Exemple #1
 def test_flatten(self):
     Check the flattening of coordinations during beta-reduction is working
     # A 3-way coordination
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"(\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$x.rightonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto($x))")
     # We've already checked that this comes out nested as expected
     # Now check it flattens during beta-reduction
     self.assertIsInstance(sem0.lf, Coordination)
     self.assertEqual(len(sem0.lf), 3)
     # Try the exact same thing, but with brackets to make it combine the 
     #  other way initially
     sem1 = semantics_from_string(r"((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$x.rightonto($x))) & (\$x.leftonto($x))")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem1.lf, Coordination)
     self.assertEqual(len(sem1.lf), 3)
     # This should produce the same thing as before
     self.assertEqual(sem0, sem1)
     # This doesn't make sense, but Coordination shouldn't complain
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"<1,2> & ((\$x.rightonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto($x))) & <3,4> & <5,6>")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string(r"<1,2> & (\$x.rightonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto($x)) & <3,4> & <5,6>")
     self.assertEqual(sem0, sem1)
Exemple #2
 def test_leftonto(self):
     # Check the leftonto gets carried to the first item of the list
     sem = semantics_from_string("leftonto([<1,2>])")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0], FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].functor, Leftonto)
     # Check the same thing with a multi-element list
     sem = semantics_from_string("leftonto([<1,2>,<3,4>])")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0], FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].functor, Leftonto)
     # Now with multiple predicates
     sem = semantics_from_string("leftonto(leftonto([<1,2>]))")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0], FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].functor, Leftonto)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].argument, FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].argument.functor, Leftonto)
     # Check rightonto works as well
     sem = semantics_from_string("rightonto([<1,2>,<3,4>])")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0], FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0].functor, Rightonto)
Exemple #3
 def test_general(self):
     # Try doing some mixtures of things
     # Just make sure the parsing of these doesn't generate any errors
     sem0 = semantics_from_string("[<1,2>,<3,4>]+[<1,2>]")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string("\\$x. ($x <1,2>)")
     sem2 = semantics_from_string("\\$x. leftonto($x)")
     sem3 = semantics_from_string("\\$x. leftonto(($x <1,2>))")
     sem4 = semantics_from_string("[\\$x. leftonto(($x [<1,2>]))]")
Exemple #4
 def test_predicates(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("leftonto($X)")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.functor, Leftonto)
     sem = semantics_from_string("rightonto($X)")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, FunctionApplication)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.functor, Rightonto)
Exemple #5
 def test_now(self):
     # Build a now predicate and check there are no errors
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"now@1($x)")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string(r"\$x.now@1(leftonto($x))")
     sem2 = semantics_from_string(r"now@10((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x))))")
Exemple #6
 def test_coordination(self):
     # Create a simple coordination
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"(\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto($x))")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, Coordination)
     self.assertEqual(len(sem.lf), 2)
     # Creat a three-way coordination (in fact it will be nested)
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"(\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$x.rightonto($x)) & (\$x.leftonto($x))")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, Coordination)
     # This is actually length 2, because it's nested
     # It would beta-reduce to length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(sem.lf), 2)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[1], Coordination)
     self.assertEqual(len(sem.lf[1]), 2)
Exemple #7
 def test_list(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<1,2>]")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
     # Check the list was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(len(sem.lf), 1)
     # And the coordinate in it
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf[0], EnharmonicCoordinate)
     self.assertEqual((sem.lf[0].x,sem.lf[0].y), (1,2))
     # Multi-element list
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<1,2>,<3,4>]")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, List)
Exemple #8
 def test_call_me_irresponsible(self):
     # Call Me Irresponsible cadence
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[<0,0>, "\
                 r"(((\$y.(((\$x.leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto($x)))))) "\
                     r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) leftonto($y))) "\
                     r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) <0,0>)]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # One node in first tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     # Second tree is the hard one!
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>
     #   (leftonto(
     #      leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto)))) 
     #      leftonto(leftonto)) 
     #    leftonto(leftonto))
     # Check some things about the structure
     tree = trees[1].root
     # First split (just after root)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree), 2)
     # Other split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0]), 2)
     # Others should not split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0][0]), 1)
     # This is the lowest leaf
 def test_call_me_irresponsible(self):
     # Call Me Irresponsible cadence
     sem = semantics_from_string(
         r"[<0,0>, "
         r"(((\$y.(((\$x.leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto($x)))))) "
         r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) leftonto($y))) "
         r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) <0,0>)]"
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # One node in first tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     # Second tree is the hard one!
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>
     #   (leftonto(
     #      leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto))))
     #      leftonto(leftonto))
     #    leftonto(leftonto))
     # Check some things about the structure
     tree = trees[1].root
     # First split (just after root)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree), 2)
     # Other split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0]), 2)
     # Others should not split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0][0]), 1)
     # This is the lowest leaf
Exemple #10
 def test_coordinate(self):
     # Build a semantics of a single point
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be only one tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     # Should just contain the root node corresponding to the point
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
 def test_coordinate(self):
     # Build a semantics of a single point
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be only one tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     # Should just contain the root node corresponding to the point
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
 def test_coordinates(self):
     # Build a semantics of two points
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>, <2,2>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be two trees
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # Should just contain the root node each corresponding to the points
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[1]), 1)
Exemple #13
 def test_coordinates(self):
     # Build a semantics of two points
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>, <2,2>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be two trees
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # Should just contain the root node each corresponding to the points
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[1]), 1)
Exemple #14
 def test_variable(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("$var13")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, Variable)
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.name, "var")
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.index, 13)
     # Try one without a number
     sem = semantics_from_string("$var")
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.name, "var")
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.index, 0)
     # And a single-character
     sem = semantics_from_string("$X")
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.name, "X")
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.index, 0)
    def test_predicates(self):
        # Build a semantics of a leftonto/rightonto with resolution
        sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(<0,0>)]")
        # Build a tree for this
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have two nodes, leaf should be leftonto
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "leftonto")

        sem = semantics_from_string("[rightonto(<0,0>)]")
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have two nodes, leaf should be rightonto
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "rightonto")

        # Try multiple applications
        sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(<0,0>)))]")
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have 4 nodes
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 4)
Exemple #16
 def test_predicates(self):
     # Build a semantics of a leftonto/rightonto with resolution
     sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(<0,0>)]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have two nodes, leaf should be leftonto
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     sem = semantics_from_string("[rightonto(<0,0>)]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have two nodes, leaf should be rightonto
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "rightonto")
     # Try multiple applications
     sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(<0,0>)))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have 4 nodes
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 4)
 def test_coordination(self):
     # Build a semantics of a coordination
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$y.leftonto($y)) leftonto(<0,0>))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>(leftonto(leftonto leftonto))
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     tree = trees[0]
     self.assertEqual(tree.root.label, (0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(tree[0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][1].label, "leftonto")
Exemple #18
 def test_coordination(self):
     # Build a semantics of a coordination
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$y.leftonto($y)) leftonto(<0,0>))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>(leftonto(leftonto leftonto))
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     tree = trees[0]
     self.assertEqual(tree.root.label, (0,0))
     self.assertEqual(tree[0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][1].label, "leftonto")
Exemple #19
 def test_lambda_abstraction(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("\\$X.$X")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, LambdaAbstraction)
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.variable, Variable)
     # Check the expression was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.expression, Variable)
     # Something different
     sem = semantics_from_string("\\$X.<1,2>")
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.expression, EnharmonicCoordinate)
     # Try a multi-variable abstraction
     sem = semantics_from_string("\\$X,$Y.$X")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, LambdaAbstraction)
     # Check the first variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.variable, Variable)
     # Check the second abstraction is right too
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.expression, LambdaAbstraction)
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.expression.variable, Variable)
Exemple #20
 def test_function_application(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("($X $X)")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, FunctionApplication)
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.functor, Variable)
     # Check the expression was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.argument, Variable)
     sem = semantics_from_string("($X <1,2>)")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, FunctionApplication)
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.functor, Variable)
     # Check the expression was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.argument, EnharmonicCoordinate)
     sem = semantics_from_string("(($X <1,2>) <3,4>)")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, FunctionApplication)
     # Check the variable was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.functor, FunctionApplication)
     # Check the expression was correctly interpreted
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf.argument, EnharmonicCoordinate)
Exemple #21
 def test_function_application(self):
     # Check that \x.x works as it should: this should reduce to just a coord
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"(\$x.$x <1,2>)")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string("<1,2>")
     self.assertEqual(sem0, sem1)
     # Try a trivial abstraction that throws away its argument
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"(\$x.<1,2> $y)")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string("<1,2>")
     self.assertEqual(sem0, sem1)
     # Try a multiple abstraction applied to all its args
     sem0 = semantics_from_string(r"((\$x,$y.$x <1,2>) <3,4>)")
     sem1 = semantics_from_string("<1,2>")
     self.assertEqual(sem0, sem1)
Exemple #22
 def test_cat(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<1,2>]+[<3,4>]")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, ListCat)
     # Check the cat was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(len(sem.lf), 2)
Exemple #23
 def test_coordinate(self):
     sem = semantics_from_string("<3,4>")
     # Check this returned the right type
     self.assertIsInstance(sem.lf, EnharmonicCoordinate)
     # Check the coordinate was correctly interpreted
     self.assertEqual(sem.lf.harmonic_coord, (3,4))