def testTwoExper(self):
		"""Two experiments defined for an entry

		select an entry with 2 experiments defined - CRISPR1, CRISPR2

		result = bn.getChecklist(["CRISPR1", "CRISPR2"])
		self.assertTrue(len(result.values()[0]) == 2)
	def testOnlySelection(self):
		"""Only work on selected entries.

		Note: select an entry in the main window

		result = bn.getChecklist(["CRISPR1", "CRISPR2"])
		self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
	def testOneExper(self):
		"""One experiment defined for an entry

		select an entry with 1 experiment defined. In this case there is no
		experiment for CRISPR1

		result = bn.getChecklist(["CRISPR1", "adk"])
		self.assertTrue(len(result.values()[0]) == 1)