Exemple #1
def _initialize_module():
    A function to explicitly avoid polluting the global namespace

    def _get_lazy_attributes(local_lazy_attributes, l_module, l_data):
        template_names = [t[0] for t in l_data["templates"]]
        is_in_library = [t[3] for t in l_data["templates"] if len(t) > 3]
        local_attributes = dict([(n, l_module) for n in template_names])
        attributes_in_module = dict(
            [(n, belongs) for n, belongs in zip(template_names, is_in_library)]
        items = local_attributes.items()
        for kk, vv in items:
            if is_in_library and attributes_in_module[kk] is True:
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(kk, []).insert(0, vv)
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(kk, []).append(vv)
        if "snake_case_functions" in l_data:
            for function in l_data["snake_case_functions"]:
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(function, []).append(l_module)
        return l_module, l_data

    import itkBase
    import itkConfig
    import itkLazy
    import itkTypes
    import itkExtras
    import os
    import sys

    this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
    if itkConfig.LazyLoading:
        # If we are loading lazily (on-demand), make a dict mapping the available
        # classes/functions/etc. (read from the configuration modules) to the
        # modules they are declared in. Then pass that dict to a LazyITKModule
        # instance and (later) do some surgery on sys.modules so that the 'itk'
        # module becomes that new instance instead of what is executed from this
        # file.
        lazy_attributes = {}
        for module, data in itkBase.itk_base_global_module_data.items():
            _get_lazy_attributes(lazy_attributes, module, data)

        if isinstance(this_module, itkLazy.LazyITKModule):
            # Handle reload case where we've already done this once.
            # If we made a new module every time, multiple reload()s would fail
            # because the identity of sys.modules['itk'] would always be changing.
            this_module.__init__(__name__, lazy_attributes)
            del lazy_attributes
            this_module = itkLazy.LazyITKModule(__name__, lazy_attributes)
        # We're not lazy-loading. Just load the modules in the order specified in
        # the known_modules list for consistency.
        for module in itkBase.itk_base_global_known_modules:
            itkBase.itk_load_swig_module(module, this_module.__dict__)

    # Regardless of how it was loaded, fill up the itk module with the ITK types
    # and extras.
    for k, v in itkTypes.__dict__.items():
        if k != "itkCType" and not k.startswith("_"):
            setattr(this_module, k, v)
    for k, v in itkExtras.__dict__.items():
        if not k.startswith("_"):
            setattr(this_module, k, v)

    # Populate itk.ITKModuleName
    for module, data in itkBase.itk_base_global_module_data.items():
        attributes = {}
        module, data = _get_lazy_attributes(attributes, module, data)
        itk_module = itkLazy.LazyITKModule(module, attributes)
        setattr(this_module, module, itk_module)

    # Set the __path__ attribute, which is required for this module to be used as a
    # package
    setattr(this_module, "__path__", __path__)
    setattr(this_module, "__spec__", __spec__)  # pytype: disable=name-error

    if itkConfig.LazyLoading:
        # this has to be the last step, else python gets confused about itkTypes
        # and itkExtras above. I'm not sure why...
        sys.modules[__name__] = this_module
        # do some cleanup
        del module, this_module, itk_module
        del itkBase, itkConfig, itkLazy, itkTypes, itkExtras, os, sys
Exemple #2
    # modules they are declared in. Then pass that dict to a LazyITKModule
    # instance and (later) do some surgery on sys.modules so that the 'itk'
    # module becomes that new instance instead of what is executed from this file.
    lazyAttributes = {}
    for module, data in itkBase.module_data.items():
        templateNames = [t[0] for t in data['templates']]
        attributes = dict([(n, module) for n in templateNames])
    if isinstance(thisModule, itkLazy.LazyITKModule):
        # Handle reload case where we've already done this once.
        # If we made a new module every time, multiple reload()s would fail
        # because the identity of sys.modules['itk'] would always be changing.
        thisModule.__init__(__name__, lazyAttributes)
        del lazyAttributes
        thisModule = itkLazy.LazyITKModule(__name__, lazyAttributes)
    # We're not lazy-loading. Just load the modules in the order specified in
    # the known_modules list for consistency.
    for module in itkBase.known_modules:
        itkBase.LoadModule(module, thisModule.__dict__)

# Regardless of how it was loaded, fill up the itk module with the ITK types
# and extras.
for k, v in itkTypes.__dict__.items():
    if k != 'itkCType' and not k.startswith('_'):
        setattr(thisModule, k, v)
for k, v in itkExtras.__dict__.items():
    if not k.startswith('_'):
        setattr(thisModule, k, v)
Exemple #3
def _initialize_module():
    A function to explicitly avoid polluting the global namespace

    def _get_lazy_attributes(local_lazy_attributes, l_module, l_data):
        template_feature_tuples = [
            (t[0], t[3]) if len(t) > 3 else (t[0], False) for t in l_data["templates"]
        for (template_name, is_in_library) in template_feature_tuples:
            if is_in_library:
                # insert in front front if in library
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(template_name, []).insert(0, l_module)
                # append to end
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(template_name, []).append(l_module)
        if "snake_case_functions" in l_data:
            for function in l_data["snake_case_functions"]:
                # snake case always appended to end
                local_lazy_attributes.setdefault(function, []).append(l_module)

    import itkBase
    import itkConfig
    import itkLazy
    import sys

    if itkConfig.LazyLoading:
        # If we are loading lazily (on-demand), make a dict mapping the available
        # classes/functions/etc. (read from the configuration modules) to the
        # modules they are declared in. Then pass that dict to a LazyITKModule
        # instance and (later) do some surgery on sys.modules so that the 'itk'
        # module becomes that new instance instead of what is executed from this
        # file.
        lazy_attributes = {}
        for module, data in itkBase.itk_base_global_module_data.items():
            _get_lazy_attributes(lazy_attributes, module, data)

        if isinstance(sys.modules[__name__], itkLazy.LazyITKModule):
            # Handle reload case where we've already done this once.
            # If we made a new module every time, multiple reload()s would fail
            # because the identity of sys.modules['itk'] would always be changing.
            sys.modules[__name__].__init__(__name__, lazy_attributes)
            del lazy_attributes
            # Create a new LazyITKModule
            lzy_module = itkLazy.LazyITKModule(__name__, lazy_attributes)
            # Set the __path__ attribute, which is required for this_module
            # to be used as a package
            setattr(lzy_module, "__path__", __path__)
            setattr(lzy_module, "__spec__", __spec__)  # pytype: disable=name-error
            # Now override the default  sys.modules[__name__] (__name__  == 'itk' )
            sys.modules[__name__] = lzy_module
        # We're not lazy-loading. Just load the modules in the order specified in
        # the known_modules list for consistency.
        for module in itkBase.itk_base_global_module_data.keys():
            itkBase.itk_load_swig_module(module, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)

    # Populate itk.ITKModuleName
    for module, data in itkBase.itk_base_global_module_data.items():
        attributes = {}
        _get_lazy_attributes(attributes, module, data)
        itk_module = itkLazy.LazyITKModule(module, attributes)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], module, itk_module)

    # Regardless of how it was loaded, fill up the itk module with the ITK types
    # and extras.
    import itkTypes

    for k, v in itkTypes.__dict__.items():
        if k != "itkCType" and not k.startswith("_"):
            setattr(sys.modules[__name__], k, v)
    del itkTypes

    import itkInitHelpers

    for k, v in itkInitHelpers.__dict__.items():
        if not k.startswith("_"):
            setattr(sys.modules[__name__], k, v)
    del itkInitHelpers

    import itkExtras

    for k, v in itkExtras.__dict__.items():
        if not k.startswith("_"):
            setattr(sys.modules[__name__], k, v)
    del itkExtras

    # --
    # Needed to propagate symbol to itk.image from itkTemplate.image
    import itkTemplate

    setattr(sys.modules[__name__], "image", itkTemplate.image)
    setattr(sys.modules[__name__], "output", itkTemplate.output)
    del itkTemplate