Exemple #1
def fromagp(args):
    %prog fromagp agpfile componentfasta objectfasta

    Generate chain file from AGP format. The components represent the old
    genome (target) and the objects represent new genome (query).
    from jcvi.formats.agp import AGP
    from jcvi.formats.sizes import Sizes

    p = OptionParser(fromagp.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    agpfile, componentfasta, objectfasta = args
    chainfile = agpfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".chain"
    fw = open(chainfile, "w")
    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    componentsizes = Sizes(componentfasta).mapping
    objectsizes = Sizes(objectfasta).mapping
    chain = "chain"
    score = 1000
    tStrand = "+"
    id = 0
    for a in agp:
        if a.is_gap:

        tName = a.component_id
        tSize = componentsizes[tName]
        tStart = a.component_beg
        tEnd = a.component_end
        tStart -= 1

        qName = a.object
        qSize = objectsizes[qName]
        qStrand = "-" if a.orientation == "-" else "+"
        qStart = a.object_beg
        qEnd = a.object_end
        if qStrand == '-':
            _qStart = qSize - qEnd + 1
            _qEnd = qSize - qStart + 1
            qStart, qEnd = _qStart, _qEnd
        qStart -= 1

        id += 1
        size = a.object_span
        headerline = "\t".join(str(x) for x in (
             chain, score, tName, tSize, tStrand, tStart,
             tEnd, qName, qSize, qStrand, qStart, qEnd, id
        alignmentline = size
        print >> fw, headerline
        print >> fw, alignmentline
        print >> fw

    logging.debug("File written to `{0}`.".format(chainfile))
Exemple #2
def dedup(args):
    %prog dedup scaffolds.fasta

    Remove redundant contigs with CD-HIT. This is run prior to
    from jcvi.formats.fasta import gaps
    from jcvi.apps.cdhit import deduplicate, ids

    p = OptionParser(dedup.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    scaffolds, = args
    mingap = opts.mingap
    splitfile, oagpfile, cagpfile = gaps(
        [scaffolds, "--split", "--mingap={0}".format(mingap)])

    dd = splitfile + ".cdhit"
    clstrfile = dd + ".clstr"
    idsfile = dd + ".ids"
    if need_update(splitfile, clstrfile):
        deduplicate([splitfile, "--pctid={0}".format(opts.pctid)])
    if need_update(clstrfile, idsfile):

    agp = AGP(cagpfile)
    reps = set(x.split()[-1] for x in open(idsfile))
    pf = scaffolds.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    dedupagp = pf + ".dedup.agp"
    fw = open(dedupagp, "w")

    ndropped = ndroppedbases = 0
    for a in agp:
        if not a.is_gap and a.component_id not in reps:
            span = a.component_span
            logging.debug("Drop component {0} ({1})".\
                          format(a.component_id, span))
            ndropped += 1
            ndroppedbases += span
        print >> fw, a

    logging.debug("Dropped components: {0}, Dropped bases: {1}".\
                  format(ndropped, ndroppedbases))
    logging.debug("Deduplicated file written to `{0}`.".format(dedupagp))

    tidyagp = tidy([dedupagp, splitfile])
    dedupfasta = pf + ".dedup.fasta"
    build([tidyagp, dd, dedupfasta])

    return dedupfasta
Exemple #3
def write_unplaced_agp(agpfile, scaffolds, unplaced_agp):
    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    scaffolds_seen = set(x.component_id for x in agp)
    sizes = Sizes(scaffolds).mapping
    fwagp = must_open(unplaced_agp, "w")
    for s in sorted(sizes.keys()):
        if s in scaffolds_seen:
        order_to_agp(s, [(s, "?")], sizes, fwagp)
    logging.debug("Write unplaced AGP to `{0}`.".format(unplaced_agp))
Exemple #4
def summary(args):
    %prog summary input.bed scaffolds.fasta

    Print out summary statistics per map, followed by consensus summary of
    scaffold anchoring based on multiple maps.
    p = OptionParser(summary.__doc__)
    p.set_table(sep="|", align=True)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, scaffolds = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    mapbed = pf + ".bed"
    chr_agp = pf + ".chr.agp"
    sep = opts.sep
    align = opts.align
    cc = Map(mapbed)
    mapnames = cc.mapnames
    s = Sizes(scaffolds)
    total, l50, n50 = s.summary
    r = {}
    maps = []

    fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
    print >> fw, "*** Summary for each individual map ***"
    for mapname in mapnames:
        markers = [x for x in cc if x.mapname == mapname]
        ms = MapSummary(markers, l50, s)
        r["Linkage Groups", mapname] = ms.num_lgs
        ms.export_table(r, mapname, total)
    print >> fw, tabulate(r, sep=sep, align=align)

    r = {}
    agp = AGP(chr_agp)
    print >> fw, "*** Summary for consensus map ***"
    consensus_scaffolds = set(x.component_id for x in agp if not x.is_gap)
    unplaced_scaffolds = set(s.mapping.keys()) - consensus_scaffolds

    for mapname, sc in (("Anchored", consensus_scaffolds),
                        ("Unplaced", unplaced_scaffolds)):
        markers = [x for x in cc if x.seqid in sc]
        ms = MapSummary(markers, l50, s, scaffolds=sc)
        ms.export_table(r, mapname, total)
    print >> fw, tabulate(r, sep=sep, align=align)
Exemple #5
def neighbor(args):
    %prog neighbor agpfile componentID

    Check overlaps of a particular component in agpfile.
    p = OptionParser(neighbor.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    agpfile, componentID = args
    fastadir = "fasta"

    cmd = "grep"
    cmd += " --color -C2 {0} {1}".format(componentID, agpfile)

    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    aorder = agp.order
    if not componentID in aorder:
            "Record {0} not present in `{1}`.".format(componentID, agpfile),

    i, c = aorder[componentID]
    north, south = agp.getNorthSouthClone(i)

    if not north.isCloneGap:
        ar = [north.component_id, componentID, "--dir=" + fastadir]
        if north.orientation == "-":
            ar += ["--qreverse"]

    if not south.isCloneGap:
        ar = [componentID, south.component_id, "--dir=" + fastadir]
        if c.orientation == "-":
            ar += ["--qreverse"]
Exemple #6
def plotall(xargs):
    %prog plotall input.bed

    Plot the matchings between the reconstructed pseudomolecules and the maps.
    This command will plot each reconstructed object (non-singleton).
    p = OptionParser(plotall.__doc__)
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(xargs, figsize="10x6")

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    agpfile = pf + ".agp"
    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    objects = [ob for ob, lines in agp.iter_object() if len(lines) > 1]
    for seqid in sorted(objects):
        plot(xargs + [seqid])
Exemple #7
def anneal(args):
    %prog anneal agpfile contigs.fasta

    Merge adjacent overlapping contigs and make new AGP file.

    By default it will also anneal lines like these together (unless --nozipshreds):
    scaffold4       1       1608    1       W       ca-bacs.5638.frag11.22000-23608 1       1608    -
    scaffold4       1609    1771    2       N       163     scaffold        yes     paired-ends
    scaffold4       1772    3771    3       W       ca-bacs.5638.frag10.20000-22000 1       2000    -

    These are most likely shreds, which we look for based on names.
    p = OptionParser(anneal.__doc__)
    p.set_align(pctid=GoodPct, hitlen=GoodOverlap)
                 help="Maximum overhang length [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    agpfile, contigs = args
    outdir = opts.outdir
    if not op.exists(outdir):
        cmd = "faSplit byname {0} {1}/".format(contigs, outdir)

    cutoff = Cutoff(opts.pctid, opts.hitlen, opts.hang)

    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    blastfile = agpfile.replace(".agp", ".blast")
    if not op.exists(blastfile):
        populate_blastfile(blastfile, agp, outdir, opts)

    assert op.exists(blastfile)
    logging.debug("File `{0}` found. Start loading.".format(blastfile))
    blast = BlastSlow(blastfile).to_dict()

    annealedagp = "annealed.agp"
    annealedfasta = "annealed.fasta"

    newagp = deepcopy(agp)
    clrstore = {}
    for a, b, qreverse in agp.iter_paired_components():
        aid = a.component_id
        bid = b.component_id

        pair = (aid, bid)
        if pair in blast:
            bl = blast[pair]
            oopts = get_overlap_opts(aid, bid, qreverse, outdir, opts)
            o = overlap(oopts)
            if not o:
            bl = o.blastline

        o = Overlap(bl,

        if aid not in clrstore:
            clrstore[aid] = CLR.from_agpline(a)
        if bid not in clrstore:
            clrstore[bid] = CLR.from_agpline(b)

        aclr, bclr = clrstore[aid], clrstore[bid]

        if o.anneal(aclr, bclr):
            newagp.delete_between(aid, bid, verbose=True)

        if o.otype == 2:  # b ~ a
            o = o.swapped
            if o.anneal(bclr, aclr):
                newagp.switch_between(bid, aid, verbose=True)
                newagp.delete_between(bid, aid, verbose=True)

    logging.debug("A total of {0} components with modified CLR.".\

    for cid, c in clrstore.items():
        if c.is_valid:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Remove {0}".format(c)
        newagp.convert_to_gap(cid, verbose=True)

    # Update all ranges that has modified clr
    for a in newagp:
        if a.is_gap:
        aid = a.component_id
        if aid in clrstore:
            c = clrstore[aid]
            a.component_beg = c.start
            a.component_end = c.end

    tidyagp = tidy([annealedagp, contigs])

    build([tidyagp, contigs, annealedfasta])
    return annealedfasta
Exemple #8
def annotate(args):
    %prog annotate agpfile gaps.linkage.bed assembly.fasta

    Annotate AGP file with linkage info of `paired-end` or `map`.
    File `gaps.linkage.bed` is generated by assembly.gaps.estimate().
    from jcvi.formats.agp import AGP, bed, tidy

    p = OptionParser(annotate.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--minsize", default=200,
                 help="Smallest component size [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    agpfile, linkagebed, assemblyfasta = args
    linkagebed = Bed(linkagebed)
    spannedgaps = set()
    for b in linkagebed:
        score = int(b.score)
        if score == 0:
            spannedgaps.add((b.accn, b.start, b.end))

    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    newagpfile = agpfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".linkage.agp"
    newagp = open(newagpfile, "w")
    contig_id = 0
    minsize = opts.minsize
    for a in agp:
        if not a.is_gap:
            cs = a.component_span
            if cs < minsize:
                a.is_gap = True
                a.component_type = "N"
                a.gap_length = cs
                a.gap_type = "scaffold"
                a.linkage = "yes"
                a.linkage_evidence = []
                contig_id += 1
                a.component_id = "contig{0:04d}".format(contig_id)
                a.component_beg = 1
                a.component_end = cs
                a.component_type = "W"

            print >> newagp, a

        gapinfo = (a.object, a.object_beg, a.object_end)
        gaplen = a.gap_length

        if gaplen == 100 and gapinfo not in spannedgaps:
            a.component_type = "U"
            tag = "map"
            tag = "paired-ends"

        print >> newagp, a

    logging.debug("Annotated AGP written to `{0}`.".format(newagpfile))

    contigbed = assemblyfasta.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".contigs.bed"
    bedfile = bed([newagpfile, "--nogaps", "--outfile=" + contigbed])

    contigfasta = fastaFromBed(bedfile, assemblyfasta, name=True, stranded=True)

    tidy([newagpfile, contigfasta])
Exemple #9
def embed(args):
    %prog embed evidencefile scaffolds.fasta contigs.fasta

    Use SSPACE evidencefile to scaffold contigs into existing scaffold
    structure, as in `scaffolds.fasta`. Contigs.fasta were used by SSPACE
    directly to scaffold.

    1. Only update existing structure by embedding contigs small enough to fit.
    2. Promote singleton contigs only if they are big (>= min_length).
    p = OptionParser(embed.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--min_length", default=200, type="int",
                 help="Minimum length to consider [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    evidencefile, scaffolds, contigs = args
    min_length = opts.min_length
    splitfasta, oagp, cagp = gaps([scaffolds, "--split",

    agp = AGP(cagp)
    p = agp.graph

    ef = EvidenceFile(evidencefile, contigs)
    sizes = ef.sz
    q = ef.graph

    logging.debug("Reference graph: {0}".format(p))
    logging.debug("Patch graph: {0}".format(q))

    newagp = deepcopy(agp)

    seen = set()
    deleted = set()
    for a in agp:
        if a.is_gap:

        name = a.component_id
        object = a.object
        if name in deleted:
            print >> sys.stderr, "* Skip {0}, already embedded".format(name)


        target_name, tag = get_target(p, name)
        path = q.get_path(name, target_name, tag=tag)
        path_size = sum([sizes[x.v] for x, t in path]) if path else None
        status = NO_UPDATE

        # Heuristic, the patch must not be too long
        if path and path_size > min_length and len(path) > 3:
            path = None

        if not path:
            print >> sys.stderr, name, target_name, path, path_size, status

        backward = False
        for x, t in path:
            if x.v in seen:
                print >> sys.stderr, "* Does not allow backward" \
                                     " patch on {0}".format(x.v)
                backward = True

        if backward:

        # Build the path plus the ends
        vv = q.get_node(name)
        path.appendleft((vv, tag))
        if tag == ">":
            status = INSERT_BEFORE
        elif target_name is None:
            status = INSERT_AFTER
            target = q.get_node(target_name)
            path.append((target, tag))
            status = INSERT_BETWEEN

        print >> sys.stderr, name, target_name, path, path_size, status

        # Trim the ends off from the constructed AGPLines
        lines = path_to_agp(q, path, object, sizes, status)
        if status == INSERT_BEFORE:
            lines = lines[:-1]
            td = newagp.insert_lines(name, lines, \
                                 delete=True, verbose=True)
        elif status == INSERT_AFTER:
            lines = lines[1:]
            td = newagp.insert_lines(name, lines, after=True, \
                                 delete=True, verbose=True)
            lines = lines[1:-1]
            td = newagp.update_between(name, target_name, lines, \
                                 delete=True, verbose=True)
        deleted |= td
        seen |= td

    # Recruite big singleton contigs
    CUTOFF = opts.min_length
    for ctg, size in sizes.items():
        if ctg in seen:
        if size < CUTOFF:
        newagp.append(AGPLine.cline(ctg, ctg, sizes, "?"))

    # Write a new AGP file
    newagpfile = "embedded.agp"
    newagp.print_to_file(newagpfile, index=True)
    tidy([newagpfile, contigs])
Exemple #10
def estimategaps(args):
    %prog estimategaps input.bed

    Estimate sizes of inter-scaffold gaps. The AGP file generated by path()
    command has unknown gap sizes with a generic number of Ns (often 100 Ns).
    The AGP file `input.chr.agp` will be modified in-place.
    p = OptionParser(estimategaps.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--minsize", default=100, type="int", help="Minimum gap size")
                 help="Maximum gap size")
                 help="Only use linkage grounds with matchings more than")
    p.set_verbose(help="Print details for each gap calculation")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    agpfile = pf + ".chr.agp"
    bedfile = pf + ".lifted.bed"

    cc = Map(bedfile, scaffold_info=True)
    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    minsize, maxsize = opts.minsize, opts.maxsize
    links = opts.links
    verbose = opts.verbose

    outagpfile = pf + ".estimategaps.agp"
    fw = must_open(outagpfile, "w")

    for ob, components in agp.iter_object():
        components = list(components)
        s = Scaffold(ob, cc)
        mlg_counts = s.mlg_counts
        gaps = [x for x in components if x.is_gap]
        gapsizes = [None] * len(gaps)  # master
        for mlg, count in mlg_counts.items():
            if count < links:
            g = GapEstimator(cc, agp, ob, mlg)
            g.compute_all_gaps(minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, \
            # Merge evidence from this mlg into master
            assert len(g.gapsizes) == len(gaps)
            for i, gs in enumerate(gapsizes):
                gg = g.gapsizes[i]
                if gs is None:
                    gapsizes[i] = gg
                elif gg:
                    gapsizes[i] = min(gs, gg)

        print gapsizes
        # Modify AGP
        i = 0
        for x in components:
            if x.is_gap:
                x.gap_length = gapsizes[i] or minsize
                x.component_type = 'U' if x.gap_length == 100 else 'N'
                i += 1
            print >> fw, x

    reindex([outagpfile, "--inplace"])
Exemple #11
def plot(args):
    %prog plot input.bed seqid

    Plot the matchings between the reconstructed pseudomolecules and the maps.
    Two types of visualizations are available in one canvas:

    1. Parallel axes, and matching markers are shown in connecting lines;
    2. Scatter plot.
    from jcvi.graphics.base import plt, savefig, normalize_axes, \
                set2, panel_labels
    from jcvi.graphics.chromosome import Chromosome, GeneticMap, \

    p = OptionParser(plot.__doc__)
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="10x6")

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, seqid = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    bedfile = pf + ".lifted.bed"
    agpfile = pf + ".agp"
    weightsfile = opts.weightsfile
    links = opts.links

    function = get_function(opts.distance)
    cc = Map(bedfile, function)
    allseqids = cc.seqids
    mapnames = cc.mapnames
    weights = Weights(weightsfile, mapnames)
    assert seqid in allseqids, "{0} not in {1}".format(seqid, allseqids)

    s = Scaffold(seqid, cc)
    mlgs = [k for k, v in s.mlg_counts.items() if v >= links]
    mlgsizes = {}
    for mlg in mlgs:
        mm = cc.extract_mlg(mlg)
        mlgsize = max(function(x) for x in mm)
        mlgsizes[mlg] = mlgsize

    fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h))
    root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, .5, 1])
    ax2 = fig.add_axes([.5, 0, .5, 1])

    # Find the layout first
    ystart, ystop = .9, .1
    L = Layout(mlgsizes)
    coords = L.coords

    tip = .02
    marker_pos = {}
    # Palette
    colors = dict((mapname, set2[i]) for i, mapname in enumerate(mapnames))
    colors = dict((mlg, colors[mlg.split("-")[0]]) for mlg in mlgs)

    rhos = {}
    # Parallel coordinates
    for mlg, (x, y1, y2) in coords.items():
        mm = cc.extract_mlg(mlg)
        markers = [(m.accn, function(m)) for m in mm]  # exhaustive marker list
        xy = [(m.pos, function(m)) for m in mm if m.seqid == seqid]
        mx, my = zip(*xy)
        rho = spearmanr(mx, my)
        rhos[mlg] = rho
        flip = rho < 0

        g = GeneticMap(ax1, x, y1, y2, markers, tip=tip, flip=flip)
        extra = -3 * tip if x < .5 else 3 * tip
        ha = "right" if x < .5 else "left"
        mapname = mlg.split("-")[0]
        tlg = mlg.replace("_", ".")  # Latex does not like underscore char
        label = "{0} (w={1})".format(tlg, weights[mapname])
        ax1.text(x + extra, (y1 + y2) / 2,

    agp = AGP(agpfile)
    agp = [x for x in agp if x.object == seqid]
    chrsize = max(x.object_end for x in agp)

    # Pseudomolecules in the center
    r = ystart - ystop
    ratio = r / chrsize
    f = lambda x: (ystart - ratio * x)
    patchstart = [f(x.object_beg) for x in agp if not x.is_gap]
    Chromosome(ax1, .5, ystart, ystop, width=2 * tip, patch=patchstart, lw=2)

    label = "{0} ({1})".format(seqid, human_size(chrsize, precision=0))
    ax1.text(.5, ystart + tip, label, ha="center")

    scatter_data = defaultdict(list)
    # Connecting lines
    for b in s.markers:
        marker_name = b.accn
        if marker_name not in marker_pos:

        cx = .5
        cy = f(b.pos)
        mx = coords[b.mlg][0]
        my = marker_pos[marker_name]

        extra = -tip if mx < cx else tip
        extra *= 1.25  # leave boundaries for aesthetic reasons
        cx += extra
        mx -= extra
        ax1.plot((cx, mx), (cy, my), "-", color=colors[b.mlg])
        scatter_data[b.mlg].append((b.pos, function(b)))

    # Scatter plot, same data as parallel coordinates
    xstart, xstop = sorted((ystart, ystop))
    f = lambda x: (xstart + ratio * x)
    pp = [x.object_beg for x in agp if not x.is_gap]
    patchstart = [f(x) for x in pp]
                         height=2 * tip,

    gap = .03
    ratio = (r - gap * len(mlgs) - tip) / sum(mlgsizes.values())

    tlgs = []
    for mlg, mlgsize in sorted(mlgsizes.items()):
        height = ratio * mlgsize
        ystart -= height
        xx = .5 + xstart / 2
        width = r / 2
        color = colors[mlg]
        ax = fig.add_axes([xx, ystart, width, height])
        ypos = ystart + height / 2
        ystart -= gap
        sd = scatter_data[mlg]
        xx, yy = zip(*sd)
        ax.vlines(pp, 0, mlgsize, colors="beige")
        ax.plot(xx, yy, ".", color=color)
        rho = rhos[mlg]
                1 - .4 * gap / height,
        tlg = mlg.replace("_", ".")
        tlgs.append((tlg, ypos, color))
        ax.set_xlim(0, chrsize)
        ax.set_ylim(0, mlgsize)
        while height / len(ax.get_yticks()) < .03 and len(
                ax.get_yticks()) >= 2:
            ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[::2])  # Sparsify the ticks
        yticklabels = [int(x) for x in ax.get_yticks()]
        ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, family='Helvetica')
        if rho < 0:

    for i, (tlg, ypos, color) in enumerate(tlgs):
        ha = "center"
        if len(tlgs) > 4:
            ha = "right" if i % 2 else "left"
        root.text(.5, ypos, tlg, color=color, rotation=90, ha=ha, va="center")

    if opts.panels:
        labels = ((.04, .96, 'A'), (.48, .96, 'B'))
        panel_labels(root, labels)

    normalize_axes((ax1, ax2, root))
    image_name = seqid + "." + iopts.format
    savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)