def get_current_run_IS(is_partName='ATLAS'): number=-2 try: import ispy is_partition = ispy.IPCPartition(is_partName) oo=ispy.ISObject(is_partition, 'RunParams.SOR_RunParams','RunParams') oo.checkout() number=oo.run_number; except: raise RuntimeError("Error: To get the current RUN number from IS, you must setup the proper ONLINE environment (at Point 1)") return number
def update(self): p = ispy.IPCPartition("ATLAS") rp = ispy.ISObject(p, "RunParams.RunParams") rp.checkout() conf = ispy.ISObject(p, "RunParams.TrigConfSmKey") conf.checkout() self.runno = rp.run_number self.sor = rp.timeSOR.c_time() self.smk = conf.SuperMasterKey Run.update(self)
streamName = 'express' streamLogic = 'Or' # When using ATLAS partition # Use different streams for "atlas standby" and "atlas ready" # if (partitionName == 'ATLAS' or partitionName == 'ATLAS_MP1'): streamLogic = 'Or' import RecExOnline.OnlineISConfiguration import ispy from ispy import * from ipc import IPCPartition from ispy import ISObject obj = ispy.ISObject(ispy.IPCPartition(partitionName), 'RunParams.RunParams', 'RunParams') obj.checkout() ### if ( obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_13TeV'): if (obj.T0_project_tag == 'data17_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data17_13TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data17_1beam' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_13TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_5TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_1beam' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_hip' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_hip5TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_hip8TeV'): #streamName = 'MinBias' #streamName = 'Main' # Switching due to missingg Minbias stream -= 13/06/2015 AK
streamName = 'express' streamLogic = 'Or' # When using ATLAS partition # Use different streams for "atlas standby" and "atlas ready" # if (partitionName == 'ATLAS'): streamLogic = 'Or' import RecExOnline.OnlineISConfiguration import ispy from ispy import * from ipc import IPCPartition from ispy import ISObject obj = ispy.ISObject(ispy.IPCPartition(partitionName), 'RunParams.RunParams', 'RunParams') obj.checkout() ### if ( obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_13TeV'): if ( obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_13TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data15_5TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_comm' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_13TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_5TeV' or obj.T0_project_tag == 'data16_1beam'): #streamName = 'MinBias' #streamName = 'Main' # Switching due to missingg Minbias stream -= 13/06/2015 AK try: if RecExOnline.OnlineISConfiguration.GetAtlasReady(): print "ATLAS READY, reading express stream" streamName = 'express' else: print "ATLAS NOT READY, reading standby stream" ### streamName = 'standby' ### streamName = 'physics_Standby' streamName = 'Standby' except:
#svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += [ "/Run/L1TopoToCTPLocation" ] # added for testing purposes # need to for the run number in the test data partitions # fix for missing folder /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLESTONL #if (partitionName.find("L1CaloStandalone") >= 0) or (partitionName.find("Test_dataProvider") >= 0) : if (partitionName.find("L1CaloStandalone") >= 0) or (partitionName.find("ATLAS") >= 0) : #if (partitionName.find("L1CaloStandalone") >= 0) : print "L1Calo Monitoring is overriding the run number and lumiblock number." import ispy ## this should retrieve the run number automatically as done in from ispy import * from ipc import IPCPartition from ispy import ISObject p2 = ispy.IPCPartition(partitionName) obj = ispy.ISObject(p2, 'RunParams.RunParams', 'RunParams') obj.checkout() is_run_number = obj.run_number svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.forceRunNumber = is_run_number #svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.forceRunNumber=313285 #313063 #312649(HI) #312424(HI) #309640 #271733 #182519 #238735 svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.forceLumiblockNumber=1 print "L1Calo Monitoring set run to ",svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.forceRunNumber,"and lumi block to",svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.forceLumiblockNumber #from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb #conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>") #conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>") #conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>") #conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>") #conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>")