class Field(object): def __init__(self, cf): self._cf = cf self._access_flags = Flags('>H', { 'acc_public': 0x0001, 'acc_private': 0x0002, 'acc_protected': 0x0004, 'acc_static': 0x0008, 'acc_final': 0x0010, 'acc_volatile': 0x0040, 'acc_transient': 0x0080, 'acc_synthetic': 0x1000, 'acc_enum': 0x4000 }) self._name_index = 0 self._descriptor_index = 0 self._attributes = AttributeTable(cf) @property def descriptor(self): return self._cf.constants[self._descriptor_index] @property def name(self): return self._cf.constants[self._name_index] @property def access_flags(self): return self._access_flags @property def attributes(self): return self._attributes @property def value(self): """ A shortcut for the field's ConstantValue attribute, should one exist. """ constant_value = self.attributes.find_one(name='ConstantValue') return constant_value def _from_io(self, fio): self.access_flags.unpack( self._name_index, self._descriptor_index = unpack('>HH', self._attributes._from_io(fio) def _to_io(self, fout): fout.write(self.access_flags.pack()) fout.write(pack('>HH', self._name_index, self._descriptor_index)) self._attributes._to_io(fout)
class ClassFile(object): """ Implements the JVM ClassFile (files typically ending in ``.class``). To open an existing ClassFile:: from jawa import ClassFile with open('HelloWorld.class') as fin: cf = ClassFile(fin) To save a newly created or modified ClassFile:: with open('HelloWorld.class', 'wb') as fout: To create a new ClassFile, use the helper :meth:`~ClassFile.create`:: from jawa import ClassFile cf = ClassFile.create('HelloWorld') with open('HelloWorld.class', 'wb') as fout: :meth:`~ClassFile.create` sets up some reasonable defaults equivelent to: .. code-block:: java public class HelloWorld extends java.lang.Object{ } :param fio: any file-like object providing ``.read()``. """ #: The JVM ClassFile magic number. MAGIC = 0xCAFEBABE def __init__(self, fio=None): # Default to J2SE_7 self._version = ClassVersion(0x32, 0) self._constants = ConstantPool() self._access_flags = Flags('>H', { 'acc_public': 0x0001, 'acc_final': 0x0010, 'acc_super': 0x0020, 'acc_interface': 0x0200, 'acc_abstract': 0x0400, 'acc_synthetic': 0x1000, 'acc_annotation': 0x2000, 'acc_enum': 0x4000 }) self._this = 0 self._super = 0 self._interfaces = [] self._fields = FieldTable(self) self._methods = MethodTable(self) self._attributes = AttributeTable(self) if fio: self._from_io(fio) @classmethod def create(cls, this, super_='java/lang/Object'): """ A utility method which sets up reasonable defaults for a new public class. :param this: The name of this class. :param super_: The name of this class's superclass. """ cf = ClassFile() cf.access_flags.acc_public = True cf.access_flags.acc_super = True cf._this = cf.constants.create_class(this).index cf._super = cf.constants.create_class(super_).index return cf def save(self, fout): """ Saves the class to the file-like object `fout`. """ write = fout.write write(pack('>IHH', ClassFile.MAGIC, self.version.minor, self.version.major )) self._constants._to_io(fout) write(self.access_flags.pack()) write(pack('>HHH{0}H'.format(len(self._interfaces)), self._this, self._super, len(self._interfaces), *self._interfaces )) self._fields._to_io(fout) self._methods._to_io(fout) self._attributes._to_io(fout) # ------------ # Internal # ------------ def _from_io(self, fio): """ Loads an existing JVM ClassFile from any file-like object. """ read = if unpack('>I',[0] != ClassFile.MAGIC: raise ValueError('invalid magic number') # The version is swapped on disk to (minor, major), so swap it back. self.version = unpack('>HH',[::-1] self._constants._from_io(fio) # ClassFile access_flags, see section #4.1 of the JVM specs. self.access_flags.unpack(read(2)) # The CONSTANT_Class indexes for "this" class and its superclass. # Interfaces are a simple list of CONSTANT_Class indexes. self._this, self._super, interfaces_count = unpack('>HHH', read(6)) self._interfaces = unpack( '>{0}H'.format(interfaces_count), read(2 * interfaces_count) ) self._fields._from_io(fio) self._methods._from_io(fio) self._attributes._from_io(fio) # ------------- # Properties # ------------- @property def version(self): """ The :class:`` for this class. Example:: >>> cf.version = 51, 0 >>> print(cf.version) ClassVersion(major=51, minor=0) >>> print(cf.version.major) 51 """ return self._version @version.setter def version(self, (major, minor)): self._version = ClassVersion(major, minor)
class CodeAttribute(Attribute): @classmethod def create(cls, cf): c = cls(cf, cf.constants.create_utf8('Code').index) c._max_stack = 0 c._max_locals = 0 c._ex_table = [] c._attributes = AttributeTable(cf) c._code = '' return c def unpack(self, info): fio = StringIO(info) self._max_stack, self._max_locals, c_len = unpack('>HHI', self._code = # The exception table ex_table_len = unpack('>H',[0] self._ex_table = [] for _ in repeat(None, ex_table_len): self._ex_table.append(CodeException( *unpack('>HHHH', )) self._attributes = AttributeTable(self._cf) self._attributes._from_io(fio) fio.close() @property def info(self): fout = StringIO() fout.write(pack( '>HHI', self._max_stack, self._max_locals, len(self._code) )) fout.write(self._code) fout.write(pack('>H', len(self._ex_table))) for exception in self._ex_table: fout.write(pack('>HHHH', *exception)) self._attributes._to_io(fout) return fout.getvalue() @property def max_stack(self): return self._max_stack @max_stack.setter def max_stack(self, value): self._max_stack = value @property def max_locals(self): return self._max_locals @max_locals.setter def max_locals(self, value): self._max_locals = value @property def exception_table(self): return self._ex_table @property def code(self): return self._code @property def attributes(self): return self._attributes def assemble(self, code): """ Assembles an iterable of :class:`~jawa.util.bytecode.Instruction` objects into a methods code body. """ fout = StringIO() for ins in code: write_instruction(fout, fout.tell(), ins) self._code = fout.getvalue() fout.close() def disassemble(self): """ Disassembles this method. """ fio = StringIO(self._code) for ins in iter(lambda: read_instruction(fio, fio.tell()), None): yield ins
class Method(object): def __init__(self, cf): self._cf = cf self._access_flags = Flags('>H', { 'acc_public': 0x0001, 'acc_private': 0x0002, 'acc_protected': 0x0004, 'acc_static': 0x0008, 'acc_final': 0x0010, 'acc_synchronized': 0x0020, 'acc_bridge': 0x0040, 'acc_varargs': 0x0080, 'acc_native': 0x0100, 'acc_abstract': 0x0400, 'acc_strict': 0x0800, 'acc_synthetic': 0x1000 }) self._name_index = 0 self._descriptor_index = 0 self._attributes = AttributeTable(cf) @property def descriptor(self): return self._cf.constants[self._descriptor_index] @property def name(self): return self._cf.constants[self._name_index] @property def access_flags(self): return self._access_flags @property def attributes(self): return self._attributes @property def returns(self): return method_descriptor(self.descriptor.value).returns @property def args(self): return method_descriptor(self.descriptor.value).args @property def code(self): """ A shortcut for:: method.attributes.find_one(name='Code') """ return self.attributes.find_one(name='Code') def _from_io(self, fio): self.access_flags.unpack( self._name_index, self._descriptor_index = unpack('>HH', self._attributes._from_io(fio) def _to_io(self, fout): fout.write(self.access_flags.pack()) fout.write(pack('>HH', self._name_index, self._descriptor_index )) self._attributes._to_io(fout)