def getLinks(page): url = URI(page).toURL() conn = url.openConnection() isr = InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()) br = BufferedReader(isr) kit = HTMLEditorKit() doc = kit.createDefaultDocument() parser = ParserDelegator() callback = doc.getReader(0) parser.parse(br, callback, 1) iterator = doc.getIterator(HTML.Tag.A) while iterator.isValid(): try: attr = iterator.getAttributes() src = attr.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF) start = iterator.getStartOffset() fini = iterator.getEndOffset() length = fini - start text = doc.getText(start, length) print '%40s -> %s' % (text, src) except: pass
def __readWsdlWithIdooxFactory(url, importWsdlDocuments = 1): from com.idoox.wsdl.factory import WSDLFactoryImpl from com.idoox.wsdl.util import XmlUtil from org.idoox.transport import TransportMethod wsdlfactoryIdox = WSDLFactoryImpl() reader = wsdlfactoryIdox.newWSDLReader() if importWsdlDocuments == 1: reader.setFeature('javax.wsdl.importDocuments', Boolean.TRUE) else: reader.setFeature('javax.wsdl.importDocuments', Boolean.FALSE) uri = URI(url) url = uri.toURL() urlStr = url.toString() connectionProperties = HashMap(7) endpoint = XmlUtil.createEndpoint(None, urlStr) connection = endpoint.newConnection(TransportMethod.GET, connectionProperties) inputMessage = connection.getInputMessage() statusCode = inputMessage.getStatusCode() endpoint = XmlUtil.checkRedirectedUri(connection, endpoint) if statusCode >= 400: raise WSDLException('INVALID_WSDL', 'Cannot get WSDL from URL ' + str(endpoint.toExternalForm()) + ' (status code ' + str(statusCode) + ')') wsdlData = XmlHelper.prettyPrintXml(XmlHelper.loadRootElement(inputMessage)) logger.debug('Got wsdl content:\n', wsdlData) definition = reader.readWSDL(urlStr) return wsdlData, definition
def __readWsdlWithIdooxFactory(url, importWsdlDocuments=1): from com.idoox.wsdl.factory import WSDLFactoryImpl from com.idoox.wsdl.util import XmlUtil from org.idoox.transport import TransportMethod wsdlfactoryIdox = WSDLFactoryImpl() reader = wsdlfactoryIdox.newWSDLReader() if importWsdlDocuments == 1: reader.setFeature('javax.wsdl.importDocuments', Boolean.TRUE) else: reader.setFeature('javax.wsdl.importDocuments', Boolean.FALSE) uri = URI(url) url = uri.toURL() urlStr = url.toString() connectionProperties = HashMap(7) endpoint = XmlUtil.createEndpoint(None, urlStr) connection = endpoint.newConnection(TransportMethod.GET, connectionProperties) inputMessage = connection.getInputMessage() statusCode = inputMessage.getStatusCode() endpoint = XmlUtil.checkRedirectedUri(connection, endpoint) if statusCode >= 400: raise WSDLException( 'INVALID_WSDL', 'Cannot get WSDL from URL ' + str(endpoint.toExternalForm()) + ' (status code ' + str(statusCode) + ')') wsdlData = XmlHelper.prettyPrintXml( XmlHelper.loadRootElement(inputMessage)) logger.debug('Got wsdl content:\n', wsdlData) definition = reader.readWSDL(urlStr) return wsdlData, definition
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): configurationLink = Hyperlink( 'CONFIGURATION PAGE', linkHeader = LinkHeaderBar([configurationLink]) title = TitleBar('About') splash = Image.systemImage('SplashScreen.png') desc = NormalText( 'The Larch Environment was designed and written by Geoffrey French' ) jythonLink = Hyperlink('Jython', URI('')) jerichoLink = Hyperlink('Jericho HTML parser', URI('')) salamanderLink = Hyperlink('SVG Salamander', URI('')) googleFontsLink = Hyperlink('Google Fonts', URI('')) jythonAcks = NormalText([ 'The Larch Environment incorporates the ', jythonLink, ' interpreter.' ]) libraryAcks = NormalText([ 'Larch incorporates the ', jerichoLink, ', and ', salamanderLink, ' libraries.' ]) fontAcks = NormalText([ 'Larch incorporates the following fonts (found at ', googleFontsLink, '): ', 'Arimo (by Steve Matteson), Lora (by Cyreal), Nobile (by Vernon Adams), Noto Sans (by Google), ', 'Open Sans (by Steve Matteson), PT Serif (by ParaType), and Source Sans Pro (by Paul D. Hunt)' ]) copyright = NormalText('(C) copyright Geoffrey French 2008-2013') homePage = Hyperlink('The Larch Environment website', URI('')) head = Head([linkHeader, title]) body = Body([ splash.padY(20.0).alignHCentre(), desc.padY(10.0).alignHCentre(), Spacer(0.0, 10.0), jythonAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), libraryAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), fontAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), Spacer(0.0, 10.0), Row([copyright.alignHLeft(), homePage.alignHRight()]).pad(10.0, 10.0).alignHExpand() ]) return Page([head, body]))
def __init__(self, url, account, username, password): print "Creating Conjur client for '%s', account '%s', user '%s'" % ( url, account, username) authnUri = URI.create("%s/authn/%s/" % (url, account)) secretsUri = URI.create("%s/secrets/%s/variable" % (url, account)) endpoints = Endpoints(authnUri, secretsUri) self.resourceClient = ResourceClient(username, password, endpoints)
def replace_tokens(self, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, resource_dict): """ Replace the tokens in attribute value with the current value. :param resource_type: the resource type (used for logging purposes) :param resource_name: the resource name (used for logging purposes) :param attribute_name: the attribute name for which to replace tokens :param resource_dict: the dictionary to use to lookup and replace the attribute value """ attribute_value = resource_dict[attribute_name] if attribute_value is None: return uri = URI(attribute_value) uri_scheme = uri.getScheme() if uri_scheme is not None and uri_scheme.startsWith('file'): attribute_value = uri.getPath() if attribute_value.startswith(self.ORACLE_HOME_TOKEN): message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.ORACLE_HOME_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, self.get_oracle_home(), class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.ORACLE_HOME_TOKEN, self.get_oracle_home()) elif attribute_value.startswith(self.WL_HOME_TOKEN): message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.WL_HOME_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, self.get_wl_home(), class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.WL_HOME_TOKEN, self.get_wl_home()) elif attribute_value.startswith(self.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN): message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, self.get_domain_home(), class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN, self.get_domain_home()) elif attribute_value.startswith(self.JAVA_HOME_TOKEN): message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.JAVA_HOME_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, self.get_domain_home(), class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.JAVA_HOME_TOKEN, self.get_java_home()) elif attribute_value.startswith(self.CURRENT_DIRECTORY_TOKEN): cwd = path_utils.fixup_path(os.getcwd()) message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.CURRENT_DIRECTORY_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, cwd, class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.CURRENT_DIRECTORY_TOKEN, cwd) elif attribute_value.startswith(self.TEMP_DIRECTORY_TOKEN): temp_dir = path_utils.fixup_path(tempfile.gettempdir()) message = "Replacing {0} in {1} {2} {3} with {4}" self._logger.fine(message, self.TEMP_DIRECTORY_TOKEN, resource_type, resource_name, attribute_name, temp_dir, class_name=self._class_name, method_name='_replace_tokens') resource_dict[attribute_name] = attribute_value.replace(self.TEMP_DIRECTORY_TOKEN, temp_dir) return
def extract_from_uri(model_context, path_value): """ If the MBean path attribute has a URI file scheme, look past the scheme and resolve any global tokens. :param model_context: current context containing job information :param path_value: MBean attribute path :return: fully resolved URI path, or the path_value if not a URI scheme """ uri = URI(path_value) if uri.getScheme() == 'file': return FILE_URI + model_context.replace_token_string(uri.getPath()[1:]) return path_value
def mouseClicked(self, event): if event.source == self.jDocs: uri = URI.create("") if uri and Desktop.isDesktopSupported() and Desktop.getDesktop( ).isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE): Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri) return
def _open_website(self, url): uri = URI(url) desktop = None if Desktop.isDesktopSupported(): desktop = Desktop.getDesktop() if desktop and desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE): desktop.browse(uri)
def submit(request, now=False, block=True, broker_uri=None): if (broker_uri is None): broker_uri = getScanningBrokerUri() """Submit an existing ScanRequest to the GDA server. See the mscan() docstring for details of `now` and `block`. """ scan_bean = ScanBean(request) # Generates a sensible name for the scan from the request. # Throws an exception if we made a bad bean json = getEventService().getEventConnectorService().marshal(scan_bean) if now: raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: Raise priority. submitter = getEventService().createSubmitter(URI(broker_uri), SUBMISSION_QUEUE) if block: submitter.setTopicName(STATUS_TOPIC) submitter.blockingSubmit(scan_bean) else: submitter.submit(scan_bean)
def __present_contents__(self, fragment, inheritedState): self._incr.onAccess() dirPres = self._presentDir() note = NotesText([ 'Note: please choose the location of the GraphViz ', EmphSpan('bin'), ' directory.' ]) columnContents = [note, dirPres] if self._config is not None: columnContents.append(self._presentConfig()) pathContents = Column(columnContents) pathSection = Section(SectionHeading2('GraphViz path'), pathContents) downloadText = '' if self.__isConfigured(): downloadText = 'GraphViz appears to be installed on this machine and configured. If it does not work correctly, you may need to install it. You can download it from the ' else: downloadText = 'If GraphViz is not installed on this machine, please install it. You can download it from the ' downloadLink = Hyperlink('GraphViz homepage', URI('')) download = NormalText([downloadText, downloadLink, '.']) downloadSec = Section( SectionHeading2('GraphViz download/installation'), download) return Body([pathSection, downloadSec])
def getCapabilities(self): # -> Capabilities try: return Capabilities(HashSet([ProtocolRef(URI("SAOP"))])) except: getReporter().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create capabilities URI", e) return None
def install(version): """ Downloads and installs redis """ script = [] script.append(Statements.exec("ensure_netutils_apt")) script.append( Statements.exec( "ensure_cmd_or_install_package_apt make build-essential")) script.append( Statements.extractTargzAndFlattenIntoDirectory( URI.create("" % version), "/usr/local/src/redis")) script.append( Statements.exec("(cd /usr/local/src/redis && make && make install)")) script.append(Statements.exec("{md} /var/lib/redis")) script.append( Statements.exec("sed -i 's/^daemonize no/daemonize yes/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append( Statements.exec( "sed -i 's/^logfile .*/logfile \/var\/log\/redis.log/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append( Statements.exec("sed -i 's/^dbfilename .*/dbfilename redis.rdb/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append( Statements.exec("sed -i 's/^dir .*/dir \/var\/lib\/redis/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append( Statements.appendFile("/etc/sysctl.conf", ["vm.overcommit_memory = 1"])) script.append(Statements.exec("sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1")) script.append( Statements.exec( "/usr/local/bin/redis-server /usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) return script
def add_loc_info(self, node, obj): """ Add file location meta information to CPG objects. """ obj.setFile(self.fname) if not isinstance(node, ast.AST): self.log_with_loc( "Expected an AST object but received %s. Not adding location." % (type(node)), loglevel="ERROR") return uri = URI("file://" + self.fname) obj.setLocation(PhysicalLocation(uri, Region(node.lineno, node.col_offset, node.end_lineno, node.end_col_offset) ) ) obj.setCode(self.sourcecode.get_snippet(node.lineno, node.col_offset, node.end_lineno, node.end_col_offset) )
def __init__(self, program): url = "{}".format(program.slug) btn = JButton("Open in browser") btn.addActionListener( CallbackActionListener(lambda _: Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI(url))) ) self.add(btn)
def get_rel_path_from_uri(model_context, path_value): """ If the MBean attribute is a URI. To extract it from the archive, need to make it into a relative path. :param model_context: current context containing run information :param path_value: the full value of the path attribute :return: The relative value of the path attribute """ uri = URI(path_value) if uri.getScheme() == 'file': value = model_context.tokenize_path(uri.getPath()) if value.startswith(model_context.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN): # point past the token and first slash value = value[len(model_context.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN) + 1:] return value return path_value
def install(version): """ Downloads and installs redis """ script = [] script.append(Statements.exec("ensure_netutils_apt")) script.append(Statements.exec( "ensure_cmd_or_install_package_apt make build-essential")) script.append(Statements.extractTargzAndFlattenIntoDirectory( URI.create("" % version), "/usr/local/src/redis")) script.append(Statements.exec( "(cd /usr/local/src/redis && make && make install)")) script.append(Statements.exec("{md} /var/lib/redis")) script.append(Statements.exec( "sed -i 's/^daemonize no/daemonize yes/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append(Statements.exec( "sed -i 's/^logfile .*/logfile \/var\/log\/redis.log/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append(Statements.exec( "sed -i 's/^dbfilename .*/dbfilename redis.rdb/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append(Statements.exec( "sed -i 's/^dir .*/dir \/var\/lib\/redis/' " "/usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) script.append(Statements.appendFile("/etc/sysctl.conf", ["vm.overcommit_memory = 1"])) script.append(Statements.exec("sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1")) script.append(Statements.exec( "/usr/local/bin/redis-server /usr/local/src/redis/redis.conf")) return script
def streamManager(uri): """return a StreamManager context for the specified uri""" try: stream_manager = StreamManager.create(URI(uri)) yield stream_manager finally: if stream_manager: stream_manager.close()
def open(self, url, new=0, autoraise=1): if not Desktop.isDesktopSupported(): raise Error(" not supported in your environment") try: Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI(url)) return True except IOError as e: raise Error(e)
def readerGroupManager(uri, scope): """return a ReaderGroupManager context""" try: reader_group_manager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, URI(uri)) yield reader_group_manager finally: if reader_group_manager: reader_group_manager.close()
def extract_from_uri(model_context, path_value): """ If the MBean path attribute has a URI file scheme, look past the scheme and resolve any global tokens. If the filename contains non-standard RFC 2936 and does not represent a file but rather a future file. :param model_context: current context containing job information :param path_value: MBean attribute path :return: fully resolved URI path, or the path_value if not a URI scheme """ _method_name = 'extract_from_uri' try: uri = URI(path_value) if uri.getScheme() == 'file': return FILE_URI + model_context.replace_token_string(uri.getPath()[1:]) except URISyntaxException, use: _logger.fine('WLSDPLY-09113', path_value, use, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
def _get_from_url(cluster_name, file_name): """ Determine if the provided file name is a URL location where the file is hosted. If it is a URL, return a URL stream that can be used to retrieve the file from the hosted location. :param cluster_name: of the coherence cluster being discovered :param file_name: of the file to be tested as a URL :return: True if the file is hosted at a URL: URL file handle for the archive file to retrieve the file """ url = None try: uri = URI(file_name) if 'http' == uri.getScheme(): url = uri.toURL() except (URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException), e: _logger.warning('WLSDPLY-06321', cluster_name, file_name, e.getLocalizedMessage) return False, None
def keyValueTableManager(uri): """create a kvt table manager""" key_value_table_manager = None try: key_value_table_manager = KeyValueTableManager.create(URI(uri)) yield key_value_table_manager finally: if key_value_table_manager: key_value_table_manager.close()
def __init__(self, rally_server, username, password, oauth_key): print "Initializing RallyClient\n" self.rally_server = rally_server rally_url = self.rally_server['url'] credentials = CredentialsFallback(self.rally_server, username, password).getCredentials() self.rest_api = None self.configure_proxy() self.rest_api = Rally(URI(rally_url), credentials['username'], credentials['password'], apikey=oauth_key if oauth_key else self.rally_server['oAuthKey'], verify_ssl_cert=False)
def onAboutClick(self, event): """Open the about webpage of this extension. Args: event (obj): The Java on click event. """ Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI(""))
def __init__(self, text="Open In Browser"): self.menuitem = JMenuItem(text) self.menuitem.setEnabled(False) self.menuitem.addActionListener(self) self.openers = [ lambda url: Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI(url)), lambda url:["xdg-open", url]), lambda url:["open", url]) ]
def eventStreamClientFactory(uri, scope): """create an EventStreamClientFactory""" clientFactory = None try: clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope( scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(URI(uri)).build()) yield clientFactory finally: if clientFactory: clientFactory.close()
def _button_web_browser_pressed(self, msg): url = "" field = self._get_btn_field_value(msg) if field[0] == "phantomJS_args": url = PhantomJS.uri elif field[0] == "url": url = field[1] Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI(url))
def get_rel_path_from_uri(model_context, path_value): """ If the MBean attribute is a URI. To extract it from the archive, need to make it into a relative path. If it contains non-standard RF 2396 characters, assume it is not a file name in the archive. :param model_context: current context containing run information :param path_value: the full value of the path attribute :return: The relative value of the path attribute """ _method_name = 'get_rel_path_from_uri' try: uri = URI(path_value) if uri.getScheme() == 'file': value = model_context.tokenize_path(uri.getPath()) if value.startswith(model_context.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN): # point past the token and first slash value = value[len(model_context.DOMAIN_HOME_TOKEN)+1:] return value except URISyntaxException, use: _logger.fine('WLSDPLY-09113', path_value, use, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
def keyValueTableFactory(uri, scope): """create a KeyValueTableFactory""" kvt_factory = None try: kvt_factory = KeyValueTableFactory.withScope( scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(URI(uri)).build()) yield kvt_factory finally: if kvt_factory: kvt_factory.close()
def actionPerformed(self, event): import java.awt.Desktop as Desktop import as URI cmd = event.getActionCommand() if cmd == COMMAND_SEND: Desktop.getDesktop().browse( URI("")) self.setVisible(0) self.dispose()
def __init__(self): # self.LaunchApplication("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HPE\\Unified Functional Testing\\bin\\LFTRuntime.exe") newConfig = LFT.ModifiableSDKConfiguration() address = URI("ws://localhost:5095") print("I am here") newConfig.setServerAddress(address) print("I am there") LFT.SDK.init(newConfig) print("I am Done") self.appModel = print(dir(self.appModel))
def download_file(self, url, filePath): """Downloads a file form url and save it as filePath """ try: print "\ndownloading" print url print filePath inputStream = URI.create(url).toURL().openStream() Files.copy(inputStream, Paths.get(filePath)) return True except (UnknownHostException, SocketException), e: print e print "I cannot download:\n%s" % url return False
class XLRequest: def __init__(self, url, method, body, username, password, content_type, accept): self.__buildCredentials(username, password) self.__buildHeaders(content_type, accept) self.__buildURI(url) self.__buildRequest() self.__buildConnection() self.method = method self.body = body def send(self): self.connection.request(self.method, self.request, self.body, self.headers) return XLResponse.XLResponse(self.connection.getresponse()) def __buildCredentials(self, username, password): if username and password: self.credentials = base64.b64encode(username + ':' + password) else: self.credentials = None def __buildHeaders(self, content_type, accept): if self.credentials: self.headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + self.credentials, 'Content-Type': content_type, 'User-Agent': 'XebiaLabs', 'Accept': accept} else: self.headers = {'Content-Type': content_type, 'User-Agent': 'XebiaLabs', 'Accept': accept} def __buildURI(self, url): self.uri = URI(urllib.quote(url, ':/?&=%')) def __buildRequest(self): self.request = self.uri.getPath() if self.uri.getQuery(): self.request = '%s?%s' % (self.request, self.uri.getQuery()) def __buildConnection(self): host = self.uri.getHost() if self.uri.getPort() != -1: host = '%s:%s' % (host, self.uri.getPort()) if self.uri.getScheme() == 'https': self.connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) else: self.connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
def __buildURI(self, url): self.uri = URI(urllib.quote(url, ':/?&=%'))
from import URISyntaxException; from java.util import List; from java.util import Iterator; from java.util import ArrayList; from java.lang import Object; from org import jdom from opendap import dap from org.apache import log4j; from ucar.nc2.units import DateType; from java.lang import StringBuilder print("This is thredds.__init__()") #tempURI = inFileName = "/home/cui/Dropbox/projects/ccesf/code/backesg/esg/esg-octopus/plugouts/thredds/example_v1.xml" outFileName = "/home/cui/Dropbox/projects/ccesf/code/backesg/esg/esg-octopus/plugouts/thredds/cat_out.xml" arg = [inFileName, outFileName] #my_main = CatalogGen.main(arg) tmpURI = URI( inFileName) configFile = File( inFileName ) tmpURI = configFile.toURI() configDocURL = tmpURI.toURL() log = StringBuilder() catGen = CatalogGen(configDocURL) if catGen.isValid(log): catGen.expand() catGen.writeCatalog(outFileName)
def create(parent): demoWidget = JythonScriptDemoWidget(parent, SWT.NONE) demoWidget.setScriptPath(URI.create('bundle://')) injectObject(demoWidget)
# # THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE NOT SUPPORTED BY XEBIALABS. # from com.spotify.docker.client import DefaultDockerClient, DockerCertificates from import URI from java.nio.file import FileSystems dockerRunner = deployed.container serverUrl = dockerRunner.getProperty("serverUrl") certificateLocation = dockerRunner.getProperty("certificateLocation") print "Connecting to docker runner: %s" % certificatePath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(certificateLocation) docker = DefaultDockerClient.builder().uri(URI.create(serverUrl)).dockerCertificates(DockerCertificates(certificatePath)).build(); print "Connected to docker runner: %s" % print "Dockerfile located at: %s" % deployed.file.file.getCanonicalPath(),docker.BuildParameter.FORCE_RM)