def test_jacobian(self): mndata = MNISTData(path='../mnist') images, labels = r = 49 # a nice number three image_layer = Image(image_data=images[r], label=labels[r]) dense = Dense(reLU(), (1, 1)) model = Model(layers=[image_layer, dense]) model.compile(build=True) weight_count = model.weight_count() # bump and grind gradients = finite_differences(model, False) jacobian = list(flatten(dense.jacobian())) mod_jacb = list(flatten(model.jacobian())) assert len(gradients) == len(jacobian) for g, j, m in zip(gradients.values(), jacobian, mod_jacb): print(f'{g[0]:8.6f} {j:8.6f} {m:8.6f}') for g, j, m in zip(gradients.values(), jacobian, mod_jacb): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[0], j, delta=0.001) self.assertAlmostEqual(j, m, delta=0.000001)
r = 49 # a nice number three image_layer = Image(image_data=images[r], label=labels[r]) cnn = CNN(reLU(), (3, 3), (0, 0)) dense = Dense(reLU(), (10, 1)) category = Category([i for i in range(10)]) model = Model(layers=[image_layer, cnn, dense, category]) model.compile(build=True) cat = model.predict() print(cat) prob = model.probability() print(prob) n_weights = model.weight_count() gradient = 0 i = 0 while gradient == 0 and i < n_weights: gradient = finite_difference(model, i, epsilon=0.01) i += 1 print(gradient) weights = model.weights() print(weights) weight_counts = model.weight_counts() print(weight_counts) n_weights = model.weight_count()