Exemple #1
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

# Import from itools
from itools.handlers import RWDatabase
from itools.loop import Loop
from itools.web import WebServer, RootResource, BaseView

class MyView(BaseView):
    access = True
    def GET(self, resource, context):
        return 'Hello World'

class MyRoot(RootResource):
    default_view_name = 'my_view'
    my_view = MyView()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = MyRoot()
    server = WebServer(root)
    server.listen('localhost', 8080)
    server.database = RWDatabase()
    loop = Loop()
Exemple #2
def start(options, target):
    # Check the server is not running
    pid = get_pid('%s/pid' % target)
    if pid is not None:
        print '[%s] The Web Server is already running.' % target
        return 1
    # XXX Obsolete code, remove by 0.70
    sub_pid = get_pid('%s/pid-subprocess' % target)
    if sub_pid is not None:
            '[%s] The Web Server subprocess is running, please use '
            'icms-stop.py to stop it.') % target
        return 1

    # Check for database consistency
    if options.quick is False and check_database(target) is False:
        return 1

    # Check instance is up to date
    if not is_instance_up_to_date(target):
        print 'The instance is not up-to-date, please type:'
        print '    $ icms-update.py %s' % target
        return 1

    # Daemon mode
    if options.detach:

    # Set-up the server
    server = Server(target,

    # Update Git tree-cache, to speed things up

    # Find out the IP to listen to
    config = server.config
    address = config.get_value('listen-address').strip()
    if not address:
        raise ValueError, 'listen-address is missing from config.conf'
    if address == '*':
        address = None

    # Find out the port to listen
    port = config.get_value('listen-port')
    if port is None:
        raise ValueError, 'listen-port is missing from config.conf'

    server.listen(address, port)
    server.set_context('/', CMSContext)
    interval = config.get_value('cron-interval')
    if interval:
        cron(server.cron_manager, 1)

    # Run
    profile = options.profile_time
    profile = ('%s/log/profile' % target) if profile else None
    loop = Loop(pid_file='%s/pid' % target, profile=profile)

    # Ok
    return 0
Exemple #3
    access = True

    def GET(self, resource, context):
        today = datetime.date.today()
        path = today.strftime("%Y/%m/;view_calendar")
        return get_reference(path)

class MyRoot(RootResource):
    default_view_name = "root_view"
    root_view = RootView()

    def _get_resource(self, name):
        # Check the name is a valid year number
            year = int(name)
        except ValueError:
            raise LookupError
        if year < 1 or year > 9999:
            raise LookupError
        return Year()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = MyRoot()
    server = WebServer(root)
    server.listen("localhost", 8080)
    server.database = RWDatabase()
    loop = Loop()
Exemple #4
def start(options, target):
    # Check the server is not running
    pid = get_pid('%s/pid' % target)
    if pid is not None:
        print '[%s] The Web Server is already running.' % target
        return 1
    # XXX Obsolete code, remove by 0.70
    sub_pid = get_pid('%s/pid-subprocess' % target)
    if sub_pid is not None:
        print ('[%s] The Web Server subprocess is running, please use '
               'icms-stop.py to stop it.') % target
        return 1

    # Check for database consistency
    if options.quick is False and check_database(target) is False:
        return 1

    # Check instance is up to date
    if not is_instance_up_to_date(target):
        print 'The instance is not up-to-date, please type:'
        print '    $ icms-update.py %s' % target
        return 1

    # Daemon mode
    if options.detach:

    # Set-up the server
    server = Server(target, read_only=options.read_only,

    # Update Git tree-cache, to speed things up

    # Find out the IP to listen to
    config = server.config
    address = config.get_value('listen-address').strip()
    if not address:
        raise ValueError, 'listen-address is missing from config.conf'
    if address == '*':
        address = None

    # Find out the port to listen
    port = config.get_value('listen-port')
    if port is None:
        raise ValueError, 'listen-port is missing from config.conf'

    server.listen(address, port)
    server.set_context('/', CMSContext)
    interval = config.get_value('cron-interval')
    if interval:
        cron(server.cron_manager, 1)

    # Run
    profile = options.profile_time
    profile = ('%s/log/profile' % target) if profile else None
    loop = Loop(pid_file='%s/pid' % target, profile=profile)

    # Ok
    return 0