def _get_nm_address(task):
    """Get Intel Node Manager target channel and address.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
    :raises: IPMIFailure if Intel Node Manager is not detected on a node or if
             an error happens during detection.
    :returns: a tuple with IPMI channel and address of Intel Node Manager.
    node = task.node
    driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info

    def _save_to_node(channel, address):
        driver_internal_info['intel_nm_channel'] = channel
        driver_internal_info['intel_nm_address'] = address
        node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info

    channel = driver_internal_info.get('intel_nm_channel')
    address = driver_internal_info.get('intel_nm_address')
    if channel and address:
        return channel, address
    if channel is False and address is False:
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(
            _('Driver data indicates that Intel '
              'Node Manager detection failed.'))'Start detection of Intel Node Manager on node %s'),
    sdr_filename = os.path.join(CONF.tempdir, node.uuid + '.sdr')
    res = None
        ipmitool.dump_sdr(task, sdr_filename)
        res = nm_commands.parse_slave_and_channel(sdr_filename)
    if res is None:
        _save_to_node(False, False)
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(_('Intel Node Manager is not detected.'))
    address, channel = res
        'Intel Node Manager sensors present in SDR on node %(node)s, '
        'channel %(channel)s address %(address)s.', {
            'node': node.uuid,
            'channel': channel,
            'address': address
    # SDR can contain wrong info, try simple command
    node.driver_info['ipmi_bridging'] = 'single'
    node.driver_info['ipmi_target_channel'] = channel
    node.driver_info['ipmi_target_address'] = address
        _save_to_node(channel, address)
        return channel, address
    except exception.IPMIFailure:
        _save_to_node(False, False)
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(
            _('Intel Node Manager sensors record '
              'present in SDR but Node Manager is not '
def _enable_boot_config(node):
    """Enable boot configuration of AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)
    method = 'SetBootConfigRole'
    doc = _generate_enable_boot_config_input()
    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('Name', 'Intel(r) AMT Boot Service')
        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_BootService, method,
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                _LE("Failed to enable boot config for node "
                    "%(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."), {
                        'node_id': node.uuid,
                        'error': e
    else:"Successfully enabled boot config for node %(node_id)s."),
                 {'node_id': node.uuid})
    def set_power_state(self, task, pstate):
        """Wakes the task's node on power on. Powering off is not supported.

        Wakes the task's node on. Wake-On-Lan does not support powering
        the task's node off so, just log it.

        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :param pstate: The desired power state, one of ironic.common.states
            POWER_ON, POWER_OFF.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if parameters are invalid.
        :raises: MissingParameterValue if required parameters are missing.
        :raises: WOLOperationError if an error occur when sending the
            magic packets

        node = task.node
        params = _parse_parameters(task)
        if pstate == states.POWER_ON:
            _send_magic_packets(task, params['host'], params['port'])
        elif pstate == states.POWER_OFF:
                _LI('Power off called for node %s. Wake-On-Lan does not '
                    'support this operation. Manual intervention '
                    'required to perform this action.'), node.uuid)
            raise ironic_exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                _("set_power_state called for Node %(node)s with invalid "
                  "power state %(pstate)s.") % {
                      'node': node.uuid,
                      'pstate': pstate
def _set_boot_device_order(node, boot_device):
    """Set boot device order configuration of AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object
    :param boot_device: the boot device
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)
    device = amt_common.BOOT_DEVICES_MAPPING[boot_device]
    doc = _generate_change_boot_order_input(device)

    method = 'ChangeBootOrder'

    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('InstanceID', 'Intel(r) AMT: Boot Configuration 0')

        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_BootConfigSetting,
                            method, doc)
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
            LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to set boot device %(boot_device)s for "
                              "node %(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."),
                          {'boot_device': boot_device, 'node_id': node.uuid,
                           'error': e})
    else:"Successfully set boot device %(boot_device)s for "
                     "node %(node_id)s"),
                 {'boot_device': boot_device, 'node_id': node.uuid})
def _set_power_state(node, target_state):
    """Set power state of the AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object.
    :param target_state: desired power state.
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)

    method = 'RequestPowerStateChange'
    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('Name', 'Intel(r) AMT Power Management Service')

    doc = _generate_power_action_input(AMT_POWER_MAP[target_state])
        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_PowerManagementService,
                            method, doc)
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
            LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to set power state %(state)s for "
                              "node %(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."),
                          {'state': target_state, 'node_id': node.uuid,
                           'error': e})
    else:"Power state set to %(state)s for node %(node_id)s"),
                 {'state': target_state, 'node_id': node.uuid})
    def set_power_state(self, task, pstate):
        """Wakes the task's node on power on. Powering off is not supported.

        Wakes the task's node on. Wake-On-Lan does not support powering
        the task's node off so, just log it.

        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :param pstate: The desired power state, one of ironic.common.states
            POWER_ON, POWER_OFF.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if parameters are invalid.
        :raises: MissingParameterValue if required parameters are missing.
        :raises: WOLOperationError if an error occur when sending the
            magic packets

        node = task.node
        params = _parse_parameters(task)
        if pstate == states.POWER_ON:
            _send_magic_packets(task, params['host'], params['port'])
        elif pstate == states.POWER_OFF:
  'Power off called for node %s. Wake-On-Lan does not '
                         'support this operation. Manual intervention '
                         'required to perform this action.'), node.uuid)
            raise ironic_exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
                "set_power_state called for Node %(node)s with invalid "
                "power state %(pstate)s.") % {'node': node.uuid,
                                              'pstate': pstate})
Exemple #7
def _set_power_state(node, target_state):
    """Set power state of the AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object.
    :param target_state: desired power state.
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)

    method = 'RequestPowerStateChange'
    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('Name', 'Intel(r) AMT Power Management Service')

    doc = _generate_power_action_input(AMT_POWER_MAP[target_state])
        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_PowerManagementService,
                            method, doc)
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                _LE("Failed to set power state %(state)s for "
                    "node %(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."), {
                        'state': target_state,
                        'node_id': node.uuid,
                        'error': e
    else:"Power state set to %(state)s for node %(node_id)s"), {
            'state': target_state,
            'node_id': node.uuid
def _get_nm_address(task):
    """Get Intel Node Manager target channel and address.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
    :raises: IPMIFailure if Intel Node Manager is not detected on a node or if
             an error happens during detection.
    :returns: a tuple with IPMI channel and address of Intel Node Manager.
    node = task.node
    driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info

    def _save_to_node(channel, address):
        driver_internal_info['intel_nm_channel'] = channel
        driver_internal_info['intel_nm_address'] = address
        node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info

    channel = driver_internal_info.get('intel_nm_channel')
    address = driver_internal_info.get('intel_nm_address')
    if channel and address:
        return channel, address
    if channel is False and address is False:
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(_('Driver data indicates that Intel '
                                      'Node Manager detection failed.'))'Start detection of Intel Node Manager on node %s'),
    sdr_filename = os.path.join(CONF.tempdir, node.uuid + '.sdr')
    res = None
        ipmitool.dump_sdr(task, sdr_filename)
        res = nm_commands.parse_slave_and_channel(sdr_filename)
    if res is None:
        _save_to_node(False, False)
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(_('Intel Node Manager is not detected.'))
    address, channel = res
    LOG.debug('Intel Node Manager sensors present in SDR on node %(node)s, '
              'channel %(channel)s address %(address)s.',
              {'node': node.uuid, 'channel': channel, 'address': address})
    # SDR can contain wrong info, try simple command
    node.driver_info['ipmi_bridging'] = 'single'
    node.driver_info['ipmi_target_channel'] = channel
    node.driver_info['ipmi_target_address'] = address
        _save_to_node(channel, address)
        return channel, address
    except exception.IPMIFailure:
        _save_to_node(False, False)
        raise exception.IPMIFailure(_('Intel Node Manager sensors record '
                                      'present in SDR but Node Manager is not '
    def reboot(self, task):
        """Not supported. Cycles the power to the task's node.

        This operation is not fully supported by the Wake-On-Lan
        driver. So this method will just try to power the task's node on.

        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if parameters are invalid.
        :raises: MissingParameterValue if required parameters are missing.
        :raises: WOLOperationError if an error occur when sending the
            magic packets

        """'Reboot called for node %s. Wake-On-Lan does '
                     'not fully support this operation. Trying to '
                     'power on the node.'), task.node.uuid)
        self.set_power_state(task, states.POWER_ON)
    def reboot(self, task):
        """Not supported. Cycles the power to the task's node.

        This operation is not fully supported by the Wake-On-Lan
        driver. So this method will just try to power the task's node on.

        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if parameters are invalid.
        :raises: MissingParameterValue if required parameters are missing.
        :raises: WOLOperationError if an error occur when sending the
            magic packets

            _LI('Reboot called for node %s. Wake-On-Lan does '
                'not fully support this operation. Trying to '
                'power on the node.'), task.node.uuid)
        self.set_power_state(task, states.POWER_ON)
def _set_boot_device_order(node, boot_device):
    """Set boot device order configuration of AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object
    :param boot_device: the boot device
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)
    device = amt_common.BOOT_DEVICES_MAPPING[boot_device]
    doc = _generate_change_boot_order_input(device)

    method = 'ChangeBootOrder'

    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('InstanceID', 'Intel(r) AMT: Boot Configuration 0')

        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_BootConfigSetting,
                            method, doc)
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                _LE("Failed to set boot device %(boot_device)s for "
                    "node %(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."), {
                        'boot_device': boot_device,
                        'node_id': node.uuid,
                        'error': e
            _LI("Successfully set boot device %(boot_device)s for "
                "node %(node_id)s"), {
                    'boot_device': boot_device,
                    'node_id': node.uuid
def _enable_boot_config(node):
    """Enable boot configuration of AMT Client.

    :param node: a node object
    :raises: AMTFailure
    :raises: AMTConnectFailure
    client = amt_common.get_wsman_client(node)
    method = 'SetBootConfigRole'
    doc = _generate_enable_boot_config_input()
    options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
    options.add_selector('Name', 'Intel(r) AMT Boot Service')
        client.wsman_invoke(options, resource_uris.CIM_BootService,
                            method, doc)
    except (exception.AMTFailure, exception.AMTConnectFailure) as e:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
            LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to enable boot config for node "
                              "%(node_id)s with error: %(error)s."),
                          {'node_id': node.uuid, 'error': e})
    else:"Successfully enabled boot config for node %(node_id)s."),
                 {'node_id': node.uuid})