def train_reax(writelib=1000, print_step=10, step=500, opt=None, cons=None, lr=1.0e-4, convergence=0.97, lossConvergence=100.0, batch=50): rn = ReaxFF(libfile='ffield.json', direcs=direcs, dft='siesta', optword='nocoul', opt=None, cons=None, batch_size=batch, losFunc='n2', lambda_bd=10000.0, lambda_me=0.01, weight={ 'al4': 2.0, 'others': 2.0 }, convergence=convergence, lossConvergence=lossConvergence ) # Loss Functon can be n2,abs,mse,huber # GradientDescentOptimizer AdamOptimizer AdagradOptimizer RMSPropOptimizer loss, accu, accMax, i, zpe =, step=step, print_step=print_step, writelib=writelib) libstep = int(i - i % writelib) if i == libstep: libstep = libstep - writelib if libstep <= 0: ffd = 'ffield.json' else: ffd = 'ffield_' + str(libstep) + '.json' if loss == 0.0 and accu == 0.0: send_msg( '- Warning: the loss is NaN, parameters from %s changed auomatically ...' % ffd) return 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, None, None, i # with open(ffd,'r') as fj: # j = js.load(fj) # ic = Init_Check(nanv=nanv) # j['p'] =['p']) # ic.close() #with open('ffield.json','w') as fj: # js.dump(j,fj,sort_keys=True,indent=2) p = rn.p_ ME = rn.MolEnergy_ rn.close() return loss, accu, accMax, p, ME, i
def z(): opt = ['atomic', 'ovun5', 'Desi', 'Depi', 'Depp', 'Devdw', 'Dehb'], rn = ReaxFF(libfile='ffield', direcs=direcs, dft='siesta', atomic=True, optword='nocoul', opt=['atomic'], nn=False, cons=None, pkl=True, batch_size=batch, losFunc='n2', bo_penalty=10000.0) # tc.session(learning_rate=1.0e-4,method='AdamOptimizer') # GradientDescentOptimizer AdamOptimizer AdagradOptimizer RMSPropOptimizer, step=1000, print_step=10, writelib=1000) rn.close()
def r(): rn = ReaxFF(libfile='ffield', direcs=direcs, dft='siesta', atomic=True, InitCheck=False, optword='nocoul', VariablesToOpt=vto, pkl=True, batch_size=batch, losFunc='n2', bo_penalty=10.0) # tc.session(learning_rate=1.0e-4,method='AdamOptimizer') # GradientDescentOptimizer AdamOptimizer AdagradOptimizer RMSPropOptimizer learning_rate=1.0e-4, step=10000, method='AdamOptimizer', # SGD print_step=10, writelib=1000) rn.close()
def t(): opt = ['boc1', 'boc2', 'boc3', 'boc4', 'boc5', 'valboc'] rn = ReaxFF(libfile='ffield', direcs=direcs, dft='siesta', atomic=True, InitCheck=True, optword='nocoul', VariablesToOpt=vto, nn=False, bo_layer=[9, 2], pkl=True, batch_size=batch, losFunc='n2', bo_penalty=10.0) # tc.session(learning_rate=1.0e-4,method='AdamOptimizer') # GradientDescentOptimizer AdamOptimizer AdagradOptimizer RMSPropOptimizer, step=100000, astep=3000, print_step=10, writelib=1000) rn.close()
def plbd(direcs={'ethane': '/home/gfeng/siesta/train/ethane'}, batch_size=50, nn=False, ffield='ffield', bonds=[9, 41]): for m in direcs: mol = m rn = ReaxFF(libfile=ffield, direcs=direcs, dft='siesta', optword='all', nn=nn, InitCheck=False, batch_size=batch_size, clip_op=False, interactive=True) molecules = rn.initialize() rn.session(learning_rate=1.0e-10, method='AdamOptimizer') rbd = rn.get_value(rn.rbd) bop = rn.get_value(rn.bop) bo = rn.get_value(rn.bo0) bopow1 = rn.get_value(rn.bopow1) eterm1 = rn.get_value(rn.eterm1) bop_si = rn.get_value(rn.bop_si) bosi = rn.get_value(rn.bosi) sieng = rn.get_value(rn.sieng) powb = rn.get_value(rn.powb) expb = rn.get_value(rn.expb) bop_pi = rn.get_value(rn.bop_pi) bopi = rn.get_value(rn.bopi) bop_pp = rn.get_value(rn.bop_pp) bopp = rn.get_value(rn.bopp) if not nn: f11 = rn.get_value(rn.F_11) f12 = rn.get_value(rn.F_12) f45 = rn.get_value(rn.F_45) f = rn.get_value(rn.F) bdlab = atom_name = molecules[mol].atom_name rn.close() bd = bonds bdn = atom_name[bd[0]] + '-' + atom_name[bd[1]] if not bdn in rn.bonds: bdn = atom_name[bd[1]] + '-' + atom_name[bd[0]] bn = [mol, bd[0], bd[1]] if bn in bdlab[bdn]: bid = bdlab[bdn].index(bn) else: bid = bdlab[bdn].index([mol, bd[1], bd[0]]) plt.figure() plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.plot(rbd[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle='-', label="radius@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') plt.subplot(3, 2, 2) l = len(f[bdn][bid]) plt.plot(f[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='r', linestyle='-', label="F@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) if nn: plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') else: x_ = int(0.3 * l) y_ = f[bdn][bid][x_] yt_ = y_ + 0.3 if y_ < 0.5 else y_ - 0.3 plt.annotate('F', xy=(x_, y_), xycoords='data', xytext=(x_, yt_), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', facecolor='red')) if not nn: plt.plot(f11[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='g', linestyle='-.', label="F1@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) x_ = int(0.6 * l) y_ = f11[bdn][bid][x_] yt_ = y_ + 0.3 if y_ < 0.5 else y_ - 0.3 plt.annotate('F1', xy=(x_, y_), xycoords='data', xytext=(x_, yt_), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', facecolor='red')) plt.plot(f45[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle=':', label="F4@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) x_ = int(0.9 * l) y_ = f45[bdn][bid][x_] yt_ = y_ + 0.3 if y_ < 0.5 else y_ - 0.3 plt.annotate('F4', xy=(x_, y_), xycoords='data', xytext=(x_, yt_), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', facecolor='red')) plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) plt.plot(bo[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle='-', label="BO@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) plt.plot(bop_si[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle=':', label=r"$BO^{'}_{si}$@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.plot(bosi[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='r', linestyle='-', label=r'$BO_{si}$@%d-%d' % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.plot(sieng[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle='-', label=r"$ebond_{si}$@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.plot(powb[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='b', linestyle='-', label=r"$pow_{si}$@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.plot(expb[bdn][bid], alpha=0.5, color='r', linestyle='-', label=r"$exp_{si}$@%d-%d" % (bd[0], bd[1])) plt.legend(loc='best', edgecolor='yellowgreen') # plt.subplot(3,2,6) # # plt.ylabel(r'$exp$ (eV)') # plt.xlabel(r"Step") # plt.plot(eterm1[bdn][bid],alpha=0.5,color='b', # linestyle='-',label=r"$exp_{si}$@%d-%d" %(bd[0],bd[1])) # plt.legend(loc='best',edgecolor='yellowgreen') plt.savefig('bondorder.eps', transparent=True) plt.close()