Exemple #1
def blast(args):
    %prog blast fastafile 

    Run BLASTN against database (default is UniVec_Core).  Output .bed format
    on the vector/contaminant ranges.
    p = OptionParser(blast.__doc__)
                 help="Merge adjacent HSPs separated by [default: %default]")
                 help="Use a different database rather than UniVec_Core")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastafile, = args
    fastaprefix = fastafile.split(".", 1)[0]

    univec = opts.db or download(
    uniprefix = univec.split(".", 1)[0]

    fastablast = fastaprefix + ".{0}.blast".format(uniprefix)

    prog = run_megablast if opts.db else run_vecscreen
    prog(infile=fastafile, outfile=fastablast, db=univec, pctid=95, hitlen=50)

    fp = open(fastablast)
    ranges = []
    for row in fp:
        b = BlastLine(row)
        ranges.append((b.query, b.qstart, b.qstop))

    merged_ranges = range_merge(ranges, dist=opts.dist)
    bedfile = fastaprefix + ".{0}.bed".format(uniprefix)
    fw = must_open(bedfile, "w")
    for seqid, start, end in merged_ranges:
        print >> fw, "\t".join(
            str(x) for x in (seqid, start - 1, end, uniprefix))

    return bedfile
Exemple #2
def closest(args):
    %prog closest candidates.bed gaps.bed fastafile

    Identify the nearest gaps flanking suggested regions.
    p = OptionParser(closest.__doc__)
        help="The bedfile is OM blocks",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    candidates, gapsbed, fastafile = args
    sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
    bed = Bed(candidates)
    ranges = []
    for b in bed:
        r = range_parse(b.accn) if opts.om else b
        ranges.append([r.seqid, r.start, r.end])

    gapsbed = Bed(gapsbed)
    granges = [(x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in gapsbed]

    ranges = range_merge(ranges)
    for r in ranges:
        a = range_closest(granges, r)
        b = range_closest(granges, r, left=False)
        seqid = r[0]

        if a is not None and a[0] != seqid:
            a = None
        if b is not None and b[0] != seqid:
            b = None

        mmin = 1 if a is None else a[1]
        mmax = sizes[seqid] if b is None else b[2]

        print("\t".join(str(x) for x in (seqid, mmin - 1, mmax)))
Exemple #3
def blast(args):
    %prog blast fastafile

    Run BLASTN against database (default is UniVec_Core).  Output .bed format
    on the vector/contaminant ranges.
    p = OptionParser(blast.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--dist", default=100, type="int",
            help="Merge adjacent HSPs separated by [default: %default]")
            help="Use a different database rather than UniVec_Core")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastafile, = args
    fastaprefix = fastafile.split(".", 1)[0]

    univec = opts.db or download("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/UniVec/UniVec_Core")
    uniprefix = univec.split(".", 1)[0]

    fastablast = fastaprefix + ".{0}.blast".format(uniprefix)

    prog = run_megablast if opts.db else run_vecscreen
    prog(infile=fastafile, outfile=fastablast, db=univec, pctid=95, hitlen=50)

    fp = open(fastablast)
    ranges = []
    for row in fp:
        b = BlastLine(row)
        ranges.append((b.query, b.qstart, b.qstop))

    merged_ranges = range_merge(ranges, dist=opts.dist)
    bedfile = fastaprefix + ".{0}.bed".format(uniprefix)
    fw = must_open(bedfile, "w")
    for seqid, start, end in merged_ranges:
        print("\t".join(str(x) for x in (seqid, start - 1, end, uniprefix)), file=fw)

    return bedfile
Exemple #4
def closest(args):
    %prog closest candidates.bed gaps.bed fastafile

    Identify the nearest gaps flanking suggested regions.
    p = OptionParser(closest.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--om", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="The bedfile is OM blocks [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    candidates, gapsbed, fastafile = args
    sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
    bed = Bed(candidates)
    ranges = []
    for b in bed:
        r = range_parse(b.accn) if opts.om else b
        ranges.append([r.seqid, r.start, r.end])

    gapsbed = Bed(gapsbed)
    granges = [(x.seqid, x.start, x.end) for x in gapsbed]

    ranges = range_merge(ranges)
    for r in ranges:
        a = range_closest(granges, r)
        b = range_closest(granges, r, left=False)
        seqid = r[0]

        if a is not None and a[0] != seqid:
            a = None
        if b is not None and b[0] != seqid:
            b = None

        mmin = 1 if a is None else a[1]
        mmax = sizes[seqid] if b is None else b[2]

        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (seqid, mmin - 1, mmax))
Exemple #5
def test_range_merge(ranges, dist, expected):
    from jcvi.utils.range import range_merge

    assert range_merge(ranges, dist) == expected