def precomputeDenominators( lookups ) :
    street = 3
    kimo_buckets = range(globles.NBUCKETS[street-1])
    all_kimo_pairs = cartProduct(kimo_buckets, kimo_buckets)

    PA,PAK,Ptrans = [lookups[i] for i in range(3)]

    count = 0
    for kimo_pair in all_kimo_pairs :
        count += 1
        if count < 100 :
        #TODO automate cluster size depending on street w/ query
        for cluster in range( 1,173 ) : #nclusters[street] ) :
            #TODO automate
            nacts = 1315
            for action in range( 1,nacts+1) :

                p = P_ki_G_kimo_evdnc( street = street, \
                                   ki = [42,42], \
                                   kimo = kimo_pair, \
                                   action_int = action, \
                                   cluster_id = cluster, \
                                   #evidence = [ '{ street : cboards}', \
                                                #['agg_action_int','...' ] ], \
                                   lookups = lookups, \
                                   return_Z = True) 

                if p > 0 :
                    print "kimo, cluster, action", kimo_pair, cluster, action
                    print "Prob: ", p

                    #if( p < .0001 ) : assert False

                    Pa = lookupPA( PA, street, action )
                    #Pkimo1 = lookupPk( street-1, kimo_pair[0] )
                    #Pkimo2 = lookupPk( street-1, kimo_pair[1] )
                    #Pb = lookupPb( street ) 
                    approx = Pa

                    print  "approv Prob: ", approx
                    if approx < p : 
                        print "EURRRREREKEKAKKAKA"
def justAK( street, evidence, lookups ) :
    PA = lookups[0]
    PAK = lookups[1]
    action_int = evidence[1][street]

    ki_buckets = range(globles.NBUCKETS[street])
    all_ki_pairs = cartProduct(ki_buckets, ki_buckets)
    assmnt_probs = {}
    Z = 0
    pa = lookupPA( PA, street, action_int )
    #print "street, action_int, P(a): " , street, action_int, pa
    for (k1,k2) in all_ki_pairs :
        pak = lookupPAK(PAK, street, k1, k2, action_int)
        pk1 = lookupPk( street, k1 )
        pk2 = lookupPk( street, k2 )
        prob = pak * pk1 * pk2 / pa
        Z += prob
        assmnt_probs[(k1,k2)] = prob

    return assmnt_probs
Exemple #3
def searchOptimalParamters(dataPath="./Data/", gpuOptmized=True):
    print("LSTM Grid Search")

    noLayers = [1, 2]
    noNodes = [8, 16, 32]
    dropout = [0.0]
    regularization = [0.0001, 0.001]
    lookback = [32, 16]
    bidirectional = [True]
    convInputLayer = [True]
    kernelSize = [4, 6, 8, 10]
    noFilters = [4, 8, 15, 20, 30]
    poolSize = [2, 4, 6]

    hyperParameterSpace = list(

    assetList = ["WMT", "AAPL", "ABT"]
    data = dataUtils.loadScaleDataMultivariate(assetList, dataPath)
    splitIndex = int(0.8 * len(data.scaledTimeSeries))

    validationErrorMin = float("inf")
    optimalParameter = None
    trainingLog = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
        "Validation Loss",
        "Training Loss",
        "Kernel Size",
        "No Filters",
        "Pooling Size",

    totalIterations = len(hyperParameterSpace)

    for _ in range(totalIterations):

        if exists(saveLogPath):
            trainingLog = pd.read_csv(saveLogPath, sep=",", index_col=[0])

        idx = len(trainingLog)

        noLayers = hyperParameterSpace[idx][0]
        noNodes = hyperParameterSpace[idx][1]
        dropout = hyperParameterSpace[idx][2]
        regularization = hyperParameterSpace[idx][3]
        lookback = hyperParameterSpace[idx][4]
        bidirectional = hyperParameterSpace[idx][5]
        convInputLayer = hyperParameterSpace[idx][6]
        kernelSize = hyperParameterSpace[idx][7]
        filters = hyperParameterSpace[idx][8]
        poolSize = hyperParameterSpace[idx][9]
        architecture = []


        for _ in range(noLayers):

        testLSTM = LSTMmodel(


        trainingHistory = testLSTM.train(5000,

        validationError = trainingHistory.history["val_loss"][-1]
        trainingError = trainingHistory.history["loss"][-1]
        noEpochs = len(trainingHistory.history["val_loss"])

            strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) + "   " + str(idx) +
            " / " + str(totalIterations) + "  Epochs: " + str(noEpochs))
        print(str(architecture) + "  " + str(np.round(validationError, 4)))

        trainingLog.loc[idx] = {
            "Time": strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()),
            "Architecture": str(architecture),
            "Bidirectional": bidirectional,
            "Validation Loss": validationError,
            "Training Loss": trainingError,
            "Epochs": noEpochs,
            "Lookback": lookback,
            "Dropout": dropout,
            "Regularization": regularization,
            "Kernel Size": kernelSize,
            "No Filters": filters,
            "Pooling Size": poolSize,

        trainingLog.to_csv(saveLogPath, sep=",")

        if validationError < validationErrorMin:
            validationErrorMin = validationError
            optimalParameter = hyperParameterSpace[idx]

        del testLSTM
        del trainingLog

Exemple #4
for seq in tfSites.values():

motif = Motifs.create(seqs)

pfm = DataFrame(motif.counts, index=range(1, 10), columns=['A', 'C', 'G',
pfm = pfm.reindex(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'])
pwm = pfm / pfm.sum()
pwm = dfWrapper(pwm)

Ps = {}
#Initialize the Ps matrix
for pos in range(1, 9):
    Ps[pos] = {}
    for firstBase, secondBase in cartProduct(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'],
                                             ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']):
            Ps[pos][firstBase][secondBase] = 0
            Ps[pos][firstBase] = {secondBase: 0}

#Count the number of times each base is found together
for seq in seqs:
    for pos in range(0, 8):
        Ps[pos + 1][seq[pos]][seq[pos + 1]] += 1

#Scale to make a PW transition matrix
transMat = {}
for pos in range(1, 9):
    transMat[pos] = {}
    for firstBase, secondBase in cartProduct(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'],
def P_ki_G_kipo_evdnc( street = -1, \
                       ki = (-1,-1), \
                       kipo = (-1,-1), \
                       #cluster_id = -1, \
                       #action_int = -1, \
                       evidence = [{},[]], \
                       lookups = ['PA','PAK','Ptrans'], \
                       no_Z = False ) :

    action_int = evidence[1][street]
    PA,PAK,Ptrans = [lookups[i] for i in range(3)]
    Pa = lookupPA( PA, street, action_int )

    #This street must compute P(ki|Ai,bi)
    street_is_final = kipo == (-1,-1)
    if street_is_final :

        ki_p1, ki_p2 = ki[0], ki[1]
        Pak = lookupPAK( PAK, street, ki_p1, ki_p2, action_int )
        Pk1 = lookupPk( street, ki_p1 )
        Pk2 = lookupPk( street, ki_p2 )
        Pk = Pk1 * Pk2
        Pka = Pak * Pk / Pa
        return Pka
        return Pak

    #Rest of streets must compute P(ki|Ai,bi,kipo)
    else :

        kipo_p1 = kipo[0]
        kipo_p2 = kipo[1]

        cboards = evidence[0][street+1]
        conditional = lookupPtrans( Ptrans, street+1, cboards )

        KIPO1 = lookupPk(street+1,kipo_p1)
        KIPO2 = lookupPk(street+1,kipo_p2)
        KIPO = KIPO1 * KIPO2

        if no_Z :
            ki_p1,ki_p2 = ki

            K1 = lookupPk(street, ki_p1)
            K2 = lookupPk(street, ki_p2)

            BT1 = conditional[ki_p1][kipo_p1]
            BT2 = conditional[ki_p2][kipo_p2]

            AK = lookupPAK( PAK, street, ki_p1, ki_p2, action_int )

            term = AK * K1 * K2 * BT1 * BT2
            return term
        else :

            numerator = 0
            Z = 0

            terms = {}

            #all possible bucket assignments for the current street
            #used to compute the partition Z
            ki_buckets = range(globles.NBUCKETS[street])
            all_ki_pairs = cartProduct(ki_buckets, ki_buckets)
            for (ki_p1,ki_p2) in all_ki_pairs :

                K1 = lookupPk(street, ki_p1)
                K2 = lookupPk(street, ki_p2)

                BT1 = conditional[ki_p1][kipo_p1]
                BT2 = conditional[ki_p2][kipo_p2]

                AK = lookupPAK( PAK, street, ki_p1, ki_p2, action_int )

                term = AK * K1 * K2 * BT1 * BT2
                #term = AK * BT1 * BT2

                terms["%d,%d" % (ki_p1,ki_p2)] = term

                ###if this assignment is same as the one passed in
                if (ki_p1,ki_p2) == ki :
                    numerator = term

                Z += term

            if Z == 0 : assert False
            else :
                return numerator / Z
def balanced_P_ki_G_evdnc( final_street, evidence, lookups, m ) :
    assert final_street != 0

    if m % 2 == 0 : m += 1
    ml_assmnts_by_street = []
    for street in range( 1,final_street+1 ) :

        #assign probabilities to all assignments just based on this streets action
        assmnt_probs = justAK( street, evidence, lookups )
        sassmnts = sorted( assmnt_probs.keys(), key=lambda kpair : assmnt_probs[kpair], reverse=True )

        # fill up:
        street_assmnts = []
        remaining_p1 = (m-1)/2
        remaining_p2 = (m-1)/2
        remaining_tie = 1

        ix = 0
        while not( remaining_p1 == 0 and remaining_p2 == 0 and remaining_tie == 0 ) :
            (k1,k2) = sassmnts[ix]
            do_append = False
            if k1 > k2 :
                if remaining_p1 > 0 :
                    do_append = True
                    remaining_p1 -= 1
            elif k2 > k1 :
                if remaining_p2 > 0 :
                    do_append = True
                    remaining_p2 -= 1
            else :
                if remaining_tie > 0 :
                    do_append = True
                    remaining_tie -= 1

            #append the assignment and it's probability
            if do_append :
                street_assmnts.append( sassmnts[ix] )

            ix += 1

        print street, street_assmnts
        ml_assmnts_by_street.append( street_assmnts )

    #poss_assmnts = [-1]
    #for street in range( 1, final_street+1 ):
        #poss_assmnts = cartProduct( poss_assmnts, ml_assmnts_by_street[street] )

    #poss_assmnts = cartProduct( *ml_assmnts_by_street )
    poss_assmnts = [BktAssmnt( [(-1,-1)]+list(t) ) for t in cartProduct( *ml_assmnts_by_street )]

    assmnt_probs = {}
    for assmnt in poss_assmnts :
        #print "assmnt after made:", str(assmnt)
        prob = 1
        for street in range(3,0,-1) :
            ki = assmnt.get(street)
            kipo = assmnt.get(street+1)

            #print "ki,kipo", ki, kipo
            prob *= P_ki_G_kipo_evdnc( street, ki, kipo, \
                                       evidence, lookups )
            if prob == 0 :
                #print evidence
                #print "kipo to ki is prob() = 0", kipo, ki

        #print prob
        if prob > 0 :
            assmnt_probs[assmnt] = prob

    return assmnt_probs
def pf_P_ki_G_evdnc( final_street, evidence, lookups, ms=[-1,50,50,100], no_Z = False ) :
    assert final_street != 0

    #the m BktAssmnts we filter after each street
    particles = [BktAssmnt()]
    old_assignment_probs = { particles[0] : 1 }

    #now starting at final_street and doing "backward" inference
    begin_street = 1
    for street in range( final_street, begin_street-1, -1 ) :

        #form an extended set of assignments, built on existing particles
        #will compute prob for each assignment, and take the m highest prob
        #as our new particles
        street_bkts = range(globles.NBUCKETS[street])
        new_bkt_tuples = cartProduct( street_bkts, street_bkts )

        ##compute prob of each assignmnt
        assignment_probs = {}
        for (assmnt, bkt_tuple) in cartProduct( particles, new_bkt_tuples ) :

            #print evidence, street
            P_tuple = P_ki_G_kipo_evdnc( street = street, \
                                         ki = bkt_tuple, \
                                         kipo = assmnt.get(street+1), \
                                         #action_int = action_int, \
                                         lookups = lookups, \
                                         evidence = evidence, \
                                         no_Z = no_Z )

            #print "street, ki, action_int : ", street, bkt_tuple, action_int
            #print "P_tuple: ", P_tuple

            P_assmnt = old_assignment_probs[ assmnt ]
            P_assmnt = P_assmnt * P_tuple
            new_assmnt = assmnt.setAndCopy( street, bkt_tuple )
            assignment_probs[ new_assmnt ] = P_assmnt

        #for count,assmnt in enumerate( assignments ) :
            ##there is room for speedup here
            ##we are re-computing each assignment each time
            ##stupid because each assignment is a product of terms
            ##if we store the previous terms we can simply multiple the 
            ##new term to it
            #p = P_assmnt_G_evdnc( assmnt, evidence, lookups )
            #assignment_probs[ str(assmnt) ] = p

        #particle filter step
        #print "street, begin:", street, begin_street
        if street > begin_street :
            sassignments = sorted( assignment_probs.keys(), \
                                   key = lambda k: assignment_probs[k], \
                                   reverse = True )
            particles = []
            mm = min( ms[street], len(sassignments) )
            #print "mm:", mm
            for i in range(mm) :
                assmnt = sassignments[i]
                p = assignment_probs[assmnt]
                print "Assignment: ", str(assmnt), " has prob: ", p
                particles.append( sassignments[i] )

            old_assignment_probs = assignment_probs

    return assignment_probs
# Get file name and order from input
filename = sys.argv[1];
order = ord(sys.argv[2]) - ord('0');

# Load all Caylay tables
tbls = CayleyTable.readAllTables(filename, order);

# Run tests on each Cayley table for each permutation of the group set
groupSet = tbls[0].symbols;
tableNum = 0;
count = 0;
total = 0;
for tbl in tbls:
    tableNum += 1;
    for (a, b, c) in cartProduct(groupSet, repeat=3):
        ab = tbl.simplifyTerm(a + b);
        ba = tbl.simplifyTerm(b + a);
        ac = tbl.simplifyTerm(a + c);
        ca = tbl.simplifyTerm(c + a);
        b_Scab = tbl.findLeftMultipleInSetProduct(b, c+a+b);  #empty if not true
        c_cabS = tbl.findRightMultipleInSetProduct(c, c+a+b); #empty if not true
        if len(b_Scab) > 0 and len(c_cabS) > 0 and ab == ba and ac == ca:
            for (v, w) in cartProduct(b_Scab, c_cabS):
                vca = tbl.simplifyTerm(v + c + a);
                abw = tbl.simplifyTerm(a + b + w);
                if vca != abw:
                    print tableNum;
                    print '(a = ' + a + ', b = ' + b + ', c = ' + c + ')';