Exemple #1
    def render_overlays(self, req):
        """Generate XML streams for the overlays.
        Returns a list of streams. Populates the scripts, styles, and 
        overlays = []
        styles = []
        scripts = []
        scripts_init = []
        if not self.allow_overlays:
            return (overlays, styles, scripts, scripts_init)

        for plugin in req.config.plugin_index[OverlayPlugin]:
            for overclass in plugin.overlays:
                if overclass in self.overlay_blacklist:
                overlay = overclass(req)
                #TODO: Re-factor this to look nicer
                for mplugin in overlay.plugin_scripts:
                    for path in overlay.plugin_scripts[mplugin]:
                        scripts.append(media_url(req, mplugin, path))

                for mplugin in overlay.plugin_styles:
                    for path in overlay.plugin_styles[mplugin]:
                        styles.append(media_url(req, mplugin, path))

                scripts_init += overlay.plugin_scripts_init

        return (overlays, styles, scripts, scripts_init)
Exemple #2
 def populate(self, req, ctx):
     ctx['windowpane'] = True
     ctx['maximize_path'] = media_url(req, CorePlugin, 
     ctx['minimize_path'] = media_url(req, CorePlugin, 
     ctx['start_body_attrs'] = {'class': 'console_body windowpane minimal'}
     return ctx
Exemple #3
 def populate(self, req, ctx):
     ctx['req'] = req
     ctx['offering'] = self.context
     ctx['mediapath'] = media_url(req, CorePlugin, 'images/')
     ctx['offering_perms'] = self.context.get_permissions(
         req.user, req.config)
     ctx['EnrolView'] = EnrolView
     ctx['EnrolmentEdit'] = EnrolmentEdit
     ctx['EnrolmentDelete'] = EnrolmentDelete
Exemple #4
    def populate(self, req, ctx):
        ctx['req'] = req
        ctx['mediapath'] = media_url(req, CorePlugin, 'images/')
        ctx['SubjectView'] = SubjectView
        ctx['SubjectEdit'] = SubjectEdit
        ctx['SemesterEdit'] = SemesterEdit

        ctx['subjects'] = req.store.find(Subject).order_by(Subject.name)
        ctx['semesters'] = req.store.find(Semester).order_by(
            Semester.year, Semester.display_name)
Exemple #5
    def populate_headings(self, req, ctx):
        ctx['favicon'] = None
        ctx['root_dir'] = req.config['urls']['root']
        ctx['public_host'] = req.config['urls']['public_host']
        ctx['svn_base'] = req.config['urls']['svn_addr']
        ctx['write_javascript_settings'] = req.write_javascript_settings
        if req.user:
            ctx['login'] = req.user.login
            ctx['logged_in'] = True
            ctx['nick'] = req.user.nick
            ctx['login'] = None
            ctx['logged_in'] = False
        ctx['publicmode'] = req.publicmode
        if hasattr(self, 'help'):
            ctx['help_path'] = self.help

        ctx['apps_in_tabs'] = []
        for plugin in req.config.plugin_index[ViewPlugin]:
            if not hasattr(plugin, 'tabs'):

            for tab in plugin.tabs:
                # tab is a tuple: name, title, desc, icon, path, weight, admin
                # (Admin is optional, defaults to false)
                new_app = {}
                new_app['this_app'] = hasattr(self, 'tab') \
                                      and tab[0] == self.tab

                # Icon name
                if tab[3] is not None:
                    new_app['has_icon'] = True
                    icon_url = media_url(req, plugin, tab[3])
                    new_app['icon_url'] = icon_url
                    if new_app['this_app']:
                        ctx['favicon'] = icon_url
                    new_app['has_icon'] = False
                # The following check is here, so it is AFTER setting the
                # icon, but BEFORE actually installing the tab in the menu
                if len(tab) > 6 and tab[6]:
                    # Admin-only tab
                    if not (req.user and req.user.admin):
                new_app['path'] = req.make_path(tab[4])
                new_app['desc'] = tab[2]
                new_app['name'] = tab[1]
                new_app['weight'] = tab[5]

        ctx['apps_in_tabs'].sort(key=lambda tab: tab['weight'])
Exemple #6
    def populate(self, req, ctx):
        if len(self.path) == 0:
            # If no path specified, default to the user's home directory
            redirectPath = req.make_path(os.path.join('files', req.user.login))

        # Set request attributes
        self.plugin_styles[Plugin] = ['browser.css',
        self.plugin_scripts[Plugin] = ['browser.js',
        self.plugin_scripts['+external/codemirror'] = ['js/codemirror.js']
        self.scripts_init = ["browser_init"]

        # Start writing data

        # TODO: Set this properly. We can't get into the jail from server-side
        # code at the moment, so we can't determine this.
        isdir = False

        revision = ivle.svn.revision_from_string(
            revno = revision.number
            revno = None

        ctx['isdir'] = isdir
        ctx['revno'] = revno

        self.extra_breadcrumbs = make_path_breadcrumbs(req, self.subpath,revno)

        self.gen_actions(req, ctx)

        # The page title should contain the name of the file being browsed
        ctx['title'] = os.path.normpath(self.path).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

        ctx['fileservice_action'] = req.make_path(os.path.join("fileservice",
        ctx['filename'] = cgi.escape(self.path)

        # Media URL for CodeMirror
        ctx['codemirrorpath'] = media_url(req, '+external/codemirror', '')
Exemple #7
    def render(self, req):
        req.content_type = 'text/html' # TODO: Detect application/xhtml+xml

        # View template
        viewctx = genshi.template.Context()
        self.populate(req, viewctx)

        # The template is found in the directory of the module containing the
        # view.
        app_template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
                        inspect.getmodule(self).__file__), self.template) 
        tmpl = self._loader.load(app_template)
        app = self.filter(tmpl.generate(viewctx), viewctx)

        view_scripts = []
        for plugin in self.plugin_scripts:
            for path in self.plugin_scripts[plugin]:
                view_scripts.append(media_url(req, plugin, path))

        view_styles = []
        for plugin in self.plugin_styles:
            for path in self.plugin_styles[plugin]:
                view_styles.append(media_url(req, plugin, path))

        # Global template
        ctx = genshi.template.Context()

        overlay_bits = self.render_overlays(req) if req.user else [[]]*4
        ctx['overlays'] = overlay_bits[0]

        ctx['styles'] = [media_url(req, CorePlugin, 'ivle.css')]
        ctx['styles'] += view_styles
        ctx['styles'] += overlay_bits[1]

        ctx['scripts'] = [media_url(req, CorePlugin, path) for path in
                           ('util.js', 'json2.js', 'md5.js')]
        ctx['scripts'].append(media_url(req, '+external/jquery', 'jquery.js'))
        ctx['scripts'] += view_scripts
        ctx['scripts'] += overlay_bits[2]

        ctx['scripts_init'] = self.scripts_init + overlay_bits[3]
        ctx['app_template'] = app
        ctx['title_img'] = media_url(req, CorePlugin,
            ancestry = self.get_context_ancestry(req)
        except NoPath:
            ancestry = []

        crumber = Breadcrumber(req)

        ctx['breadcrumbs'] = []
        if not req.publicmode:
            for ancestor in ancestry:
                crumb = crumber.crumb(ancestor)
                if crumb is None:

                if hasattr(crumb, 'extra_breadcrumbs_before'):
                if hasattr(crumb, 'extra_breadcrumbs_after'):

            # If the view has specified text for a breadcrumb, add one.
            if self.breadcrumb_text:
                ctx['breadcrumbs'].append(ViewBreadcrumb(req, self))

            # Allow the view to add its own fake breadcrumbs.

        self.populate_headings(req, ctx)
        tmpl = self._loader.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 
        req.write(tmpl.generate(ctx).render('xhtml', doctype='xhtml'))