Exemple #1
def checkDasdFmt(disk, intf):
    if iutil.getArch() != "s390":
        return 0

    if disk.type.name != "dasd":
        return 0

    # FIXME: there has to be a better way to check LDL vs CDL
    # how do I test ldl vs cdl?
    if disk.max_primary_partition_count > 1:
        return 0

    if intf:
            devs = isys.getDasdDevPort()
            dev = "/dev/%s (%s" %(disk.dev.path[5:], devs[device])
        except Exception, e:
            log("exception getting dasd dev ports: %s" %(e,))
            dev = "/dev/%s" %(disk.dev.path[5:],)
        rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"),
                       _("The device %s is LDL formatted instead of "
                         "CDL formatted.  LDL formatted DASDs are not "
                         "supported for usage during an install of %s.  "
                         "If you wish to use this disk for installation, "
                         "it must be re-initialized causing the loss of "
                         "ALL DATA on this drive.\n\n"
                         "Would you like to reformat this DASD using CDL "
                        %(dev, productName), type = "yesno")
        if rc == 0:
            return 1
            return -1