Exemple #1
    def compute(self):
        all_data = self.getData('data')
        xml_header = self.getData('ISMRMRDHeader')

        header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(xml_header)
        enc = header.encoding[0]

        #Parallel imaging factor
        acc_factor = 1
        if enc.parallelImaging:
            acc_factor = enc.parallelImaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1
        # Coil combination
        print "Calculating coil images and CSM"
        coil_images = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.squeeze(np.mean(all_data,0)),(1,2))
        (csm,rho) = coils.calculate_csm_walsh(coil_images)
        csm_ss = np.sum(csm * np.conj(csm),0)
        csm_ss = csm_ss + 1.0*(csm_ss < np.spacing(1)).astype('float32')
        if acc_factor > 1:
            coil_data = np.squeeze(np.mean(all_data,0))
            if self.getVal('Parallel Imaging Method') == 0:
                (unmix,gmap) = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(coil_data, acc_factor,csm=csm)
            elif self.getVal('Parallel Imaging Method') == 1:
                (unmix,gmap) = sense.calculate_sense_unmixing(acc_factor,csm)
                raise Exception('Unknown parallel imaging method')

        recon = np.zeros((all_data.shape[-4],all_data.shape[-2],all_data.shape[-1]), dtype=np.complex64)
        for r in range(0,all_data.shape[-4]):
            recon_data = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.squeeze(all_data[r,:,:,:]),(1,2))*np.sqrt(acc_factor)
            if acc_factor > 1:
                recon[r,:,:] = np.sum(unmix * recon_data,0)
                recon[r,:,:] = np.sum(np.conj(csm) * recon_data,0)

        print "Reconstruction done"
        self.setData('recon', recon)
        if acc_factor == 1:
            gmap = np.ones((all_data.shape[-2],all_data.shape[-1]),dtype=np.float32)

        return 0
Exemple #2
    def process(self, recondata, *args):

        print np.shape(recondata[0].data.data)
        image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(recondata[0].data.data,
                                                    dim=(0, 1, 2))
        image = np.reshape(
            (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2], image.shape[3]))
        #Create a new image header and transfer value
        acq = np.ravel(recondata[0].data.headers)[0]
        img_head = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
        img_head.channels = acq.active_channels
        img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice

        img_head.matrix_size = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2])
        img_head.position = acq.position
        img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
        img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
        img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
        img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
        img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
        img_head.image_index = 0
        img_head.image_series_index = 0
        img_head.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT

        #Return image to Gadgetron
        self.put_next(img_head, image)
        print "Slice ", img_head.slice
        return 0
Exemple #3
    def process(self, recondata,*args):

        print np.shape(recondata[0].data.data)
        image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(recondata[0].data.data,dim=(0,1,2))
	image = np.reshape(image,(image.shape[0],image.shape[1],image.shape[2],image.shape[3]))
        #Create a new image header and transfer value
        acq = np.ravel(recondata[0].data.headers)[0]
        img_head = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
        img_head.channels = acq.active_channels
        img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice

        img_head.matrix_size = (image.shape[0],image.shape[1],image.shape[2])
        img_head.position = acq.position
        img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
        img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
        img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
        img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
        img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
        img_head.image_index = 0 
        img_head.image_series_index = 0
        img_head.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT

         #Return image to Gadgetron
        print "Slice ", img_head.slice
        return 0    
Exemple #4
def reconstruct_gre(filename, datasetname, noise):

    # Handle the imaging data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, datasetname)
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            firstscan += 1

    acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    gre_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth

    # Initialiaze a storage array for the data
    data = np.zeros((nslices, ncoils, eNy, eNx), dtype=np.complex64)
    # Loop
    # Prewhiten and stuff into the buffer
    nacq = dset.number_of_acquisitions()
    for scan in range(firstscan, nacq):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        slice = acq.idx.slice
        ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
        data[slice, :,
             ky, :] = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, noise.preWMtx)

    # Reconstruct calibration images
    # 2D FFT
    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data, [2, 3])  # [slice,coil,x,y]

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if (eNx != rNx):
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) // 2
        x1 = eNx - (eNx - rNx) // 2
        im = im[:, :, :, x0:x1]

    # close the data set

    return im
Exemple #5
def reconstruct_gre(filename, datasetname, noise):
    # Handle the imaging data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, datasetname)
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            firstscan += 1

    acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    gre_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth
    # Initialiaze a storage array for the data
    data = np.zeros((nslices, ncoils, eNy, eNx), dtype=np.complex64)
    # Loop             
    # Prewhiten and stuff into the buffer
    nacq = dset.number_of_acquisitions()
    for scan in range(firstscan,nacq):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        slice = acq.idx.slice
        ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
        data[slice, :, ky, :] = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)

    # Reconstruct calibration images
    # 2D FFT
    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data, [2,3]) # [slice,coil,x,y]

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if (eNx != rNx):
        x0 = (eNx - rNx)//2
        x1 = eNx - (eNx - rNx)//2
        im = im[:,:,:,x0:x1]

    # close the data set

    return im
    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape);
        data2 = data.reshape([(data.size/data.shape[data.ndim-1]), data.shape[data.ndim-1]])
        new_length = data2.shape[1]>>1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data2,dim=(1,))[:,(0+(new_length>>1)):(new_length+(new_length>>1))],dim=(1,))
        orig_size[data.ndim-1] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        return 0
    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape);
        data2 = data.reshape([(data.size/data.shape[data.ndim-1]), data.shape[data.ndim-1]])
        new_length = data2.shape[1]>>1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data2,dim=(1,))[:,(0+(new_length>>1)):(new_length+(new_length>>1))],dim=(1,))
        orig_size[data.ndim-1] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        return 0
    def process(self, acq, data, *args):
        if self.myBuffer is None:
            channels = acq.active_channels
            if self.enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
                nslices = self.enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
                nslices = 1
            eNz = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
            eNy = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
            eNx = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x

            self.myBuffer = np.zeros(
                (int(eNx / 2), eNy, eNz, nslices, channels),

        line_offset = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y / 2 - self.enc.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.center
                      int(acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 + line_offset),
                      int(acq.idx.slice), :] = data

        if (acq.flags & (1 << 7)):  #Is this the last scan in slice
            image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(self.myBuffer,
                                                        dim=(0, 1, 2))
            image = image * np.product(
                image.shape) * 100  #Scaling for the scanner
            #Create a new image header and transfer value
            img_head = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
            img_head.channels = acq.active_channels
            img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice
            img_head.matrix_size[0] = self.myBuffer.shape[0]
            img_head.matrix_size[1] = self.myBuffer.shape[1]
            img_head.matrix_size[2] = self.myBuffer.shape[2]
            img_head.position = acq.position
            img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
            img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
            img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
            img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
            img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
            img_head.image_index = self.myCounter
            img_head.image_series_index = self.mySeries
            img_head.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT
            self.myCounter += 1
            if self.myCounter > 5:
                self.mySeries += 1
                self.myCounter = 1

            #Return image to Gadgetron
            self.put_next(img_head, image.astype('complex64'), *args)

        #print "Returning to Gadgetron"
        return 0  #Everything OK
Exemple #9
def read_kspace_from_ocmr_data(file_path='./ocmr_data/us_0143_pt_1_5T.h5'):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math
    from ismrmrdtools import show, transform
    import read_ocmr as read

    # Load the data, display size of kData and scan parmaters
    kData, param = read.read_ocmr(file_path);

    print('Dimension of kData: ', kData.shape)
    print('Scan paramters:')
    import pprint;

    # Show the sampling Pattern
    # kData_tmp-[kx,ky,kz,coil,phase,set,slice,rep], samp-[kx,ky,kz,phase,set,slice,rep]
    dim_kData = kData.shape;
    CH = dim_kData[3];
    SLC = dim_kData[6];
    kData_tmp = np.mean(kData, axis=8);  # average the k-space if average > 1
    samp = (abs(np.mean(kData_tmp, axis=3)) > 0).astype(np.int)  # kx ky kz phase set slice

    slc_idx = math.floor(SLC / 2);
    fig1 = plt.figure(1);
    fig1.suptitle("Sampling Pattern", fontsize=14);
    plt.subplot2grid((1, 8), (0, 0), colspan=6);
    tmp = plt.imshow(np.transpose(np.squeeze(samp[:, :, 0, 0, 0, slc_idx])), aspect='auto');
    tmp.set_clim(0.0, 1.0)  # ky by kx
    plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 7), colspan=2);
    tmp = plt.imshow(np.squeeze(samp[int(dim_kData[0] / 2), :, 0, :, 0, slc_idx]), aspect='auto');
    tmp.set_clim(0.0, 1.0)  # ky by frame

    # Average the k-sapce along phase(time) dimension
    kData_sl = kData_tmp[:, :, :, :, :, :, slc_idx, 0];
    samp_avg = np.repeat(np.sum(samp[:, :, :, :, :, slc_idx, 0], 3), CH, axis=3) + np.finfo(float).eps
    kData_sl_avg = np.divide(np.squeeze(np.sum(kData_sl, 4)), np.squeeze(samp_avg));

    im_avg = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kData_sl_avg, [0, 1]);  # IFFT (2D image)
    im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im_avg) ** 2, 2))  # Sum of Square
    fig2 = plt.figure(2);
    plt.imshow(np.transpose(im), cmap='gray');
    plt.axis('off');  # Show the image

    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape)
        data2 = data.reshape([data.shape[0], int(data.size / data.shape[0])])
        new_length = data2.shape[0] >> 1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(
                dim=(0, ))[(0 + (new_length >> 1)):(new_length +
                                                    (new_length >> 1)), :],
            dim=(0, ))
        orig_size[0] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        self.put_next(acq, data2)
        return 0
    def process(self, acq, data,*args):
        if self.myBuffer is None:
            channels = acq.active_channels
            if self.enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
                nslices = self.enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
                nslices = 1
            eNz = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
            eNy = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
            eNx = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
            self.myBuffer = np.zeros(( int(eNx/2),eNy,eNz,nslices,channels),dtype=np.complex64)

        line_offset = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y/2 - self.enc.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.center             
        self.myBuffer[:,int(acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1+line_offset), int(acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2), int(acq.idx.slice),:] = data

        if (acq.flags & (1<<7)): #Is this the last scan in slice
            image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(self.myBuffer,dim=(0,1,2))
            image = image * np.product(image.shape)*100 #Scaling for the scanner
            #Create a new image header and transfer value
            img_head = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
            img_head.channels = acq.active_channels
            img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice
            img_head.matrix_size[0] = self.myBuffer.shape[0]
            img_head.matrix_size[1] = self.myBuffer.shape[1]
            img_head.matrix_size[2] = self.myBuffer.shape[2]
            img_head.position = acq.position
            img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
            img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
            img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
            img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
            img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
            img_head.image_index = self.myCounter
            img_head.image_series_index = self.mySeries
            img_head.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT
            self.myCounter += 1
            if self.myCounter > 5:
                    self.mySeries += 1
                    self.myCounter = 1

            #Return image to Gadgetron
        #print "Returning to Gadgetron"
        return 0 #Everything OK
Exemple #12
 def process(self, acq, data,*args):
     if not acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
         ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
         padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2
         if padded_ro_length != ro_length: #partial fourier
             data2 = np.zeros((data.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
             offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
             data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = data
             data2 = data
         data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
         acq.center_sample = padded_ro_length>>2
         acq.number_of_samples = data2.shape[1]
     return 0
Exemple #13
def sortspokes(all_data, nframes, spf):
    print "sorting spokes"
    datasqueeze = all_data.squeeze()
    datasqueeze = datasqueeze.transpose(3, 2, 1, 0)

    # entangle slab encoding
    datasqueeze = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(datasqueeze, [2])

    datasqueeze = datasqueeze.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)

    data_ = np.zeros((2 * eNx, spf, ncoils, nparts, nframes),
    print "nframes=", nframes
    for j in range(nframes):
        data_[:, :, :, :, j] = datasqueeze[:, j * spf:(j + 1) * spf, :, :]
    data_ = data_.transpose(0, 1, 2, 4, 3)
    print " ... done"
    return data_
 def process(self, acq, data,*args):
     if not acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
         ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
         padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2
         if padded_ro_length != ro_length: #partial fourier
             data2 = np.zeros((data.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
             offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
             data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = data
             data2 = data
         data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
         acq.center_sample = padded_ro_length>>2
         acq.number_of_samples = data2.shape[1]
     return 0                                                                                     
Exemple #15
    def process(self, recondata):


        image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(recondata[0].data.data,dim=(0,1,2))
        #image = np.reshape(image,(image.shape[0],image.shape[1],image.shape[2],image.shape[3]))

        #Create a new image header and transfer value
        acq = np.ravel(recondata[0].data.headers)[0]



        for s in range(dims[6]):

          img_head = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
          img_head.channels = acq.active_channels
          img_head.slice = s #acq.idx.slice
          img_head.matrix_size = (image.shape[0],image.shape[1],image.shape[2])
          img_head.position = acq.position
          img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
          img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
          img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
          img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
          img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
          img_head.image_index = 0 
          img_head.image_series_index = 0
          img_head.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT

          #Return image to Gadgetron
          print("Slice ", img_head.slice)
          return 0    
def SimpleBufferedDataPythonGadget(connection):
   logging.info("Python reconstruction running - reading readout data")
   start = time.time()

   for acquisition in connection:
       #acquisition is a vector of structure called reconBit

       for reconBit in acquisition:

           # reconBit.ref is the calibration for parallel imaging
           # reconBit.data is the undersampled dataset
	   # each of them include a specific header and the kspace data

           # use get_first_index_of_non_empty_header() instead of 34
           # 2D ifft
           im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(reconBit.data.data, [0,1])



   logging.info(f"Python reconstruction done. Duration: {(time.time() - start):.2f} s")
Exemple #17
def reconstruct_fully_sampled_ocmr_datasets(filename='./ocmr_data/fs_0005_1_5T.h5'):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math

    from ismrmrdtools import show, transform
    # import ReadWrapper
    import read_ocmr as read

    # Load the data, display size of kData and scan parmaters
    kData, param = read.read_ocmr(filename);
    print('Dimension of kData: ', kData.shape)

    # Image reconstruction (SoS)
    dim_kData = kData.shape;
    CH = dim_kData[3];
    SLC = dim_kData[6];
    kData_tmp = np.mean(kData, axis=8);  # average the k-space if average > 1

    im_coil = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kData_tmp, [0, 1]);  # IFFT (2D image)
    im_sos = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im_coil) ** 2, 3));  # Sum of Square
    print('Dimension of Image (with ReadOut ovesampling): ', im_sos.shape)
    RO = im_sos.shape[0];
    image = im_sos[math.floor(RO / 4):math.floor(RO / 4 * 3), :, :];  # Remove RO oversampling
    print('Dimension of Image (without ReadOout ovesampling): ', image.shape)

    # Show the reconstructed cine image
    from IPython.display import clear_output
    import time

    slc_idx = math.floor(SLC / 2);
    image_slc = np.squeeze(image[:, :, :, :, :, :, slc_idx]);
    for rep in range(5):  # repeate the movie for 5 times
        for frame in range(image_slc.shape[2]):
            plt.imshow(image_slc[:, :, frame], cmap='gray');
    def process(self, recondata):

        # receive kspace data and
        # extract acq_data and acq_header
        array_acq_headers = recondata[0].data.headers
        kspace_data = recondata[0].data.data

            if recondata[0].ref.data is not None:
                print("reference data exist")
                )  # only for repetition 0 # il faut creer le bucket recon grappa
                reference = recondata[0].ref.data
                data = recondata[0].data.data
                self.array_calib = reference
                np.save('/tmp/gadgetron/reference', reference)
                np.save('/tmp/gadgetron/data', data)
            print("reference data not exist")

        # grappa
        array_data = recondata[0].data.data
        dims = np.shape(recondata[0].data.data)

        kspace_data_tmp = np.ndarray(dims, dtype=np.complex64)

        for slc in range(0, dims[6]):
            for n in range(0, dims[5]):
                for s in range(0, dims[4]):

                    kspace = array_data[:, :, :, :, s, n, slc]
                    calib = self.array_calib[:, :, :, :, s, n, slc]

                    calib = np.squeeze(calib, axis=2)
                    kspace = np.squeeze(kspace, axis=2)

                    sx, sy, ncoils = kspace.shape[:]
                    cx, cy, ncoils = calib.shape[:]

                    # Here's the actual reconstruction
                    res = grappa(kspace,
                                 kernel_size=(5, 5),

                    # Here's the resulting shape of the reconstruction.  The coil
                    # axis will end up in the same place you provided it in
                    sx, sy, ncoils = res.shape[:]
                    kspace_data_tmp[:, :, 0, :, s, n, slc] = res

        # ifft, this is necessary for the next gadget
        #image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace_data_tmp,dim=(0,1,2))
        image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace_data_tmp,
                                                    dim=(0, 1, 2))

        # create a new IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data = IsmrmrdImageArray()

        # attache the images to the IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data.data = image

        # get dimension for the acq_headers
        dims_header = np.shape(recondata[0].data.headers)

        # get one header with typical info
        acq = np.ravel(array_acq_headers)[0]

        print("acq.idx.repetition", acq.idx.repetition)

        if (acq.idx.repetition == 0):
            np.save('/tmp/gadgetron/image', image)

        headers_list = []
        base_header = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
        base_header.version = 2
        ndims_image = np.shape(image)
        base_header.channels = ndims_image[3]
        base_header.matrix_size = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1],
        print((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]))
        base_header.position = acq.position
        base_header.read_dir = acq.read_dir
        base_header.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
        base_header.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
        base_header.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
        base_header.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
        base_header.image_index = 0
        base_header.image_series_index = 0
        base_header.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT
        base_header.image_type = ismrmrd.IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE
        print("ready to list")

        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    #for e2 in range(0, dims_header[1]):
                    #  for e1 in range(0, dims_header[0]):

        array_headers_test = np.array(headers_list, dtype=np.dtype(object))
        array_headers_test = np.reshape(
            (dims_header[2], dims_header[3], dims_header[4]))

        print("---> ok 0")
        # how to copy acquisition header into image header in python  ?
        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    # for e2 in range(0, dims_header[1]):
                    # for e1 in range(0, dims_header[0]):
                    array_headers_test[s, n, slc].slice = slc

        #print("---> ok 1")
        # print(np.shape(array_image_header))
        # attache the image headers to the IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data.headers = array_headers_test

        #print("---> ok 2")
        # Return image to Gadgetron


        # send the data to the next gadget

        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    #print("send out image %d-%d-%d" % (s, n, slc))
                    a = array_data.data[:, :, :, :, s, n, slc]
                    #print(a.shape, array_data.headers[s,n,slc].slice)
                    self.put_next(array_data.headers[s, n, slc], a)

        #self.put_next( [IsmrmrdReconBit(array_data.headers, array_data.data)] ,  )

        return 0
Exemple #19
def load_ismrmrd_ifft3d_reconstruction(filename):
    Load .h5 file, read header (head) and reconstruct images

    filename : path to the .h5 file

    head : read imsrmrd dataset head (dataset.head)
    hdr : deserialized ismrmrd xml dataset file
    img_scaled : reconstructed image


    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print("%s is not a valid file" % filename)
        raise SystemExit
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, 'dataset', create_if_needed=False)

    #Read some fields from the XML header
    hdr = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    #get encoding and reconstruction information
    enc = hdr.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x

    # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
    #We have to wrap the following in a if/else because a valid xml header may
    #not have an entry for some of the parameters
    ncoils = hdr.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    if enc.encodingLimits.repetition != None:
        nreps = enc.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum + 1
        nreps = 1

    if enc.encodingLimits.contrast != None:
        ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
        ncontrasts = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions looking for noise scans
    firstacq = 0
    for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

        # TODO: Currently ignoring noise scans
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            print("Found noise scan at acq ", acqnum)
            firstacq = acqnum
            print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

    # Initialiaze a storage array
    all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),

    # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
    for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)
        head = acq.getHead()

        # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

        #padd if acquisition data is not complete (padding)
        if acq.data.shape[1] < eNx:
            x0 = int((eNx - acq.data.shape[1]) / 2)
            zeros = np.zeros((acq.data.shape[0], x0))
            padded_acq_data = np.append(np.append(zeros, acq.data, axis=1),
            acq.resize(eNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
            acq.data[:] = padded_acq_data

        # Remove oversampling if needed
        if eNx != rNx:
            #xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
            xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data,
                                                        dim=(1, ),
                                                        img_shape=(eNx, ))
            x0 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2)
            x1 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx)
            xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
            acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
            acq.center_sample = int(rNx / 2)
            # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
            acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline,
                                                              dim=(1, ),
                                                              k_shape=(rNx, ))

        # Stuff into the buffer
        rep = acq.idx.repetition
        contrast = acq.idx.contrast
        slice = acq.idx.slice
        y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
        z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

    # Reconstruct images
    images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx),
    img_scaled = []
    for rep in range(nreps):
        for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
            for slice in range(nslices):
                # FFT
                if eNz > 1:
                    # 3D
                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, :, :, :], [1, 2, 3])
                    # 2D
                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, 0, :, :], [2, 3])

                # Sum of squares
                im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im)**2, 0))

                # Stuff into the output
                if eNz > 1:
                    # 3D
                    images[rep, contrast, slice, :, :, :] = im
                    # 2D
                    images[rep, contrast, slice, 0, :, :] = im



    return [head, hdr, img_scaled]
Exemple #20
fig1.suptitle("Sampling Pattern", fontsize=14)
plt.subplot2grid((1, 8), (0, 0), colspan=6)
tmp = plt.imshow(np.transpose(np.squeeze(samp[:, :, 0, 0, 0, slc_idx])),
tmp.set_clim(0.0, 1.0)  # ky by kx
plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 7), colspan=2)
tmp = plt.imshow(np.squeeze(samp[int(dim_kData[0] / 2), :, 0, :, 0, slc_idx]),
tmp.set_clim(0.0, 1.0)  # ky by frame

# %% Display the time averaged image
# Average the k-sapce along phase(time) dimension
kData_sl = kData_tmp[:, :, :, :, :, :, slc_idx, 0]
samp_avg = np.repeat(np.sum(samp[:, :, :, :, :, slc_idx, 0], 3), CH,
                     axis=3) + np.finfo(float).eps
kData_sl_avg = np.divide(np.squeeze(np.sum(kData_sl, 4)), np.squeeze(samp_avg))

im_avg = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kData_sl_avg, [0, 1])
# IFFT (2D image)
im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im_avg)**2, 2))  # Sum of Square
fig2 = plt.figure(1)
plt.imshow(np.transpose(im), vmin=0, vmax=0.8 * np.amax(im), cmap='gray')
# Show the image
def PyGrappaBufferedDataPythonGadget(connection):
   logging.info("Python reconstruction running - reading readout data")
   start = time.time()


   for acquisition in connection:
       #acquisition is a vector of structure called reconBit

       for reconBit in acquisition:

           # reconBit.ref is the calibration for parallel imaging
           # reconBit.data is the undersampled dataset
	   # each of them include a specific header and the kspace data


           index= get_first_index_of_non_empty_header(reconBit.data.headers.flat)


              if reconBit.ref.data is not None:
                print("reference data exist")            
                np.save('/tmp/gadgetron/reference', reconBit.ref.data)
                print("reference data not exist")
              print("issue with reference data")

           kspace_data_tmp=np.zeros(dims, reconBit.data.data.dtype)
           for slc in range(0, dims[6]):
             for n in range(0, dims[5]):
               for s in range(0, dims[4]):
                 sx, sy,  ncoils = kspace.shape[:]
                 cx, cy,  ncoils = calib.shape[:]

                 # Here's the actual reconstruction
                 res = grappa(kspace, calib, kernel_size=(5, 5), coil_axis=-1)

                 # Here's the resulting shape of the reconstruction.  The coil
                 # axis will end up in the same place you provided it in
                 sx, sy, ncoils = res.shape[:]                

           # ifft, this is necessary for the next gadget        
           #image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace_data_tmp,dim=(0,1,2))
           im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace_data_tmp,dim=(0,1,2))



   logging.info(f"Python reconstruction done. Duration: {(time.time() - start):.2f} s")
    def process(self, acq, data,*args):

        if self.buffer is None:
            # Matrix size
            eNx = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
            eNy = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
            eNz = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
            rNx = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
            rNy = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
            rNz = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

            # Field of View
            eFOVx = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
            eFOVy = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
            eFOVz = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
            rFOVx = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
            rFOVy = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
            rFOVz = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
            channels = acq.active_channels

            if data.shape[1] != rNx:
                raise("Error, Recon gadget expects data to be on correct matrix size in RO direction")
            if (rNz != 1):
                rasie("Error Recon Gadget only supports 2D for now")
            self.buffer = np.zeros((channels, rNy, rNx),dtype=np.complex64)
            self.samp_mask = np.zeros(self.buffer.shape[1:])
            self.header_proto = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[0] = rNx
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[1] = rNy
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[2] = rNz
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[0] = rFOVx
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[1] = rFOVy
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[0] = rFOVz
        #Now put data in buffer
        line_offset = self.buffer.shape[1]/2 - self.enc.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.center                                                                                 
        self.buffer[:,acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1+line_offset,:] = data                                                          
        self.samp_mask[acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1+line_offset,:] = 1
        #If last scan in buffer, do FFT and fill image header
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_LAST_IN_ENCODE_STEP1) or acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE):
            img_head = copy.deepcopy(self.header_proto)
            img_head.position = acq.position                                                                                                                               
            img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir                                                                                                                               
            img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir                                                                                                                             
            img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir                                                                                                                             
            img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position                                                                                                   
            img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp                                                                                                   
            img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice
            img_head.channels = 1
            scale = self.samp_mask.size/(1.0*np.sum(self.samp_mask[:]));

            #We have not yet calculated unmixing coefficients
            if self.unmix is None:
                self.buffer[:] = 0
                self.samp_mask[:] = 0
                if len(self.calib_buffer) >= self.calib_frames:
                    cal_data = np.zeros(self.calib_buffer[0][1].shape, dtype=np.complex64)
                    for c in self.calib_buffer:
                        cal_data = cal_data + c[1]
                    mask = np.squeeze(np.sum(np.abs(cal_data),0))
                    mask = np.ones(mask.shape)*(np.abs(mask)>0.0)
                    target = None #cal_data[0:8,:,:]
                    coil_images = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(cal_data,dim=(1,2))
                    (csm,rho) = coils.calculate_csm_walsh(coil_images)
                    if self.method == 'grappa':
                        self.unmix, self.gmap = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(cal_data, 
                    elif self.method == 'sense':
                        self.unmix, self.gmap = sense.calculate_sense_unmixing(self.acc_factor, csm)
                        raise Exception('Unknown parallel imaging method: ' + str(self.method))
                    for c in self.calib_buffer:
                        recon = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(c[1],dim=(1,2))*np.sqrt(scale)
                        recon = np.squeeze(np.sum(recon * self.unmix,0))
                        self.put_next(c[0], recon,*args)
                return 0
            if self.unmix is None:
                raise Exception("We should never reach this point without unmixing coefficients")
            recon = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(self.buffer,dim=(1,2))*np.sqrt(scale)
            recon = np.squeeze(np.sum(recon * self.unmix,0))
            self.buffer[:] = 0
            self.samp_mask[:] = 0
        return 0
Exemple #23
    def compute(self):

        do_squeeze = self.getVal('Squeeze')
        do_remos = self.getVal('Remove Oversampling')
        do_zeropad = self.getVal('Zeropad')
        do_noiseadj = self.getVal('Noise Adjust')
        receiver_noise_bw = self.getVal('Receiver Noise BW Ratio')

        #Get the file name use the file browser widget
        fname = gpi.TranslateFileURI(self.getVal('File Browser'))

        #Check if the file exists
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            self.log.node("Path does not exist: "+str(fname))
            return 0
        dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(fname, 'dataset', create_if_needed=False)

        xml_header = dset.read_xml_header()
        header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(xml_header)
        self.setData('ISMRMRDHeader', str(xml_header))

        enc = header.encoding[0]

        # Matrix size
        eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
        eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
        eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
        rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
        rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
        rNz = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

        # Field of View
        eFOVx = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        eFOVy = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        eFOVz = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
        rFOVx = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        rFOVy = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        rFOVz = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z

        # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
        ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
        if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
            nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
            nslices = 1
        if enc.encodingLimits.repetition != None:
            nreps = enc.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum + 1
            nreps = 1
        if enc.encodingLimits.contrast != None:
            ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
            ncontrasts = 1

        # In case there are noise scans in the actual dataset, we will skip them.
        noise_data = list()
        noise_dmtx = None
        for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
                firstacq = acqnum

        if len(noise_data):
            profiles = len(noise_data)
            channels = noise_data[0][1].shape[0]
            samples_per_profile = noise_data[0][1].shape[1]
            noise = np.zeros((channels,profiles*samples_per_profile),dtype=np.complex64)
            counter = 0
            for p in noise_data:
                noise[:,counter*samples_per_profile:(counter*samples_per_profile+samples_per_profile)] = p[1]
                counter = counter + 1
            scale = (acq.sample_time_us/noise_data[0][0].sample_time_us)*receiver_noise_bw
            noise_dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=scale)
            noise_data = list()
        # Empty array for the output data
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstacq)
        ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
        padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2

        size_nx = 0
        if do_remos:
            size_nx = rNx
            do_zeropad = True
        elif do_zeropad:
            size_nx = padded_ro_length
            size_nx = ro_length
        all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, size_nx), dtype=np.complex64)

        # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
        for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            acq_data_prw = np.zeros(acq.data.shape,dtype=np.complex64)
            acq_data_prw[:] = acq.data[:]
            if do_noiseadj and (noise_dmtx is not None):
                acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq_data_prw, noise_dmtx)
            data2 = None
            if (padded_ro_length != ro_length) and do_zeropad: #partial fourier
                data2 = np.zeros((acq_data_prw.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
                offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
                data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = acq_data_prw
                data2 = acq_data_prw

            if do_remos:
                data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
            # Stuff into the buffer
            rep = acq.idx.repetition
            contrast = acq.idx.contrast
            slice = acq.idx.slice
            y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
            all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = data2
        all_data = all_data.astype('complex64')

        if do_squeeze:
            all_data = np.squeeze(all_data)

        return 0

# Process the actual data
all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),

# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, dmtx)

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq_data_prw, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
        acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
        acq.center_sample = rNx / 2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])

    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data
Exemple #25
def reconstruct_epi(filename, datasetname, noise, gre):

    # Read the epi data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, datasetname)

    # Scan Parameters and Layout #
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    nkx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    nky = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
    epi_noise_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth
    acc_factor = enc.parallelImaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1

    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans and the
    # parallel imaging calibration scans which are EPI based
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT) or acq.isFlagSet(
            firstscan += 1

    #print('First imaging scan at:', firstscan)
    nsamp = acq.number_of_samples
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    sampletime = acq.sample_time_us

    # The lines are labeled with flags as follows:
    # - Noise or Imaging using ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT
    # - Parallel calibration using ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION
    # - Forward or Reverse using the ACQ_IS_REVERSE flag
    # - EPI navigator using ACQ_IS_PHASECORR_DATA
    # - First or last in a slice using ACQ_FIRST_IN_SLICE and ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE
    # - The first navigator in a shot is labeled as first in slice
    # - The first imaging line in a shot is labeled as firt in slice
    # - The last imaging line in a show is labeled as last in slice
    # for n in range(firstscan-1,firstscan+60):
    #   acq = dset.read_acquisition(n)
    #   print(acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1)
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_FIRST_IN_SLICE):
    #       print('First')
    #   elif acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE):
    #       print('Last')
    #   else:
    #       print('Middle')
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
    #       print('Reverse')
    #   else:
    #       print('Forward')
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PHASECORR_DATA):
    #       print('Navigator')

    # The EPI trajectory is described in the XML header
    # for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterLong:
    #    print(o.name, o.value_)
    # for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterDouble:
    #     print(o.name, o.value_)
    tup = tdown = tflat = tdelay = nsamp = nnav = etl = 0
    for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterLong:
        if o.name == 'rampUpTime':
            tup = o.value_
        if o.name == 'rampDownTime':
            tdown = o.value_
        if o.name == 'flatTopTime':
            tflat = o.value_
        if o.name == 'acqDelayTime':
            tdelay = o.value_
        if o.name == 'numSamples':
            nsamp = o.value_
        if o.name == 'numberOfNavigators':
            nnav = o.value_
        if o.name == 'etl':
            etl = o.value_

    #print(tup, tdown, tflat, tdelay, nsamp, nnav, etl)

    # Calculate the gridding operators #
    nkx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    nx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    t = tdelay + sampletime * np.arange(nsamp)
    x = np.arange(nx) / nx - 0.5
    up = t <= tup
    flat = (t > tup) * (t < (tup + tflat))
    down = t >= (tup + tflat)

    #Integral of trajectory (Gmax=1.0)
    k = np.zeros(nsamp)
    k[up] = 0.5 / tup * t[up]**2
    k[flat] = 0.5 * tup + (t[flat] - tup)
    k[down] = 0.5 * tup + tflat + 0.5 * tdown - 0.5 / tdown * (
        tup + tflat + tdown - t[down])**2
    #Scale to match resolution
    k *= nkx / (k[-1] - k[0])
    k -= k[nsamp // 2]
    kpos = k
    kneg = -1.0 * k
    #Corresponding even range
    keven = np.arange(nkx)
    keven -= keven[nkx // 2]
    #Forward model
    Qpos = np.zeros([nsamp, nkx])
    Qneg = np.zeros([nsamp, nkx])
    for p in range(nsamp):
        Qpos[p, :] = np.sinc(kpos[p] - keven)
        Qneg[p, :] = np.sinc(kneg[p] - keven)
    Rpos = np.linalg.pinv(Qpos)
    Rneg = np.linalg.pinv(Qneg)
    #Take transpose because we apply from the right
    Rpos = Rpos.transpose()
    Rneg = Rneg.transpose()

    # Calculate the kspace filter   #
    # Hanning filter after gridding #
    import scipy.signal
    kfiltx = scipy.signal.hann(nkx)
    kfilty = scipy.signal.hann(nky)
    Rpos = np.dot(Rpos, np.diag(kfiltx))
    Rneg = np.dot(Rneg, np.diag(kfiltx))

    # Calculate SENSE unmixing weights #
    # Some basic checks
    if gre.shape[0] != nslices:
        raise ValueError(
            'Calibration and EPI data have different number of slices')
    if gre.shape[1] != ncoils:
        raise ValueError(
            'Calibration and EPI data have different number of coils')

    # Estimate coil sensitivites from the GRE data
    csm_orig = np.zeros(gre.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        (csmtmp, actmp,
         rhotmp) = coils.calculate_csm_inati_iter(gre[z, :, :, :])
        weight = rhotmp**2 / (rhotmp**2 + .01 * np.median(rhotmp.ravel())**2)
        csm_orig[z, :, :, :] = csmtmp * weight

    # Deal with difference in resolution
    # Up/down sample the coil sensitivities to the resolution of the EPI
    xcsm = np.arange(gre.shape[3]) / gre.shape[3]
    ycsm = np.arange(gre.shape[2]) / gre.shape[2]
    xepi = np.arange(nx) / nx
    yepi = np.arange(nky) / nky
    csm = np.zeros([nslices, ncoils, nky, nx], dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        for c in range(ncoils):
            # interpolate the real part and imaginary part separately
            i_real = interp.RectBivariateSpline(ycsm, xcsm,
                                                np.real(csm_orig[z, c, :, :]))
            i_imag = interp.RectBivariateSpline(ycsm, xcsm,
                                                np.imag(csm_orig[z, c, :, :]))
            csm[z, c, :, :] = i_real(yepi, xepi) + 1j * i_imag(yepi, xepi)

    # SENSE weights
    unmix = np.zeros(csm.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        unmix[z, :, :, :] = sense.calculate_sense_unmixing(
            acc_factor, csm[z, :, :, :])[0]

    # Reconstruct #
    # Initialize the array for a volume's worth of data
    H = np.zeros([nslices, ncoils, nky, nx], dtype=np.complex)
    # Loop over the slices
    scan = firstscan
    for z in range(nslices):
        #print('Slice %d starts at scan %d.'%(z,scan))
        # Navigator 1
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        currslice = acq.idx.slice  # keep track of the slice number
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav1 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),
            sgn = -1.0
            rnav1 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),
            sgn = 1.0
        scan += 1

        # Navigator 2
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav2 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),
            rnav2 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),
        scan += 1

        # Navigator 3
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav3 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),
            rnav3 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),
        scan += 1

        # Phase correction
        delta = np.conj(rnav1 + rnav3) * rnav2
        fdelta = np.tile(np.mean(delta, axis=0), [ncoils, 1])
        corr = np.exp(sgn * 1j * np.angle(np.sqrt(fdelta)))

        for j in range(nky):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
            slice = acq.idx.slice
            if slice != currslice:
                # end of this slice

            ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data, noise.preWMtx)
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
                rho = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),
                H[slice, :, ky, :] = kfilty[ky] * np.conj(corr) * rho
                rho = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),
                H[slice, :, ky, :] = kfilty[ky] * corr * rho
            scan += 1

    # Close the data set

    # Recon in along y
    H = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(H, dim=[2])

    # Combine with SENSE weights
    epi_im = np.abs(np.squeeze(np.sum(H * unmix, axis=1)))

    return epi_im
Exemple #26
    def process(self, acq, data, *args):

        if self.buffer is None:
            # Matrix size
            eNx = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
            eNy = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
            eNz = self.enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
            rNx = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
            rNy = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
            rNz = self.enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

            # Field of View
            eFOVx = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
            eFOVy = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
            eFOVz = self.enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
            rFOVx = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
            rFOVy = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
            rFOVz = self.enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z

            channels = acq.active_channels

            if data.shape[1] != rNx:
                raise (
                    "Error, Recon gadget expects data to be on correct matrix size in RO direction"

            if (rNz != 1):
                rasie("Error Recon Gadget only supports 2D for now")

            self.buffer = np.zeros((channels, rNy, rNx), dtype=np.complex64)
            self.samp_mask = np.zeros(self.buffer.shape[1:])
            self.header_proto = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[0] = rNx
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[1] = rNy
            self.header_proto.matrix_size[2] = rNz
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[0] = rFOVx
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[1] = rFOVy
            self.header_proto.field_of_view[0] = rFOVz

        #Now put data in buffer
        line_offset = self.buffer.shape[
            1] / 2 - self.enc.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.center
        self.buffer[:, acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 + line_offset, :] = data
        self.samp_mask[acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 + line_offset, :] = 1

        #If last scan in buffer, do FFT and fill image header
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_LAST_IN_ENCODE_STEP1) or acq.isFlagSet(
            img_head = copy.deepcopy(self.header_proto)
            img_head.position = acq.position
            img_head.read_dir = acq.read_dir
            img_head.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
            img_head.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
            img_head.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
            img_head.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
            img_head.slice = acq.idx.slice
            img_head.channels = 1

            scale = self.samp_mask.size / (1.0 * np.sum(self.samp_mask[:]))

            #We have not yet calculated unmixing coefficients
            if self.unmix is None:
                self.calib_buffer.append((img_head, self.buffer.copy()))
                self.buffer[:] = 0
                self.samp_mask[:] = 0

                if len(self.calib_buffer) >= self.calib_frames:
                    cal_data = np.zeros(self.calib_buffer[0][1].shape,
                    for c in self.calib_buffer:
                        cal_data = cal_data + c[1]

                    mask = np.squeeze(np.sum(np.abs(cal_data), 0))
                    mask = np.ones(mask.shape) * (np.abs(mask) > 0.0)
                    target = None  #cal_data[0:8,:,:]

                    coil_images = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(cal_data,
                    (csm, rho) = coils.calculate_csm_walsh(coil_images)

                    if self.method == 'grappa':
                        self.unmix, self.gmap = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(
                            kernel_size=(4, 5),
                    elif self.method == 'sense':
                        self.unmix, self.gmap = sense.calculate_sense_unmixing(
                            self.acc_factor, csm)
                        raise Exception('Unknown parallel imaging method: ' +

                    for c in self.calib_buffer:
                        recon = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                            c[1], dim=(1, 2)) * np.sqrt(scale)
                        recon = np.squeeze(np.sum(recon * self.unmix, 0))
                        self.put_next(c[0], recon, *args)

                return 0

            if self.unmix is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "We should never reach this point without unmixing coefficients"

            recon = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                self.buffer, dim=(1, 2)) * np.sqrt(scale)
            recon = np.squeeze(np.sum(recon * self.unmix, 0))
            self.buffer[:] = 0
            self.samp_mask[:] = 0
            self.put_next(img_head, recon, *args)
        return 0
# Basic setup
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from ismrmrdtools import sense, grappa, show, simulation, transform, coils

# import some data
exercise_data = sp.io.loadmat("hansen_exercises2.mat")
csm = np.transpose(exercise_data["smaps"])
pat = np.transpose(exercise_data["sp"])
data = np.transpose(exercise_data["data"])
kspace = np.logical_or(pat == 1, pat == 3).astype("float32") * (data)

acc_factor = 4
alias_img = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace, dim=(1, 2)) * np.sqrt(acc_factor)

(unmix_grappa, gmap_grappa) = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(
    data, acc_factor, data_mask=pat > 1, csm=csm, kernel_size=(4, 5)
# (unmix_grappa,gmap_grappa) = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(data, acc_factor, data_mask=pat>1)
show.imshow(abs(gmap_grappa), colorbar=True)
recon_grappa = np.squeeze(np.sum(alias_img * unmix_grappa, 0))
show.imshow(abs(recon_grappa), colorbar=True)

    {"pat_py": pat, "data_py": data, "csm_py": csm, "alias_img_py": alias_img, "unmix_grappa_py": unmix_grappa},
Exemple #28
def reconstruct_calibration(filename, datasetname, noise=None):

    # Handle the imaging data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, datasetname)
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            firstscan += 1

    acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    gre_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth
    # The calibration data may be have fewer points than the full k
    refNx = acq.number_of_samples
    x0 = (eNx - refNx) // 2
    x1 = eNx - (eNx - refNx) // 2

    # Reconsparallel imaging calibration scans which are GRE based
    # Initialiaze a storage array for the reference data
    ref_data = np.zeros((nslices, ncoils, eNy, eNx), dtype=np.complex64)
    # Loop
    # Prewhiten and stuff into the buffer
    scan = firstscan
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION):
            slice = acq.idx.slice
            ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            if noise:
                ref_data[slice, :, ky, x0:x1] = coils.apply_prewhitening(
                    acq.data, noise.preWMtx)
                ref_data[slice, :, ky, x0:x1] = acq.data
            scan += 1

    # Reconstruct calibration images
    # 2D FFT
    im_ref = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(ref_data,
                                                 [2, 3])  # [slice,coil,x,y]

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if (eNx != rNx):
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) // 2
        x1 = eNx - (eNx - rNx) // 2
        im_ref = im_ref[:, :, :, x0:x1]

    # close the data set

    return im_ref
Exemple #29
def reconstruct_epi(filename, datasetname, noise, gre):
    # Read the epi data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename,datasetname)

    # Scan Parameters and Layout #
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    nkx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    nky = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
    epi_noise_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth
    acc_factor = enc.parallelImaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1
    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans and the
    # parallel imaging calibration scans which are EPI based
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT) or acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION):
            firstscan += 1

    #print('First imaging scan at:', firstscan)
    nsamp = acq.number_of_samples
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    sampletime = acq.sample_time_us

    # The lines are labeled with flags as follows:
    # - Noise or Imaging using ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT
    # - Parallel calibration using ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION
    # - Forward or Reverse using the ACQ_IS_REVERSE flag
    # - EPI navigator using ACQ_IS_PHASECORR_DATA
    # - First or last in a slice using ACQ_FIRST_IN_SLICE and ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE
    # - The first navigator in a shot is labeled as first in slice
    # - The first imaging line in a shot is labeled as firt in slice
    # - The last imaging line in a show is labeled as last in slice
    # for n in range(firstscan-1,firstscan+60):
    #   acq = dset.read_acquisition(n)
    #   print(acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1)
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_FIRST_IN_SLICE):
    #       print('First')
    #   elif acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE):
    #       print('Last')
    #   else:
    #       print('Middle')
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
    #       print('Reverse')
    #   else:
    #       print('Forward')
    #   if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PHASECORR_DATA):
    #       print('Navigator')

    # The EPI trajectory is described in the XML header
    # for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterLong:
    #    print(o.name, o.value_)
    # for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterDouble:
    #     print(o.name, o.value_)
    tup = tdown = tflat = tdelay = nsamp = nnav = etl = 0
    for o in enc.trajectoryDescription.userParameterLong:
        if o.name == 'rampUpTime':
            tup = o.value_
        if o.name == 'rampDownTime':
            tdown = o.value_
        if o.name == 'flatTopTime':
            tflat = o.value_
        if o.name == 'acqDelayTime':
            tdelay = o.value_
        if o.name == 'numSamples':
            nsamp = o.value_
        if o.name == 'numberOfNavigators':
            nnav = o.value_
        if o.name == 'etl':
            etl = o.value_

    #print(tup, tdown, tflat, tdelay, nsamp, nnav, etl)

    # Calculate the gridding operators #
    nkx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    nx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    t = tdelay + sampletime*np.arange(nsamp)
    x = np.arange(nx)/nx-0.5
    up = t<=tup
    flat = (t>tup)*(t<(tup+tflat))
    down = t>=(tup+tflat)

    #Integral of trajectory (Gmax=1.0)
    k = np.zeros(nsamp)
    k[up] = 0.5/tup*t[up]**2
    k[flat] = 0.5*tup + (t[flat] - tup)
    k[down] = 0.5*tup + tflat + 0.5*tdown-0.5/tdown*(tup+tflat+tdown-t[down])**2
    #Scale to match resolution
    k *= nkx/(k[-1]-k[0])
    k -= k[nsamp//2]
    kpos = k
    kneg = -1.0*k
    #Corresponding even range
    keven = np.arange(nkx)
    keven -= keven[nkx//2]
    #Forward model
    Qpos = np.zeros([nsamp,nkx])
    Qneg = np.zeros([nsamp,nkx])
    for p in range(nsamp):
        Qpos[p,:] = np.sinc(kpos[p]-keven)
        Qneg[p,:] = np.sinc(kneg[p]-keven)
    Rpos = np.linalg.pinv(Qpos)
    Rneg = np.linalg.pinv(Qneg)
    #Take transpose because we apply from the right
    Rpos = Rpos.transpose()
    Rneg = Rneg.transpose()

    # Calculate the kspace filter   #
    # Hanning filter after gridding #
    import scipy.signal
    kfiltx = scipy.signal.hann(nkx)
    kfilty = scipy.signal.hann(nky)
    Rpos = np.dot(Rpos, np.diag(kfiltx))
    Rneg = np.dot(Rneg, np.diag(kfiltx))

    # Calculate SENSE unmixing weights #
    # Some basic checks
    if gre.shape[0] != nslices:
        raise ValueError('Calibration and EPI data have different number of slices')
    if gre.shape[1] != ncoils:
        raise ValueError('Calibration and EPI data have different number of coils')

    # Estimate coil sensitivites from the GRE data
    csm_orig = np.zeros(gre.shape,dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        (csmtmp, actmp, rhotmp) = coils.calculate_csm_inati_iter(gre[z,:,:,:])
        weight = rhotmp**2 / (rhotmp**2 + .01*np.median(rhotmp.ravel())**2)
        csm_orig[z,:,:,:] = csmtmp*weight
    # Deal with difference in resolution
    # Up/down sample the coil sensitivities to the resolution of the EPI
    xcsm = np.arange(gre.shape[3])/gre.shape[3]
    ycsm = np.arange(gre.shape[2])/gre.shape[2]
    xepi = np.arange(nx)/nx
    yepi = np.arange(nky)/nky
    csm = np.zeros([nslices,ncoils,nky,nx],dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        for c in range(ncoils):
            # interpolate the real part and imaginary part separately
            i_real = interp.RectBivariateSpline(ycsm,xcsm,np.real(csm_orig[z,c,:,:]))
            i_imag = interp.RectBivariateSpline(ycsm,xcsm,np.imag(csm_orig[z,c,:,:]))
            csm[z,c,:,:] = i_real(yepi,xepi) + 1j*i_imag(yepi,xepi)

    # SENSE weights
    unmix = np.zeros(csm.shape,dtype=np.complex)
    for z in range(nslices):
        unmix[z,:,:,:] = sense.calculate_sense_unmixing(acc_factor, csm[z,:,:,:])[0]
    # Reconstruct #
    # Initialize the array for a volume's worth of data
    H = np.zeros([nslices, ncoils, nky, nx],dtype=np.complex)
    # Loop over the slices
    scan = firstscan
    for z in range(nslices):
        #print('Slice %d starts at scan %d.'%(z,scan))
        # Navigator 1
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        currslice = acq.idx.slice # keep track of the slice number
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav1 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),dim=[1])
            sgn = -1.0
            rnav1 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),dim=[1])
            sgn = 1.0
        scan += 1

        # Navigator 2
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav2 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),dim=[1])
            rnav2 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),dim=[1])
        scan += 1

        # Navigator 3
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
            rnav3 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),dim=[1])
            rnav3 = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),dim=[1])
        scan += 1

        # Phase correction
        delta = np.conj(rnav1+rnav3) * rnav2
        fdelta = np.tile(np.mean(delta,axis=0),[ncoils,1])
        corr = np.exp(sgn*1j*np.angle(np.sqrt(fdelta)))

        for j in range(nky):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
            slice = acq.idx.slice              
            if slice != currslice:
                # end of this slice

            ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            data = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_REVERSE):
                rho = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rneg),dim=[1])
                H[slice,:,ky,:] = kfilty[ky]*np.conj(corr)*rho
                rho = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(np.dot(data, Rpos),dim=[1])
                H[slice,:,ky,:] = kfilty[ky]*corr*rho        
            scan += 1

    # Close the data set
    # Recon in along y
    H = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(H,dim=[2])
    # Combine with SENSE weights
    epi_im = np.abs(np.squeeze(np.sum(H*unmix,axis=1)))
    return epi_im
Exemple #30
    def test_bssfp_data(self):
        '''Sample bSSFP data set.'''
        dset = pyport(file=self.sample, debug=False)

        import numpy as np
        import ismrmrd
        import ismrmrd.xsd

        from ismrmrdtools import show, transform

        header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
        enc = header.encoding[0]

        # Matrix size
        eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
        eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
        eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
        rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
        _rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
        _rNz = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

        # Field of View
        _eFOVx = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        _eFOVy = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        _eFOVz = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
        _rFOVx = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        _rFOVy = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        _rFOVz = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z

        # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
        ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
        if enc.encodingLimits.slice is not None:
            nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
            nslices = 1

        if enc.encodingLimits.average is not None:
            nreps = enc.encodingLimits.average.maximum + 1
            nreps = 1

        if enc.encodingLimits.contrast is not None:
            ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
            ncontrasts = 1

        # TODO loop through the acquisitions looking for noise scans
        firstacq = 0
        for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            # TODO: Currently ignoring noise scans
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
                print("Found noise scan at acq ", acqnum)
                firstacq = acqnum
                print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

        # Initialiaze a storage array
        all_data = np.zeros(
            (nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),
            dtype=np.complex64)  #pylint: disable=E1101

        # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
        for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

            # Remove oversampling if needed
            if eNx != rNx:
                xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
                x0 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2)
                x1 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx)
                xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
                acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)  #pylint: disable=E1101
                acq.center_sample = int(rNx / 2)
                # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
                acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])

            # Stuff into the buffer
            rep = acq.idx.average  #pylint: disable=E1101
            contrast = acq.idx.contrast  #pylint: disable=E1101
            slise = acq.idx.slice  #pylint: disable=E1101
            y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1  #pylint: disable=E1101
            z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2  #pylint: disable=E1101
            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

        # Reconstruct images
        images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx),
                          dtype=np.float32)  #pylint: disable=E1101
        for rep in range(nreps):
            for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
                for slise in range(nslices):
                    # FFT
                    if eNz > 1:
                        im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, ...], [1, 2, 3])
                        im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, :, 0, ...], [1, 2])

                    # Sum of squares
                    im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im)**2, 0))

                    # Stuff into the output
                    if eNz > 1:
                        images[rep, contrast, slise, ...] = im
                        images[rep, contrast, slise, 0, ...] = im

        # Show an image
        show.imshow(np.squeeze(images[0, 0, 0, ...]))
Exemple #31
    def process(self, recondata):

        # receive kspace data and
        # extract acq_data and acq_header
        array_acq_headers = recondata[0].data.headers
        kspace_data = recondata[0].data.data

            if recondata[0].ref.data is not None:
                print("reference data exist")
                )  # only for repetition 0 # il faut creer le bucket recon grappa
            print("reference data not exist")
        # ifft
        image = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace_data, dim=(0, 1, 2))

        # create a new IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data = IsmrmrdImageArray()

        # attache the images to the IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data.data = image

        # get dimension for the acq_headers
        dims_header = np.shape(recondata[0].data.headers)

        # get one header with typical info
        acq = np.ravel(array_acq_headers)[0]

        headers_list = []
        base_header = ismrmrd.ImageHeader()
        base_header.version = 2
        ndims_image = np.shape(image)
        base_header.channels = ndims_image[3]
        base_header.matrix_size = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1],
        print((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]))
        base_header.position = acq.position
        base_header.read_dir = acq.read_dir
        base_header.phase_dir = acq.phase_dir
        base_header.slice_dir = acq.slice_dir
        base_header.patient_table_position = acq.patient_table_position
        base_header.acquisition_time_stamp = acq.acquisition_time_stamp
        base_header.image_index = 0
        base_header.image_series_index = 0
        base_header.data_type = ismrmrd.DATATYPE_CXFLOAT
        base_header.image_type = ismrmrd.IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE
        print("ready to list")

        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    #for e2 in range(0, dims_header[1]):
                    #  for e1 in range(0, dims_header[0]):

        array_headers_test = np.array(headers_list, dtype=np.dtype(object))
        array_headers_test = np.reshape(
            (dims_header[2], dims_header[3], dims_header[4]))

        print("---> ok 0")
        # how to copy acquisition header into image header in python  ?
        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    # for e2 in range(0, dims_header[1]):
                    # for e1 in range(0, dims_header[0]):
                    array_headers_test[s, n, slc].slice = slc

        #print("---> ok 1")
        # print(np.shape(array_image_header))
        # attache the image headers to the IsmrmrdImageArray
        array_data.headers = array_headers_test

        #print("---> ok 2")
        # Return image to Gadgetron


        # send the data to the next gadget

        for slc in range(0, dims_header[4]):
            for n in range(0, dims_header[3]):
                for s in range(0, dims_header[2]):
                    #print("send out image %d-%d-%d" % (s, n, slc))
                    a = array_data.data[:, :, :, :, s, n, slc]
                    #print(a.shape, array_data.headers[s,n,slc].slice)
                    self.put_next(array_data.headers[s, n, slc], a)

        #self.put_next( [IsmrmrdReconBit(array_data.headers, array_data.data)] ,  )

        return 0
Exemple #32
            for phase in range(nphases):
                for rep in range(nreps):
                    for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
                        for slice in range(nslices):
                            # FFT
                            if eNz > 1:
                                if args.writeBIN:
                                    im = transform.fftn(
                                            all_data[set_, avg, phase, rep,
                                                     slice, :, :, :, :]))
                                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                                        all_data[set_, avg, phase, rep,
                                                 contrast, slice, :, :, :, :],
                                        [1, 2, 3])

                                if args.writeBIN:
                                    im = transform.fftn(
                                        np.squeeze(all_data[set_, avg, phase,
                                                            rep, contrast,
                                                            slice, :,
                                                            0, :, :]))
                                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                                        all_data[set_, avg, phase, rep,
                                                 contrast, slice, :, 0, :, :],
                                        [1, 2])
Exemple #33
def reconstruct_calibration(filename, datasetname, noise=None):
    # Handle the imaging data
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, datasetname)
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    enc = header.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
    rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
    # Number of Slices
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions ignoring the noise scans
    firstscan = 0
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            firstscan += 1

    acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstscan)
    ncoils = acq.active_channels
    gre_bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth
    # The calibration data may be have fewer points than the full k
    refNx = acq.number_of_samples
    x0 = (eNx - refNx)// 2
    x1 = eNx - (eNx - refNx)//2
    # Reconsparallel imaging calibration scans which are GRE based
    # Initialiaze a storage array for the reference data
    ref_data = np.zeros((nslices, ncoils, eNy, eNx), dtype=np.complex64)
    # Loop             
    # Prewhiten and stuff into the buffer
    scan = firstscan
    while True:
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(scan)
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION):
            slice = acq.idx.slice
            ky = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            if noise:
                ref_data[slice, :, ky, x0:x1] = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,noise.preWMtx)
                ref_data[slice, :, ky, x0:x1] = acq.data
            scan += 1

    # Reconstruct calibration images
    # 2D FFT
    im_ref = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(ref_data, [2,3]) # [slice,coil,x,y]

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if (eNx != rNx):
        x0 = (eNx - rNx)//2
        x1 = eNx - (eNx - rNx)//2
        im_ref = im_ref[:,:,:,x0:x1]

    # close the data set

    return im_ref
        print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

# Initialiaze a storage array
all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx), dtype=np.complex64)

# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:,x0:x1]
        acq.center_sample = rNx/2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])
    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data
Exemple #35
            1], "/ xcenter: ", xcenter, "databuff.shape: ", databuff.shape

    #databuff[:,eNx/2-xcenter:eNx/2-xcenter+acq.data.shape[1]] = acq.data
    if xcenter == 0:
        databuff = acq.data
        if (xcenter - acq.data.shape[1] / 2) < 0:
            databuff[:, 0:acq.data.shape[1]] = acq.data
            #databuff[:,xcenter-acq.data.shape[1]/2:xcenter+acq.data.shape[1]/2] = acq.data
            databuff = acq.data

        #databuff = acq.data
    if args.removeOS:
        print "removeOS"
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(databuff, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx / 2
        xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
        databuff.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
        acq.center_sample = rNx / 2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        databuff = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])
        #print "databuff.shape=", databuff.shape

    print "seg", seg, " / avg", avg, " / set_", set_, " / rep", rep, " / contrast", contrast, " / slice_", slice, " / xcenter", xcenter, " / y", y, " / z", z

    if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION):
        print "calibration data: acq:", acqnum
        all_data_calib[seg, set_, avg, phase, rep, contrast, slice, :, z,
                       y, :] = databuff
        print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

# Initialiaze a storage array
all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),

# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
        acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
        acq.center_sample = rNx / 2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])

    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data
#Basic setup
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from ismrmrdtools import sense, grappa, show, simulation, transform,coils
from importlib import reload

#import some data
exercise_data = sp.io.loadmat('hansen_exercises2.mat')
csm = np.transpose(exercise_data['smaps'])
pat = np.transpose(exercise_data['sp'])
data = np.transpose(exercise_data['data'])
kspace = np.logical_or(pat==1,pat==3).astype('float32')*(data)

acc_factor = 4
alias_img = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace,dim=(1,2)) * np.sqrt(acc_factor)

(unmix_grappa,gmap_grappa) = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(data, acc_factor, data_mask=pat>1, csm=csm,kernel_size=(4,5))
#(unmix_grappa,gmap_grappa) = grappa.calculate_grappa_unmixing(data, acc_factor, data_mask=pat>1)
recon_grappa = np.squeeze(np.sum(alias_img * unmix_grappa,0))

sp.io.savemat('tmp_data.mat',{'pat_py': pat,'data_py': data,'csm_py': csm,'alias_img_py':alias_img,'unmix_grappa_py':unmix_grappa})

#Reload some modules
dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=(data_dwell_time/noise_dwell_time)*noise_receiver_bw_ratio)

# Process the actual data
all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx), dtype=np.complex64)

# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq.data,dmtx)

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq_data_prw, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:,x0:x1]
        acq.center_sample = rNx/2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])
    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data