Exemple #1
def bed(args):
    %prog bed xmlfile

    Print summary of optical map alignment in BED format.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

    p = OptionParser(bed.__doc__)
        help="Only print out large blocks, not fragments [default: %default]")
                 help="Do not sort bed [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    xmlfile, = args
    bedfile = xmlfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".bed"
    fw = open(bedfile, "w")

    om = OpticalMap(xmlfile)
    om.write_bed(fw, blockonly=opts.blockonly)

    if not opts.nosort:
        sort([bedfile, "--inplace"])
Exemple #2
def bed(args):
    %prog bed xmlfile

    Print summary of optical map alignment in BED format.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

    p = OptionParser(bed.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--blockonly", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Only print out large blocks, not fragments [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--point", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Print accesssion as single point instead of interval")
    p.add_option("--scale", type="float",
                 help="Scale the OM distance by factor")
    p.add_option("--switch", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Switch reference and aligned map elements [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--nosort", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Do not sort bed [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    xmlfile, = args
    bedfile = xmlfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".bed"

    om = OpticalMap(xmlfile)
    om.write_bed(bedfile, point=opts.point, scale=opts.scale,
                          blockonly=opts.blockonly, switch=opts.switch)

    if not opts.nosort:
        sort([bedfile, "--inplace"])
Exemple #3
def bed(args):
    %prog bed xmlfile

    Print summary of optical map alignment in BED format.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

    p = OptionParser(bed.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--blockonly", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Only print out large blocks, not fragments [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--nosort", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Do not sort bed [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    xmlfile, = args
    bedfile = xmlfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".bed"
    fw = open(bedfile, "w")

    om = OpticalMap(xmlfile)
    om.write_bed(fw, blockonly=opts.blockonly)

    if not opts.nosort:
        sort([bedfile, "--inplace"])
Exemple #4
def tRNAscan(args):
    %prog tRNAscan all.trna > all.trna.gff3

    Convert tRNAscan-SE output into gff3 format.

    Sequence                tRNA            Bounds          tRNA    Anti    Intron Bounds   Cove
    Name            tRNA #  Begin           End             Type    Codon   Begin   End     Score
    --------        ------  ----            ------          ----    -----   -----   ----    ------
    23231           1       335355          335440          Tyr     GTA     335392  335404  69.21
    23231           2       1076190         1076270         Leu     AAG     0       0       66.33

    Conversion based on PERL one-liner in:
    from jcvi.formats.gff import sort

    p = OptionParser(tRNAscan.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    trnaout, = args
    gffout = trnaout + ".gff3"
    fp = open(trnaout)
    fw = open(gffout, "w")

    row = fp.next()
    assert row.startswith("--------")

    for row in fp:
        atoms = [x.strip() for x in row.split("\t")]
        contig, trnanum, start, end, aa, codon, \
                intron_start, intron_end, score = atoms

        start, end = int(start), int(end)
        orientation = '+'
        if start > end:
            start, end = end, start
            orientation = '-'

        source = "tRNAscan"
        type = "tRNA"
        if codon == "???":
            codon = "XXX"

        comment = "ID={0}.tRNA.{1};Name=tRNA-{2} (anticodon: {3})".\
                format(contig, trnanum, aa, codon)

        print >> fw, "\t".join(str(x) for x in (contig, source, type, start,\
                            end, score, orientation, ".", comment))

    sort([gffout, "-i"])
Exemple #5
def tRNAscan(args):
    %prog tRNAscan all.trna > all.trna.gff3

    Convert tRNAscan-SE output into gff3 format.

    Sequence                tRNA            Bounds          tRNA    Anti    Intron Bounds   Cove
    Name            tRNA #  Begin           End             Type    Codon   Begin   End     Score
    --------        ------  ----            ------          ----    -----   -----   ----    ------
    23231           1       335355          335440          Tyr     GTA     335392  335404  69.21
    23231           2       1076190         1076270         Leu     AAG     0       0       66.33

    Conversion based on PERL one-liner in:
    from jcvi.formats.gff import sort

    p = OptionParser(tRNAscan.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    trnaout, = args
    gffout = trnaout + ".gff3"
    fp = open(trnaout)
    fw = open(gffout, "w")

    row = fp.next()
    assert row.startswith("--------")

    for row in fp:
        atoms = [x.strip() for x in row.split("\t")]
        contig, trnanum, start, end, aa, codon, \
                intron_start, intron_end, score = atoms

        start, end = int(start), int(end)
        orientation = '+'
        if start > end:
            start, end = end, start
            orientation = '-'

        source = "tRNAscan"
        type = "tRNA"
        if codon == "???":
            codon = "XXX"

        comment = "ID={0}.tRNA.{1};Name=tRNA-{2} (anticodon: {3})".\
                format(contig, trnanum, aa, codon)

        print >> fw, "\t".join(str(x) for x in (contig, source, type, start,\
                            end, score, orientation, ".", comment))

    sort([gffout, "-i"])
Exemple #6
def build(args):
    %prog build input.bed scaffolds.fasta

    Build associated genome FASTA file and CHAIN file that can be used to lift
    old coordinates to new coordinates. The CHAIN file will be used to lift the
    original marker positions to new positions in the reconstructed genome. The
    new positions of the markers will be reported in *.lifted.bed.
    p = OptionParser(build.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, scaffolds = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    mapbed = pf + ".bed"
    chr_agp = pf + ".chr.agp"
    chr_fasta = pf + ".chr.fasta"
    if need_update((chr_agp, scaffolds), chr_fasta):
        agp_build([chr_agp, scaffolds, chr_fasta])

    unplaced_agp = pf + ".unplaced.agp"
    if need_update((chr_agp, scaffolds), unplaced_agp):
        write_unplaced_agp(chr_agp, scaffolds, unplaced_agp)

    unplaced_fasta = pf + ".unplaced.fasta"
    if need_update((unplaced_agp, scaffolds), unplaced_fasta):
        agp_build([unplaced_agp, scaffolds, unplaced_fasta])

    combined_agp = pf + ".agp"
    if need_update((chr_agp, unplaced_agp), combined_agp):
        FileMerger((chr_agp, unplaced_agp), combined_agp).merge()

    combined_fasta = pf + ".fasta"
    if need_update((chr_fasta, unplaced_fasta), combined_fasta):
        FileMerger((chr_fasta, unplaced_fasta), combined_fasta).merge()

    chainfile = pf + ".chain"
    if need_update((combined_agp, scaffolds, combined_fasta), chainfile):
        fromagp([combined_agp, scaffolds, combined_fasta])

    liftedbed = mapbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".lifted.bed"
    if need_update((mapbed, chainfile), liftedbed):
        cmd = "liftOver -minMatch=1 {0} {1} {2} unmapped".\
                format(mapbed, chainfile, liftedbed)

    sort([liftedbed, "-i"])  # Sort bed in place
Exemple #7
def build(args):
    %prog build input.bed scaffolds.fasta

    Build associated genome FASTA file and CHAIN file that can be used to lift
    old coordinates to new coordinates. The CHAIN file will be used to lift the
    original marker positions to new positions in the reconstructed genome. The
    new positions of the markers will be reported in *.lifted.bed.
    p = OptionParser(build.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    inputbed, scaffolds = args
    pf = inputbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    mapbed = pf + ".bed"
    chr_agp = pf + ".chr.agp"
    chr_fasta = pf + ".chr.fasta"
    if need_update((chr_agp, scaffolds), chr_fasta):
        agp_build([chr_agp, scaffolds, chr_fasta])

    unplaced_agp = pf + ".unplaced.agp"
    if need_update((chr_agp, scaffolds), unplaced_agp):
        write_unplaced_agp(chr_agp, scaffolds, unplaced_agp)

    unplaced_fasta = pf + ".unplaced.fasta"
    if need_update((unplaced_agp, scaffolds), unplaced_fasta):
        agp_build([unplaced_agp, scaffolds, unplaced_fasta])

    combined_agp = pf + ".agp"
    if need_update((chr_agp, unplaced_agp), combined_agp):
        FileMerger((chr_agp, unplaced_agp), combined_agp).merge()

    combined_fasta = pf + ".fasta"
    if need_update((chr_fasta, unplaced_fasta), combined_fasta):
        FileMerger((chr_fasta, unplaced_fasta), combined_fasta).merge()

    chainfile = pf + ".chain"
    if need_update((combined_agp, scaffolds, combined_fasta), chainfile):
        fromagp([combined_agp, scaffolds, combined_fasta])

    liftedbed = mapbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".lifted.bed"
    if need_update((mapbed, chainfile), liftedbed):
        cmd = "liftOver -minMatch=1 {0} {1} {2} unmapped".\
                format(mapbed, chainfile, liftedbed)

    sort([liftedbed, "-i"])  # Sort bed in place
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, bedfile, sizesfile):
        from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

        sortedbedfile = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".sorted.bed"
        if need_update(bedfile, sortedbedfile):
        bedfile = sortedbedfile

        coveragefile = bedfile + ".coverage"
        if need_update(bedfile, coveragefile):
            cmd = "genomeCoverageBed"
            cmd += " -bg -i {0} -g {1}".format(bedfile, sizesfile)
            sh(cmd, outfile=coveragefile)

        self.sizes = Sizes(sizesfile).mapping

        filename = coveragefile
        assert filename.endswith(".coverage")
        super(Coverage, self).__init__(filename)
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, bedfile, sizesfile):
        from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

        sortedbedfile = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".sorted.bed"
        if need_update(bedfile, sortedbedfile):
        bedfile = sortedbedfile

        coveragefile = bedfile + ".coverage"
        if need_update(bedfile, coveragefile):
            cmd = "genomeCoverageBed"
            cmd += " -bg -i {0} -g {1}".format(bedfile, sizesfile)
            sh(cmd, outfile=coveragefile)

        self.sizes = Sizes(sizesfile).mapping

        filename = coveragefile
        assert filename.endswith(".coverage")
        super(Coverage, self).__init__(filename)
Exemple #10
def consolidate(nbedfile, obedfile, cbedfile):
    from pybedtools import BedTool

    nbedtool = BedTool(nbedfile)
    obedtool = BedTool(obedfile)

    ab = nbedtool.intersect(obedtool, s=True, u=True)
    ba = obedtool.intersect(nbedtool, s=True, u=True)

    cmd = "cat {0} {1} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n".format(ab.fn, ba.fn)
    fp = popen(cmd)
    ovl = BedTool(fp.readlines())

    abmerge = ovl.merge(s=True, nms=True, scores="mean").sort()
    cmd = "cat {0}".format(abmerge.fn)
    fp = popen(cmd, debug=False)
    ovl = BedTool(fp.readlines())

    notovl = nbedtool.intersect(ovl.sort(), s=True, v=True)

    infile = "{0} {1}".format(notovl.fn, ovl.fn)
    tmpfile = "/tmp/reformat.{0}.bed".format(os.getpid())
    cmd = "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n"
    sh(cmd, infile=infile, outfile=tmpfile)

    fp = open(cbedfile, "w")
    bed = Bed(tmpfile)
    for b in bed:
        if ";" in b.accn:
            accns = set()
            for accn in b.accn.split(";"):
            b.accn = ";".join(accns)
        print(b, file=fp)

    sort([cbedfile, "-i"])
Exemple #11
def bed(args):
    %prog bed xmlfile

    Print summary of optical map alignment in BED format.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import sort

    p = OptionParser(bed.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    xmlfile, = args
    bedfile = xmlfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".bed"
    fw = open(bedfile, "w")

    om = OpticalMap(xmlfile)

    sort([bedfile, "--inplace"])
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, bedfile, sizesfile):

        bedfile = sort([bedfile])
        coveragefile = bedfile + ".coverage"
        if need_update(bedfile, coveragefile):
            cmd = "genomeCoverageBed"
            cmd += " -bg -i {0} -g {1}".format(bedfile, sizesfile)
            sh(cmd, outfile=coveragefile)

        self.sizes = Sizes(sizesfile).mapping

        filename = coveragefile
        assert filename.endswith(".coverage")
        super(Coverage, self).__init__(filename)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, bedfile, sizesfile):

        bedfile = sort([bedfile])
        coveragefile = bedfile + ".coverage"
        if need_update(bedfile, coveragefile):
            cmd = "genomeCoverageBed"
            cmd += " -bg -i {0} -g {1}".format(bedfile, sizesfile)
            sh(cmd, outfile=coveragefile)

        self.sizes = Sizes(sizesfile).mapping

        filename = coveragefile
        assert filename.endswith(".coverage")
        super(Coverage, self).__init__(filename)
Exemple #14
def consolidate(nbedfile, obedfile, cbedfile):
    from pybedtools import BedTool
    nbedtool = BedTool(nbedfile)
    obedtool = BedTool(obedfile)

    ab = nbedtool.intersect(obedtool, s=True, u=True)
    ba = obedtool.intersect(nbedtool, s=True, u=True)

    cmd = "cat {0} {1} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n".format(ab.fn, ba.fn)
    fp = popen(cmd)
    ovl = BedTool(fp.readlines())

    abmerge = ovl.merge(s=True, nms=True, scores="mean").sort()
    cmd = "cat {0}".format(abmerge.fn)
    fp = popen(cmd, debug=False)
    ovl = BedTool(fp.readlines())

    notovl = nbedtool.intersect(ovl.sort(), s=True, v=True)

    infile = "{0} {1}".format(notovl.fn, ovl.fn)
    tmpfile = "/tmp/reformat.{0}.bed".format(os.getpid())
    cmd = "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n"
    sh(cmd, infile=infile, outfile=tmpfile)

    fp = open(cbedfile, "w")
    bed = Bed(tmpfile)
    for b in bed:
        if ";" in b.accn:
            accns = set()
            for accn in b.accn.split(";"):
            b.accn = ";".join(accns)
        print >> fp, b

    sort([cbedfile, "-i"])
Exemple #15
def annotate(args):
    %prog annotate new.bed old.bed 2> log

    Annotate the `new.bed` with features from `old.bed` for the purpose of
    gene numbering.

    Ambiguity in ID assignment can be resolved by either of the following 2 methods:
    - `alignment`: make use of global sequence alignment score (calculated by `needle`)
    - `overlap`: make use of overlap length (calculated by `intersectBed`)

    Transfer over as many identifiers as possible while following guidelines:

    Note: Following RegExp pattern describes the structure of the identifier
    assigned to features in the `new.bed` file.

    new_id_pat = re.compile(r"^\d+\.[cemtx]+\S+")

    Examples: 23231.m312389, 23231.t004898, 23231.tRNA.144
    Adjust the value of `new_id_pat` manually as per your ID naming conventions.
    from jcvi.utils.grouper import Grouper

    valid_resolve_choices = ["alignment", "overlap"]

    p = OptionParser(annotate.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--resolve", default="alignment", choices=valid_resolve_choices,
                 help="Resolve ID assignment based on a certain metric" \
                        + " [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--atg_name", default=False, action="store_true",
                help="Specify is locus IDs in `new.bed` file follow ATG nomenclature" \
                        + " [default: %default]")

    g1 = OptionGroup(p, "Optional parameters (alignment):\n" \
            + "Use if resolving ambiguities based on sequence `alignment`")
                  help="Percent identity cutoff [default: %default]")
                  help="Alignment score cutoff [default: %default]")

    g2 = OptionGroup(p, "Optional parameters (overlap):\n" \
            + "Use if resolving ambiguities based on `overlap` length\n" \
            + "Parameters equivalent to `intersectBed`")
        help="Minimum overlap fraction (0.0 - 1.0) [default: %default]")
        help="Require fraction overlap to be reciprocal [default: %default]")
                  help="Require same strandedness [default: %default]")

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    nbedfile, obedfile = args
    npf, opf = nbedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0], obedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

    # Make consolidated.bed
    cbedfile = "consolidated.bed"
    if not os.path.isfile(cbedfile):
        consolidate(nbedfile, obedfile, cbedfile)
        logging.warning("`{0}` already exists. Skipping step".format(cbedfile))

    logging.warning("Resolving ID assignment ambiguity based on `{0}`".\

    if opts.resolve == "alignment":
        # Get pairs and prompt to run needle
        pairsfile = "nw.pairs"
        scoresfile = "nw.scores"
        if not os.path.isfile(pairsfile):
            get_pairs(cbedfile, pairsfile)
            logging.warning("`{0}` already exists. Checking for needle output".\

        # If needle scores do not exist, prompt user to run needle
        if not os.path.isfile(scoresfile):
            logging.error("`{0}` does not exist. Please process {1} using `needle`".\
                    format(scoresfile, pairsfile))
        scoresfile = "ovl.scores"
        # Calculate overlap length using intersectBed
        calculate_ovl(nbedfile, obedfile, opts, scoresfile)

    logging.warning("`{0}' exists. Storing scores in memory".\
    scores = read_scores(scoresfile, opts)

    # Iterate through consolidated bed and
    # filter piles based on score
    abedline = {}

    cbed = Bed(cbedfile)
    g = Grouper()
    for c in cbed:
        accn = c.accn

    nbedline = {}
    nbed = Bed(nbedfile)
    for line in nbed:
        nbedline[line.accn] = line

    splits = set()
    for chr, chrbed in nbed.sub_beds():
        abedline, splits = annotate_chr(chr, chrbed, g, scores, nbedline,
                                        abedline, opts, splits)

    if splits is not None:
        abedline = process_splits(splits, scores, nbedline, abedline)

    abedfile = npf + ".annotated.bed"
    afh = open(abedfile, "w")
    for accn in abedline:
        print >> afh, abedline[accn]

    sort([abedfile, "-i"])
Exemple #16
def annotate(args):
    %prog annotate new.bed old.bed 2> log

    Annotate the `new.bed` with features from `old.bed` for the purpose of
    gene numbering.

    Ambiguity in ID assignment can be resolved by either of the following 2 methods:
    - `alignment`: make use of global sequence alignment score (calculated by `needle`)
    - `overlap`: make use of overlap length (calculated by `intersectBed`)

    Transfer over as many identifiers as possible while following guidelines:

    Note: Following RegExp pattern describes the structure of the identifier
    assigned to features in the `new.bed` file.

    new_id_pat = re.compile(r"^\d+\.[cemtx]+\S+")

    Examples: 23231.m312389, 23231.t004898, 23231.tRNA.144
    Adjust the value of `new_id_pat` manually as per your ID naming conventions.
    from jcvi.utils.grouper import Grouper

    valid_resolve_choices = ["alignment", "overlap"]

    p = OptionParser(annotate.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--resolve", default="alignment", choices=valid_resolve_choices,
                 help="Resolve ID assignment based on a certain metric" \
                        + " [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--atg_name", default=False, action="store_true",
                help="Specify is locus IDs in `new.bed` file follow ATG nomenclature" \
                        + " [default: %default]")

    g1 = OptionGroup(p, "Optional parameters (alignment):\n" \
            + "Use if resolving ambiguities based on sequence `alignment`")
    g1.add_option("--pid", dest="pid", default=35., type="float",
            help="Percent identity cutoff [default: %default]")
    g1.add_option("--score", dest="score", default=250., type="float",
            help="Alignment score cutoff [default: %default]")

    g2 = OptionGroup(p, "Optional parameters (overlap):\n" \
            + "Use if resolving ambiguities based on `overlap` length\n" \
            + "Parameters equivalent to `intersectBed`")
    g2.add_option("-f", dest="f", default=0.5, type="float",
            help="Minimum overlap fraction (0.0 - 1.0) [default: %default]")
    g2.add_option("-r", dest="r", default=False, action="store_true",
            help="Require fraction overlap to be reciprocal [default: %default]")
    g2.add_option("-s", dest="s", default=True, action="store_true",
            help="Require same strandedness [default: %default]")

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    nbedfile, obedfile = args
    npf, opf = nbedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0], obedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

    # Make consolidated.bed
    cbedfile = "consolidated.bed"
    if not os.path.isfile(cbedfile):
        consolidate(nbedfile, obedfile, cbedfile)
        logging.warning("`{0}` already exists. Skipping step".format(cbedfile))

    logging.warning("Resolving ID assignment ambiguity based on `{0}`".\

    if opts.resolve == "alignment":
        # Get pairs and prompt to run needle
        pairsfile = "nw.pairs"
        scoresfile = "nw.scores"
        if not os.path.isfile(pairsfile):
            get_pairs(cbedfile, pairsfile)
            logging.warning("`{0}` already exists. Checking for needle output".\

        # If needle scores do not exist, prompt user to run needle
        if not os.path.isfile(scoresfile):
            logging.error("`{0}` does not exist. Please process {1} using `needle`".\
                    format(scoresfile, pairsfile))
        scoresfile = "ovl.scores"
        # Calculate overlap length using intersectBed
        calculate_ovl(nbedfile, obedfile, opts, scoresfile)

    logging.warning("`{0}' exists. Storing scores in memory".\
    scores = read_scores(scoresfile, opts)

    # Iterate through consolidated bed and
    # filter piles based on score
    abedline = {}

    cbed = Bed(cbedfile)
    g = Grouper()
    for c in cbed:
        accn = c.accn

    nbedline = {}
    nbed = Bed(nbedfile)
    for line in nbed: nbedline[line.accn] = line

    splits = set()
    for chr, chrbed in nbed.sub_beds():
        abedline, splits = annotate_chr(chr, chrbed, g, scores, nbedline, abedline, opts, splits)

    if splits is not None:
        abedline = process_splits(splits, scores, nbedline, abedline)

    abedfile = npf + ".annotated.bed"
    afh = open(abedfile, "w")
    for accn in abedline:
        print >> afh, abedline[accn]

    sort([abedfile, "-i"])
Exemple #17
def deletion(args):
    %prog deletion [mac.mic.bam|mac.mic.bed] mic.gaps.bed

    Find IES based on mapping MAC reads to MIC genome.
    p = OptionParser(deletion.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--mindepth", default=3, type="int",
                 help="Minimum depth to call a deletion")
    p.add_option("--minspan", default=30, type="int",
                 help="Minimum span to call a deletion")
    p.add_option("--split", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Break at cigar N into separate parts")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, gapsbedfile = args
    if bedfile.endswith(".bam"):
        bamfile = bedfile
        bedfile = bamfile.replace(".sorted.", ".").replace(".bam", ".bed")
        if need_update(bamfile, bedfile):
            cmd = "bamToBed -i {0}".format(bamfile)
            if opts.split:
                cmd += " -split"
            cmd += " | cut -f1-4"
            sh(cmd, outfile=bedfile)

    sort_tmpdir = "--tmpdir={0}".format(opts.tmpdir)
    if bedfile.endswith(".sorted.bed"):
        pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 2)[0]
        sortedbedfile = bedfile
        pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
        sortedbedfile = pf + ".sorted.bed"
        if need_update(bedfile, sortedbedfile):
            sort([bedfile, "-u", "--accn", sort_tmpdir])

    # Find reads that contain multiple matches
    ibedfile = pf + ".d.bed"
    if need_update(sortedbedfile, ibedfile):
        bed = Bed(sortedbedfile, sorted=False)
        fw = open(ibedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write deletions to `{0}`.".format(ibedfile))
        for accn, bb in groupby(bed, key=lambda x: x.accn):
            bb = list(bb)
            branges = [(x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in bb]
            iranges = range_interleave(branges)
            for seqid, start, end in iranges:
                if end - start + 1 < opts.minspan:
                print >> fw, "\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, accn + '-d'))

    # Uniqify the insertions and count occurrences
    countbedfile = pf + ".uniq.bed"
    if need_update(ibedfile, countbedfile):
        bed = Bed(ibedfile)
        fw = open(countbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write counts to `{0}`.".format(countbedfile))
        registry = Counter((x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in bed)
        ies_id = 1
        for (seqid, start, end), count in registry.items():
            ies_name = "{0:05d}-r{1}".format(ies_id, count)
            if count < opts.mindepth:
            print >> fw, "\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, ies_name))
            ies_id += 1
        sort([countbedfile, "-i", sort_tmpdir])

    # Remove deletions that contain some read depth
    depthbedfile = pf + ".depth.bed"
    if need_update((sortedbedfile, countbedfile), depthbedfile):
        depth([sortedbedfile, countbedfile, "--outfile={0}".format(depthbedfile)])

    validbedfile = pf + ".valid.bed"
    if need_update(depthbedfile, validbedfile):
        fw = open(validbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Filter valid deletions to `{0}`.".format(validbedfile))
        bed = Bed(depthbedfile)
        all_scores = [float(b.score) for b in bed]
        lb, ub = outlier_cutoff(all_scores)
        logging.debug("Bounds for depths: LB={0:.2f} (ignored)  UB={1:.2f}".format(lb, ub))
        for b in bed:
            if float(b.score) > ub:
            print >> fw, b

    # Remove deletions that contain sequencing gaps on its flanks
    selectedbedfile = pf + ".selected.bed"
    if need_update(validbedfile, selectedbedfile):
        flanksbedfile = pf + ".flanks.bed"
        fw = open(flanksbedfile, "w")
        bed = Bed(validbedfile)
        flank = 100
        logging.debug("Write deletion flanks to `{0}`.".format(flanksbedfile))
        for b in bed:
            start, end = b.start, b.end
            b.start, b.end = start, min(start + flank - 1, end)
            print >> fw, b
            b.start, b.end = max(start, end - flank + 1), end
            print >> fw, b

        intersectidsfile = pf + ".intersect.ids"
        cmd = "intersectBed -a {0} -b {1}".format(flanksbedfile, gapsbedfile)
        cmd += " | cut -f4 | sort -u"
        sh(cmd, outfile=intersectidsfile)
        some([validbedfile, intersectidsfile, "-v",

    # Find best-scoring non-overlapping set
    iesbedfile = pf + ".ies.bed"
    if need_update(selectedbedfile, iesbedfile):
        bed = Bed(selectedbedfile)
        fw = open(iesbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write IES to `{0}`.".format(iesbedfile))
        branges = [Range(x.seqid, x.start, x.end, int(x.accn.rsplit("r")[-1]), i) \
                        for i, x in enumerate(bed)]
        iranges, iscore = range_chain(branges)
        logging.debug("Best chain score: {0} ({1} IES)".\
                        format(iscore, len(iranges)))
        ies_id = 1
        for seqid, start, end, score, id in iranges:
            ies_name = "IES-{0:05d}-r{1}".format(ies_id, score)
            span = end - start + 1
            print >> fw, "\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, ies_name, span))
            ies_id += 1
Exemple #18
def deletion(args):
    %prog deletion [mac.mic.bam|mac.mic.bed] mic.gaps.bed

    Find IES based on mapping MAC reads to MIC genome.
    p = OptionParser(deletion.__doc__)
                 help="Minimum depth to call a deletion")
                 help="Minimum span to call a deletion")
                 help="Break at cigar N into separate parts")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, gapsbedfile = args
    if bedfile.endswith(".bam"):
        bamfile = bedfile
        bedfile = bamfile.replace(".sorted.", ".").replace(".bam", ".bed")
        if need_update(bamfile, bedfile):
            cmd = "bamToBed -i {0}".format(bamfile)
            if opts.split:
                cmd += " -split"
            cmd += " | cut -f1-4"
            sh(cmd, outfile=bedfile)

    sort_tmpdir = "--tmpdir={0}".format(opts.tmpdir)
    if bedfile.endswith(".sorted.bed"):
        pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 2)[0]
        sortedbedfile = bedfile
        pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
        sortedbedfile = pf + ".sorted.bed"
        if need_update(bedfile, sortedbedfile):
            sort([bedfile, "-u", "--accn", sort_tmpdir])

    # Find reads that contain multiple matches
    ibedfile = pf + ".d.bed"
    if need_update(sortedbedfile, ibedfile):
        bed = Bed(sortedbedfile, sorted=False)
        fw = open(ibedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write deletions to `{0}`.".format(ibedfile))
        for accn, bb in groupby(bed, key=lambda x: x.accn):
            bb = list(bb)
            branges = [(x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in bb]
            iranges = range_interleave(branges)
            for seqid, start, end in iranges:
                if end - start + 1 < opts.minspan:
                print("\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, accn + '-d')), file=fw)

    # Uniqify the insertions and count occurrences
    countbedfile = pf + ".uniq.bed"
    if need_update(ibedfile, countbedfile):
        bed = Bed(ibedfile)
        fw = open(countbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write counts to `{0}`.".format(countbedfile))
        registry = Counter((x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in bed)
        ies_id = 1
        for (seqid, start, end), count in registry.items():
            ies_name = "{0:05d}-r{1}".format(ies_id, count)
            if count < opts.mindepth:
            print("\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, ies_name)), file=fw)
            ies_id += 1
        sort([countbedfile, "-i", sort_tmpdir])

    # Remove deletions that contain some read depth
    depthbedfile = pf + ".depth.bed"
    if need_update((sortedbedfile, countbedfile), depthbedfile):
            sortedbedfile, countbedfile, "--outfile={0}".format(depthbedfile)

    validbedfile = pf + ".valid.bed"
    if need_update(depthbedfile, validbedfile):
        fw = open(validbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Filter valid deletions to `{0}`.".format(validbedfile))
        bed = Bed(depthbedfile)
        all_scores = [float(b.score) for b in bed]
        lb, ub = outlier_cutoff(all_scores)
            "Bounds for depths: LB={0:.2f} (ignored)  UB={1:.2f}".format(
                lb, ub))
        for b in bed:
            if float(b.score) > ub:
            print(b, file=fw)

    # Remove deletions that contain sequencing gaps on its flanks
    selectedbedfile = pf + ".selected.bed"
    if need_update(validbedfile, selectedbedfile):
        flanksbedfile = pf + ".flanks.bed"
        fw = open(flanksbedfile, "w")
        bed = Bed(validbedfile)
        flank = 100
        logging.debug("Write deletion flanks to `{0}`.".format(flanksbedfile))
        for b in bed:
            start, end = b.start, b.end
            b.start, b.end = start, min(start + flank - 1, end)
            print(b, file=fw)
            b.start, b.end = max(start, end - flank + 1), end
            print(b, file=fw)

        intersectidsfile = pf + ".intersect.ids"
        cmd = "intersectBed -a {0} -b {1}".format(flanksbedfile, gapsbedfile)
        cmd += " | cut -f4 | sort -u"
        sh(cmd, outfile=intersectidsfile)
            validbedfile, intersectidsfile, "-v",

    # Find best-scoring non-overlapping set
    iesbedfile = pf + ".ies.bed"
    if need_update(selectedbedfile, iesbedfile):
        bed = Bed(selectedbedfile)
        fw = open(iesbedfile, "w")
        logging.debug("Write IES to `{0}`.".format(iesbedfile))
        branges = [Range(x.seqid, x.start, x.end, int(x.accn.rsplit("r")[-1]), i) \
                        for i, x in enumerate(bed)]
        iranges, iscore = range_chain(branges)
        logging.debug("Best chain score: {0} ({1} IES)".\
                        format(iscore, len(iranges)))
        ies_id = 1
        for seqid, start, end, score, id in iranges:
            ies_name = "IES-{0:05d}-r{1}".format(ies_id, score)
            span = end - start + 1
            print("\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                            (seqid, start - 1, end, ies_name, span)), file=fw)
            ies_id += 1