def _vertical_rules(cube, pp): """ Rules for setting vertical levels for the PP field. Args: cube: the cube being saved as a series of PP fields. pp: the current PP field having save rules applied. Returns: The PP field with updated metadata. """ # Define commonly-used coords. air_pres_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'air_pressure') apt_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'air_potential_temperature') depth_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'depth') height_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'height') level_height_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'level_height') mln_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'model_level_number') pressure_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'pressure') pseudo_level_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'pseudo_level') sigma_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'sigma') soil_mln_coord = scalar_coord(cube, 'soil_model_level_number') # Define commonly-used aux factories. try: height_factory = aux_factory(cube, HybridHeightFactory) except ValueError: height_factory = None try: pressure_factory = aux_factory(cube, HybridPressureFactory) except ValueError: pressure_factory = None # Set `lbuser[5]`. if (pseudo_level_coord is not None and not pseudo_level_coord.bounds): pp.lbuser[4] = pseudo_level_coord.points[0] # Single height level. if (height_coord is not None and not height_coord.bounds and height_coord.points[0] == 1.5 and == 'air_temperature'): pp.lbvc = 129 pp.blev = -1 if pp.lbvc == 0 and height_coord is not None and not height_coord.bounds: pp.lbvc = 1 pp.blev = cube.coord('height').points[0] # Single air_pressure level. if air_pres_coord is not None and not air_pres_coord.bounds: pp.lbvc = 8 pp.blev = air_pres_coord.points[0] # Single pressure level. if pressure_coord is not None and not pressure_coord.bounds: pp.lbvc = 8 pp.blev = pressure_coord.points[0] # Single depth level (non cross-section). if (mln_coord is not None and not mln_coord.bounds and depth_coord is not None and not depth_coord.bounds): pp.lbvc = 2 pp.lblev = mln_coord.points[0] pp.blev = depth_coord.points[0] # Single depth level (Non-dimensional soil model level). if (soil_mln_coord is not None and not soil_mln_coord.has_bounds() and air_pres_coord is None and depth_coord is None and height_coord is None and pressure_coord is None and cube.standard_name is not None and 'soil' in cube.standard_name): pp.lbvc = 6 pp.lblev = soil_mln_coord.points[0] pp.blev = pp.lblev pp.brsvd[0] = 0 pp.brlev = 0 # Single depth level (soil depth). if (depth_coord is not None and depth_coord.has_bounds() and air_pres_coord is None and soil_mln_coord is None and mln_coord is None and height_coord is None and pressure_coord is None and cube.standard_name is not None and 'soil' in cube.standard_name): pp.lbvc = 6 pp.blev = depth_coord.points[0] pp.brsvd[0] = depth_coord.bounds[0, 0] pp.brlev = depth_coord.bounds[0, 1] # Single potential-temperature level. if (apt_coord is not None and not apt_coord.bounds and air_pres_coord is None and depth_coord is None and height_coord is None and pressure_coord is None and mln_coord is None): pp.lbvc = 19 pp.lblev = apt_coord.points[0] pp.blev = apt_coord.points[0] # Single hybrid_height level # (without aux factory e.g. due to missing orography). if (not has_aux_factory(cube, HybridHeightFactory) and mln_coord is not None and mln_coord.bounds is None and level_height_coord is not None and level_height_coord.bounds is not None and sigma_coord is not None and sigma_coord.bounds is not None): pp.lbvc = 65 pp.lblev = mln_coord.points[0] pp.blev = level_height_coord.points[0] pp.brlev = level_height_coord.bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[0] = level_height_coord.bounds[0, 1] pp.bhlev = sigma_coord.points[0] pp.bhrlev = sigma_coord.bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[1] = sigma_coord.bounds[0, 1] # Single hybrid_height level (with aux factory). if (has_aux_factory(cube, HybridHeightFactory) and mln_coord is not None and mln_coord.bounds is None and height_factory.dependencies['delta'] is not None and height_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds is not None and height_factory.dependencies['sigma'] is not None and height_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds is not None): pp.lbvc = 65 pp.lblev = mln_coord.points[0] pp.blev = height_factory.dependencies['delta'].points[0] pp.brlev = height_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[0] = height_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds[0, 1] pp.bhlev = height_factory.dependencies['sigma'].points[0] pp.bhrlev = height_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[1] = height_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds[0, 1] # Single hybrid pressure level. if (has_aux_factory(cube, HybridPressureFactory) and mln_coord is not None and mln_coord.bounds is None and pressure_factory.dependencies['delta'] is not None and pressure_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds is not None and pressure_factory.dependencies['sigma'] is not None and pressure_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds is not None): pp.lbvc = 9 pp.lblev = mln_coord.points[0] pp.blev = pressure_factory.dependencies['sigma'].points[0] pp.brlev = pressure_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[0] = pressure_factory.dependencies['sigma'].bounds[0, 1] pp.bhlev = pressure_factory.dependencies['delta'].points[0] pp.bhrlev = pressure_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds[0, 0] pp.brsvd[1] = pressure_factory.dependencies['delta'].bounds[0, 1] return pp