Exemple #1
    def _analysis(self):
        self._evaluator.is_analysis = True
        module_node = self._get_module_node()
        self._evaluator.analysis_modules = [module_node]
            for node in module_node.nodes_to_execute():
                context = self._get_module().create_context(node)
                if node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
                    # TODO This is stupid, should be private
                    from jedi.evaluate.finder import _name_to_types
                    # Resolve the decorators.
                    _name_to_types(self._evaluator, context, node.children[1])
                elif isinstance(node, tree.Import):
                    import_names = set(node.get_defined_names())
                    if node.is_nested():
                        import_names |= set(path[-1] for path in node.paths())
                    for n in import_names:
                        imports.infer_import(context, n)
                elif node.type == 'expr_stmt':
                    types = context.eval_node(node)
                    for testlist in node.children[:-1:2]:
                        # Iterate tuples.
                        unpack_tuple_to_dict(self._evaluator, types, testlist)
                    try_iter_content(self._evaluator.goto_definitions(context, node))

            ana = [a for a in self._evaluator.analysis if self.path == a.path]
            return sorted(set(ana), key=lambda x: x.line)
            self._evaluator.is_analysis = False
Exemple #2
    def _analysis(self):
        self._evaluator.is_analysis = True
        module_node = self._get_module_node()
        self._evaluator.analysis_modules = [module_node]
            for node in get_executable_nodes(module_node):
                context = self._get_module().create_context(node)
                if node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
                    # Resolve the decorators.
                    tree_name_to_contexts(self._evaluator, context, node.children[1])
                elif isinstance(node, tree.Import):
                    import_names = set(node.get_defined_names())
                    if node.is_nested():
                        import_names |= set(path[-1] for path in node.get_paths())
                    for n in import_names:
                        imports.infer_import(context, n)
                elif node.type == 'expr_stmt':
                    types = context.eval_node(node)
                    for testlist in node.children[:-1:2]:
                        # Iterate tuples.
                        unpack_tuple_to_dict(context, types, testlist)
                    if node.type == 'name':
                        defs = self._evaluator.goto_definitions(context, node)
                        defs = evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, node)

            ana = [a for a in self._evaluator.analysis if self.path == a.path]
            return sorted(set(ana), key=lambda x: x.line)
            self._evaluator.is_analysis = False
Exemple #3
    def goto_definitions(self, context, name):
        def_ = name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
        if def_ is not None:
            type_ = def_.type
            is_classdef = type_ == 'classdef'
            if is_classdef or type_ == 'funcdef':
                if is_classdef:
                    c = ClassContext(self, context, name.parent)
                    c = FunctionContext.from_context(context, name.parent)
                return ContextSet([c])

            if type_ == 'expr_stmt':
                is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
                if is_simple_name:
                    return eval_expr_stmt(context, def_, name)
            if type_ == 'for_stmt':
                container_types = context.eval_node(def_.children[3])
                cn = ContextualizedNode(context, def_.children[3])
                for_types = iterate_contexts(container_types, cn)
                c_node = ContextualizedName(context, name)
                return check_tuple_assignments(self, c_node, for_types)
            if type_ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                return imports.infer_import(context, name)
            result = self._follow_error_node_imports_if_possible(context, name)
            if result is not None:
                return result

        return helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name)
Exemple #4
def _name_to_types(evaluator, context, tree_name):
    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
    if node is None:
        node = tree_name.parent
        if node.type == 'global_stmt':
            context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
            finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, tree_name.value)
            filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
            # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
            # which means the function itself.
            filters = [next(filters)]
            return finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
        elif node.type not in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
            raise ValueError("Should not happen.")

    typ = node.type
    if typ == 'for_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if typ == 'with_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if typ in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            cn = ContextualizedNode(context, node.children[3])
            for_types = iterable.py__iter__types(evaluator, cn.infer(), cn)
            c_node = ContextualizedName(context, tree_name)
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, c_node, for_types)
    elif typ == 'expr_stmt':
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif typ == 'with_stmt':
        context_managers = context.eval_node(node.get_test_node_from_name(tree_name))
        enter_methods = unite(
            for context_manager in context_managers
        types = unite(method.execute_evaluated() for method in enter_methods)
    elif typ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif typ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(evaluator, context, node)
    elif typ == 'try_stmt':
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(tree_name.get_previous_sibling().get_previous_sibling())
        types = unite(
            evaluator.execute(t, param.ValuesArguments([]))
            for t in exceptions
        raise ValueError("Should not happen.")
    return types
Exemple #5
def tree_name_to_contexts(evaluator, context, tree_name):
    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
    if node is None:
        node = tree_name.parent
        if node.type == 'global_stmt':
            context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
            finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, tree_name.value)
            filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
            # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
            # which means the function itself.
            filters = [next(filters)]
            return finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
        elif node.type not in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
            raise ValueError("Should not happen.")

    typ = node.type
    if typ == 'for_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if typ == 'with_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types

    if typ in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            cn = ContextualizedNode(context, node.children[3])
            for_types = iterate_contexts(cn.infer(), cn)
            c_node = ContextualizedName(context, tree_name)
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, c_node, for_types)
    elif typ == 'expr_stmt':
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif typ == 'with_stmt':
        context_managers = context.eval_node(
        enter_methods = context_managers.py__getattribute__('__enter__')
        return enter_methods.execute_evaluated()
    elif typ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif typ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(context, node)
    elif typ == 'try_stmt':
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those. id:627 gh:628
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to id:731 gh:732
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(
        types = exceptions.execute_evaluated()
        raise ValueError("Should not happen.")
    return types
 def star_imports(self):
     modules = []
     for i in self.tree_node.iter_imports():
         if i.is_star_import():
             name = i.get_paths()[-1][-1]
             new = imports.infer_import(self, name)
             for module in new:
                 if isinstance(module, ModuleContext):
                     modules += module.star_imports()
             modules += new
     return modules
Exemple #7
 def star_imports(self):
     modules = []
     for i in self.tree_node.iter_imports():
         if i.is_star_import():
             name = i.get_paths()[-1][-1]
             new = infer_import(self, name)
             for module in new:
                 if isinstance(module, ModuleContext):
                     modules += module.star_imports()
             modules += new
     return modules
Exemple #8
 def star_imports(self):
     modules = []
     for i in self.tree_node.imports:
         if i.is_star_import():
             name = i.star_import_name()
             new = imports.infer_import(self, name)
             for module in new:
                 if isinstance(module, ModuleContext):
                     modules += module.star_imports()
             modules += new
     return modules
Exemple #9
def resolve_potential_imports(evaluator, definitions):
    """ Adds the modules of the imports """
    new = set()
    for d in definitions:
        if isinstance(d, TreeNameDefinition):
            imp_or_stmt = d.tree_name.get_definition()
            if isinstance(imp_or_stmt, tree.Import):
                new |= resolve_potential_imports(
                        d.parent_context, d.tree_name, is_goto=True
    return set(definitions) | new
Exemple #10
def _name_to_types(evaluator, context, tree_name):
    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition()
    if node.type == 'for_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if node.type == 'with_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if node.type in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            container_types = context.eval_node(node.children[3])
            for_types = iterable.py__iter__types(evaluator, container_types,
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, for_types, tree_name)
    elif node.type == 'expr_stmt':
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif node.type == 'with_stmt':
        types = context.eval_node(node.node_from_name(tree_name))
    elif isinstance(node, tree.Import):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(evaluator, context, node)
    elif node.type == 'global_stmt':
        context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
        finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, str(tree_name))
        filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
        # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
        # which means the function itself.
        filters = [next(filters)]
        types += finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
    elif isinstance(node, tree.TryStmt):
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(
        types = unite(
            evaluator.execute(t, param.ValuesArguments([]))
            for t in exceptions)
        raise ValueError("Should not happen.")
    return types
    def _analysis(self):
        self._evaluator.is_analysis = True
        module_node = self._get_module_node()
        self._evaluator.analysis_modules = [module_node]
            for node in get_executable_nodes(module_node):
                context = self._get_module().create_context(node)
                if node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
                    # TODO This is stupid, should be private
                    from jedi.evaluate.finder import _name_to_types
                    # Resolve the decorators.
                    _name_to_types(self._evaluator, context, node.children[1])
                elif isinstance(node, tree.Import):
                    import_names = set(node.get_defined_names())
                    if node.is_nested():
                        import_names |= set(path[-1]
                                            for path in node.get_paths())
                    for n in import_names:
                        imports.infer_import(context, n)
                elif node.type == 'expr_stmt':
                    types = context.eval_node(node)
                    for testlist in node.children[:-1:2]:
                        # Iterate tuples.
                        unpack_tuple_to_dict(context, types, testlist)
                    if node.type == 'name':
                        defs = self._evaluator.goto_definitions(context, node)
                        defs = evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, node)

            ana = [a for a in self._evaluator.analysis if self.path == a.path]
            return sorted(set(ana), key=lambda x: x.line)
            self._evaluator.is_analysis = False
Exemple #12
def _name_to_types(evaluator, context, tree_name):
    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition()
    if node.isinstance(tree.ForStmt):
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if node.isinstance(tree.WithStmt):
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if node.type in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            container_types = context.eval_node(node.children[3])
            for_types = iterable.py__iter__types(evaluator, container_types, node.children[3])
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, for_types, tree_name)
    elif node.isinstance(tree.ExprStmt):
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif node.isinstance(tree.WithStmt):
        types = context.eval_node(node.node_from_name(tree_name))
    elif isinstance(node, tree.Import):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(evaluator, context, node)
    elif node.type == 'global_stmt':
        context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
        finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, str(tree_name))
        filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
        # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
        # which means the function itself.
        filters = [next(filters)]
        types += finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
    elif isinstance(node, tree.TryStmt):
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(tree_name.get_previous_sibling().get_previous_sibling())
        types = unite(
            evaluator.execute(t, param.ValuesArguments([]))
            for t in exceptions
        raise ValueError("Should not happen.")
    return types
Exemple #13
    def goto_definitions(self, context, name):
        def_ = name.get_definition()
        is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
        if is_simple_name:
            if name.parent.type == 'classdef' and name.parent.name == name:
                return [er.ClassContext(self, name.parent, context)]
            elif name.parent.type == 'funcdef':
                return [er.FunctionContext(self, context, name.parent)]
            elif name.parent.type == 'file_input':
                raise NotImplementedError
            if def_.type == 'expr_stmt' and name in def_.get_defined_names():
                return self.eval_statement(context, def_, name)
            elif def_.type == 'for_stmt':
                container_types = self.eval_element(context, def_.children[3])
                for_types = iterable.py__iter__types(self, container_types,
                return finder.check_tuple_assignments(self, for_types, name)
            elif def_.type in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                return imports.infer_import(context, name)

        return helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name)
Exemple #14
    def goto_definitions(self, context, name):
        def_ = name.get_definition()
        is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
        if is_simple_name:
            if name.parent.type == 'classdef' and name.parent.name == name:
                return [er.ClassContext(self, name.parent, context)]
            elif name.parent.type == 'funcdef':
                return [er.FunctionContext(self, context, name.parent)]
            elif name.parent.type == 'file_input':
                raise NotImplementedError
            if def_.type == 'expr_stmt' and name in def_.get_defined_names():
                return self.eval_statement(context, def_, name)
            elif def_.type == 'for_stmt':
                container_types = self.eval_element(context, def_.children[3])
                cn = ContextualizedNode(context, def_.children[3])
                for_types = iterable.py__iter__types(self, container_types, cn)
                c_node = ContextualizedName(context, name)
                return finder.check_tuple_assignments(self, c_node, for_types)
            elif def_.type in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                return imports.infer_import(context, name)

        return helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name)
Exemple #15
    def goto_definitions(self, context, name):
        def_ = name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
        if def_ is not None:
            type_ = def_.type
            if type_ == 'classdef':
                return [ClassContext(self, context, name.parent)]
            elif type_ == 'funcdef':
                return [FunctionContext(self, context, name.parent)]

            if type_ == 'expr_stmt':
                is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
                if is_simple_name:
                    return eval_expr_stmt(context, def_, name)
            if type_ == 'for_stmt':
                container_types = context.eval_node(def_.children[3])
                cn = ContextualizedNode(context, def_.children[3])
                for_types = iterate_contexts(container_types, cn)
                c_node = ContextualizedName(context, name)
                return check_tuple_assignments(self, c_node, for_types)
            if type_ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                return imports.infer_import(context, name)

        return helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name)
Exemple #16
    def _goto(self, context, name):
        definition = name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
        if definition is not None:
            type_ = definition.type
            if type_ == 'expr_stmt':
                # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just
                # a name it's something you can "goto" again.
                is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
                if is_simple_name:
                    return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
            elif type_ == 'param':
                return [ParamName(context, name)]
            elif type_ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
                return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
            elif type_ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                module_names = imports.infer_import(context, name, is_goto=True)
                return module_names
            contexts = self._follow_error_node_imports_if_possible(context, name)
            if contexts is not None:
                return [context.name for context in contexts]

        par = name.parent
        node_type = par.type
        if node_type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[0] == name:
            # Named param goto.
            trailer = par.parent
            if trailer.type == 'arglist':
                trailer = trailer.parent
            if trailer.type != 'classdef':
                if trailer.type == 'decorator':
                    context_set = context.eval_node(trailer.children[1])
                    i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer)
                    to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i]
                    if to_evaluate[0] == 'await':
                    context_set = context.eval_node(to_evaluate[0])
                    for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]:
                        context_set = eval_trailer(context, context_set, trailer)
                param_names = []
                for context in context_set:
                    for signature in context.get_signatures():
                        for param_name in signature.get_param_names():
                            if param_name.string_name == name.value:
                return param_names
        elif node_type == 'dotted_name':  # Is a decorator.
            index = par.children.index(name)
            if index > 0:
                new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par)
                new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = []
                values = context.eval_node(new_dotted)
                return unite(
                    value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                    for value in values

        if node_type == 'trailer' and par.children[0] == '.':
            values = helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name, cut_own_trailer=True)
            return unite(
                value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                for value in values
            stmt = tree.search_ancestor(
                name, 'expr_stmt', 'lambdef'
            ) or name
            if stmt.type == 'lambdef':
                stmt = name
            return context.py__getattribute__(
                search_global=True, is_goto=True
Exemple #17
    def goto(self, context, name):
        stmt = name.get_definition()
        par = name.parent
        if par.type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[
                0] == name:
            # Named param goto.
            trailer = par.parent
            if trailer.type == 'arglist':
                trailer = trailer.parent
            if trailer.type != 'classdef':
                if trailer.type == 'decorator':
                    types = self.eval_element(context, trailer.children[1])
                    i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer)
                    to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i]
                    types = self.eval_element(context, to_evaluate[0])
                    for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]:
                        types = self.eval_trailer(context, types, trailer)
                param_names = []
                for typ in types:
                        get_param_names = typ.get_param_names
                    except AttributeError:
                        for param_name in get_param_names():
                            if param_name.string_name == name.value:
                return param_names
        elif par.type == 'expr_stmt' and name in par.get_defined_names():
            # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just
            # a name it's something you can "goto" again.
            return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
        elif par.type == 'param' and par.name:
            return [ParamName(context, name)]
        elif isinstance(
            (tree.Param, tree.Function, tree.Class)) and par.name is name:
            return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
        elif isinstance(stmt, tree.Import):
            module_names = imports.infer_import(context, name, is_goto=True)
            return module_names
        elif par.type == 'dotted_name':  # Is a decorator.
            index = par.children.index(name)
            if index > 0:
                new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par)
                new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = []
                values = self.eval_element(context, new_dotted)
                return unite(
                        name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                    for value in values)

        if par.type == 'trailer' and par.children[0] == '.':
            values = helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context,
            return unite(
                    name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                for value in values)
            if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt':
                # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because
                # there the name cannot be used.
                stmt = name
            return context.py__getattribute__(name,
Exemple #18
    def goto(self, context, name):
        definition = name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
        if definition is not None:
            type_ = definition.type
            if type_ == 'expr_stmt':
                # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just
                # a name it's something you can "goto" again.
                is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
                if is_simple_name:
                    return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
            elif type_ == 'param':
                return [ParamName(context, name)]
            elif type_ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
                return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
            elif type_ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                module_names = imports.infer_import(context, name, is_goto=True)
                return module_names

        par = name.parent
        node_type = par.type
        if node_type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[0] == name:
            # Named param goto.
            trailer = par.parent
            if trailer.type == 'arglist':
                trailer = trailer.parent
            if trailer.type != 'classdef':
                if trailer.type == 'decorator':
                    context_set = context.eval_node(trailer.children[1])
                    i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer)
                    to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i]
                    if to_evaluate[0] == 'await':
                    context_set = context.eval_node(to_evaluate[0])
                    for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]:
                        context_set = eval_trailer(context, context_set, trailer)
                param_names = []
                for context in context_set:
                        get_param_names = context.get_param_names
                    except AttributeError:
                        for param_name in get_param_names():
                            if param_name.string_name == name.value:
                return param_names
        elif node_type == 'dotted_name':  # Is a decorator.
            index = par.children.index(name)
            if index > 0:
                new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par)
                new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = []
                values = context.eval_node(new_dotted)
                return unite(
                    value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                    for value in values

        if node_type == 'trailer' and par.children[0] == '.':
            values = helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name, cut_own_trailer=True)
            return unite(
                value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                for value in values
            stmt = tree.search_ancestor(
                name, 'expr_stmt', 'lambdef'
            ) or name
            if stmt.type == 'lambdef':
                stmt = name
            return context.py__getattribute__(
                search_global=True, is_goto=True
Exemple #19
def tree_name_to_contexts(evaluator, context, tree_name):

    context_set = ContextSet()
    module_node = context.get_root_context().tree_node
    if module_node is not None:
        names = module_node.get_used_names().get(tree_name.value, [])
        for name in names:
            expr_stmt = name.parent

            correct_scope = parser_utils.get_parent_scope(name) == context.tree_node

            if expr_stmt.type == "expr_stmt" and expr_stmt.children[1].type == "annassign" and correct_scope:
                context_set |= _evaluate_for_annotation(context, expr_stmt.children[1].children[1])

    if context_set:
        return context_set

    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
    if node is None:
        node = tree_name.parent
        if node.type == 'global_stmt':
            context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
            finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, tree_name.value)
            filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
            # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
            # which means the function itself.
            filters = [next(filters)]
            return finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
        elif node.type not in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
            raise ValueError("Should not happen. type: %s", node.type)

    typ = node.type
    if typ == 'for_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if typ == 'with_stmt':
        types = pep0484.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types

    if typ in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            cn = ContextualizedNode(context, node.children[3])
            for_types = iterate_contexts(
                is_async=node.parent.type == 'async_stmt',
            c_node = ContextualizedName(context, tree_name)
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, c_node, for_types)
    elif typ == 'expr_stmt':
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif typ == 'with_stmt':
        context_managers = context.eval_node(node.get_test_node_from_name(tree_name))
        enter_methods = context_managers.py__getattribute__(u'__enter__')
        return enter_methods.execute_evaluated()
    elif typ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif typ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(context, node)
    elif typ == 'try_stmt':
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(tree_name.get_previous_sibling().get_previous_sibling())
        types = exceptions.execute_evaluated()
        raise ValueError("Should not happen. type: %s" % typ)
    return types
Exemple #20
    def goto(self, context, name):
        stmt = name.get_definition()
        par = name.parent
        if par.type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[0] == name:
            # Named param goto.
            trailer = par.parent
            if trailer.type == 'arglist':
                trailer = trailer.parent
            if trailer.type != 'classdef':
                if trailer.type == 'decorator':
                    types = self.eval_element(context, trailer.children[1])
                    i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer)
                    to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i]
                    types = self.eval_element(context, to_evaluate[0])
                    for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]:
                        types = self.eval_trailer(context, types, trailer)
                param_names = []
                for typ in types:
                        get_param_names = typ.get_param_names
                    except AttributeError:
                        for param_name in get_param_names():
                            if param_name.string_name == name.value:
                return param_names
        elif par.type == 'expr_stmt' and name in par.get_defined_names():
            # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just
            # a name it's something you can "goto" again.
            return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
        elif par.type == 'param' and par.name:
            return [ParamName(context, name)]
        elif isinstance(par, (tree.Param, tree.Function, tree.Class)) and par.name is name:
            return [TreeNameDefinition(context, name)]
        elif isinstance(stmt, tree.Import):
            module_names = imports.infer_import(context, name, is_goto=True)
            return module_names
        elif par.type == 'dotted_name':  # Is a decorator.
            index = par.children.index(name)
            if index > 0:
                new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par)
                new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = []
                values = self.eval_element(context, new_dotted)
                return unite(
                    value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                    for value in values

        if par.type == 'trailer' and par.children[0] == '.':
            values = helpers.evaluate_call_of_leaf(context, name, cut_own_trailer=True)
            return unite(
                value.py__getattribute__(name, name_context=context, is_goto=True)
                for value in values
            if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt':
                # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because
                # there the name cannot be used.
                stmt = name
            return context.py__getattribute__(
                search_global=True, is_goto=True
Exemple #21
def tree_name_to_contexts(evaluator, context, tree_name):
    context_set = NO_CONTEXTS
    module_node = context.get_root_context().tree_node
    # First check for annotations, like: `foo: int = 3`
    if module_node is not None:
        names = module_node.get_used_names().get(tree_name.value, [])
        for name in names:
            expr_stmt = name.parent

            if expr_stmt.type == "expr_stmt" and expr_stmt.children[
                    1].type == "annassign":
                correct_scope = parser_utils.get_parent_scope(
                    name) == context.tree_node
                if correct_scope:
                    context_set |= annotation.eval_annotation(
        if context_set:
            return context_set

    types = []
    node = tree_name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
    if node is None:
        node = tree_name.parent
        if node.type == 'global_stmt':
            context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
            finder = NameFinder(evaluator, context, context, tree_name.value)
            filters = finder.get_filters(search_global=True)
            # For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
            # which means the function itself.
            filters = [next(filters)]
            return finder.find(filters, attribute_lookup=False)
        elif node.type not in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
            context = evaluator.create_context(context, tree_name)
            return eval_atom(context, tree_name)

    typ = node.type
    if typ == 'for_stmt':
        types = annotation.find_type_from_comment_hint_for(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types
    if typ == 'with_stmt':
        types = annotation.find_type_from_comment_hint_with(
            context, node, tree_name)
        if types:
            return types

    if typ in ('for_stmt', 'comp_for', 'sync_comp_for'):
            types = context.predefined_names[node][tree_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            cn = ContextualizedNode(context, node.children[3])
            for_types = iterate_contexts(
                is_async=node.parent.type == 'async_stmt',
            c_node = ContextualizedName(context, tree_name)
            types = check_tuple_assignments(evaluator, c_node, for_types)
    elif typ == 'expr_stmt':
        types = _remove_statements(evaluator, context, node, tree_name)
    elif typ == 'with_stmt':
        context_managers = context.eval_node(
        enter_methods = context_managers.py__getattribute__(u'__enter__')
        return enter_methods.execute_evaluated()
    elif typ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
        types = imports.infer_import(context, tree_name)
    elif typ in ('funcdef', 'classdef'):
        types = _apply_decorators(context, node)
    elif typ == 'try_stmt':
        # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
        # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
        # the static analysis report.
        exceptions = context.eval_node(
        types = exceptions.execute_evaluated()
    elif node.type == 'param':
        types = NO_CONTEXTS
        raise ValueError("Should not happen. type: %s" % typ)
    return types