def test_collect_failure(self, mock_listdir, mock_isdir, mock_memory_info,
                          mock_cores_info, mock_nics_info):
     numa_node_dirs = ['node0', 'node1']
     mock_listdir.return_value = numa_node_dirs
     mock_isdir.return_value = True
     mock_memory_info.side_effect = errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError("")
     mock_cores_info.side_effect = errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError("")
     mock_nics_info.side_effect = errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError("")
     numa_insp.collect_numa_topology_info(, self.failures)
def get_nodes_memory_info(numa_node_dirs):
    """Collect the NUMA nodes memory information.

    The information is returned in the form of::

        "ram": [{"numa_node": <numa_node_id>, "size_kb": <memory_in_kb>}, ...]

    :param numa_node_dirs: A list of NUMA node directories
    :raises: IncompatibleNumaFormatError: when unexpected format data
             in NUMA node

    :return: A list of memory information with NUMA node id
    ram = []
    for numa_node_dir in numa_node_dirs:
        numa_node_memory = {}
        numa_node_id = get_numa_node_id(numa_node_dir)
            with open(os.path.join(numa_node_dir, 'meminfo')) as meminfo_file:
                for line in meminfo_file:
                    if 'MemTotal' in line:
                    msg = ('Memory information is not available for '
                           '%(node)s' % {
                               'node': numa_node_dir
                    raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
        except IOError as exc:
            msg = ('Failed to get memory information '
                   'for %(node)s: %(error)s' % {
                       'node': numa_node_dir,
                       'error': exc
            raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
            # To get memory size with unit from memory info line
            # Memory info sample line format 'Node 0 MemTotal: 1560000 kB'
            value = line.split(":")[1].strip()
            memory_kb = int(UNIT_CONVERTER(value).to_base_units())
        except (ValueError, IndexError, pint.UndefinedUnitError) as exc:
            msg = ('Failed to get memory information for %(node)s: '
                   '%(error)s' % {
                       'node': numa_node_dir,
                       'error': exc
            raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
        numa_node_memory['numa_node'] = numa_node_id
        numa_node_memory['size_kb'] = memory_kb
        LOG.debug('Found memory available %d KB in NUMA node %d', memory_kb,
    return ram
Exemple #3
 def test_collect_no_nics_dirs(self, mock_listdir, mock_isdir,
                               mock_memory_info, mock_cores_info,
     numa_node_dirs = ['node0', 'node1']
     mock_listdir.return_value = numa_node_dirs
     mock_isdir.return_value = True
     mock_memory_info.return_value = [{
         'numa_node': 0,
         'size_kb': 1560000
     }, {
         'numa_node': 1,
         'size_kb': 1200000
     mock_cores_info.return_value = [{
         'cpu': 0,
         'numa_node': 0,
         'thread_siblings': [0, 1, 2, 3]
     }, {
         'cpu': 1,
         'numa_node': 1,
         'thread_siblings': [4, 5, 6]
     mock_nics_info.side_effect = errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError("")
     mock_open = mock.mock_open()
     with mock.patch('', mock_open):
         numa_insp.collect_numa_topology_info(, self.failures)
Exemple #4
 def test_bad_nodes_thread_dirs(self, mock_node_id, mock_listdir,
     numa_node_dirs = ['/sys/devices/system/node/node0']
     mock_node_id.return_value = 0
     mock_listdir.side_effect = errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError("")
     mock_isdir.return_value = True
                       numa_insp.get_nodes_cores_info, numa_node_dirs)
Exemple #5
def get_nodes_nics_info(nic_device_path):
    """Collect the NUMA nodes nics information.

    The information is returned in the form of::

        "nics": [
              {"name": "<network interface name>",
               "numa_node": <numa_node_id>},

    :param nic_device_path: nic device directory path
    :raises: IncompatibleNumaFormatError: when unexpected format data
             in NUMA node

    :return: A list of nics information with NUMA node id
    nics = []
    if not os.path.isdir(nic_device_path):
        msg = ('Failed to get list of NIC\'s, NIC device path '
               'does not exist: %(nic_device_path)s' % {
                   'nic_device_path': nic_device_path
        raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
    for nic_dir in os.listdir(nic_device_path):
        if not os.path.isfile(
                os.path.join(nic_device_path, nic_dir, 'device', 'numa_node')):
            with open(
                    os.path.join(nic_device_path, nic_dir, 'device',
                                 'numa_node')) as nicsinfo_file:
                numa_node_id = int(
        except (IOError, ValueError) as exc:
            msg = ('Failed to gather NIC\'s for NUMA node %(node)s: '
                   '%(error)s' % {
                       'node': nic_dir,
                       'error': exc
            raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
        numa_node_nics = {}
        numa_node_nics['name'] = nic_dir
        numa_node_nics['numa_node'] = numa_node_id
        LOG.debug('Found a NIC %s in NUMA node %d', nic_dir, numa_node_id)
    return nics
def get_numa_node_id(numa_node_dir):
    """Provides the NUMA node id from NUMA node directory

    :param numa_node_dir: NUMA node directory
    :raises: IncompatibleNumaFormatError: when unexpected format data
             in NUMA node dir

    :return: NUMA node id
        return int(os.path.basename(numa_node_dir)[4:])
    except (IOError, ValueError, IndexError) as exc:
        msg = ('Failed to get NUMA node id for %(node)s: '
               '%(error)s' % {
                   'node': numa_node_dir,
                   'error': exc
        raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
def get_nodes_cores_info(numa_node_dirs):
    """Collect the NUMA nodes cpu's and thread's information.

    "cpus": [
            "cpu": <cpu_id>, "numa_node": <numa_node_id>,
            "thread_siblings": [<list of sibling threads>]
    NUMA nodes path: /sys/devices/system/node/node<node_id>

    Thread dirs path: /sys/devices/system/node/node<node_id>/cpu<thread_id>

    CPU id file path: /sys/devices/system/node/node<node_id>/cpu<thread_id>/

    :param numa_node_dirs: A list of NUMA node directories
    :raises: IncompatibleNumaFormatError: when unexpected format data
             in NUMA node

    :return: A list of cpu information with NUMA node id and thread siblings
    dict_cpus = {}
    for numa_node_dir in numa_node_dirs:
        numa_node_id = get_numa_node_id(numa_node_dir)
            thread_dirs = os.listdir(numa_node_dir)
        except OSError as exc:
            msg = ('Failed to get list of threads for %(node)s: '
                   '%(error)s' % {
                       'node': numa_node_dir,
                       'error': exc
            raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
        for thread_dir in thread_dirs:
            if (not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(numa_node_dir, thread_dir))
                    or not thread_dir.startswith("cpu")):
                thread_id = int(thread_dir[3:])
            except (ValueError, IndexError) as exc:
                msg = ('Failed to get cores information for '
                       '%(node)s: %(error)s' % {
                           'node': numa_node_dir,
                           'error': exc
                raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
                with open(
                        os.path.join(numa_node_dir, thread_dir, 'topology',
                                     'core_id')) as core_id_file:
                    cpu_id = int(
            except (IOError, ValueError) as exc:
                msg = ('Failed to gather cpu_id for thread'
                       '%(thread)s NUMA node %(node)s: %(error)s' % {
                           'thread': thread_dir,
                           'node': numa_node_dir,
                           'error': exc
                raise errors.IncompatibleNumaFormatError(msg)
            # CPU and NUMA node together forms a unique value, as cpu_id is
            # specific to a NUMA node
            # NUMA node id and cpu id tuple is used for unique key
            dict_key = numa_node_id, cpu_id
            if dict_key in dict_cpus:
                if thread_id not in dict_cpus[dict_key]['thread_siblings']:
                cpu_item = {}
                cpu_item['thread_siblings'] = [thread_id]
                cpu_item['cpu'] = cpu_id
                cpu_item['numa_node'] = numa_node_id
                dict_cpus[dict_key] = cpu_item
            LOG.debug('Found a thread sibling %d for CPU %d in NUMA node %d',
                      thread_id, cpu_id, numa_node_id)
    return list(dict_cpus.values())