Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(AboutDialog, self).__init__()

        # Open the files and build a tab pane
        self.tabbedPane = tabs = JTabbedPane()

        for title, path in self.INFO_FILES:
            textPane = JTextPane()
            textPane.editable = False
            scrollPane = JScrollPane(textPane)
            scrollPane.preferredSize = (32767, 32767)  # just a large number

            with open(path, 'r') as fd:
                infoText = fd.read().decode('utf8')
                textPane.text = infoText

            textPane.caretPosition = 0
            tabs.addTab(title, scrollPane)

        # Load this tabbed pane into the layout
        self.add(tabs, BorderLayout.CENTER)

        # Add a label at the top
        versionLabel = JLabel(JESVersion.TITLE + " version " +
        versionLabel.alignmentX = Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT

        versionPanel = JPanel()
        self.add(versionPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START)

        # Make an OK button
        self.okButton = JButton(self.ok)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):
        super(AboutDialog, self).__init__()

        # Open the files and build a tab pane
        self.tabbedPane = tabs = JTabbedPane()

        for title, path in self.INFO_FILES:
            textPane = JTextPane()
            textPane.editable = False
            scrollPane = JScrollPane(textPane)
            scrollPane.preferredSize = (32767, 32767)   # just a large number

            with open(path, 'r') as fd:
                infoText = fd.read().decode('utf8')
                textPane.text = infoText

            textPane.caretPosition = 0
            tabs.addTab(title, scrollPane)

        # Load this tabbed pane into the layout
        self.add(tabs, BorderLayout.CENTER)

        # Add a label at the top
        versionLabel = JLabel(JESVersion.TITLE + " version " + JESVersion.RELEASE)
        versionLabel.alignmentX = Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT

        versionPanel = JPanel()
        self.add(versionPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START)

        # Make an OK button
        self.okButton = JButton(self.ok)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self):
        super(IntroDialog, self).__init__()

        # Open the text file and make a text pane
        textPane = JTextPane()
        textPane.editable = False

        scrollPane = JScrollPane(textPane)
        scrollPane.preferredSize = (32767, 32767)   # just a large number

        with open(self.INFO_FILE, 'r') as fd:
            infoText = fd.read().decode('utf8').replace(
                "@version@", JESVersion.VERSION
            textPane.text = infoText

        # Load the scroll pane into the layout
        self.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER)

        # Make an OK button
        self.okButton = JButton(self.ok)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self):
        super(BugReportDialog, self).__init__()

        # Add a message
        textPane = JTextPane()
        textPane.editable = False

        version = "\n".join("    " + line for line in JESVersion.getMessage().splitlines())
        textPane.text = MESSAGE % version

        scrollPane = JScrollPane(textPane)
        scrollPane.preferredSize = (32767, 32767)   # just a large number

        # Load it into the layout
        self.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER)

        # Make buttons
        self.sendButton = JButton(self.send)

        self.closeButton = JButton(self.close)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self):
        super(BugReportDialog, self).__init__()

        # Add a message
        textPane = JTextPane()
        textPane.editable = False

        version = "\n".join("    " + line
                            for line in JESVersion.getMessage().splitlines())
        textPane.text = MESSAGE % version

        scrollPane = JScrollPane(textPane)
        scrollPane.preferredSize = (32767, 32767)  # just a large number

        # Load it into the layout
        self.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER)

        # Make buttons
        self.sendButton = JButton(self.send)

        self.closeButton = JButton(self.close)
Exemple #6
    def getUiComponent(self):
        """Burp uses this method to obtain the component that should be used as
        the contents of the custom tab when it is displayed.
        Returns a awt.Component.
        # GUI happens here
        from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JList, JTextPane,
                                 JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel, JLabel,
                                 JTabbedPane, JEditorPane)
        from java.awt import BorderLayout
        panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())

        # create a list and then JList out of it.
        colors = [
            "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
            "magenta", "gray", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

        # create a list - the list is not used in this example
        list1 = JList(colors)
        list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION

        # create a StyledDocument for tab 1
        from javax.swing.text import DefaultStyledDocument
        doc = DefaultStyledDocument()
        # create a JTextPane from doc
        tab1 = JTextPane(doc)
        tab1.editable = False

        # we can add more styles
        # new styles can be a child of previous styles
        # our first style is a child of the default style
        from javax.swing.text import StyleContext, StyleConstants
        defaultStyle = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(

        # returns a Style
        regular = doc.addStyle("regular", defaultStyle)
        StyleConstants.setFontFamily(defaultStyle, "Times New Roman")

        # make different styles from regular
        style1 = doc.addStyle("italic", regular)
        StyleConstants.setItalic(style1, True)

        style1 = doc.addStyle("bold", regular)
        StyleConstants.setBold(style1, True)

        style1 = doc.addStyle("small", regular)
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(style1, 10)

        style1 = doc.addStyle("large", regular)
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(style1, 16)

        # insert text
        doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is regular\n",
        doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is italic\n",
        doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is bold\n", doc.getStyle("bold"))
        doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is small\n", doc.getStyle("small"))
        doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is large\n", doc.getStyle("large"))

        # create the tabbedpane
        tabs = JTabbedPane()

        tabs.addTab("Tab 1", tab1)

        # create splitpane - horizontal split
        spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1), tabs)

        return panel