def test_backup_load(tmp_path, project_root): # Prepare environment src_path = project_root + os.sep + 'jal' + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH target_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH copyfile(src_path, target_path) init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) # Here backup is created without parent window - need to use with care db_file_name = get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) backup = JalBackup(None, db_file_name) backup.backup_name = project_root + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + "test_data" + os.sep + "deals_set.tgz" assert backup.validate_backup() # Check validation assert backup._backup_label_date == '2021/01/01 00:00:00+0300' backup.do_restore() # Check restoration db = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM settings") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 7 db.close() os.remove(target_path) # Clean db init script os.remove(get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep)) # Clean db file
def init_db(self, db_path) -> JalDBError: db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", Setup.DB_CONNECTION) if not db.isValid(): return JalDBError(JalDBError.DbDriverFailure) db.setDatabaseName(get_dbfilename(db_path)) db.setConnectOptions("QSQLITE_ENABLE_REGEXP=1") sqlite_version = readSQL("SELECT sqlite_version()") if parse_version(sqlite_version) < parse_version( Setup.SQLITE_MIN_VERSION): db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.OutdatedSqlite) tables = db.tables(QSql.Tables) if not tables:"Loading DB initialization script") error = self.run_sql_script(db_path + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH) if error.code != JalDBError.NoError: return error schema_version = JalSettings().getValue('SchemaVersion') if schema_version < Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.OutdatedDbSchema) elif schema_version > Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.NewerDbSchema) _ = executeSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") db_triggers_enable() return JalDBError(JalDBError.NoError)
def test_invalid_backup(tmp_path, project_root): # Prepare environment src_path = project_root + os.sep + 'jal' + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH target_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH copyfile(src_path, target_path) init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) # Here backup is created without parent window - need to use with care db_file_name = get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) invalid_backup = JalBackup(None, db_file_name) invalid_backup.backup_name = project_root + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + "test_data" + os.sep + "invalid_backup.tgz" assert not invalid_backup.validate_backup() os.remove(target_path) # Clean db init script os.remove(get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep)) # Clean db file
def __init__(self, language): QMainWindow.__init__(self, None) self.running = False self.setupUi(self) self.restoreGeometry(base64.decodebytes(JalSettings().getValue('WindowGeometry', '').encode('utf-8'))) self.restoreState(base64.decodebytes(JalSettings().getValue('WindowState', '').encode('utf-8'))) self.ledger = Ledger() # Customize Status bar and logs self.ProgressBar = QProgressBar(self) self.StatusBar.addPermanentWidget(self.ProgressBar) self.ProgressBar.setVisible(False) self.ledger.setProgressBar(self, self.ProgressBar) self.Logs.setStatusBar(self.StatusBar) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.addHandler(self.Logs) log_level = os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper() self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self.currentLanguage = language self.downloader = QuoteDownloader() self.statements = Statements(self) self.reports = Reports(self, self.mdiArea) self.backup = JalBackup(self, get_dbfilename(get_app_path())) self.estimator = None self.price_chart = None self.actionImportSlipRU.setEnabled(dependency_present(['pyzbar', 'PIL'])) self.actionAbout = QAction("About"), parent=self) self.MainMenu.addAction(self.actionAbout) self.langGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuLanguage) self.createLanguageMenu() self.statementGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuStatement) self.createStatementsImportMenu() self.reportsGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuReports) self.createReportsMenu() self.setWindowIcon(load_icon("jal.png")) self.connect_signals_and_slots() self.actionOperations.trigger()
def test_db_creation(tmp_path, project_root): # Prepare environment src_path = project_root + os.sep + 'jal' + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH target_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH copyfile(src_path, target_path) error = init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) # Check that sqlite db file was created result_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.DB_PATH assert os.path.exists(result_path) assert os.path.getsize(result_path) > 0 assert error.code == LedgerInitError.EmptyDbInitialized os.remove(target_path) # Clean db init script os.remove(get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep)) # Clean db file
def prepare_db(project_root, tmp_path, data_path): # Prepare environment src_path = project_root + os.sep + 'jal' + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH target_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH copyfile(src_path, target_path) # Activate db connection error = init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) assert error.code == LedgerInitError.EmptyDbInitialized error = init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) assert error.code == LedgerInitError.DbInitSuccess db = QSqlDatabase.database(Setup.DB_CONNECTION) assert db.isValid() lang_id = JalDB().get_language_id('en') assert lang_id == 1 yield os.remove(target_path) # Clean db init script os.remove(get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep)) # Clean db file
def __init__(self, language): QMainWindow.__init__(self, None) self.setupUi(self) self.currentLanguage = language self.current_index = None # this is used in onOperationContextMenu() to track item for menu self.ledger = Ledger() self.downloader = QuoteDownloader() self.taxes = TaxesRus() self.statements = StatementLoader() self.backup = JalBackup(self, get_dbfilename(get_app_path())) self.estimator = None self.price_chart = None self.actionImportSlipRU.setEnabled( dependency_present(['pyzbar', 'PIL'])) self.actionAbout = QAction("About"), parent=self) self.MainMenu.addAction(self.actionAbout) self.langGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuLanguage) self.createLanguageMenu() self.statementGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuStatement) self.createStatementsImportMenu() # Set icons self.setWindowIcon(load_icon("jal.png")) self.NewOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("new.png")) self.CopyOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("copy.png")) self.DeleteOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("delete.png")) # Operations view context menu self.contextMenu = QMenu(self.OperationsTableView) self.actionReconcile = QAction(load_icon("reconcile.png"),"Reconcile"), self) self.actionCopy = QAction(load_icon("copy.png"),"Copy"), self) self.actionDelete = QAction(load_icon("delete.png"),"Delete"), self) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionReconcile) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionCopy) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionDelete) # Customize Status bar and logs self.ProgressBar = QProgressBar(self) self.StatusBar.addWidget(self.ProgressBar) self.ProgressBar.setVisible(False) self.ledger.setProgressBar(self, self.ProgressBar) self.NewLogEventLbl = QLabel(self) self.StatusBar.addWidget(self.NewLogEventLbl) self.Logs.setNotificationLabel(self.NewLogEventLbl) self.Logs.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.addHandler(self.Logs) log_level = os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper() self.logger.setLevel(log_level) # Setup reports tab self.reports = Reports(self.ReportTableView, self.ReportTreeView) # Customize UI configuration self.balances_model = BalancesModel(self.BalancesTableView) self.BalancesTableView.setModel(self.balances_model) self.balances_model.configureView() self.holdings_model = HoldingsModel(self.HoldingsTableView) self.HoldingsTableView.setModel(self.holdings_model) self.holdings_model.configureView() self.HoldingsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.operations_model = OperationsModel(self.OperationsTableView) self.OperationsTableView.setModel(self.operations_model) self.operations_model.configureView() self.OperationsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect_signals_and_slots() self.NewOperationMenu = QMenu() for i in range(self.OperationsTabs.count()): if hasattr(self.OperationsTabs.widget(i), "isCustom"): self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect( self.ledger.rebuild) self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect( self.operations_model.refresh) self.NewOperationMenu.addAction( self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).name, partial(self.createOperation, i)) self.NewOperationBtn.setMenu(self.NewOperationMenu) # Setup balance and holdings parameters current_time = QDateTime.currentDateTime() current_time.setTimeSpec( Qt.UTC) # We use UTC everywhere so need to force TZ info self.BalanceDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.BalancesCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')) self.HoldingsDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.HoldingsCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')) self.OperationsTabs.setCurrentIndex(TransactionType.NA) self.OperationsTableView.selectRow(0) self.OnOperationsRangeChange(0)
def test_fifo(tmp_path, project_root): # Prepare environment src_path = project_root + os.sep + 'jal' + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH target_path = str(tmp_path) + os.sep + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH copyfile(src_path, target_path) init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) db_file_name = get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) backup = JalBackup(None, db_file_name) backup.backup_name = project_root + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + "test_data" + os.sep + "deals_set.tgz" backup.do_restore() error = init_and_check_db(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) assert error.code == LedgerInitError.DbInitSuccess ledger = Ledger() ledger.rebuild(from_timestamp=0) # Check single deal db_file_name = get_dbfilename(str(tmp_path) + os.sep) db = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name) cursor = db.cursor() # Check single deal cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=4") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=4") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 994 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=4") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 6 # One buy multiple sells cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=5") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=5") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == -56 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=5") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 6 # Multiple buy one sell cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=6") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=6") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == -1306 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=6") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 6 # One sell multiple buys cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=7") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=7") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == -78 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=7") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 3 # Multiple sells one buy cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=8") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=8") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 317 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=8") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 3 # Multiple buys and sells cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=9") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 11 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=9") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 3500 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(fee) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=9") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0 # Symbol change cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=10") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=11") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=11") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1200 # Spin-off cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=12") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=12") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0 # Multiple corp actions cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=13 AND corp_action IS NOT NULL") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=13") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=14") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 3 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=14 AND corp_action IS NOT NULL") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=14 AND corp_action IS NULL") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 75 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=14 AND corp_action IS NOT NULL") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=15 AND corp_action IS NOT NULL") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1 cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=15") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 274 # Stock dividend cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=16") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 3 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=16") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == approx(1500) cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=16 AND close_timestamp=1608454800") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == approx(166.666667) cursor.execute("SELECT profit FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=16 AND close_timestamp=1608541200") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == approx(1333.333333) # Order of buy/sell cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=17") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=17") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 140 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=18") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 4 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(qty) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=18") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == -2 cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(profit) FROM deals_ext WHERE asset_id=18") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 200 # totals cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals AS d " "LEFT JOIN sequence as os ON = d.open_sid " "LEFT JOIN sequence as cs ON = d.close_sid") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 41 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals AS d " "LEFT JOIN sequence as os ON = d.open_sid " "LEFT JOIN sequence as cs ON = d.close_sid " "WHERE os.type==3 AND cs.type==3") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 27 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals AS d " "LEFT JOIN sequence as os ON = d.open_sid " "LEFT JOIN sequence as cs ON = d.close_sid " "WHERE os.type!=5 OR cs.type!=5") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 37 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deals AS d " "LEFT JOIN sequence as os ON = d.open_sid " "LEFT JOIN sequence as cs ON = d.close_sid " "WHERE os.type==5 AND cs.type==5") assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == 4 # validate final amounts cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(sid), asset_id, sum_amount, sum_value FROM ledger_sums " "GROUP BY asset_id") ledger_sums = cursor.fetchall() for row in ledger_sums: if row[1] == 1: # Checking money amount assert row[2] == 16760 else: assert row[2] == 0 assert row[3] == 0 db.close()