Exemple #1
def check_image_size(task):
    """Check if the requested image is larger than the root partition size.

    Does nothing for whole-disk images.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if size of the image is greater than root
    if task.node.driver_internal_info['is_whole_disk_image']:
        # The root partition is already created and populated, no use
        # validating its size

    i_info = deploy_utils.parse_instance_info(task.node)
    image_path = deploy_utils._get_image_file_path(task.node.uuid)
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    root_mb = 1024 * int(i_info['root_gb'])
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB') %
                   'image_mb': image_mb,
                   'root_mb': root_mb
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
def _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device):
    """Call disk_util to create partition and write the partition image."""
    node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid')
    preserve_ep = image_info['preserve_ephemeral']
    configdrive = image_info['configdrive']
    boot_option = image_info.get('boot_option', 'netboot')
    boot_mode = image_info.get('deploy_boot_mode', 'bios')
    disk_label = image_info.get('disk_label', 'msdos')
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image)
    root_mb = image_info['root_mb']
    if image_mb > int(root_mb):
        msg = ('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
               'virtual size: {0} MB, Root size: {1} MB').format(
                   image_mb, root_mb)
        raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg)
        return disk_utils.work_on_disk(device,
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
        raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr)
Exemple #3
def deploy_partition_image(
        address, port, iqn, lun, image_path,
        root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, node_uuid,
        preserve_ephemeral=False, configdrive=None,
        boot_option=None, boot_mode="bios", disk_label=None,
    """All-in-one function to deploy a partition image to a node.

    :param address: The iSCSI IP address.
    :param port: The iSCSI port number.
    :param iqn: The iSCSI qualified name.
    :param lun: The iSCSI logical unit number.
    :param image_path: Path for the instance's disk image.
    :param root_mb: Size of the root partition in megabytes.
    :param swap_mb: Size of the swap partition in megabytes.
    :param ephemeral_mb: Size of the ephemeral partition in megabytes. If 0,
                         no ephemeral partition will be created.
    :param ephemeral_format: The type of file system to format the ephemeral
    :param node_uuid: node's uuid. Used for logging.
    :param preserve_ephemeral: If True, no filesystem is written to the
                               ephemeral block device, preserving whatever
                               content it had (if the partition table has
                               not changed).
    :param configdrive: Optional. Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content
                        or configdrive HTTP URL.
    :param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot".
                        "netboot" by default.
    :param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
    :param disk_label: The disk label to be used when creating the
                       partition table. Valid values are: "msdos",
                       "gpt" or None; If None ironic will figure it
                       out according to the boot_mode parameter.
    :param cpu_arch: Architecture of the node being deployed to.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if image virtual size is bigger than root
             partition size.
    :returns: a dictionary containing the following keys:
              'root uuid': UUID of root partition
              'efi system partition uuid': UUID of the uefi system partition
              (if boot mode is uefi).
              NOTE: If key exists but value is None, it means partition doesn't
    boot_option = boot_option or deploy_utils.get_default_boot_option()
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
               % {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)

    with _iscsi_setup_and_handle_errors(address, port, iqn, lun) as dev:
        uuid_dict_returned = disk_utils.work_on_disk(
            dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, image_path,
            node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral,
            configdrive=configdrive, boot_option=boot_option,
            boot_mode=boot_mode, disk_label=disk_label, cpu_arch=cpu_arch)

    return uuid_dict_returned
def deploy_partition_image(
        address, port, iqn, lun, image_path,
        root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, node_uuid,
        preserve_ephemeral=False, configdrive=None,
        boot_option=None, boot_mode="bios", disk_label=None):
    """All-in-one function to deploy a partition image to a node.

    :param address: The iSCSI IP address.
    :param port: The iSCSI port number.
    :param iqn: The iSCSI qualified name.
    :param lun: The iSCSI logical unit number.
    :param image_path: Path for the instance's disk image.
    :param root_mb: Size of the root partition in megabytes.
    :param swap_mb: Size of the swap partition in megabytes.
    :param ephemeral_mb: Size of the ephemeral partition in megabytes. If 0,
        no ephemeral partition will be created.
    :param ephemeral_format: The type of file system to format the ephemeral
    :param node_uuid: node's uuid. Used for logging.
    :param preserve_ephemeral: If True, no filesystem is written to the
        ephemeral block device, preserving whatever content it had (if the
        partition table has not changed).
    :param configdrive: Optional. Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content
                        or configdrive HTTP URL.
    :param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
    :param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
    :param disk_label: The disk label to be used when creating the
        partition table. Valid values are: "msdos", "gpt" or None; If None
        Ironic will figure it out according to the boot_mode parameter.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if image virtual size is bigger than root
        partition size.
    :returns: a dictionary containing the following keys:
        'root uuid': UUID of root partition
        'efi system partition uuid': UUID of the uefi system partition
                                     (if boot mode is uefi).
        NOTE: If key exists but value is None, it means partition doesn't
    boot_option = boot_option or get_default_boot_option()
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
               % {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)

    with _iscsi_setup_and_handle_errors(address, port, iqn, lun) as dev:
        uuid_dict_returned = disk_utils.work_on_disk(
            dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, image_path,
            node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral,
            configdrive=configdrive, boot_option=boot_option,
            boot_mode=boot_mode, disk_label=disk_label)

    return uuid_dict_returned
def _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device):
    """Call disk_util to create partition and write the partition image.

    :param image: Local path to image file to be written to the partition.
        If ``None``, the image is not populated.
    :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
    :param device: The device name, as a string, on which to store the image.
                   Example: '/dev/sda'

    :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the partition is too small for the
             provided image.
    :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image to disk encounters any error.
    # Retrieve the cached node as it has the latest information
    # and allows us to also sanity check the deployment so we don't end
    # up writing MBR when we're in UEFI mode.
    cached_node = hardware.get_cached_node()

    node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid')
    preserve_ep = image_info['preserve_ephemeral']
    configdrive = image_info['configdrive']
    boot_option = image_info.get('boot_option', 'local')
    boot_mode = utils.get_node_boot_mode(cached_node)
    disk_label = utils.get_partition_table_type_from_specs(cached_node)
    root_mb = image_info['root_mb']

    cpu_arch = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_cpus').architecture

    if image is not None:
        image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image)
        if image_mb > int(root_mb):
            msg = ('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                   'virtual size: {} MB, Root size: {} MB').format(
                       image_mb, root_mb)
            raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg)

        return disk_utils.work_on_disk(device,
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
        raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr)
Exemple #6
def check_image_size(task):
    """Check if the requested image is larger than the root partition size.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if size of the image is greater than root
    i_info = deploy_utils.parse_instance_info(task.node)
    image_path = _get_image_file_path(task.node.uuid)
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    root_mb = 1024 * int(i_info['root_gb'])
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
               % {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
Exemple #7
def check_image_size(task):
    """Check if the requested image is larger than the root partition size.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if size of the image is greater than root
    i_info = parse_instance_info(task.node)
    image_path = _get_image_file_path(task.node.uuid)
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    root_mb = 1024 * int(i_info['root_gb'])
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
               % {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
def _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device):
    """Call disk_util to create partition and write the partition image.

    :param image: Local path to image file to be written to the partition.
        If ``None``, the image is not populated.
    :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
    :param device: The device name, as a string, on which to store the image.
                   Example: '/dev/sda'

    :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the partition is too small for the
             provided image.
    :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image to disk encounters any error.
    node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid')
    preserve_ep = image_info['preserve_ephemeral']
    configdrive = image_info['configdrive']
    boot_option = image_info.get('boot_option', 'netboot')
    boot_mode = image_info.get('deploy_boot_mode', 'bios')
    disk_label = image_info.get('disk_label', 'msdos')
    root_mb = image_info['root_mb']

    cpu_arch = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_cpus').architecture

    if image is not None:
        image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image)
        if image_mb > int(root_mb):
            msg = ('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                   'virtual size: {} MB, Root size: {} MB').format(image_mb,
            raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg)

        return disk_utils.work_on_disk(device, root_mb,
                                       image, node_uuid,
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
        raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr)
Exemple #9
def _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device):
    """Call disk_util to create partition and write the partition image.

    :param image: Local path to image file to be written to the partition.
    :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
    :param device: The device name, as a string, on which to store the image.
                   Example: '/dev/sda'

    :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the partition is too small for the
             provided image.
    :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image to disk encounters any error.
    node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid')
    preserve_ep = image_info['preserve_ephemeral']
    configdrive = image_info['configdrive']
    boot_option = image_info.get('boot_option', 'netboot')
    boot_mode = image_info.get('deploy_boot_mode', 'bios')
    disk_label = image_info.get('disk_label', 'msdos')
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image)
    root_mb = image_info['root_mb']

    cpu_arch = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_cpus').architecture

    if image_mb > int(root_mb):
        msg = ('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
               'virtual size: {} MB, Root size: {} MB').format(
                   image_mb, root_mb)
        raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg)
        return disk_utils.work_on_disk(device,
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
        raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr)
Exemple #10
    def test_get_image_mb(self, mock_qinfo, mock_getsize):
        mb = 1024 * 1024

        mock_getsize.return_value = 0
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(0, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(0, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = 1
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = mb
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = mb + 1
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
            return_value=mb + 1)
        self.assertEqual(2, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(2, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
Exemple #11
    def test_get_image_mb(self, mock_qinfo, mock_getsize):
        mb = 1024 * 1024

        mock_getsize.return_value = 0
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(0, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(0, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = 1
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = mb
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(1, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
        mock_getsize.return_value = mb + 1
        type(mock_qinfo.return_value).virtual_size = mock.PropertyMock(
            return_value=mb + 1)
        self.assertEqual(2, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', False))
        self.assertEqual(2, disk_utils.get_image_mb('x', True))
def check_image_size(task):
    """Check if the requested image is larger than the root partition size.

    Does nothing for whole-disk images.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if size of the image is greater than root
    if task.node.driver_internal_info['is_whole_disk_image']:
        # The root partition is already created and populated, no use
        # validating its size

    i_info = deploy_utils.parse_instance_info(task.node)
    image_path = deploy_utils._get_image_file_path(task.node.uuid)
    image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image_path)
    root_mb = 1024 * int(i_info['root_gb'])
    if image_mb > root_mb:
        msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
                 'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
               % {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)