Exemple #1
def _readReplenishAmmoDialogSection(xmlCtx, section, _, dialogID, type, content):
    content['_submitLabel'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'submit-label'))
    content['_align'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'align')
    vector = _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, section, 'offset')
    content['_popupOffsetX'] = vector.x
    content['_popupOffsetY'] = vector.y
    return chapter.PopUp(dialogID, type, content)
Exemple #2
def _readReplenishAmmoDialogSection(xmlCtx, section, _, dialogID, type, content):
    content['_submitLabel'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'submit-label'))
    content['_align'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'align')
    vector = _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, section, 'offset')
    content['_popupOffsetX'] = vector.x
    content['_popupOffsetY'] = vector.y
    return chapter.PopUp(dialogID, type, content)
Exemple #3
def readLeveredSuspension(xmlCtx, section, cache):
    leveredSection = section['leveredSuspension']
    if leveredSection is None:
        levers = []
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section,
            if sname != 'lever':
            ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension/lever')
            limits = _xml.readVector2(ctx, subsection, 'limits')
            lever = chassis_components.SuspensionLever(
                    _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'startNode')),
                    _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'jointNode')),
                    _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'trackNode')),

        ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension')
        leveredSuspensionConfig = chassis_components.LeveredSuspensionConfig(
            interpolationSpeedMul=_xml.readFloat(ctx, leveredSection,
            lodSettings=shared_readers.readLodSettings(ctx, leveredSection,
        return leveredSuspensionConfig
Exemple #4
def readShot(xmlCtx, section, nationID, projectileSpeedFactor, cache):
    """Reads section 'gun/shots/<shell_name>'.
    :param xmlCtx: tuple(root ctx or None, path to section).
    :param section: instance of DataSection.
    :param nationID: integer containing ID of nation.
    :param projectileSpeedFactor: float containing factor that is applied to projectile speeds and
        gravities at reading from configs.
    :param cache: instance of vehicles.Cache to get desired shell by name.
    :return: instance of GunShot.
    shellName = section.name
    shellID = cache.shellIDs(nationID).get(shellName)
    if shellID is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, '', 'unknown shell type name')
    shellDescr = cache.shells(nationID)[shellID]
    return gun_components.GunShot(
        0.0 if not section.has_key('defaultPortion') else _xml.readFraction(
            xmlCtx, section, 'defaultPortion'),
        _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, section, 'piercingPower'),
        _xml.readPositiveFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'speed') *
        _xml.readNonNegativeFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'gravity') *
        _xml.readPositiveFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'maxDistance'),
        section.readFloat('maxHeight', 1000000.0))
Exemple #5
    def __readSharedMetrics(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH,
                                                  name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {
                'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
                'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'),
                        _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'),
                          _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {
                'root': rootPos,
                'vertical': vertical,
                'horizontal': horizontal

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(
                ((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(
                ((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(dict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(
                        lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(),

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {
                    'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                    'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
            lines[name] = {
                'inPins': inPins,
                'outPins': outPins,
                'viaPins': viaPins,
                'default': default
Exemple #6
def readShot(xmlCtx, section, nationID, projectileSpeedFactor, cache):
    shellName = section.name
    shellID = cache.shellIDs(nationID).get(shellName)
    if shellID is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, '', 'unknown shell type name')
    shellDescr = cache.shells(nationID)[shellID]
    return gun_components.GunShot(
        shellDescr, ZERO_FLOAT if not section.has_key('defaultPortion') else
        _xml.readFraction(xmlCtx, section, 'defaultPortion'),
        _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, section, 'piercingPower'),
        _xml.readPositiveFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'speed') *
        _xml.readNonNegativeFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'gravity') *
        _xml.readPositiveFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'maxDistance'),
        _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, section, 'maxHeight', 1000000.0))
Exemple #7
    def __readSharedMetrics(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
             'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')}
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {'root': rootPos,
             'vertical': vertical,
             'horizontal': horizontal}

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(dict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(), pSec.items())

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                 'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')}
            lines[name] = {'inPins': inPins,
             'outPins': outPins,
             'viaPins': viaPins,
             'default': default}

Exemple #8
def readLeveredSuspension(xmlCtx, section, cache):
    leveredSection = section['leveredSuspension']
    if leveredSection is None:
        levers = []
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'leveredSuspension'):
            if sname != 'lever':
            ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension/lever')
            limits = _xml.readVector2(ctx, subsection, 'limits')
            lever = chassis_components.SuspensionLever(startNodeName=intern(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'startNode')), jointNodeName=intern(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'jointNode')), trackNodeName=intern(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'trackNode')), minAngle=math.radians(limits.x), maxAngle=math.radians(limits.y), collisionSamplesCount=subsection.readInt('collisionSamplesCount', 1), hasLiftMode=_xml.readBool(ctx, subsection, 'hasLiftMode', False), affectedWheelName=_xml.readStringOrEmpty(ctx, subsection, 'affectedWheelName'))

        ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension')
        leveredSuspensionConfig = chassis_components.LeveredSuspensionConfig(levers=levers, interpolationSpeedMul=_xml.readFloat(ctx, leveredSection, 'interpolationSpeedMul', 10.0), lodSettings=shared_readers.readLodSettings(ctx, leveredSection, cache), activePostmortem=_xml.readBool(ctx, leveredSection, 'activePostmortem', False))
        return leveredSuspensionConfig
Exemple #9
def readLeveredSuspension(xmlCtx, section, cache):
    """Reads levered suspension section.
    :param xmlCtx: tuple(root ctx or None, path to section).
    :param section: instance of DataSection.
    :param cache: instance of vehicles.Cache.
    :return: instance of SuspensionLever for levered suspension or None.
    leveredSection = section['leveredSuspension']
    if leveredSection is None:
        levers = []
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section,
            if sname != 'lever':
            ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension/lever')
            limits = _xml.readVector2(ctx, subsection, 'limits')
            lever = chassis_components.SuspensionLever(
                startNodeName=_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection,
                jointNodeName=_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection,
                trackNodeName=_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection,

        ctx = (xmlCtx, 'leveredSuspension')
        leveredSuspensionConfig = chassis_components.LeveredSuspensionConfig(
                'interpolationSpeedMul', 10.0),
            lodSettings=shared_readers.readLodSettings(ctx, leveredSection,
        return leveredSuspensionConfig
Exemple #10
    def __readShared(self, clearCache = False):
        if clearCache:
        shared = {'settings': {},
         'grids': {},
         'default': {},
         'lines': {}}
        section = ResMgr.openSection(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        if section is None:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, 'can not open or read')
        xmlCtx = (None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'settings-set')
        for name, settingsSec in precessed:
            settingsName = settingsSec.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, settingsName)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            settings = {}
            for _, settingSec in settingsSec.items():
                name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'name')
                if name not in DISPLAY_SETTINGS:
                    LOG_ERROR('Setting is invalid', name)
                reader = DISPLAY_SETTINGS[name]
                value = getattr(_xml, reader)(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'value')
                settings[name] = value

            for name in DISPLAY_SETTINGS.iterkeys():
                if name not in settings:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'Setting not found')

            shared['settings'][settingsName] = settings

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
             'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')}
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {'root': rootPos,
             'vertical': vertical,
             'horizontal': horizontal}

        if self.__availableNations is None:
            self.__availableNations = self.__readAvailableNations((None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH), section)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(_makeDict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(), pSec.items())

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                 'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')}
            lines[name] = {'inPins': inPins,
             'outPins': outPins,
             'viaPins': viaPins,
             'default': default}

        defSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'default-line')
        xPath = '{0:>s}/default-line'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
        name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'line')
        outPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin')
        inPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
        self.__getLineInfo(xmlCtx, name, 0, outPin, inPin, lines)
        shared['default'] = {'line': name,
         'inPin': inPin,
         'outPin': outPin}
        return shared
Exemple #11
    def __readShared(self, clearCache=False):
        if clearCache:
        shared = {'settings': {}, 'grids': {}, 'default': {}, 'lines': {}}
        section = ResMgr.openSection(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        if section is None:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH,
                               'can not open or read')
        xmlCtx = (None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'settings-set')
        for name, settingsSec in precessed:
            settingsName = settingsSec.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH,
                                                  name, settingsName)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            settings = {}
            for _, settingSec in settingsSec.items():
                name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'name')
                if name not in DISPLAY_SETTINGS:
                    LOG_ERROR('Setting is invalid', name)
                reader = DISPLAY_SETTINGS[name]
                value = getattr(_xml, reader)(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'value')
                settings[name] = value

            for name in DISPLAY_SETTINGS.iterkeys():
                if name not in settings:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'Setting not found')

            shared['settings'][settingsName] = settings

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH,
                                                  name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {
                'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
                'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'),
                        _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'),
                          _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {
                'root': rootPos,
                'vertical': vertical,
                'horizontal': horizontal

        if self.__availableNations is None:
            self.__availableNations = self.__readAvailableNations(
                (None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH), section)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(
                ((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(
                ((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(_makeDict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(
                        lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(),

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {
                    'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                    'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
            lines[name] = {
                'inPins': inPins,
                'outPins': outPins,
                'viaPins': viaPins,
                'default': default

        defSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'default-line')
        xPath = '{0:>s}/default-line'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
        name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'line')
        outPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin')
        inPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
        self.__getLineInfo(xmlCtx, name, 0, outPin, inPin, lines)
        shared['default'] = {'line': name, 'inPin': inPin, 'outPin': outPin}
        return shared