Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None):
     self.x = 0
     self.y = 0
     self.z = 0
     if x is not None:
         if is_num.isNumber(x):
             self.x = x
     if y is not None:
         if is_num.isNumber(y):
             self.y = y
     if z is not None:
         if is_num.isNumber(z):
             self.z = z
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self,x = None,y = None,z = None):
     self.x = 0
     self.y = 0
     self.z = 0
     if x is not None:
     	if is_num.isNumber(x):
     		self.x = x
     if y is not None:
     	if is_num.isNumber(y):
     		self.y = y
     if z is not None:
     	if is_num.isNumber(z):
     		self.z = z
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, radius, mass):
        #time to sanitize

        if is_num.isNumber(radius):
            self.radius = float(radius)
            raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")

        if is_num.isNumber(mass):
            self.mass = float(mass)
            raise IncorrectInput("The second argument must be a number")

        self.volume = 4 / 3 * math.pi * self.radius**3
        self.area = 4 * math.pi * self.radius**2
        self.averageDensity = self.volume / self.mass
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self,focal,vector_normal,radius):
        #first I need to sanitize the data
        if isinstance(focal,coordinate.Coordinate):
            self.focal_one = focal
            self.focal_two = focal
            raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a Coordinate")

        if isinstance(vector_normal,coordinate.Vector):
            self.vector_normal = vector_normal
            raise IncorrectInput("The second argument must be a Vector")

        #distance is 2r for a circle and  r + r' for all ellispes
        #also 2* semimajoraxis
        if is_num.isNumber(radius):
            self.semimajoraxis = float(radius)
            raise IncorrectInput("The fourth argument must be a number")

        self.plane = coordinate.Plane(self.vector_normal,focal)
        self.vector = self.focal_one - self.focal_two
        #this vector is from focal_one to focal_two
        self.eccentricity = self.vector.distance/(self.semimajoraxis * 2)
        if self.eccentricity > 1:
            raise IncorrectInput("These inputs do not produce a valid Ellipse")
        self.semiminor_axis = math.sqrt(self.semimajoraxis**2 * (1-self.eccentricity**2))
        self.area = math.pi * self.semimajoraxis * self.semiminor_axis
Exemple #5
	def __init__(self,radius,mass):
		#time to sanitize

		if is_num.isNumber(radius):
			self.radius = float(radius)
			raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")

		if is_num.isNumber(mass):
			self.mass = float(mass)
			raise IncorrectInput("The second argument must be a number")

		self.volume = 4/3 * math.pi * self.radius**3
		self.area = 4 * math.pi * self.radius**2
		self.averageDensity = self.volume/self.mass
Exemple #6
    def plot_specific_angles(self,figure,axis_one,axis_two,colour,theta_values,size = None):
        #this is another testing method that plots whatever theta values you want
        #this is used by orbit when it plots the orbit with respect to time
        #because ellipse itself has no concept of time built in

        if not isinstance(figure,plt.Subplot):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a figure")

        if (self.focal_one.getDirection(axis_one) == None or self.focal_one.getDirection(axis_two) == None):
            raise IncorrectInput("The second and third inputs must be vaild axis names")

        if size is None:
            size = 1
        elif not is_num.isNumber(size) or size <= 0:
            raise IncorrectInput("The fifth input must be a positive number")

        coordinates = self.get_coordinates(theta_values)

        one_values = []
        two_values = []

        for a in coordinates:

        figure.scatter(one_values,two_values,color = colour)
Exemple #7
    def plot(self,figure,axis_one,axis_two,colour,size = None,points = None):
        #this plots the ellipse with a uniform distance of angle betwen points
        #note that the angle is with respect to a focal_point and will not be uniform over the ellipse

        #sanitize data

        if not isinstance(figure,plt.Subplot):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a figure")

        if (self.focal_one.getDirection(axis_one) == None or self.focal_one.getDirection(axis_two) == None):
            raise IncorrectInput("The second and third inputs must be vaild axis names")

        if points is None:
            points = 1000 #default

        if size is None:
            size = 1
        elif not is_num.isNumber(size) or size <= 0:
            raise IncorrectInput("The fifth input must be a positive number")

        theta_values = numpy.linspace(0,math.pi*2,points)

        coordinates = self.get_coordinates(theta_values)

        one_values = []
        two_values = []

        for a in coordinates:

        figure.scatter(one_values,two_values,s = size,color = colour)
Exemple #8
 def get_relative_speed(self, distance):
     #I never use this but I could to find out the speed at different points around the orbit
     if not is_num.isNumber(distance):
         raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")
     return math.sqrt(2 *
                      (self.specific_orbital_energy +
                       (self.standard_gravitation_parameter / distance)))
Exemple #9
	def flux(self,distance):
		#never gets used
		if is_num.isNumber(distance):
			distance = float(distance)
			raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")

		return self.luminosity/(4*math.pi*distance)
Exemple #10
    def flux(self, distance):
        #never gets used
        if is_num.isNumber(distance):
            distance = float(distance)
            raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")

        return self.luminosity / (4 * math.pi * distance)
Exemple #11
 def __mul__(self,other):
     #this accepts Coordinate * Constant = Coordinate
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         x = self.x * other
         y = self.y * other
         z = self.z * other
         return Coordinate(x,y,z)
         raise IncorrectMultiplication("You must multiply a Coordinate by a Constant")
Exemple #12
    def rotate(self,angle):
        #if you want to rotate something on a plane then use Plane's rotate method
        #this rotates the current vector around 0,0,0 (which I do not remember if that goes without saying)
        if not is_num.isNumber(angle):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first agrument must be a number")

        x = (self.x * math.cos(angle)) - (self.y * math.sin(angle))
        y = (self.x * math.sin(angle)) + (self.y * math.cos(angle))

        return Vector(x,y,self.z)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self,focal_one,focal_two,vector_normal,distance,size = None):

        #first I need to sanitize the data
        if isinstance(focal_one,coordinate.Coordinate):
            self.focal_one = focal_one
            raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a Coordinate")

        if isinstance(focal_two,coordinate.Coordinate):
            self.focal_two = focal_two
            raise IncorrectInput("The second argument must be a Coordinate")

        #distance is 2r for a circle and  r + r' for all ellispes
        #also 2* semimajoraxis
        if is_num.isNumber(distance):
            self.semimajoraxis = float(distance)/2
            raise IncorrectInput("The third argument must be a number")

        #the inclination angle is in radians
        if isinstance(vector_normal,coordinate.Vector):
            #this causes problems for circles
            self.vector_normal = vector_normal
            raise IncorrectInput("The fourth argument must be a Coordinate")

        self.plane = coordinate.Plane(self.vector_normal,self.focal_one)
        self.vector = self.focal_one - self.focal_two
        #this vector is from focal_one to focal_two
        self.eccentricity = self.vector.get_distance()/(self.semimajoraxis * 2)
        if self.eccentricity > 1:
            raise IncorrectInput("These inputs do not produce a valid Ellipse")
        self.semiminor_axis = math.sqrt(self.semimajoraxis**2 * (1-self.eccentricity**2))
        self.area = math.pi * self.semimajoraxis * self.semiminor_axis

        if size is None:
            self.size = 1
        elif is_num.isNumber(size):
            self.size = float(size)
            raise IncorrectInput("The six argument must be a number")
Exemple #14
 def __div__(self, other):
     #This accepts Vector / Constant = Vector
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         if other != 0:
             inverse = 1 / float(other)
             return self * inverse
             raise DivideByZero("You cannot Divide by Zero")
         raise IncorrectDivision("You must divide a Vector by a Constant")
Exemple #15
 def __div__(self,other):
     #This accepts Vector / Constant = Vector
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         if other != 0:
             inverse = 1/float(other)
             return self * inverse
             raise DivideByZero("You cannot Divide by Zero")
         raise IncorrectDivision("You must divide a Vector by a Constant")
Exemple #16
    def rotate(self, angle):
        #if you want to rotate something on a plane then use Plane's rotate method
        #this rotates the current vector around 0,0,0 (which I do not remember if that goes without saying)
        if not is_num.isNumber(angle):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first agrument must be a number")

        x = (self.x * math.cos(angle)) - (self.y * math.sin(angle))
        y = (self.x * math.sin(angle)) + (self.y * math.cos(angle))

        return Vector(x, y, self.z)
Exemple #17
 def __mul__(self, other):
     #this accepts Coordinate * Constant = Coordinate
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         x = self.x * other
         y = self.y * other
         z = self.z * other
         return Coordinate(x, y, z)
         raise IncorrectMultiplication(
             "You must multiply a Coordinate by a Constant")
Exemple #18
	def __init__(self,vector,intensity):

		if isinstance(vector,coordinate.Vector):
			self.vector = vector
			raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a Vector")

		if is_num.isNumber(intensity) and intensity > 0:
			self.intensity = intensity
			raise IncorrectInput("The second argument must be a positive number")
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self, vector, intensity):

        if isinstance(vector, coordinate.Vector):
            self.vector = vector
            raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a Vector")

        if is_num.isNumber(intensity) and intensity > 0:
            self.intensity = intensity
            raise IncorrectInput(
                "The second argument must be a positive number")
Exemple #20
    def rotate(self, other, angle):
        #this rotates an vector around the vector normal to the plane
        #returns a vector
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a Vector")

        if not is_num.isNumber(angle):
            raise IncorrectInput("The second agrument must be a number")

        cross = (other * self.vector_normal).unitVector()
        #this gives us a vector pointing in the right direction with a length of one
        result = cross * math.sin(angle)
        result += (other.unitVector() * math.cos(angle))
        result = result.unitVector()
        result = result * other.get_distance()
        return result
Exemple #21
 def __mul__(self,other):
     #This accepts Vector * Constant  = Vector or Vector x Vector = Vector
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         x = self.x * other
         y = self.y * other
         z = self.z * other
         return Vector(x,y,z)
     elif isinstance(other,Vector):
         #here we do the cross product, notably NOT the dot product
         #if I need that I will make a dot product function
         x = (self.y*other.getZ() - self.z*other.getY())
         y = (self.z*other.getX() - self.x*other.getZ())
         z = (self.x*other.getY() - self.y*other.getX())
         return Vector(x,y,z)
         raise IncorrectMultiplication("You must multiply a Vector by a Constant or Vector")
Exemple #22
    def rotate(self,other,angle):
        #this rotates an vector around the vector normal to the plane
        #returns a vector
        if not isinstance(other,Vector):
            raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a Vector")

        if not is_num.isNumber(angle):
            raise IncorrectInput("The second agrument must be a number")

        cross = (other * self.vector_normal).unitVector()
        #this gives us a vector pointing in the right direction with a length of one
        result = cross * math.sin(angle)
        result += (other.unitVector() * math.cos(angle))
        result = result.unitVector()
        result = result * other.get_distance()
        return result
Exemple #23
 def __mul__(self, other):
     #This accepts Vector * Constant  = Vector or Vector x Vector = Vector
     if is_num.isNumber(other):
         x = self.x * other
         y = self.y * other
         z = self.z * other
         return Vector(x, y, z)
     elif isinstance(other, Vector):
         #here we do the cross product, notably NOT the dot product
         #if I need that I will make a dot product function
         x = (self.y * other.getZ() - self.z * other.getY())
         y = (self.z * other.getX() - self.x * other.getZ())
         z = (self.x * other.getY() - self.y * other.getX())
         return Vector(x, y, z)
         raise IncorrectMultiplication(
             "You must multiply a Vector by a Constant or Vector")
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, body_one, body_two, barycenter, vector_normal,
                 vector_inline, specific_orbital_energy, eccentricity):

        if isinstance(body_one, sphere.Sphere):
            self.body_one = body_one
            raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a sphere")

        if isinstance(body_two, sphere.Sphere):
            self.body_two = body_two
            raise IncorrectInput("The second input must be a sphere")

        if isinstance(barycenter, coordinate.Coordinate):
            self.barycenter = barycenter * constants.AU
            #this module attemps to measure things in meters, but takes AU as input
            raise IncorrectInput("The third input must be a Coordinate")

        if isinstance(vector_normal, coordinate.Vector):
            self.vector_normal = vector_normal.unitVector()
            #I don't care about the length of a vector so it is standardized
            raise IncorrectInput("The fourth input must be a Vector")

        if isinstance(vector_inline, coordinate.Vector):
            self.vector_inline = vector_inline.unitVector()
            #this is a vector from the barycenter to the first focal point
            #the negative of this vector is from the barycenter to the second focal point
            #also this vector has no meaningfull magnitude so it is standardized
            raise IncorrectInput("The fifth input must be a Vector")

        if is_num.isNumber(specific_orbital_energy):
            self.specific_orbital_energy = float(specific_orbital_energy)
            #this is one of the more arbitrary parts of the whole system
            #it is possible to calculate the energy from a single position of the orbit
            #however I decided that was not the focus of the project and so it takes the energy as a number
            raise IncorrectInput("The sixth input must be a number")

        if self.specific_orbital_energy >= 0:
            raise IncorrectInput(
                "The inputs do not make a valid elliptical orbit.\nThe specific orbital energy must be less than 0"

        if is_num.isNumber(eccentricity):
            self.eccentricity = float(eccentricity)
            raise IncorrectInput("The seventh input must be a number")

        #some conviences
        self.mass_sum = body_one.mass + body_two.mass

        self.standard_gravitation_parameter = constants.G * self.mass_sum
        #This is mu

        self.reduced_mass = (self.body_one.mass *
                             self.body_two.mass) / self.mass_sum

        self.mass_ratio_one = self.body_one.mass / self.mass_sum

        self.mass_ratio_two = self.body_two.mass / self.mass_sum

        self.semimajor_sum = -1 * self.standard_gravitation_parameter / (
            2 * self.specific_orbital_energy)
        self.semimajor_sum = self.semimajor_sum * constants.AU
        #this is a major calculation for the whole orbit

        self.semimajoraxis_one = self.semimajor_sum * self.mass_ratio_two

        self.semimajoraxis_two = self.semimajor_sum - self.semimajoraxis_one

        # self.angular_momentum = self.reduced_mass * math.sqrt(
        # 	constants.G * self.mass_sum * self.semimajor_sum * (1 - self.eccentricity **2))
        #turns out I never used this so I didn't need it

        self.period = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(
            self.semimajor_sum**3 / self.standard_gravitation_parameter)
        #also a major calculation that give the answer in years

        distance_to_focal_one = 2 * self.semimajoraxis_one * self.eccentricity
        distance_to_focal_two = -2 * self.semimajoraxis_two * self.eccentricity
        #this one is negative becuase it is in the oppositve direction of the inline vector

        self.focal_one = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline *
        self.focal_two = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline *

        self.ellipse_one = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_one, self.barycenter,
                                           2 * self.semimajoraxis_one)
        self.ellipse_two = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_two, self.barycenter,
                                           2 * self.semimajoraxis_two)
Exemple #25
	def get_relative_speed(self,distance):
		#I never use this but I could to find out the speed at different points around the orbit
		if not is_num.isNumber(distance):
			raise IncorrectInput("The first argument must be a number")
		return math.sqrt(2 * (self.specific_orbital_energy + (self.standard_gravitation_parameter / distance)))
Exemple #26
	def __init__(self,body_one,body_two,barycenter,vector_normal,vector_inline,specific_orbital_energy,eccentricity):

		if isinstance(body_one,sphere.Sphere):
			self.body_one = body_one
			raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a sphere")

		if isinstance(body_two,sphere.Sphere):
			self.body_two = body_two
			raise IncorrectInput("The second input must be a sphere")

		if isinstance(barycenter,coordinate.Coordinate):
			self.barycenter = barycenter*constants.AU
			#this module attemps to measure things in meters, but takes AU as input
			raise IncorrectInput("The third input must be a Coordinate")

		if isinstance(vector_normal,coordinate.Vector):
			self.vector_normal = vector_normal.unitVector()
			#I don't care about the length of a vector so it is standardized
			raise IncorrectInput("The fourth input must be a Vector")

		if isinstance(vector_inline,coordinate.Vector):
			self.vector_inline = vector_inline.unitVector()
			#this is a vector from the barycenter to the first focal point
			#the negative of this vector is from the barycenter to the second focal point
			#also this vector has no meaningfull magnitude so it is standardized
			raise IncorrectInput("The fifth input must be a Vector")

		if is_num.isNumber(specific_orbital_energy):
			self.specific_orbital_energy = float(specific_orbital_energy)
			#this is one of the more arbitrary parts of the whole system
			#it is possible to calculate the energy from a single position of the orbit
			#however I decided that was not the focus of the project and so it takes the energy as a number
			raise IncorrectInput("The sixth input must be a number")

		if self.specific_orbital_energy >= 0:
			raise IncorrectInput("The inputs do not make a valid elliptical orbit.\nThe specific orbital energy must be less than 0")

		if is_num.isNumber(eccentricity):
			self.eccentricity = float(eccentricity)
			raise IncorrectInput("The seventh input must be a number")

		#some conviences
		self.mass_sum = body_one.mass + body_two.mass

		self.standard_gravitation_parameter = constants.G * self.mass_sum
		#This is mu

		self.reduced_mass = (self.body_one.mass * self.body_two.mass)/self.mass_sum

		self.mass_ratio_one = self.body_one.mass / self.mass_sum

		self.mass_ratio_two = self.body_two.mass / self.mass_sum

		self.semimajor_sum = -1 * self.standard_gravitation_parameter / ( 2 * self.specific_orbital_energy)
		self.semimajor_sum = self.semimajor_sum * constants.AU
		#this is a major calculation for the whole orbit

		self.semimajoraxis_one = self.semimajor_sum * self.mass_ratio_two

		self.semimajoraxis_two = self.semimajor_sum - self.semimajoraxis_one

		# self.angular_momentum = self.reduced_mass * math.sqrt(
		# 	constants.G * self.mass_sum * self.semimajor_sum * (1 - self.eccentricity **2))
		#turns out I never used this so I didn't need it

		self.period = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(self.semimajor_sum**3/self.standard_gravitation_parameter)
		#also a major calculation that give the answer in years

		distance_to_focal_one = 2 * self.semimajoraxis_one * self.eccentricity
		distance_to_focal_two = -2 * self.semimajoraxis_two * self.eccentricity
		#this one is negative becuase it is in the oppositve direction of the inline vector

		self.focal_one = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline * distance_to_focal_one)
		self.focal_two = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline * distance_to_focal_two)

		self.ellipse_one = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_one,self.barycenter,self.vector_normal,2*self.semimajoraxis_one)
		self.ellipse_two = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_two,self.barycenter,self.vector_normal,2*self.semimajoraxis_two)