, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_select) self.layer_visible_checkbox = Checkbox(description="Visible", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_visible_checkbox.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_visible_checkbox) self.layer_colormap = Select(description="Colormap:", options=[""] + AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, value=layer.colormap if layer.colormap is not None else "", layout=layout, rows=1) self.layer_colormap_image = HTML(value="""<img src="%s"/>""" % self.layer_colormap.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_colormap) column2.append(self.layer_colormap_image) ## get dynamic minmax; if you change it it will set it in layer as override: minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim = FloatText(description="Leftmost color maps to:", value=minmax[0], style=style) self.layer_maxdim = FloatText(description="Rightmost color maps to:", value=minmax[1], style=style) self.layer_mindim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') self.layer_maxdim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_mindim) column2.append(self.layer_maxdim) output_shape = layer.get_output_shape() self.layer_feature = IntText(value=layer.feature, description="Feature to show:", style=style) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_feature.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_feature) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate network",["svg_rotate"], style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="52%")) self.svg_rotate.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "svg_rotate", change["new"]), names='value') self.save_config_button = Button(icon="save", layout=Layout(width="10%")) self.save_config_button.on_click(self.save_config) column2.append(HBox([self.svg_rotate, self.save_config_button])) config_children = HBox([VBox(column1, layout=Layout(width="100%")), VBox(column2, layout=Layout(width="100%"))]) accordion = Accordion(children=[config_children]) accordion.set_title(0, accordion.selected_index = None return accordion def save_config(self, widget=None): def update_layer(self, change): """ Update the layer object, and redisplay. """ if self._ignore_layer_updates: return ## The rest indicates a change to a display variable. ## We need to save the value in the layer, and regenerate ## the display. # Get the layer: layer =[self.layer_select.value] # Save the changed value in the layer: layer.feature = self.layer_feature.value layer.visible = self.layer_visible_checkbox.value ## These three, dealing with colors of activations, ## can be done with a prop_one(): if "color" in change["owner"].description.lower(): ## Matches: Colormap, lefmost color, rightmost color ## overriding dynamic minmax! layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.colormap = self.layer_colormap.value if self.layer_colormap.value else None self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % self.prop_one() else: self.regenerate() def update_layer_selection(self, change): """ Just update the widgets; don't redraw anything. """ ## No need to redisplay anything self._ignore_layer_updates = True ## First, get the new layer selected: layer =[self.layer_select.value] ## Now, let's update all of the values without updating: self.layer_visible_checkbox.value = layer.visible self.layer_colormap.value = layer.colormap if layer.colormap != "" else "" self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim.value = minmax[0] self.layer_maxdim.value = minmax[1] self.layer_feature.value = layer.feature self._ignore_layer_updates = False
def interact_distributions(): from ipywidgets import FloatSlider, Label, GridBox, interactive, Layout, VBox, \ HBox, Checkbox, IntSlider, Box, Button, widgets fx0 = FloatSlider(value=2, description=" ", min=.5, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vx0')) fy0 = FloatSlider(value=3, description=" ", min=.5, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vy0')) fs0 = FloatSlider(value=1, description=" ", min=.1, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vs0')) fd0 = FloatSlider(value=.9, description=" ", min=-2., max=2., step=.1, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vd0')) fx1 = FloatSlider(value=2, description=" ", min=.5, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vx1')) fy1 = FloatSlider(value=2, description=" ", min=.5, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vy1')) fs1 = FloatSlider(value=1, description=" ", min=.1, max=4., step=.2, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vs1')) fd1 = FloatSlider(value=-.3, description=" ", min=-2., max=2., step=.1, continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width='auto', grid_area='vd1')) fdummy = FloatSlider(value=2, description=" ", min=1, max=4, step=1) l = lambda s, p, w="auto": Label(s, layout=Layout(width=w, grid_area=p)) bay = Checkbox(value=False, description='show NATURAL frontiers', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=Layout(width="80%")) resample = Button(description="resample data points") from IPython.core.display import clear_output def resample_onclick(_): global do_resample_points do_resample_points = True tmp = fdummy.value fdummy.value = tmp + (1 if tmp < 3 else -1) do_resample_points = False resample.on_click(resample_onclick) w = interactive(display_distributions, x0=fx0, y0=fy0, s0=fs0, d0=fd0, x1=fx1, y1=fy1, s1=fs1, d1=fd1, show_bayesians=bay, dummy=fdummy, continuous_update=False) w.children[-1].layout = Layout(width='auto', grid_area='fig') controls = Box([bay, resample], layout=Layout(grid_area="ctr", display="flex-flow", justify_content="flex-start", flex_flow="column", align_items='flex-start')) gb = GridBox(children=[ fx0, fy0, fs0, fd0, fx1, fy1, fs1, fd1, l("AMERICAN TRILOBYTE", "h0"), l("AFRICAN TRILOBYTE", "h1"), l("size", "lx0"), l("weight", "ly0"), l("spread", "ls0"), l("tilt", "ld0"), l("size", "lx1"), l("weight", "ly1"), l("spread", "ls1"), l("tilt", "ld1"), controls ], layout=Layout( width='100%', grid_template_rows='auto auto auto auto auto auto auto', grid_template_columns='5% 30% 5% 30% 30%', grid_template_areas=''' "h0 h0 h1 h1 ." "lx0 vx0 lx1 vx1 ." "ly0 vy0 ly1 vy1 ctr" "ls0 vs0 ls1 vs1 ctr" "ld0 vd0 ld1 vd1 ctr" "fig fig fig fig fig" ''')) def limit_fd0(*args): fd0.max = fs0.value + fs0.value * 0.5 fd0.min = -fs0.value * 0.5 def limit_fd1(*args): fd1.max = fs1.value + fs1.value * 0.5 fd1.min = -fs1.value * 0.5 fs0.observe(limit_fd0, "value") fd0.observe(limit_fd0, "value") fs1.observe(limit_fd1, "value") fd1.observe(limit_fd1, "value") w.children[0].value = 1 widget1 = VBox([gb, w.children[-1]]) display(widget1) return fx0, fy0, fs0, fd0, fx1, fy1, fs1, fd1
def configure_controllers(self): from ipywidgets import (interactive, Label, VBox, FloatSlider, IntSlider, Checkbox) # continuous update self.continuous_update_button = Checkbox( value=False, description='Continuous update', disabled=False, indent=False, ) self.controllers["continuous_update"] = interactive( self.set_continuous_update, value=self.continuous_update_button ) # subplot number_of_plots = len(self.plotter.renderers) if number_of_plots > 1: self.sliders["subplot"] = IntSlider( value=number_of_plots - 1, min=0, max=number_of_plots - 1, step=1, continuous_update=False ) self.controllers["subplot"] = VBox([ Label(value='Select the subplot'), interactive( self.set_subplot, index=self.sliders["subplot"], ) ]) # azimuth default_azimuth = self.plotter.renderer._azimuth self.sliders["azimuth"] = FloatSlider( value=default_azimuth, min=-180., max=180., step=10., continuous_update=False ) # elevation default_elevation = self.plotter.renderer._elevation self.sliders["elevation"] = FloatSlider( value=default_elevation, min=-180., max=180., step=10., continuous_update=False ) # distance eps = 1e-5 default_distance = self.plotter.renderer._distance self.sliders["distance"] = FloatSlider( value=default_distance, min=eps, max=2. * default_distance - eps, step=default_distance / 10., continuous_update=False ) # camera self.controllers["camera"] = VBox([ Label(value='Camera settings'), interactive( self.set_camera, azimuth=self.sliders["azimuth"], elevation=self.sliders["elevation"], distance=self.sliders["distance"], ) ])