Exemple #1
from jeapipy.jeapi import JEVisConnector

server = "http://localhost:8080/JEWebService/v1"
user = "******"
password = "******"

con = JEVisConnector(server, user, password)

if not con.isConnected():
  print("Error: could not connect to server")

print("Connected to JEVis3 WebService!")

# get the Organization Directory
organizationDir = con.getObject(root="false", jclass="Organization Directory")

# Print all Organizations
for childID in con.getChildren(organizationDir['Object']['id']):
  child = con.getObjectByID(childID)
  print('name:', child['name'])
  print('jevisclass:', child['jevisclass'])

server = "http://localhost:8080/JEWebService/v1"
user = "******"
password = "******"

con = JEVisConnector(server, user, password)

if not con.isConnected():
	print("Error: could not connect to server")

roots_children = con.getChildren('1')

org_dir_id = ""
for child_id in roots_children:
	child = con.getObject(child_id)
	print("child: ", child_id, " ", child['name'])
	if child['name'] == 'Organization Directory':
		print("found it")
		org_dir_id = child_id

if org_dir_id == "":
	print("Error: could not get Organization Directory")

org_ids = con.getChildren(org_dir_id)
for org_id in org_ids:
	org = con.getObject(org_id)
	if org['jevisclass'] == 'Organization':
		print('delete %s %s' % (org_id, org['name']))