Exemple #1
    def call_signatures(self):
        Return the function object of the call you're currently in.

        E.g. if the cursor is here::

            abs(# <-- cursor is here

        This would return the ``abs`` function. On the other hand::

            abs()# <-- cursor is here

        This would return ``None``.

        :rtype: list of :class:`classes.CallSignature`

        user_stmt = self._parser.user_stmt_with_whitespace()
        call, index = helpers.func_call_and_param_index(user_stmt, self._pos)
        if call is None:
            return []

        with common.scale_speed_settings(settings.scale_call_signatures):
            _callable = lambda: self._evaluator.eval_call(call)
            origins = cache.cache_call_signatures(_callable, user_stmt)
        debug.speed('func_call followed')

        return [classes.CallSignature(self._evaluator, o, call, index) for o in origins
                if o.isinstance(er.Function, er.Instance, er.Class)
                or isinstance(o, compiled.CompiledObject) and o.type() != 'module']
Exemple #2
    def call_signatures(self):
        Return the function object of the call you're currently in.

        E.g. if the cursor is here::

            abs(# <-- cursor is here

        This would return the ``abs`` function. On the other hand::

            abs()# <-- cursor is here

        This would return ``None``.

        :rtype: list of :class:`classes.CallSignature`

        user_stmt = self._parser.user_stmt_with_whitespace()
        call, index = helpers.func_call_and_param_index(user_stmt, self._pos)
        if call is None:
            return []

        with common.scale_speed_settings(settings.scale_call_signatures):
            _callable = lambda: self._evaluator.eval_call(call)
            origins = cache.cache_call_signatures(_callable, user_stmt)
        debug.speed('func_call followed')

        return [
            classes.CallSignature(self._evaluator, o, call, index)
            for o in origins
            if o.isinstance(er.Function, er.Instance, er.Class)
            or isinstance(o, compiled.CompiledObject) and o.type() != 'module'
Exemple #3
    def goto_definitions(self):
        Return the definitions of a the path under the cursor.  goto function!
        This follows complicated paths and returns the end, not the first
        definition. The big difference between :meth:`goto_assignments` and
        :meth:`goto_definitions` is that :meth:`goto_assignments` doesn't
        follow imports and statements. Multiple objects may be returned,
        because Python itself is a dynamic language, which means depending on
        an option you can have two different versions of a function.

        :rtype: list of :class:`classes.Definition`
        def resolve_import_paths(scopes):
            for s in scopes.copy():
                if isinstance(s, imports.ImportPath):
            return scopes

        user_stmt = self._parser.user_stmt_with_whitespace()
        goto_path = self._user_context.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self._user_context.get_context()
        definitions = set()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            definitions = set([self._parser.user_scope()])
            # Fetch definition of callee, if there's no path otherwise.
            if not goto_path:
                 _) = helpers.func_call_and_param_index(user_stmt, self._pos)
                if call is not None:
                    while call.next is not None:
                        call = call.next
                    # reset cursor position:
                    (row, col) = call.name.end_pos
                    pos = (row, max(col - 1, 0))
                    self._user_context = UserContext(self.source, pos)
                    # then try to find the path again
                    goto_path = self._user_context.get_path_under_cursor()

        if not definitions:
            if goto_path:
                definitions = set(self._prepare_goto(goto_path))

        definitions = resolve_import_paths(definitions)
        d = set([
            classes.Definition(self._evaluator, s) for s in definitions
            if s is not imports.ImportPath.GlobalNamespace
        return helpers.sorted_definitions(d)
Exemple #4
    def goto_definitions(self):
        Return the definitions of a the path under the cursor.  goto function!
        This follows complicated paths and returns the end, not the first
        definition. The big difference between :meth:`goto_assignments` and
        :meth:`goto_definitions` is that :meth:`goto_assignments` doesn't
        follow imports and statements. Multiple objects may be returned,
        because Python itself is a dynamic language, which means depending on
        an option you can have two different versions of a function.

        :rtype: list of :class:`classes.Definition`
        def resolve_import_paths(scopes):
            for s in scopes.copy():
                if isinstance(s, imports.ImportPath):
            return scopes

        user_stmt = self._parser.user_stmt_with_whitespace()
        goto_path = self._user_context.get_path_under_cursor()
        context = self._user_context.get_context()
        definitions = set()
        if next(context) in ('class', 'def'):
            definitions = set([self._parser.user_scope()])
            # Fetch definition of callee, if there's no path otherwise.
            if not goto_path:
                (call, _) = helpers.func_call_and_param_index(user_stmt, self._pos)
                if call is not None:
                    while call.next is not None:
                        call = call.next
                    # reset cursor position:
                    (row, col) = call.name.end_pos
                    pos = (row, max(col - 1, 0))
                    self._user_context = UserContext(self.source, pos)
                    # then try to find the path again
                    goto_path = self._user_context.get_path_under_cursor()

        if not definitions:
            if goto_path:
                definitions = set(self._prepare_goto(goto_path))

        definitions = resolve_import_paths(definitions)
        d = set([classes.Definition(self._evaluator, s) for s in definitions
                 if s is not imports.ImportPath.GlobalNamespace])
        return helpers.sorted_definitions(d)