Exemple #1
    messages = ["So do you!!!", "Shut up.", "You smell even worse.", "You really shouldn't be talking."]
    irc.privmsg(nick, chan, choice(messages))

irc.onPrivmsg(".*" + config.nick + r":?( ?is| you)? stink(ing|s)?.*", onStinks)

def onReload(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
    if(host == "unaffiliated/thatotherpersony"):
        subprocess.call(["git", "pull", "origin", "master"]);
        irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Pulled latest changes from GitHub. Restarting.")
    elif(host == "unaffiliated/quu"):
        irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "wat. Quu. derp.\nReally?\nInitializing spambot mode. >:D")
        irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "No. I don't wanna!")

irc.onMsgToMe(".*reload.*", onReload)

def onTest(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
    irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "lolololol wat derp. ping Quu! ping mrout! Why not!")

irc.onMsgToMe(".*test.*", onTest)

def onRudeness(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
    irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Why don't you?")

irc.onMsgToMe(".*stfu.*", onRudeness)

def onHello(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
    irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Howdy!")

irc.onMsgToMe(".*hello.*", onHello)
def onConnect():

  def onAssemble(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      print "Assembling"
      print matches.group()
      print matches.group(1)
      binary, errors = dcpu.assemble(matches.group(1))

      if binary:
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, ', '.join(binary))
      if errors:
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, errors)

  irc.onPrivmsg(">>>(.+)", onAssemble)

  def onDisassemble(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      print "Disassembling"
      print matches.group()
      print matches.group(1)
      code = dcpu.disassemble(matches.group(1))

      if code:
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, code)

  irc.onPrivmsg("<<<(.+)", onDisassemble)

  def onExecute(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      executed, errors = dcpu.execute(matches.group(1))

      if executed:
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, executed)
      if errors:
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, errors)

  irc.onPrivmsg(">>([^>].+)", onExecute)

  def onHex(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      converted = 0
      if matches.group(1) == "0b":
          converted = hex(int(matches.group(2), 2))
          converted = hex(int(matches.group(2)))

      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, converted)

  irc.onPrivmsg(r"^hex\((0b)?(\d+)\)", onHex)

  def onDec(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      converted = 0
      if matches.group(1) == "0b":
          converted = str(int(matches.group(2), 2))
      elif matches.group(1) == "0x":
          converted = str(int(matches.group(2), 16))
          converted = str(int(matches.group(2)))

      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, converted)

  irc.onPrivmsg(r"^dec\((0b|0x)?([0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", onDec)

  def onBin(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      converted = 0

      if matches.group(1) == "0x":
          converted = bin(int(matches.group(2), 16))
          converted = bin(int(matches.group(2), 16))

      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, converted)

  irc.onPrivmsg(r"^bin\((0x)?([0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", onBin)

  def onStinks(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      messages = ["So do you!!!", "Shut up.", "You smell even worse.", "You really shouldn't be talking."]
      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, choice(messages))

  irc.onPrivmsg(".*" + config.nick + r":?( ?is| you)? stink(ing|s)?.*", onStinks)

  def onReload(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      if(host == "unaffiliated/thatotherpersony"):
          subprocess.call(["git", "pull", "origin", "master"]);
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Pulled latest changes from GitHub. Attempting to reload.")
      elif(host == "unaffiliated/quu"):
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "wat. Quu. derp.\nReally?\nInitializing spambot mode. >:D")
          irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "No. I don't wanna!")

  irc.onMsgToMe(".*reload.*", onReload)

  def onRudeness(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Why don't you?")

  irc.onMsgToMe(".*stfu.*", onRudeness)

  def onHello(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "Howdy!")

  irc.onMsgToMe(".*hello.*", onHello)

  def onSup(nick, user, host, chan, matches):
      irc.privmsg(nick, chan, "I'm fine. How about you?")

  irc.onMsgToMe(".*(how.*you|sup|what.*up).*", onSup)