Exemple #1
def intersect(a, b):
    """Get the intersect set of set1 and set2.

    Parameters :
        a : sequence[n_a, ] or np.ndarray[n_a, ] :
            The first set.

        b : sequence[n_b, ] or np.ndarray[n_b, ] :
            The second set.

    Returns :
        intersect : np.ndarray[n_intersect, ] :
            The intersect of set a and set b.

        iA : nd.array[n_variables1, ] :
            a[iA] == intersect.

        iB : nd.array[n_variables2, ] :
            b[iB] == intersect.

    Raises :

    Notes :
        intersect, iA, iB = intersect(a, b)
    a = np.array(a)
    b = np.array(b)
    intersect = np.intersect1d(b, a)
    dummy, iA, alliA = ismember(intersect, a)
    dummy, iB, alliB = ismember(intersect, b)
    return intersect, iA, iB
Exemple #2
def setstate(pot, vars, state, val):
    #FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    #FIXME: works only for 1-D
    vars = np.array([vars])
    state = np.array([state])
    print type(vars)
    print "original vars:", vars
    print "input state:", state
    p = copy.copy(pot)
    a, tmp = ismember(vars, pot.variables)
    print "tmp=", tmp
    vars = vars[tmp]
    state = state[tmp]
    print "effective vars:", vars
    dum, iperm = ismember(vars, pot.variables)
    print "original vars item in pot:", pot.variables
    print "original table in pot", pot.table
    print "effective vars' index in pot:", iperm
    #FIXME: not consistent with former definition (need fn_size)
    nstates = pot.table.shape
    #FIXME: arbitrary setting
    nstates = np.array([2])
    print "effective vars in pot NSTATES:", nstates
    #NOTE: use NAN as initial state in Python instead of 0. (Different from MATLAB)
    permstates = np.empty((1, np.size(nstates)))
    #FIXME: arbitrary setting
    permstates = np.empty(1)
    permstates[:] = np.nan
    print "initial effective vars states: \n", permstates
    permstates[iperm] = state
    print "set effective vars states: \n", permstates
    # set effective var-states to val
    print "permstates=", permstates
    print "permstates.all()=", permstates.all()
    # MATLAB: if all(permstates>0) % if the state is unique
    allcondition = np.logical_not(np.isnan(permstates)).all()
    print "allcondition=", allcondition
    if allcondition:  # if the state is unique
        print "Before setstate: p.table= \n", p.table
        watch_ndx = np.asarray([subv2ind(nstates, permstates)])
        watch_ndx = np.int8(watch_ndx)
        print "Callback watch_ndx = subv2ind(nstates,permstates)=", watch_ndx
        #FIXME: data format need unified
        #p.table[subv2ind(nstates,permstates)] = val
        #p.table = p.table.reshape(1,2)
        #print "reshaped p.table: \n", p.table
        print "val= ", val
        p.table[watch_ndx] = val
        #p.table = p.table.reshape(2,1)
        print "After setstate: p.table= \n", p.table
#FIXME: not implemented ELSE case
#	else : # set all states that match the given substate to the given value
#		sub=find(permstates>0);
#		st=ind2subv(nstates,1:prod(nstates));
#		p.table(all(st(:,sub)==repmat(permstates(sub),prod(nstates),1),2))=val;

    return p
Exemple #3
def setstate(pot, vars, state, val):
    # FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    # FIXME: works only for 1-D
    vars = np.array([vars])
    state = np.array([state])
    print type(vars)
    print "original vars:", vars
    print "input state:", state
    p = copy.copy(pot)
    a, tmp = ismember(vars, pot.variables)
    print "tmp=", tmp
    vars = vars[tmp]
    state = state[tmp]
    print "effective vars:", vars
    dum, iperm = ismember(vars, pot.variables)
    print "original vars item in pot:", pot.variables
    print "original table in pot", pot.table
    print "effective vars' index in pot:", iperm
    # FIXME: not consistent with former definition (need fn_size)
    nstates = pot.table.shape
    # FIXME: arbitrary setting
    nstates = np.array([2])
    print "effective vars in pot NSTATES:", nstates
    # NOTE: use NAN as initial state in Python instead of 0. (Different from MATLAB)
    permstates = np.empty((1, np.size(nstates)))
    # FIXME: arbitrary setting
    permstates = np.empty(1)
    permstates[:] = np.nan
    print "initial effective vars states: \n", permstates
    permstates[iperm] = state
    print "set effective vars states: \n", permstates
    # set effective var-states to val
    print "permstates=", permstates
    print "permstates.all()=", permstates.all()
    # MATLAB: if all(permstates>0) % if the state is unique
    allcondition = np.logical_not(np.isnan(permstates)).all()
    print "allcondition=", allcondition
    if allcondition:  # if the state is unique
        print "Before setstate: p.table= \n", p.table
        watch_ndx = np.asarray([subv2ind(nstates, permstates)])
        watch_ndx = np.int8(watch_ndx)
        print "Callback watch_ndx = subv2ind(nstates,permstates)=", watch_ndx
        # FIXME: data format need unified
        # p.table[subv2ind(nstates,permstates)] = val
        # p.table = p.table.reshape(1,2)
        # print "reshaped p.table: \n", p.table
        print "val= ", val
        p.table[watch_ndx] = val
        # p.table = p.table.reshape(2,1)
        print "After setstate: p.table= \n", p.table
    # FIXME: not implemented ELSE case
    # 	else : # set all states that match the given substate to the given value
    # 		sub=find(permstates>0);
    # 		st=ind2subv(nstates,1:prod(nstates));
    # 		p.table(all(st(:,sub)==repmat(permstates(sub),prod(nstates),1),2))=val;

    return p
Exemple #4
def compare_networks(adjmat_true, adjmat_pred, pos=None, showfig=True, width=15, height=8, verbose=3):
    # Make sure columns and indices to match
    [IArow,IBrow]=ismember(adjmat_true.index.values, adjmat_pred.index.values)
    [IAcol,IBcol]=ismember(adjmat_true.columns.values, adjmat_pred.columns.values)
    adjmat_true = adjmat_true.loc[IArow,IAcol]
    adjmat_pred = adjmat_pred.iloc[IBrow,IBcol]
    # Make sure it is boolean adjmat
    adjmat_true = adjmat_true>0
    adjmat_pred = adjmat_pred>0

    # Check whether order is correct
    assert np.all(adjmat_true.columns.values==adjmat_pred.columns.values), 'Column order of both input values could not be matched'
    assert np.all(adjmat_true.index.values==adjmat_pred.index.values), 'Row order of both input values could not be matched'
    # Get edges
    y_true = adjmat_true.stack().reset_index()[0].values
    y_pred = adjmat_pred.stack().reset_index()[0].values
    # Confusion matrix
    scores=confmatrix.twoclass(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.5, classnames=['Disconnected','Connected'], title='', cmap=plt.cm.Blues, showfig=1, verbose=0)
    #bayes.plot(out_bayes['adjmat'], pos=G['pos'])
    # Setup graph
    adjmat_diff = adjmat_true.astype(int)
    adjmat_diff[(adjmat_true.astype(int) - adjmat_pred.astype(int))<0]=2
    adjmat_diff[(adjmat_true.astype(int) - adjmat_pred.astype(int))>0]=-1
    if showfig:
        # Setup graph
    #    G_true = adjmat2graph(adjmat_true)
        G_diff = adjmat2graph(adjmat_diff)
        # Graph layout
        pos = graphlayout(G_diff, pos=pos, scale=1, layout='fruchterman_reingold')
        # Bootup figure
        # nodes
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G_diff, pos, node_size=700)
        # edges
        colors  = [G_diff[u][v]['color'] for u,v in G_diff.edges()]
        #weights = [G_diff[u][v]['weight'] for u,v in G_diff.edges()]
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G_diff, pos, arrowstyle='->', edge_color=colors, width=1)
        # Labels
        nx.draw_networkx_labels(G_diff, pos, font_size=20, font_family='sans-serif')
        # Get labels of weights
        #labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'weight')
        # Plot weights
        nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G_diff, pos, edge_labels=nx.get_edge_attributes(G_diff,'weight'))
        # Making figure nice
        ax = plt.gca()
    # Return
    return(scores, adjmat_diff)
Exemple #5
def intersect(a,b):
	a = np.array(a)
	b = np.array(b)
	#print "intersect-a:", a.size
	#print "intersect-b:", b.size
	#print "intersecting..... \n",
	intersect = np.intersect1d(b,a)
        dummy, iA = ismember(intersect, a)
        dummy, iB = ismember(intersect, b)
        #print "intersect", intersect
	return intersect, iA, iB
Exemple #6
def intersect(a, b):
    a = np.array(a)
    b = np.array(b)
    #print "intersect-a:", a.size
    #print "intersect-b:", b.size
    #print "intersecting..... \n",
    intersect = np.intersect1d(b, a)
    dummy, iA = ismember(intersect, a)
    dummy, iB = ismember(intersect, b)
    #print "intersect", intersect
    return intersect, iA, iB
Exemple #7
def set_diff(a, b):
    """Get the difference between SET a and SET b.

    Parameters :
        a : sequence[n_a, ] or nd.ndarray[n_a, ].
            The first set.

        b : sequence[n_b, ] or nd.ndarray[n_b, ].
            The second set.

    Returns :
        diff : nd.ndarray[n_diff, ] :
            All the elements in set a but not in set b.

        diff_index_in_a : nd.ndarray[n_a, ] of boolean :
            a[diff_index_in_a] == diff.

    Raises :

    Notes :
        diff, diff_index_in_a = set_diff(a, b)

    a = np.array(a)
    b = np.array(b)
    diff = np.setdiff1d(a, b)
    dummy, iA, alliA = ismember(diff, a)
    return diff, iA
Exemple #8
def vec2adjmat(source, target, weight=None, symmetric=True):
    """Convert source and target into adjacency matrix.

    source : list
        The source node.
    target : list
        The target node.
    weight : list of int
        The Weights between the source-target values
    symmetric : bool, optional
        Make the adjacency matrix symmetric with the same number of rows as columns. The default is True.

        adjacency matrix.
    >>> source=['Cloudy','Cloudy','Sprinkler','Rain']
    >>> target=['Sprinkler','Rain','Wet_Grass','Wet_Grass']
    >>> vec2adjmat(source, target)
    >>> weight=[1,2,1,3]
    >>> vec2adjmat(source, target, weight=weight)

    if len(source)!=len(target): raise Exception('[hnet] >Source and Target should have equal elements.')
    if weight is None: weight = [1]*len(source)
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[source, target], columns=['source','target'])
    # Make adjacency matrix
    adjmat = pd.crosstab(df['source'], df['target'], values=weight, aggfunc='sum').fillna(0)
    # Get all unique nodes
    nodes = np.unique(list(adjmat.columns.values)+list(adjmat.index.values))
    # nodes = np.unique(np.c_[adjmat.columns.values, adjmat.index.values].flatten())

    # Make the adjacency matrix symmetric
    if symmetric:
        # Add missing columns
        node_columns = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.columns.values)
        for node in node_columns:

        # Add missing rows
        node_rows = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.index.values)
        for node in node_rows:

        # Sort to make ordering of columns and rows similar
        [IA, IB] = ismember(adjmat.columns.values, adjmat.index.values)
        adjmat = adjmat.iloc[IB,:]

Exemple #9
def set_minus(a, b):
    """Get the elements in the first set but not in the second set.

    Parameters :
        a : sequence[n_a, ] or nd.ndarray[n_a, ].
            The first set.

        b : sequence[n_b, ] or nd.ndarray[n_b, ].
            The second set.

    Returns :
        c : nd.ndarray[n_c, ] :
            All the elements in set a but not in set b.

    Raises :

    Notes :
        c = set_minus(a, b)
        c is the set A, without the elements B. C preserves the ordering of A.
    a = np.array(a)
    b = np.array(b)
    dummy, a_in_inter, all_a_in_inter = ismember(a, b)
    diff = a[dummy == False]
    return diff
def pathFinder(adjMX, adjMY, Mweight, roi,
               szImgNew):  #Mweight can be either MW or MmW
    findroiImg = (np.nonzero(np.ravel(roi, order='F')))[0]
    includeX = iM.ismember(adjMX, findroiImg)
    includeY = iM.ismember(adjMY, findroiImg)
    keepInd = np.logical_and(includeX, includeY)
    newLen = np.count_nonzero(keepInd)
    (RealadjMW, RealadjMX, RealadjMY) = (np.zeros(newLen), np.zeros(newLen),
    q = 0
    for r in range(0, (keepInd.size)):
        if keepInd[r]:
            RealadjMW[q] = Mweight[r]
            RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[r]
            RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[r]
            q = q + 1
    strmin = str(np.amin(RealadjMX))
    strmax = str(np.amax(RealadjMX))

    #finding the 'shortest path' on the light to dark boundary (MW)
    #or dark to light boundary (MmW)
    wGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY,
                          RealadjMW)  #convert graph to hashtable
    pathW = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, strmin, strmax)
    fullPathLen = len(pathW)
    pathX, pathY = np.zeros(fullPathLen), np.zeros(fullPathLen)
    for a in range(0, fullPathLen):
        (pathY[a], pathX[a]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(pathW[a])),

    xmin = np.amin(pathX)
    xmax = np.amax(pathX)
    truepathX1 = []
    truepathY1 = []
    #Removes the first and lost points (through the padded zeros)
    z = 0
    for xele in pathX:
        if xele != xmin and xele != xmax:
            truepathX1.append(xele - 1)  #because you removed the first column
        z = z + 1

    return truepathX1, truepathY1
Exemple #11
def _post_processing(simmat_padj,
    # Clean label names by chaning X.0 into X
    simmat_padj.columns = list(
        map(lambda x: x[:-2] if x[-2:] == '.0' else x, simmat_padj.columns))
    simmat_padj.index = list(
        map(lambda x: x[:-2]
            if x[-2:] == '.0' else x, simmat_padj.index.values))
    nr_succes_pop_n = np.array(nr_succes_pop_n)
    nr_succes_pop_n[:, 0] = list(
        map(lambda x: x[:-2] if x[-2:] == '.0' else x, nr_succes_pop_n[:, 0]))

    if verbose >= 5: print(simmat_padj)
    # Multiple test correction
    simmat_padj = _multipletestcorrectionAdjmat(simmat_padj,
    # Remove variables for which both rows and columns are empty
    if dropna:
        [simmat_padj, simmat_labx] = _drop_empty(simmat_padj,
    # Fill empty fields
    if fillna: simmat_padj.fillna(1, inplace=True)
    # Remove those with P>alpha, to prevent unnecesarilly edges
    simmat_padj[simmat_padj > alpha] = 1
    # Convert P-values to -log10 scale
    adjmatLog = _logscale(simmat_padj)

    # Set zeros on diagonal but make sure it is correctly ordered
    if np.all(adjmatLog.index.values == adjmatLog.columns.values):
        np.fill_diagonal(adjmatLog.values, 0)
    if np.all(simmat_padj.index.values == simmat_padj.columns.values):
        np.fill_diagonal(simmat_padj.values, 1)

    # Remove edges from matrix
    if dropna:
        idx1 = np.where((simmat_padj == 1).sum(
            axis=1) == simmat_padj.shape[0])[0]
        idx2 = np.where((simmat_padj == 1).sum(
            axis=0) == simmat_padj.shape[0])[0]
        keepidx = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(simmat_padj.shape[0]),
                               np.intersect1d(idx1, idx2))
        simmat_padj = simmat_padj.iloc[keepidx, keepidx]
        adjmatLog = adjmatLog.iloc[keepidx, keepidx]
        simmat_labx = simmat_labx[keepidx]
        IA, _ = ismember(nr_succes_pop_n[:, 0], simmat_padj.columns.values)
        nr_succes_pop_n = nr_succes_pop_n[IA, :]

    return (simmat_padj, adjmatLog, simmat_labx, nr_succes_pop_n)
Exemple #12
def _get_hexcolor(label, cmap='Paired'):
    label = label.astype(str)
    if label[0][0]!='#':
        label = label.astype(dtype='U7')
        uinode = np.unique(label)
        tmpcolors = np.array(sns.color_palette(cmap, len(uinode)).as_hex())
        [IA,IB] = ismember(label,uinode)
        label[IA] = tmpcolors[IB]

def pathFinder (adjMX, adjMY, Mweight, roi, szImgNew):  #Mweight can be either MW or MmW
    findroiImg = (np.nonzero(np.ravel(roi, order='F')))[0]   
    includeX = iM.ismember(adjMX, findroiImg)
    includeY = iM.ismember(adjMY, findroiImg)
    keepInd = np.logical_and (includeX, includeY)
    newLen = np.count_nonzero(keepInd)
    (RealadjMW, RealadjMX, RealadjMY)  = (np.zeros(newLen), 
    q = 0
    for r in range (0, (keepInd.size)):
        if keepInd[r]:
            RealadjMW[q] = Mweight[r]
            RealadjMX[q] = adjMX[r]
            RealadjMY[q] = adjMY[r]            
            q = q + 1     
    strmin = str(np.amin(RealadjMX))
    strmax = str(np.amax(RealadjMX))

    #finding the 'shortest path' on the light to dark boundary (MW)
    #or dark to light boundary (MmW)
    wGraph = sparseToDict(RealadjMX, RealadjMY, RealadjMW) #convert graph to hashtable                                            
    pathW = dj.shortest_path(wGraph, strmin, strmax)
    fullPathLen = len(pathW)
    pathX, pathY = np.zeros(fullPathLen), np.zeros(fullPathLen)
    for a in range (0,fullPathLen):
        (pathY[a],pathX[a]) = np.unravel_index(int(float(pathW[a])),
                                                 szImgNew, order='F')

    xmin = np.amin(pathX)
    xmax = np.amax(pathX)
    truepathX1 = []
    truepathY1 = []
    #Removes the first and lost points (through the padded zeros)
    z = 0
    for xele in pathX:
        if xele != xmin and xele != xmax:
            truepathX1.append(xele - 1) #because you removed the first column
        z = z + 1
    return truepathX1, truepathY1
Exemple #14
def read_pp_raptis():
    countries = {'BGD': 'Bangladesh', 'KHM': 'Cambodia', 'CHN': 'China' \
                 , 'IND': 'India', 'IDN': 'Indonesia', 'JPN': 'Japan' \
                 , 'MYS': 'Malaysia', 'MNG': 'Mongolia', 'MMR': 'Myanmar' \
                 , 'PAK': 'Pakistan', 'PHL': 'Philippines' \
                 , 'KOR': 'South Korea', 'TWN': 'Taiwan' \
                 , 'THA': 'Thailand', 'VNM': 'Vietnam'}

    # Read the power plants
    df = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(os.path.realpath('..') \
                               , 'IIASAPP_AISA_COAL.xlsx'), 'Sheet1', 0)

    # Subset to operating coal-fired power plants in the above Asian countries,
    # (removed: built after 2010 to reflect the up-to-date technology)
    subset = np.asarray(ismember(df.ISO, countries.keys())) \
             & np.asarray(ismember(df.msg_combo, ['coal_st', 'coal_cc'])) \
             & (df.STATUS.values.astype(unicode) == 'OPR')

    # Note: Tech2 has the information whether it is ST or coal-CC; Tech only
    # tells whether the turbine is sub-, super-, or ultrasuper-critical
    # Fills the missing values in the country column with the de-coded ISO code
    # and in this process replaces Hongkong (China) by China
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data = collections.OrderedDict( \
                          {'Unit': df['UNIT'][subset].astype(unicode) \
                           , 'Plant': df['PLANT'][subset].astype(unicode) \
                           , 'Country': [countries[x] for x in df['ISO'][subset].astype(unicode)] \
                           , 'Capacity': pd.to_numeric(df['MW_x'][subset], errors = coerce) \
                           , 'Year': pd.to_numeric(df['YEAR'][subset].astype(unicode), errors = coerce) \
                           , 'Tech': df['STYPE'][subset].astype(unicode) \
                           , 'Tech2': df['msg_combo'][subset].astype(unicode) \
                           , 'Cooling': df['cool_group_msg'][subset].astype(unicode)
                           , 'Latitude': pd.to_numeric(df['latC'][subset], errors = coerce) \
                           , 'Longitude': pd.to_numeric(df['lonC'][subset], errors = coerce) \
                           , 'Net_Eff': pd.to_numeric(df['mean_annual_cycle_efficiency'][subset], errors = coerce) \

    # Drop the unknown lat & lon's
    df1 = df1.dropna(subset=('Latitude', 'Longitude')).reset_index(drop=True)

    return df1
Exemple #15
def vec2adjmat(source, target, symmetric=True):
    """Convert source and target into adjacency matrix.

    source : list
        The source node.
    target : list
        The target node.
    symmetric : bool, optional
        Make the adjacency matrix symmetric with the same number of rows as columns. The default is True.

        adjacency matrix.
    >>> source=['Cloudy','Cloudy','Sprinkler','Rain']
    >>> target=['Sprinkler','Rain','Wet_Grass','Wet_Grass']
    >>> vec2adjmat(source, target)

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[source, target], columns=['source','target'])
    # Make adjacency matrix
    adjmat = pd.crosstab(df['source'], df['target'])
    # Get all unique nodes
    # nodes = np.unique(np.c_[adjmat.columns.values, adjmat.index.values].flatten())
    nodes = np.unique(list(adjmat.columns.values)+list(adjmat.index.values))

    # Make the adjacency matrix symmetric
    if symmetric:
        # Add missing columns
        node_columns = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.columns.values)
        for node in node_columns:

        # Add missing rows
        node_rows = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.index.values)
        for node in node_rows:

        # Sort to make ordering of columns and rows similar
        [IA, IB] = ismember(adjmat.columns.values, adjmat.index.values)
        adjmat = adjmat.iloc[IB,:]

Exemple #16
def test_ismember():
    # Test 1
    a_vec = [1, 2, 3, None]
    b_vec = [4, 1, 2]
    [I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)
    assert np.all(np.array(a_vec)[I] == np.array(b_vec)[idx])

    # Test 2
    a_vec = pd.DataFrame([
        'aap', 'None', 'mies', 'aap', 'boom', 'mies', None, 'mies', 'mies',
        'pies', None
    b_vec = pd.DataFrame([None, 'mies', 'mies', 'pies', None])
    [I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)
    assert np.all(a_vec.values[I] == b_vec.values[idx].flatten())

    # Test 3
    a_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3, None])
    b_vec = np.array([1, 2, 4])
    [I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)
    assert np.all(a_vec[I] == b_vec[idx])

    # Test 4
    a_vec = np.array(['boom', 'aap', 'mies', 'aap'])
    b_vec = np.array(['aap', 'boom', 'aap'])
    [I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)
    assert np.all(a_vec[I] == b_vec[idx])

    # Test 5: elements matrices
    a_vec = np.random.randint(0, 10, (5, 8)).astype(str)
    b_vec = np.random.randint(0, 10, (5, 10)).astype(str)
    Iloc, idx = ismember(a_vec, b_vec, 'elementwise')
    for i in np.arange(0, a_vec.shape[0]):
        assert np.all(a_vec[i, Iloc[i]] == b_vec[i, idx[i]])

    # Test 5: elements matrices
    a_vec = np.random.randint(0, 10, (5, 8)).astype(str)
    b_vec = np.random.randint(0, 10, (5, 10)).astype(str)
    Iloc, idx = ismember(a_vec, b_vec, 'elementwise')
    for i in np.arange(0, a_vec.shape[0]):
        assert np.all(a_vec[i, Iloc[i]] == b_vec[i, idx[i]])

    # Test rows
    a_vec = np.array(
        ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12), (4, 5, 6)))
    b_vec = np.array(((4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 0), (10, 11, 12)))
    Lia, Locb = ismember(a_vec, b_vec, 'rows')
    assert np.all(a_vec[Lia] == b_vec[Locb])
Exemple #17
def vec2adjmat(source, target, symmetric=True):
    """Convert source and target into adjacency matrix.

    source : list
        The source node.
    target : list
        The target node.
    symmetric : bool, optional
        Make the adjacency matrix symmetric with the same number of rows as columns. The default is True.

    adjacency matrix : pd.DataFrame().

    # Make adjacency matrix
    adjmat = pd.crosstab(source, target)
    # Get all unique nodes
    nodes = np.unique(np.c_[adjmat.columns.values,

    # Make the adjacency matrix symmetric
    if symmetric:
        # Add missing columns
        node_columns = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.columns.values)
        for node in node_columns:
            adjmat[node] = 0

        # Add missing rows
        node_rows = np.setdiff1d(nodes, adjmat.index.values)
        adjmat = adjmat.T
        for node in node_rows:
            adjmat[node] = 0
        adjmat = adjmat.T

        # Sort to make ordering of columns and rows similar
        [IA, IB] = ismember(adjmat.columns.values, adjmat.index.values)
        adjmat = adjmat.iloc[IB, :]
        adjmat.index.name = 'source'
        adjmat.columns.name = 'target'

    return (adjmat)
Exemple #18
def setpot(pot, evvariables, evidstates):
    #FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    vars = pot.variables
    #vars = np.array(pot.variables) # convert to ndarray format
    #evariables = np.array(evvariables)
    # convert to ndarray format
    #evidstates = np.array(evidstates) # convert to ndarray format
    #print "variables:", vars
    table = pot.table
    nstates = pot.card
    #print "number of states:", nstates
    #print "vars:", vars
    #print "evvariables:", evvariables
    intersection, iv, iev = intersect(vars, evvariables)
    #iv = np.array(iv)
    #iev = np.array(iev)
    #print "intersection:", intersection
    #print "iv:", iv
    #print "iev:", iev
    #print "iv type:", type(iv)
    #print "number of intersection:", intersection.size
    if intersection.size == 0:
        newpot = copy.copy(pot)
        newvar = setminus(vars, intersection)
        dummy, idx = ismember(newvar, vars)
        newns = nstates[idx]
        newpot = potential()
        newpot.variables = newvar
        newpot.card = newns
        newpot.table = np.zeros(newns)
        #print "idx:", idx
        #print "iv:", iv
        for i in range(np.prod(newns)):
            newassign = IndexToAssignment(i, newns)
            oldassign = np.zeros(nstates.size, 'int8')
            oldassign[idx] = newassign
            oldassign[iv] = evidstates
            #print "newpot.table.shape:", newpot.table.shape
            #print "newassign:", newassign
            #print "newassign type:", type(newassign)
            newpot.table[tuple(newassign)] = pot.table[tuple(oldassign)]

    return newpot
Exemple #19
def setpot(pot, evvariables, evidstates):
    #FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    vars = pot.variables
    #vars = np.array(pot.variables) # convert to ndarray format
    #evariables = np.array(evvariables)
    # convert to ndarray format
    #evidstates = np.array(evidstates) # convert to ndarray format
    #print "variables:", vars
    table = pot.table
    nstates = pot.card
    #print "number of states:", nstates
    #print "vars:", vars
    #print "evvariables:", evvariables
    intersection, iv, iev = intersect(vars, evvariables)
    #iv = np.array(iv)
    #iev = np.array(iev)
    #print "intersection:", intersection
    #print "iv:", iv
    #print "iev:", iev
    #print "iv type:", type(iv)
    #print "number of intersection:", intersection.size
    if intersection.size == 0:
        newpot = copy.copy(pot)
        newvar = setminus(vars, intersection)
        dummy, idx = ismember(newvar, vars)
        newns = nstates[idx]
        newpot = potential()
        newpot.variables = newvar
        newpot.card = newns
        newpot.table = np.zeros(newns)
        #print "idx:", idx
        #print "iv:", iv
        for i in range(np.prod(newns)):
            newassign = IndexToAssignment(i, newns)
            oldassign = np.zeros(nstates.size, 'int8')
            oldassign[idx] = newassign
            oldassign[iv] = evidstates
            #print "newpot.table.shape:", newpot.table.shape
            #print "newassign:", newassign
            #print "newassign type:", type(newassign)
            newpot.table[tuple(newassign)] = pot.table[tuple(oldassign)]

    return newpot
Exemple #20
def adjmat2G(adjmat, df, edge_distance_min=None, edge_distance_max=None, edge_width=None):
    """Convert adjacency matrix to graph.

    adjmat : dataframe
        Dataframe for which the nodes are the columns and index and edges are the values in the array.
    df : dataframe
        Dataframe that is connected to adjmat.
    edge_distance_min : int, (default: None)
        Scale the weights with a minimum value.
    edge_distance_max : int, (default: None)
        Scale the weights with a maximum value.
    edge_width : int, (default: None)
        Width of edge, scale between [1-10] if there is are more then 2 diferent weights. The default is None.

    dict containing Graph G and dataframe.

    # Convert adjmat
    node_names = adjmat.index.values
    adjmat.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    adjmat.index = adjmat.index.values.astype(str)
    adjmat.columns = np.arange(0, adjmat.shape[1]).astype(str)
    adjmat = adjmat.stack().reset_index()
    adjmat.columns = ['source', 'target', 'weight']

    # Width of edge, scale between [1-10] if there is are more then 2 diferent weights
    if isinstance(edge_width, type(None)):
        if len(np.unique(adjmat['weight'].values.reshape(-1, 1)))>2:
            adjmat['edge_width'] = _normalize_size(adjmat['weight'].values.reshape(-1, 1), 1, 20)
    if not isinstance(edge_width, type(None)):
        adjmat['edge_width'] = np.ones(adjmat.shape[0]) * edge_width

    # Scale the weights towards an edge weight
    if not isinstance(edge_distance_min, type(None)):
        adjmat['edge_weight'] = _normalize_size(adjmat['weight'].values.reshape(-1, 1), edge_distance_min, edge_distance_max)
        adjmat['edge_weight'] = adjmat['weight'].values.reshape(-1, 1)

    # Keep only edges with weight
    edge_weight_original = adjmat['weight'].values.reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
    adjmat = adjmat.loc[edge_weight_original > 0, :].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Remove self-loops
    Iloc = adjmat['source'] != adjmat['target']
    adjmat = adjmat.loc[Iloc, :].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Include source-target label
    source_label = np.repeat('', adjmat.shape[0]).astype('O')
    target_label = np.repeat('', adjmat.shape[0]).astype('O')
    for i in range(0, len(node_names)):
        source_label[adjmat['source']==str(i)] = node_names[i]
    for i in range(0, len(node_names)):
        target_label[adjmat['target']==str(i)] = node_names[i]
    adjmat['source_label'] = source_label
    adjmat['target_label'] = target_label

    # Make sure indexing of nodes is correct with the edges.
    uilabels = np.unique(np.append(adjmat['source'], adjmat['target']))
    tmplabels=adjmat[['source', 'target']]
    for i in range(0, len(uilabels)):
        I1 = tmplabels['source']==uilabels[i]
        I2 = tmplabels['target']==uilabels[i]
        adjmat['source'].loc[I1] = str(i)
        adjmat['target'].loc[I2] = str(i)

    # adjmat['source']=ismember(tmplabels['source'],uilabels)[1].astype(str)
    # adjmat['target']=ismember(tmplabels['target'],uilabels)[1].astype(str)
    G = nx.Graph()
    # G.add_nodes_from(np.unique(uilabels))
        G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(adjmat, 'source', 'target', ['weight', 'edge_weight','edge_width','source_label','target_label','source', 'target'])
        # Version of networkx<2
        G = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(adjmat, 'source', 'target', edge_attr=['weight', 'edge_weight','edge_width','source_label','target_label','source', 'target'])

    # Add node information
    A = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(adjmat[['target', 'target_label']].values),pd.DataFrame(adjmat[['source', 'source_label']].values)], axis=0)
    A = A.groupby([0, 1]).size().reset_index(name='Freq')
    [IA,IB] = ismember(df['node_name'], A[1])
    df = df.loc[IA,:]
    df.index = A[0].loc[IB].values.astype(str)

    if not df.empty:
        getnodes = np.array([*G.nodes])
        for col in df.columns:
            for i in range(0, df.shape[0]):
                idx = df.index.values[i]
                if np.any(np.isin(getnodes, df.index.values[i])):
                    G.nodes[idx][col] = str(df[col][idx])
                    print('[d3graph] >not found')

    return(G, df)
Exemple #21
def compare_networks(adjmat_true,
    """Compare two networks.

    adjmat_true : TYPE
        Adjacency matrix 1.
    adjmat_pred : TYPE
        Adjacency matrix 2.
    pos : list, optional
        list with coordinates to orientate the nodes.
    showfig : bool, optional
        Plot figure to screen. The default is True.
    width : int, optional
        Width of the figure. The default is 15.
    height : int, optional
        Height of the figure. The default is 8.
    verbose : int, optional
        Verbosity. The default is 3.

    # Make sure columns and indices to match
    IArow, IBrow = ismember(adjmat_true.index.values, adjmat_pred.index.values)
    IAcol, IBcol = ismember(adjmat_true.columns.values,
    adjmat_true = adjmat_true.loc[IArow, IAcol]
    adjmat_pred = adjmat_pred.iloc[IBrow, IBcol]

    # Check whether order is correct
    if not np.all(adjmat_true.columns.values == adjmat_pred.columns.values):
        raise ValueError(
            'Column order of both input values could not be matched')
    if not np.all(adjmat_true.index.values == adjmat_pred.index.values):
        raise ValueError('Row order of both input values could not be matched')

    # Make sure it is boolean adjmat
    adjmat_true = adjmat_true > 0
    adjmat_pred = adjmat_pred > 0

    # Get edges
    y_true = adjmat_true.stack().reset_index()[0].values
    y_pred = adjmat_pred.stack().reset_index()[0].values

    # Compute score
    scores = clf.confmatrix.eval(y_true, y_pred, verbose=verbose)
    # bayes.plot(out_bayes['adjmat'], pos=G['pos'])

    # Setup graph
    # adjmat_diff = adjmat_true - adjmat_pred
    adjmat_diff = adjmat_true.astype(int)
    adjmat_diff[(adjmat_true.astype(int) - adjmat_pred.astype(int)) < 0] = 2
    adjmat_diff[(adjmat_true.astype(int) - adjmat_pred.astype(int)) > 0] = -1

    if showfig:
        # Setup graph
        # G_true = adjmat2graph(adjmat_true)
        G_diff = adjmat2graph(adjmat_diff)
        # Graph layout
        pos = graphlayout(G_diff,
        # Bootup figure
        plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
        # nodes
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G_diff, pos, node_size=700, with_labels=True)
        # edges
        colors = [G_diff[u][v]['color'] for u, v in G_diff.edges()]
        #weights = [G_diff[u][v]['weight'] for u,v in G_diff.edges()]
        # Labels
        # Get labels of weights
        #labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'weight')
        # Plot weights
                                         G_diff, 'weight'))
        # Making figure nice
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Return
    return (scores, adjmat_diff)
groups2 = coal_plants.groupby('Tech')

techName = {'SUPERC': 'Supercritical', 'SUBCR': 'Subcritical' \
            , 'ULTRSC': 'Ultra-super', 'nan': 'Unknown'}
techList = ['SUBCR', 'SUPERC']
cooName = {'ot_saline': 'OT Saline', 'cl_fresh': 'CT Fresh' \
           , 'ot_fresh': 'OT Fresh', 'air': 'Air', 'CHP': 'CHP'}
##cooList = coal_plants.Cooling.unique()
cooList = ['cl_fresh','ot_fresh','air']

# Fit curves for the different combustion types
# ---- do not separate between cooling system types because the differences 
#      are not clear, but limit to ot_fresh, cl_fresh, and air
params = []
for tt in range(len(techList)):
    subset = ismember(techList, ['ot_fresh','cl_fresh','air'])
    group = groups2.get_group(techList[tt])
    #except KeyError:
    #    continue
    no_nans = ~(np.isnan(group['Net_Eff'].values) \
              | np.isnan(group['Capacity'].values))

    xdata = pd.to_numeric(group.Capacity[no_nans])
    ydata = pd.to_numeric(group.Net_Eff[no_nans])
    # Log/Sigmoid/Linear fits
    if techList[tt]=='SUBCR':
        prms, pcovs = curve_fit(logcurve, xdata, ydata)
        prms, pcovs = curve_fit(straightline, xdata, ydata)
Exemple #23
# Example
# -------

import numpy as np
from ismember import ismember
import pandas as pd

# %% Row wise
a_vec = np.array(((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12), (4, 5, 6)))

b_vec = np.array(((4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 0), (10, 11, 12)))

Lia, Locb = ismember(a_vec, b_vec, 'rows')


# %% Example 1

a_vec = [1, 2, 3, None]
b_vec = [4, 1, 2]
I, idx = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)

# %% Example 2

a_vec = pd.DataFrame([
    'aap', 'None', 'mies', 'aap', 'boom', 'mies', None, 'mies', 'mies', 'pies',
Exemple #24
# Example
# -------

import numpy as np
from ismember import ismember
import pandas as pd

# %% Example 1

a_vec = [1, 2, 3, None]
b_vec = [4, 1, 2]
[I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)

# %% Example 2

a_vec = pd.DataFrame([
    'aap', 'None', 'mies', 'aap', 'boom', 'mies', None, 'mies', 'mies', 'pies',
b_vec = pd.DataFrame([None, 'mies', 'mies', 'pies', None])
[I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)

# %% Example 3

a_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3, None])
b_vec = np.array([1, 2, 4])
[I, idx] = ismember(a_vec, b_vec)