Exemple #1
class TestGetOrCreateAndUpdate(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests and demonstrates ORM.get_or_create_and_update(self, mapped_class, query_dict, update_dict).

    get_or_create_and_update(...) tries to retrieve or create a unique
    mapped_class object identified by attributes in query dict; then tries to
    update this object with attributes in update_dict; and if successful,
    returns the object.

    get_or_create_and_update(...) uses get_or_create(...) and
    _update_object(...), which raise exceptions when query_dict identifies more
    than one object, or when invalid attributes are specified.

    Also tests and demonstrates internal convenience method
    ORM._update_object(self, obj, **keyword_args).

    _update_object(...) updates obj's attributes/values corresponding to
    **keyword_args. It checks each keyword to make sure the object has an
    attribute of the same name; if not, the exception AttributeError is raised.
    def setUp(self):
        orm_defs = dict(
          Thing = dict(
            __tablename__ = 'thing',
            id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
            name = Column('name', Text),
            attribute = Column('attribute', Text),
        self.orm = ORM(orm_defs, 'sqlite:///:memory:', deferred_reflection = False)
        self.thing = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Mary Quite Contrary")

    def test_update_object(self):
        self.orm._update_object(self.thing, attribute="Sneakiness")
        thing2 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Mary Quite Contrary")
        self.assertEqual(thing2.attribute, "Sneakiness")
    def test_nonsense_update_raises(self):
        # Verify AttributeError is raised upon update of nonsense attribute.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
          self.orm._update_object(self.Thing, nonsense_attribute="Blue")
        # Nearby negative control
        self.orm._update_object(self.thing, attribute="Deceptive")
    def test_get_or_create_and_update(self):
        query_dict = dict(name="Rumplestiltskin")
        update_dict_1 = dict(attribute="Sneakiness")
        update_dict_2 = dict(attribute="Meanness")
        # Run get_or_create_and_update(...) twice, with identical query dict to
        # uniquely determine object, but with two different update dicts.
        thing_1 = self.orm.get_or_create_and_update(self.orm.Thing, query_dict, update_dict_1)
        self.assertEqual(thing_1.attribute, "Sneakiness")
        thing_2 = self.orm.get_or_create_and_update(self.orm.Thing, query_dict, update_dict_2)
        # After second call, attribute should have changed, but thing1 and
        # thing2 should still be the unique object identified by name
        # "Rumplestiltskin.
        self.assertEqual(thing_1.attribute, "Meanness")
        self.assertEqual(thing_1, thing_2)
Exemple #2
class TestGetOrCreateUniqueObject(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests and demonstrates ORM.get_or_create(self, mapped_class, **keyword_args).

    get_or_create(...) tries to retrieve and return a single object of type
    mapped_class, uniquely identified by **keyword_args. If no such object can
    be found, one will be created. If **keyword_args identify multiple objects,
    the exception sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound is raised.
    def setUp(self):
        orm_defs = dict(
          Thing = dict(
            __tablename__ = 'thing',
            id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
            name = Column('name', Text),
        self.orm = ORM(orm_defs, 'sqlite:///:memory:', deferred_reflection = False)

    def test_create_unique(self):
        # Create a unique Thing object identified by name "Rumplestiltskin".
        self.assertEqual(0, self.orm.session.query(self.orm.Thing).count())
        thing1 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Rumplestiltskin")
        self.assertEqual(1, self.orm.session.query(self.orm.Thing).count())
        # Retrieve the Thing object uniquely identified by name "Rumplestiltskin".
        thing2 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Rumplestiltskin")
        self.assertEqual(1, self.orm.session.query(self.orm.Thing).count())
        # Verify that the created and the retrieved objects are the same thing.
        self.assertEqual(thing1, thing2)

    def test_error_on_nonunique(self):
        # Create a unique Thing object identified by name "Rumplestiltskin.
        self.assertEqual(0, self.orm.session.query(self.orm.Thing).count())
        thing1 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Rumplestiltskin")
        self.assertEqual(1, self.orm.session.query(self.orm.Thing).count())
        # Create a second Thing object identified by the same name.
        thing2 = self.orm.Thing(name="Rumplestiltskin")
        # Since things are no longer uniquely identified by name
        # "Rumplestiltskin", get_or_create(...) should fail if we try to
        # uniquly identify a thing by name "Rumplestiltskin.
        with self.assertRaises(MultipleResultsFound):
          self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Rumplestiltskin")

    def test_attribute_error(self):
        # Can't uniquely identify a Thing object with nonsense attributes.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
          thing1 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, nonsense_attribute="Color of the sky")
        # Nearby negative control
        thing1 = self.orm.get_or_create(self.orm.Thing, name="Rumplestiltskin")