def transfer_toClient( self, fileID, token, fileHelper ):
    """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

    conn , error = self.__irodsClient( "r" )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID )
    file_path = IRODS_HOME + file_path
    gLogger.debug( "file_path to read: %s" % file_path )

    fd = iRodsOpen( conn , file_path , "r" )
    if not fd:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get file object" )
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file object" )

    result = fileHelper.FileToNetwork( fd )

    rcDisconnect( conn )
    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get file " + fileID )
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file " + fileID )
      return result
  def export_getResourceInfo( self , resource = None ):
    """ Send the storage element resource information

    conn , error = self.__irodsClient( "r" )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    storageDict = {}
    for resource in getResources( conn ):
      name = resource.getName()
      if resource and resource != name:
      storageDict[ name ] = {}
      storageDict[ name ][ "Id" ] = resource.getId()
      storageDict[ name ][ "AvailableSpace" ] = resource.getFreeSpace()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Zone" ] = resource.getZone()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Type" ] = resource.getTypeName()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Class" ] = resource.getClassName()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Host" ] = resource.getHost()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Path" ] = resource.getPath()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Free Space TS" ] = resource.getFreeSpaceTs()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Info" ] = resource.getInfo()
      storageDict[ name ][ "Comment" ] = resource.getComment()
    rcDisconnect( conn )

    return S_OK( storageDict )
Exemple #3
    def __removeFile(self, fileID, token):
        """ Remove one file with fileID name from the storage
        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if not irodsFile:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get file object")
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get file object")

        if self.__confirmToken(token, fileID, 'x'):
                status = irodsFile.delete()
                if status == 0:
                    return S_OK()
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Failed to delete file with status code %d' % status)
            except OSError, error:
                if str(error).find('No such file') >= 0:
                    # File does not exist anyway
                    return S_OK()
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Failed to remove file %s with exception %s' %
                        (fileID, error))
  def transfer_fromClient( self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper ):
    """ Method to receive file from clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

    conn , error = self.__irodsClient( "w" )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )
    coll = irodsCollection( conn, IRODS_HOME )

    if not self.__checkForDiskSpace( IRODS_HOME, fileSize ):
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      return S_ERROR( 'Not enough disk space' )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID )

    path = file_path.split( "/" )
    file_ = path.pop()

    if len( path ) > 0:
      coll = self.__changeCollection( coll , path )

    file_path = IRODS_HOME + file_path
        fd = coll.create( file_ , IRODS_RESOURCE )
        fd = coll.create( file_ , "w" )
    except Exception, error:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" % ( file_path, str(error) ) )
Exemple #5
    def export_getResourceInfo(self, resource=None):
        """ Send the storage element resource information

        conn, error, _userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        storageDict = {}
        for resource in getResources(conn):
            name = resource.getName()
            if resource and resource != name:
            storageDict[name] = {}
            storageDict[name]["Id"] = resource.getId()
            storageDict[name]["AvailableSpace"] = resource.getFreeSpace()
            storageDict[name]["Zone"] = resource.getZone()
            storageDict[name]["Type"] = resource.getTypeName()
            storageDict[name]["Class"] = resource.getClassName()
            storageDict[name]["Host"] = resource.getHost()
            storageDict[name]["Path"] = resource.getPath()
            storageDict[name]["Free Space TS"] = resource.getFreeSpaceTs()
            storageDict[name]["Info"] = resource.getInfo()
            storageDict[name]["Comment"] = resource.getComment()

        return S_OK(storageDict)
  def transfer_toClient( self, fileID, token, fileHelper ):
    """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

    conn , error, userDict = self.__irodsClient( )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID, userDict )
    irodsHome = userDict.get( 'iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME ) 
    file_path = irodsHome + file_path
    gLogger.debug( "file_path to read: %s" % file_path )

    irodsFile = irodsOpen( conn , file_path , "r" )
    if not irodsFile:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get file object" )
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file object" )

    result = fileHelper.DataSourceToNetwork( irodsFile )

    rcDisconnect( conn )
    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get file " + fileID )
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file " + fileID )
      return result
Exemple #7
    def transfer_toClient(self, fileID, token, fileHelper):
        """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if not irodsFile:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get file object")
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get file object")

        result = fileHelper.DataSourceToNetwork(irodsFile)

        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get file " + fileID)
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get file " + fileID)
            return result
  def __removeFile( self, fileID, token ):
    """ Remove one file with fileID name from the storage
    conn , error, userDict = self.__irodsClient( )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID, userDict )
    irodsHome = userDict.get( 'iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME ) 
    file_path = irodsHome + file_path
    gLogger.debug( "file_path to read: %s" % file_path )

    irodsFile = irodsOpen( conn , file_path , "r" )
    if not irodsFile:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get file object" )
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file object" )
    if self.__confirmToken( token, fileID, 'x' ):
        status = irodsFile.delete()
        if status == 0:
          return S_OK()
          return S_ERROR( 'Failed to delete file with status code %d' % status )
      except OSError, error:
        if str( error ).find( 'No such file' ) >= 0:
          # File does not exist anyway
          return S_OK()
          return S_ERROR( 'Failed to remove file %s with exception %s' % ( fileID, error ) )
Exemple #9
  def transfer_fromClient( self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper ):
    """ Method to receive file from clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

    conn , error, userDict = self.__irodsClient( )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )
    irodsHome = userDict.get( 'iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME )
    coll = irodsCollection( conn, irodsHome )

    if not self.__checkForDiskSpace( IRODS_HOME, fileSize ):
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      return S_ERROR( 'Not enough disk space' )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID, userDict )

    path = file_path.split( "/" )
    file_ = path.pop()

    if len( path ) > 0:
      coll = self.__changeCollection( coll , path )

    file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        irodsFile = coll.create( file_ , IRODS_RESOURCE )
        irodsFile = coll.create( file_ , "w" )
    except Exception, error:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" % ( file_path, str(error) ) )
Exemple #10
    def transfer_toClient(self, fileID, token, fileHelper):
        """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

        conn, error = self.__irodsClient("r")
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID)
        file_path = IRODS_HOME + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        fd = iRodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if not fd:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get file object")
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get file object")

        result = fileHelper.FileToNetwork(fd)

        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get file " + fileID)
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get file " + fileID)
            return result
      coll = self.__changeCollection( coll , path )

    file_path = IRODS_HOME + file_path
        fd = coll.create( file_ , IRODS_RESOURCE )
        fd = coll.create( file_ , "w" )
    except Exception, error:
      rcDisconnect( conn )
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" % ( file_path, str(error) ) )

    result = fileHelper.networkToDataSink( fd, maxFileSize=( MAX_STORAGE_SIZE * 1024 * 1024 ) )
    rcDisconnect( conn )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    return result

  def transfer_toClient( self, fileID, token, fileHelper ):
    """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

    conn , error = self.__irodsClient( "r" )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID )
Exemple #12
class IRODSStorageElementHandler(RequestHandler):
.. class:: StorageElementHandler

    def __checkForDiskSpace(self, path, size):
        """ Check if iRods resource has enough space
        ## dsize = ( getDiskSpace( dpath ) - 1 ) * 1024 * 1024
        ## maxStorageSizeBytes = MAX_STORAGE_SIZE * 1024 * 1024
        ## return ( min( dsize, maxStorageSizeBytes ) > size )
        return True

    def __resolveFileID(self, fileID, userDict):
        """ get path to file for a given :fileID: """

        port = self.getCSOption('Port', '')
        if not port:
            return ''

        if ":%s" % port in fileID:
            loc = fileID.find(":%s" % port)
            if loc >= 0:
                fileID = fileID[loc + len(":%s" % port):]

        serviceName = self.serviceInfoDict['serviceName']
        loc = fileID.find(serviceName)
        if loc >= 0:
            fileID = fileID[loc + len(serviceName):]

        loc = fileID.find('?=')
        if loc >= 0:
            fileID = fileID[loc + 2:]

        # Leave only one / in front
        while fileID and fileID[0] == '/':
            fileID = fileID[1:]
        fileID = '/' + fileID

        # For user data strip off the HOME part as iRods has its own user home
        if fileID.startswith(userDict['DIRACHome']):
            fileID = fileID.replace(userDict['DIRACHome'], '')

        return fileID

    def __getFileStat(self, path):
    Get the file stat information

        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(path, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        resultDict = {}

        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if irodsFile:
            resultDict['Exists'] = True
            resultDict['File'] = True
            resultDict['Directory'] = False
            resultDict['Type'] = "File"
            resultDict['Size'] = irodsFile.getSize()
            resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (irodsFile.getCreateTs(),
            resultDict['Cached'] = 1
            resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
            resultDict['Lost'] = 0
            resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
            resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
            resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)
            return S_OK(resultDict)
            coll = irodsCollection(conn, file_path)
            if coll:
                resultDict['Exists'] = True
                resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
                resultDict['File'] = False
                resultDict['Directory'] = True
                resultDict['Size'] = 0
                resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (0, 0, 0)
                resultDict['Cached'] = 1
                resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
                resultDict['Lost'] = 0
                resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
                resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
                resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)
                return S_OK(resultDict)
                return S_ERROR('Path does not exist')

    types_exists = [StringTypes]

    def export_exists(self, fileID):
        """ Check existence of the fileID """
        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if irodsFile:
            return S_OK(True)
            coll = irodsCollection(conn, file_path)
            if coll:
                return S_OK(True)
        return S_OK(False)

    types_getMetadata = [StringTypes]

    def export_getMetadata(self, fileID):
    Get metadata for the file or directory specified by fileID
        return self.__getFileStat(fileID)

    types_createDirectory = [StringTypes]

    def export_createDirectory(self, dir_path):
    Creates the directory on the storage
        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        coll = irodsCollection(conn, irodsHome)

        dir_path = self.__resolveFileID(dir_path, userDict)

        path = dir_path.split("/")

        if len(path) > 0:
            coll = self.__changeCollection(coll, path)
            if not coll:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to create directory')
        return S_OK()

    types_listDirectory = [StringTypes, StringTypes]

    def export_listDirectory(self, dir_path, mode):
    Return the dir_path directory listing
        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(dir_path, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        irodsPath = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % irodsPath)

        is_file = False
        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, irodsPath, "r")
        if not irodsFile:
            is_file = True
            irodsDir = os.path.dirname(irodsPath)
            coll = irodsCollection(conn, irodsDir)
            if not coll:
                return S_ERROR('Directory not found')
            objects = coll.getObjects()
            fileList = [x[0] for x in objects]
            dirList = coll.getSubCollections()

        resultDict = {}
        if mode == 'l':
            if is_file:
                result = self.__getFileStat(dir_path)
                if result['OK']:
                    resultDict[dir_path] = result['Value']
                    return S_OK(resultDict)
                    return S_ERROR('Failed to get the file stat info')
                failed_list = []
                one_OK = False
                for fname in dirList + fileList:
                    result = self.__getFileStat(dir_path + '/' + fname)
                    if result['OK']:
                        resultDict[fname] = result['Value']
                        one_OK = True
                if failed_list:
                    if one_OK:
                        result = S_ERROR(
                            'Failed partially to get the file stat info')
                        result = S_ERROR('Failed to get the file stat info')
                    result['FailedList'] = failed_list
                    result['Value'] = resultDict
                    result = S_OK(resultDict)

                return result
            return S_OK(dirList)

    def __changeCollection(self, coll, path):
        if not len(path) > 0:
            return coll
        name = path.pop(0)
        if not len(name) > 0:
            return self.__changeCollection(coll, path)'Check subcollection: %s' % name)
        subs = coll.getSubCollections()
        if not name in subs:
  'Create subcollection: %s' % name)
            coll.createCollection(name)'Open subcollection: %s' % name)
        return self.__changeCollection(coll, path)

    def transfer_fromClient(self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper):
    Method to receive file from clients.
    fileID is the local file name in the SE.
    fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown.
    token is used for access rights confirmation.

        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        coll = irodsCollection(conn, irodsHome)

        if not self.__checkForDiskSpace(IRODS_HOME, fileSize):
            return S_ERROR('Not enough disk space')

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID, userDict)

        path = file_path.split("/")
        file_ = path.pop()

        if len(path) > 0:
            coll = self.__changeCollection(coll, path)

        file_path = irodsHome + file_path

            if IRODS_RESOURCE:
                irodsFile = coll.create(file_, IRODS_RESOURCE)
                irodsFile = coll.create(file_, "w")
        except Exception, error:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" %
                           (file_path, str(error)))

        if "NoCheckSum" in token:

        result = fileHelper.networkToDataSink(irodsFile,
                                              maxFileSize=(MAX_STORAGE_SIZE *
                                                           1024 * 1024))
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return result
 def _close(self, session):
     self.cxn = None
     self.coll = None
     self.env = None
Exemple #14
	def disconnect(self):
		if self.conn is not None:
Exemple #15
            if IRODS_RESOURCE:
                fd = coll.create(file_, IRODS_RESOURCE)
                fd = coll.create(file_, "w")
        except Exception, error:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" %
                           (file_path, str(error)))

        result = fileHelper.networkToDataSink(fd,
                                              maxFileSize=(MAX_STORAGE_SIZE *
                                                           1024 * 1024))
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return result

    def transfer_toClient(self, fileID, token, fileHelper):
        """ Method to send files to clients.
fileID is the local file name in the SE.
token is used for access rights confirmation.

        conn, error = self.__irodsClient("r")
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID)