def create_augumentation_mesh(self, dim, newdim, generate_type): """ return a list of offset [(dr1,dc1),(dr2,dc2), ...,(drn,dcn)] (dri,dci) is the lower points for i-th window( in row, col format) """ if generate_type in set(['rt', 'neg_sample']): mesh = iu.cartesian_product2(np.asarray( [range(dim[0] - newdim[0] + 1), range(dim[1] - newdim[1] + 1)])) elif generate_type == 'ct': dx = (dim[0] - newdim[0])/2 dy = (dim[1] - newdim[1])/2 mesh =[(dx,dy)] return mesh
def create_augumentation_mesh(self, dim, newdim, generate_type): """ return a list of offset [(dr1,dc1),(dr2,dc2), ...,(drn,dcn)] (dri,dci) is the lower points for i-th window( in row, col format) """ if generate_type in set(['rt', 'neg_sample']): mesh = iu.cartesian_product2( np.asarray([ range(dim[0] - newdim[0] + 1), range(dim[1] - newdim[1] + 1) ])) elif generate_type == 'ct': dx = (dim[0] - newdim[0]) / 2 dy = (dim[1] - newdim[1]) / 2 mesh = [(dx, dy)] return mesh
def generate_rt_data(self, matpath): """ in each mat mat['X'] is image data mat['Y'] is npart x ndata array """ mat = sio.loadmat(matpath) dim = mat['dim'][0] ndata = (mat['X'].shape)[1] sample_num = self.savedata_info['sample_num'] totaldata = sample_num * ndata * 2 newdim = self.savedata_info['newdim'] nparts = self.meta['nparts'] filter_size = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['filter_size'] stride = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['stride'] rate = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['rate'] mdim = self.get_indmapdim(newdim, filter_size, stride) if newdim[0] > dim[0] or newdim[1] > dim[1]: raise HMLPEError('Invalid new size ') if (dim[0] - newdim[0] + 1) * (dim[1] - newdim[1] + 1) < sample_num: raise HMLPEError(' Invalid sample_num') res = {} per_size = min(totaldata, self.savedata_info['max_batch_size']) mesh = iu.cartesian_product2(np.asarray( [range(dim[0] - newdim[0] + 1), \ range(dim[1] - newdim[1] + 1)])) allX = mat['X'].reshape( (dim[0], dim[1],dim[2], ndata), order='F') allY = mat['Y'].reshape( (2,-1, ndata), order='F') newlen = newdim ) res['data'] = np.ndarray([newdim[0], newdim[1], newdim[2], per_size], \ dtype = np.uint8) res['labels'] = np.ndarray( [allY.shape[1], per_size], res['joints8'] = np.ndarray( [8, 2, per_size], dtype=np.float) res['oribbox'] = np.ndarray( [4, per_size], dtype = np.float) res['indmap'] = np.zeros((nparts, mdim[0], mdim[1], per_size), np.bool) res['filenames'] =[str() for x in range(per_size)] tmpres = dict() cur_id = self.batch_id pre_nc = 0 nc = 0 for it in range(ndata): curX = allX[...,it] curY = allY[...,it].transpose() curfilename = str(mat['imagepathlist'][0,it][0]) l = (np.random.permutation(range(len(mesh))))[:sample_num] for p in l: r,c = mesh[p] tmpX = curX tmpX = np.roll(tmpX, shift=-int(r), axis = 0) tmpX = np.roll(tmpX, shift=-int(c), axis = 1) tmpX = tmpX[:newdim[0], :newdim[1],:] res['data'][...,nc - pre_nc] = tmpX tmpY = curY - 1 + np.asarray([-c,-r]) res['joints8'][..., nc - pre_nc] = tmpY; res['filenames'][nc - pre_nc] = curfilename res['oribbox'][...,nc-pre_nc] = res['oribbox'][...,it] res['indmap'][...,nc-pre_nc] = self.create_indicatormap(tmpY, part_idx, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride) res['jointmasks'] = self.makejointmask(newdim, tmpY) nc = nc + 1 #flip image tmpX = tmpX[:,::-1,:] res['data'][...,nc - pre_nc] = tmpX res['filenames'][nc - pre_nc] = curfilename tmmY = flip_pose8_joint(newdim, tmpY) res['joints8'][...,nc -pre_nc] = tmpY res['oribbox'][...,nc-pre_nc] = res['oribbox'][...,it] res['indmap'][...,nc-pre_nc] = self.create_indicatormap(tmpY, part_idx, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride) res['jointmasks'] = self.makejointmask(newdim, tmpY)